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The JCS 11-26-2008 09:21

L4D Hidden CVars
Listed with bl4nk's plugin, can be usefull =]

adsp_alley_min = 122
adsp_courtyard_min = 126
adsp_door_height = 112
adsp_duct_min = 106
adsp_hall_min = 110
adsp_low_ceiling = 108
adsp_opencourtyard_min = 126
adsp_openspace_min = 130
adsp_openstreet_min = 118
adsp_openwall_min = 130
adsp_room_min = 102
adsp_street_min = 118
adsp_tunnel_min = 114
adsp_wall_height = 128
ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets = 0
ai_debug_speech = 0
ai_expression_frametime = 0.05
ai_expression_optimization = 0
ai_force_serverside_ragdoll = 0
ai_LOS_mode = 0
ai_post_frame_navigation = 0
ai_sequence_debug = 0
ai_setupbones_debug = 0
ai_shot_bias_max = 1.0
ai_shot_bias_min = -1.0
ai_show_hull_attacks = 0
ai_use_visibility_cache = 1
ammo_assaultrifle_max = 360
ammo_buckshot_max = 128
ammo_firstaid_max = -1
ammo_huntingrifle_max = 180
ammo_minigun_max = 800
ammo_molotov_max = 1
ammo_painpills_max = 1
ammo_pipebomb_max = 1
ammo_pistol_max = -2
ammo_smg_max = 480
ammo_turret_infected_damage = 15
ammo_turret_max = 300
ammo_turret_pz_damage = 8
ammo_turret_survivor_damage = 1
ammo_turret_tank_damage = 40
ammo_turret_witch_damage = 16
anim_3wayblend = 1
async_allow_held_files = 1
async_mode = 0
async_serialize = 0
async_simulate_delay = 0
autoaim_max_deflect = 0.99
autoaim_max_dist = 2160
autoaim_viewing_client = 1
blackbox = 1
BlendBonesMode = 2
breakable_disable_gib_limit = 0
breakable_multiplayer = 1
bugreporter_console_bytes = 15000
bugreporter_includebsp = 1
bugreporter_snapshot_delay = 15
building_cubemaps = 0
bullet_ff_through_walls = 0
car_alarm_chirp_distance = 350
car_alarm_chirp_duration = 1
car_alarm_chirp_interval = 3
car_alarm_distance = 750
car_alarm_duration = 15
cc_norepeat = 5
cc_showmissing = 0
cl_cloud_settings = -1
cl_clstate =
cl_clstatm =
cl_failremoteconnections = 0
cl_interpolate = 1.0
cl_localnetworkbackdoor = 1
cl_names_debug = 0
cl_playback_screenshots = 0
cl_screenshotname =
cl_session =
cl_showdemooverlay = 0
cl_simdbones = 0
cl_use_simd_bones = 1
cl_voice_filter =
collision_shake_amp = 0.2
collision_shake_freq = 0.5
collision_shake_time = 0.5
commentary_available = 1
contimes = 8
con_drawnotify = 1
con_filter_enable = 0
con_filter_text =
con_filter_text_out =
con_logfile =
con_notifytime = 8
con_nprint_bgalpha = 50
con_nprint_bgborder = 5
con_timestamp = 0
con_trace = 0
coop = 0
cpu_level = 2
datacachesize = 32
deathmatch = 1
debug_l4dverbose = 1
debug_materialmodifycontrol = 0
debug_overlay_fullposition = 0
debug_physimpact = 0
debug_touchlinks = 0
decalfrequency = 10
demo_avellimit = 2000
demo_debug = 0
demo_fastforwardfinalspeed = 20
demo_fastforwardramptime = 5
demo_fastforwardstartspeed = 2
demo_interplimit = 4000
demo_interpolateview = 1
demo_legacy_rollback = 1
demo_pauseatservertick = 0
demo_quitafterplayback = 0
developer = 0
director_afk_timeout = 45
director_min_start_players = 1
director_race_mode = 0
director_report_screen_delay = 10
director_solo_load =
director_solo_mode = 0
director_swap_teams = 0
director_vs_convert_pills = 0.5
dispcoll_drawplane = 0
displaysoundlist = 0
disp_dynamic = 0
dsp_automatic = 0
dsp_db_min = 80
dsp_db_mixdrop = 0.5
dsp_facingaway = 0
dsp_mix_max = 0.8
dsp_mix_min = 0.2
dsp_room = 0
dsp_spatial = 40
dsp_speaker = 50
dsp_vol_2ch = 1.0
dsp_vol_4ch = 0.5
dsp_vol_5ch = 0.5
dsp_water = 14
dtwarning = 0
dtwatchclass =
dtwatchent = -1
dtwatchvar =
dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts = 0
dt_UsePartialChangeEnts = 1
ent_debugkeys =
ent_show_contexts = 0
ent_steadystate_batchsize = 20
ent_steadystate_cooldown = 5.0
ent_steadystate_delay = 5
ent_steadystate_enable = 1
ent_steadystate_interval = 0.1
er_colwidth = 100
er_graphwidthfrac = 0.2
er_maxname = 14
fall_speed_fatal = 720
fall_speed_safe = 560
fast_fogvolume = 0
fidget_max_interval = 20
fidget_min_interval = 10
filesystem_buffer_size = 0
filesystem_max_stdio_read = 16
filesystem_native = 1
filesystem_report_buffered_io = 0
filesystem_unbuffered_io = 1
filesystem_use_overlapped_io = 1
fire_absorbrate = 3
fire_dmgbase = 3
fire_dmginterval = 1.0
fire_dmgscale = 0.1
fire_extabsorb = 5
fire_extscale = 12
fire_growthrate = 1.0
fire_heatscale = 1.0
fire_incomingheatscale = 0.1
fire_maxabsorb = 50
first_aid_kit_continuous_fire = 1
first_aid_kit_heal_other_attack2 = 1
flex_expression = -
flex_talk = 0
fps_max = 30
fps_max_splitscreen = 300
fs_convert = 1
fs_monitor_read_from_pack = 0
fs_report_sync_opens = 0
fs_warning_mode = 0
func_breakdmg_bullet = 0.5
func_breakdmg_club = 1.5
func_breakdmg_explosive = 1.25
func_break_reduction_factor = .5
gameui_xbox = 0
gpu_level = 3
gpu_mem_level = 2
g_debug_doors = 0
g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles = 0
g_debug_transitions = 0
g_Language = 0
g_ragdoll_max_fps = 30
g_ragdoll_min_fps = 10
hl2_episodic = 0
host_framerate = 0
host_limitlocal = 0
host_profile = 0
host_showcachemiss = 0
host_ShowIPCCallCount = 0
host_speeds = 0
host_threaded_sound = 0
host_thread_mode = 0
inferno_max_trace_per_tick = 16
joy_xcontroller_found = 0
jpeg_quality = 90
l4d_show_incapupdate = 0
l4d_show_thinksuppression = 0
l4d_show_weaponequip = 0
l4d_stats_nogameplaycheck = 0
l4d_stats_track = 1
ladder_autocenter = 1
ladder_console_controls = 0
ladder_horizon = -0.3
lservercfgfile = listenserver.cfg
mapcyclefile = mapcycle.txt
map_noareas = 0
mat_aaquality = 0
mat_antialias = 0
mat_bufferprimitives = 1
mat_bumpmap = 1
mat_colcorrection_disableentities = 0
mat_colcorrection_editor = 0
mat_colorcorrection = 1
mat_compressedtextures = 1
mat_debugdepth = 0
mat_debugdepthmode = 0
mat_debugdepthval = 128.0f
mat_debugdepthvalmax = 256.0f
mat_depthfeather_enable = 1
mat_diffuse = 1
mat_disable_fancy_blending = 0
mat_disable_lightwarp = 0
mat_dof_max_blur_radius = 10
mat_dof_quality = 0
mat_drawTitleSafe = 0
mat_dxlevel = 90
mat_envmapsize = 128
mat_envmaptgasize = 32.0
mat_excludetextures = 0
mat_fastspecular = 1
mat_filterlightmaps = 1
mat_filtertextures = 1
mat_forceaniso = 1
mat_forcehardwaresync = 0
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware = 0
mat_force_vertexfog = 0
mat_hdr_level = 2
mat_levelflush = 1
mat_lightmap_pfms = 0
mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override = -1000.0
mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override = -1.0
mat_local_contrast_scale_override = 0.0
mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override = -1.0
mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override = -1.0
mat_maxframelatency = 1
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices = 65536
mat_mipmaptextures = 1
mat_monitorgamma = 2.2
mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp = 2.5
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max = 255
mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min = 16
mat_motion_blur_enabled = 1
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max = 4.0
mat_parallaxmap = 1
mat_phong = 1
mat_picmip = 0
mat_report_queue_status = 0
mat_shadowstate = 1
mat_showenvmapmask = 0
mat_showlowresimage = 0
mat_showmiplevels = 0
mat_softwarelighting = 0
mat_specular = 1
mat_supportflashlight = -1
mat_texture_list = 0
mat_texture_list_all = FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING
mat_texture_list_exclude_editing = 0
mat_texture_list_view = FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING
mat_triplebuffered = 0
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures = 1
mat_vsync = 0
mem_dumpstats = 0
mem_force_flush = 0
mem_force_flush_section =
mem_level = 2
mem_max_heapsize = 256
mem_max_heapsize_dedicated = 64
mem_min_heapsize = 48
mem_periodicdumps = 0
mem_test_each_frame = 0
mem_test_every_n_seconds = 0
mem_test_quiet = 0
miniprofiler_dump = 0
mm_autolobby_wait_for_players_time = 60.0f
mm_disconnect_waittime = 1.0
mm_force_dedicated_resolve_fail = 0
mm_force_fail_connections = 0
mm_heartbeat_connect_timeout = 4
mm_heartbeat_interval_long = 1.0
mm_heartbeat_interval_short = 0.1
mm_heartbeat_seconds = 300
mm_heartbeat_seconds_xlsp = 60
mm_heartbeat_timeout = 10
mm_heartbeat_timeout_legacy = 15
mm_heartbeat_timeout_loading = 100
mm_heartbeat_timeout_lobby_loading = 3
mm_heartbeat_timeout_nochannel = 45
mm_hostmigration_maxretries = 10
mm_hostmigration_maxwaittime = 10
mm_hostmigration_retryinterval = 1.0
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_pass = 2
mm_ignored_sessions_forget_time = 120
mm_ignore_dedicated_servers = 0
mm_l4d_debug = 1
mm_max_spectators = 4
mm_minplayers = 1
mm_player_search_count = 5
mm_postlobby_waittime = 5
mm_qoslookup_waittime = 20
mm_registration_maxwaittime = 10
mm_reportstats_waittime = 20
mm_server_search_update_interval = 10
mm_sessionmodify_maxwaittime = 10
mm_session_abandon_count = 3
mm_session_abandon_time = 30
mm_session_search_max_results = 50
mm_startgame_countdown = 5
mm_steam_voice_connection = 1
mm_steam_voice_connection_retry_time = 2.0
mm_steam_voice_connection_time = 0.5
mm_steam_voice_connection_try_timeout = 5
mod_check_vcollide = 0
mod_dont_load_vertices = 0
mod_forcedata = 1
mod_forcetouchdata = 1
mod_load_anims_async = 0
mod_load_fakestall = 0
mod_load_mesh_async = 0
mod_load_showstall = 0
mod_load_vcollide_async = 0
mod_lock_mdls_on_load = 1
mod_lock_meshes_on_load = 1
mod_test_mesh_not_available = 0
mod_test_not_available = 0
mod_test_verts_not_available = 0
mod_touchalldata = 1
mod_trace_load = 0
morph_debug = 0
morph_path = 7
mp_allowNPCs = 1
mp_allowspectators = 1.0
mp_autocrosshair = 1
mp_autokick = 0
mp_autoteambalance = 1
mp_blockstyle = 1
mp_bonusroundtime = 15
mp_buytime = 1.5
mp_c4timer = 45
mp_capdeteriorate_time = 90.0
mp_capstyle = 1
mp_chattime = 10
mp_clan_readyrestart = 0
mp_clan_ready_signal = ready
mp_defaultteam = 0
mp_enableroundwaittime = 1
mp_facefronttime = 9999
mp_fadetoblack = 0
mp_falldamage = 0
mp_feetyawrate = 180
mp_feetyawrate_max = 360
mp_flashlight = 1
mp_footsteps = 1
mp_forcecamera = 0
mp_forcerespawn = 1
mp_fraglimit = 0
mp_freezetime = 6
mp_friendlyfire = 1
mp_humanteam = any
mp_ik = 1
mp_limitteams = 2
mp_logdetail = 0
mp_maxrounds = 0
mp_playerid = 1
mp_playerid_delay = 0
mp_playerid_hold = 0.25
mp_restartgame = 0
mp_roundtime = 5
mp_showcleanedupents = 0
mp_showroundtransitions = 0
mp_spawnprotectiontime = 5
mp_stalemate_enable = 0
mp_stalemate_timelimit = 240
mp_startmoney = 800
mp_teamlist = hgrunt;scientist
mp_teamoverride = 1
mp_teamplay = 0
mp_teams_unbalance_limit = 1
mp_timelimit = 0
mp_tkpunish = 0
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel = 0
mp_waitingforplayers_restart = 0
mp_waitingforplayers_time = 0
mp_weaponstay = 0
mp_weapon_ak47_price = 2500
mp_weapon_aug_price = 3500
mp_weapon_awp_price = 4750
mp_weapon_deagle_price = 650
mp_weapon_elite_price = 800
mp_weapon_famas_price = 2250
mp_weapon_fiveseven_price = 750
mp_weapon_g3sg1_price = 5000
mp_weapon_galil_price = 2000
mp_weapon_glock_price = 400
mp_weapon_m249_price = 5750
mp_weapon_m3_price = 1700
mp_weapon_m4a1_price = 3100
mp_weapon_mac10_price = 1400
mp_weapon_mp5navy_price = 1500
mp_weapon_p228_price = 600
mp_weapon_p90_price = 2350
mp_weapon_scout_price = 2750
mp_weapon_sg550_price = 4200
mp_weapon_sg552_price = 3500
mp_weapon_tmp_price = 1250
mp_weapon_ump45_price = 1700
mp_weapon_usp_price = 500
mp_weapon_xm1014_price = 3000
mp_winlimit = 0
music_bank_max_duration = 900
music_bank_min_duration = 900
nb_avoid = 2
nb_avoid_interval = 0.5
nb_player_move_direct = 0
net_chokeloop = 0
net_compresspackets = 1
net_compresspackets_minsize = 1000
net_compressvoice = 0
net_drawslider = 0
net_dumptest = 0
net_maxcleartime = 4.0
net_maxfilesize = 16
net_maxfragments = 1260
net_megasnapshot = 1
net_minroutable = 16
net_paranoid = 1
net_queued_packet_thread = 1
net_queue_trace = 0
net_showdrop = 0
net_showeventlisteners = 0
net_showevents = 0
net_showfragments = 0
net_showmsg = 0
net_showpeaks = 0
net_showtcp = 0
net_steamcnx_debug = 1
net_usesocketsforloopback = 0
nextlevel =
npc_vphysics = 0
old_radiusdamage = 0.0
perf_fire_bullet_firstpredictedonly = 1
perf_fire_bullet_single = 0
physicsshadowupdate_render = 0
PhysPMC = 0
phys_enable_experimental_optimizations = 0
phys_enable_PIX_counters = 1
phys_enable_query_cache = 1
phys_enable_simd_optimizations = 1
phys_impactforcescale = 1.0
phys_penetration_error_time = 10
phys_pushscale = 1
phys_speeds = 0
phys_stressbodyweights = 5.0
phys_timescale = 1
phys_upimpactforcescale = 0.375
ping_max_green = 70
ping_max_red = 250
ping_max_yellow = 140
pipeline_static_props = 1
pipe_bomb_beep_interval_delta = 0.025
pipe_bomb_beep_min_interval = 0.1
pipe_bomb_initial_beep_interval = 0.5
pipe_bomb_shake_amplitude = 50
pipe_bomb_shake_radius = 750
pipe_bomb_timer_duration = 6
player_old_armor = 0
props_break_max_pieces = -1
props_break_max_pieces_perframe = -1
prop_active_gib_limit = 999999
prop_active_gib_max_fade_time = 999999
pump_shotgun_pellet_scatter = 7.5
punch_angle_decay_rate = 20
rcon_address =
reload_materials = 0
res_restrict_access = 0
room_type = 0
rpt_vprof_time = 0.25
rr_debugplayer = -1
rr_debugresponseconcept =
rr_debugresponses = 0
rr_debugrule =
rr_dumpresponses = 0
r_ambientboost = 1
r_ambientfactor = 5
r_ambientmin = 0.3
r_aspectratio = 0
r_bloomtintb = 0.11
r_bloomtintexponent = 2.2
r_bloomtintg = 0.59
r_bloomtintr = 0.3
r_decals = 2048
r_decalstaticprops = 1
r_decal_cover_count = 4
r_decal_overlap_area = 0.4
r_decal_overlap_count = 3
r_DispDrawAxes = 0
r_drawbatchdecals = 1
r_drawmodeldecals = 1
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp = -1
r_entity = -1
r_eyeglintlodpixels = 20.0
r_eyes = 1
r_fastzreject = 0
r_fastzrejectdisp = 0
r_flashlightculldepth = 1
r_flashlightdepthtexture = 1
r_flashlightdrawdepth = 0
r_flashlightdrawfrustumbbox = 0
r_flashlightdrawsweptbbox = 0
r_flashlightnodraw = 0
r_flashlightrender = 1
r_flashlightrendermodels = 1
r_flashlightrenderworld = 1
r_flashlightupdatedepth = 1
r_flex = 1
r_ForceRestore = 0
r_frustumcullworld = 1
r_glint_alwaysdraw = 0
r_glint_procedural = 0
r_hunkalloclightmaps = 1
r_lightaverage = 1
r_lightcache_zbuffercache = 0
r_lod = -1
r_maxdlights = 32
r_maxmodeldecal = 50
r_maxnewsamples = 6
r_maxsampledist = 128
r_minlightmap = 0
r_minnewsamples = 3
r_norefresh = 0
r_occludeemaxarea = 0
r_occluderminarea = 0
r_occludermincount = 0
r_occlusion = 1
r_overlayfadeenable = 0
r_overlayfademax = 2000
r_overlayfademin = 1750
r_overlaywireframe = 0
r_portalscloseall = 0
r_proplightingfromdisk = 1
r_queued_decals = 0
r_renderoverlayfragment = 1
r_rootlod = 0
r_shadowrendertotexture = 0
r_shadows = 1
r_ShowViewerArea = 0
r_snapportal = -1
r_spray_lifetime = 10
r_staticpropinfo = 0
r_staticprop_lod = -1
r_teeth = 1
r_threaded_shadow_clip = 0
r_unloadlightmaps = 0
r_visambient = 0
r_waterforceexpensive = 0
r_worldlightmin = 0.0002
r_worldlights = 3
save_async = 1
save_asyncdelay = 0
save_console = 0
save_disable = 0
save_history_count = 1
save_huddelayframes = 1
save_in_memory = 0
save_noxsave = 0
save_screenshot = 1
save_spew = 0
sb_allow_leading = 0
sb_minimum = 0
sb_reachable_cache_paranoia = 0
sb_skill = survivor
sb_temp_health_consider_factor = 0.5
sb_toughness_buffer = 15
sb_transition = 1
scene_async_prefetch_spew = 0
scene_clientflex = 1
scene_clientplayback = 1
scene_forcecombined = 0
scene_maxcaptionradius = 1200
scene_print = 0
servercfgfile = server.cfg
shotgun_reload_cancel_delay = 0.5
showbudget_texture_global_sum = 0.0f
sk_player_arm = 1
sk_player_chest = 1
sk_player_head = 2
sk_player_leg = 1
sk_player_stomach = 1
smoothstairs = 1
snd_async_fullyasync = 1
snd_async_minsize = 262144
snd_async_spew_blocking = 0
snd_async_stream_fail = 0
snd_async_stream_spew = 0
snd_cull_duplicates = 0
snd_debug_gaincurve = 0
snd_debug_gaincurvevol = 1.0
snd_defer_trace = 1
snd_delay_sound_shift = 0.03
snd_disable_mixer_duck = 0
snd_disable_mixer_solo = 0
snd_list =
snd_lockpartial = 1
snd_max_same_sounds = 4
snd_max_same_weapon_sounds = 3
snd_mergemethod = 1
snd_mixer_master_dsp = 1.0
snd_mixer_master_level = 1.0
snd_mix_async = 0
snd_mix_minframetime = 0.010
snd_noextraupdate = 0
snd_profile = 0
snd_show = 0
snd_showclassname = 0
snd_showmixer = 0
snd_ShowThreadFrameTime = 0
snd_soundmixer = Default_Mix
snd_soundmixer_parse_debug = 0
snd_soundmixer_version = 2
snd_spatialize_roundrobin = 0
snd_store_filepaths = 0
snd_surround_speakers = -1
snd_vox_captiontrace = 0
snd_vox_globaltimeout = 300
snd_vox_sectimetout = 300
snd_vox_seqtimetout = 300
soundpatch_captionlength = 2.0
spec_filter = any
spec_filter_infected = any
spec_filter_survivors = survivor
ss_voice_hearpartner = 0
step_spline = 0
still_vel_limit = 5
still_view_accel_limit = 1500
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries = 0
stringtable_usedictionaries = 1
studio_queue_mode = 1
survivor_allow_crawling = 0
survivor_death_anims = 0
survivor_drag_continuous_fire = 1
survivor_incap_decay_rate = 3
survivor_incap_health = 300
survivor_incap_hopeless_decay_rate = 12
survivor_incap_max_fall_damage = 200
survivor_incap_tongued_decay_rate = 12
survivor_lean = 0
survivor_ledge_grab_health = 300
survivor_limit = 4
survivor_model_selection = -1
survivor_respawn_with_guns = 1
survivor_revive_after_drag = 0
survivor_revive_continuous_fire = 1
survivor_skills = 0
survivor_slots = 0
survivor_upgrades = 0
survivor_upgrade_reload_duration = 0.5
survivor_upgrade_reload_shotgun_duration = 0.5
sv_accelerate = 5
sv_airaccelerate = 10
sv_allchat = 1
sv_allowdownload = 1
sv_allowupload = 1
sv_allow_votes = 1
sv_autosave = 1
sv_backspeed = 0.6
sv_bonus_challenge = 0
sv_bounce = 0
sv_cacheencodedents = 1
sv_client_cmdrate_difference = 20
sv_client_max_interp_ratio = 5
sv_client_min_interp_ratio = 1
sv_client_predict = -1
sv_clockcorrection_msecs = 60
sv_creationtickcheck = 1
sv_debugmanualmode = 0
sv_debugtempentities = 0
sv_debug_player_use = 0
sv_deltaprint = 0
sv_deltatime = 0
sv_enableoldqueries = 0
sv_extra_client_connect_time = 15.0
sv_filterban = 1
sv_footsteps = 1
sv_force_transmit_ents = 0
sv_friction = 4
sv_gravity = 800
sv_hibernate_ms = 20
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui = 20
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay = 5
sv_hibernate_when_empty = 1
sv_hosting_lobby = 1
sv_instancebaselines = 1
sv_lagflushbonecache = 1
sv_logblocks = 0
sv_logdownloadlist = 0
sv_massreport = 0
sv_master_legacy_mode = 1
sv_master_share_game_socket = 1
sv_maxclientframes = 128
sv_maxreplay = 0
sv_maxroutable = 1200
sv_maxspeed = 1000.000000
sv_maxunlag = 1.0
sv_maxupdaterate = 60
sv_maxvelocity = 3500
sv_max_queries_sec = 3.0
sv_max_queries_sec_global = 60
sv_max_queries_window = 30
sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks = 8
sv_minupdaterate = 10
sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities = 32
sv_multiplayer_sounds = 20
sv_music_debug = 0
sv_netvisdist = 10000
sv_noclipfriction = 4
sv_nojumpingonelevators = 1
sv_no_navmesh = 0
sv_optimizedmovement = 1
sv_parallel_packentities = 1
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot = 1
sv_playerperfhistorycount = 20
sv_player_max_separation_force = 500
sv_pushaway_clientside = 0
sv_pushaway_clientside_size = 15
sv_pushaway_force = 300000
sv_pushaway_max_force = 2000
sv_pushaway_max_player_force = 10000
sv_pushaway_min_force = 500
sv_pushaway_min_player_speed = 75
sv_pushaway_player_force = 200000
sv_ragdoll_maxcount = 25
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_boss = 1
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_generic = 15
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_gib = 10
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_special = 3
sv_ragdoll_maxcount_survivor = 4
sv_rcon_banpenalty = 0
sv_rcon_log = 1
sv_rcon_maxfailures = 10
sv_rcon_minfailures = 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime = 30
sv_regeneration_wait_time = 1.0
sv_reservation_grace = 5
sv_rollangle = 0
sv_rollspeed = 200
sv_runcmds = 1
sv_search_dedicated_frequency = 5
sv_search_dedicated_timeout = 30
sv_sendtables = 0
sv_showanimstate = -1
sv_showanimstate_activities = 1
sv_showanimstate_log = 0
sv_showdamage = 0
sv_showdebugtracers = 0
sv_showimpacts = 0
sv_showladders = 0
sv_showplayerhitboxes = 0
sv_soundemitter_trace = -1
sv_sound_discardextraunreliable = 1
sv_stats = 1
sv_stepsize = 18
sv_stopspeed = 75
sv_stressbots = 0
sv_strict_notarget = 0
sv_suppress_viewpunch = 0
sv_teststepsimulation = 1
sv_thinktimecheck = 0
sv_threaded_init = 0
sv_timeout = 65
sv_tracereffects_limit_general = 15
sv_turbophysics = 1
sv_unlag = 1
sv_unlag_debug = 0
sv_unlag_fixstuck = 0
sv_useexplicitdelete = 1
sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale = 8
sv_voicecodec = vaudio_speex
sv_vote_command_delay = 2
sv_vote_creation_timer = 30
sv_vote_failure_timer = 0
sv_vote_issue_change_difficulty_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_change_map_later_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_change_map_now_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_change_max_player_zombies_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_change_mission_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_change_survivor_team_size_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_toggle_flashlight_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_toggle_survivor_friend_push_allowed = 1
sv_vote_issue_toggle_survivor_grenade_ban_allowed = 1
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration = 5
sv_vote_timer_duration = 15
sv_wateraccelerate = 10
sv_waterdist = 12
sv_waterfriction = 1
sv_zoo_model_filter =
sv_zoo_spacing = 64
sv_zoo_spacing_rows = 192
sv_zoo_spacing_wrap = 80
sv_zoo_tint_clr = 153 153 153 255
sv_zoo_tint_loop = 1
sv_zoo_wrap_skin = 1
tank_pz_forward = -0.5
tank_rock_overhead_percent = 100
tauntfrequency = 1
template_debug = 0
testscript_debug = 0
texture_budget_panel_global = 0
threadpool_affinity = 1
threadpool_reserve = 0
tongue_bullet_radius = 6
trace_report = 0
tutor = 0
tv_allow_camera_man = 1
tv_allow_static_shots = 1
tv_autorecord = 0
tv_autoretry = 1
tv_chatgroupsize = 0
tv_chattimelimit = 8
tv_debug = 0
tv_delay = 30
tv_delaymapchange = 0
tv_deltacache = 2
tv_dispatchmode = 1
tv_maxclients = 128
tv_maxrate = 8000
tv_name = SourceTV
tv_overridemaster = 0
tv_password =
tv_relaypassword =
tv_relayvoice = 1
tv_snapshotrate = 16
tv_timeout = 30
tv_title = SourceTV
tv_transmitall = 0
ui_volume_max = 1.0
vcr_verbose = 0
versus_force_start_time = 90
versus_round_restarttimer = 15
versus_round_restarttimer_finale = 20
vgui_drawfocus = 0
vgui_drawtree_bounds = 0
vgui_drawtree_draw_selected = 0
vgui_drawtree_freeze = 0
vgui_drawtree_hidden = 0
vgui_drawtree_panelalpha = 0
vgui_drawtree_panelptr = 0
vgui_drawtree_popupsonly = 0
vgui_drawtree_render_order = 0
vgui_drawtree_visible = 1
view_offset = 0
violence_ablood = 1
violence_agibs = 1
violence_hblood = 1
violence_hgibs = 1
voice_avggain = 0.5
voice_debugfeedback = 0
voice_debugfeedbackfrom = 0
voice_dsound = 0
voice_fadeouttime = 0.1
voice_maxgain = 10
voice_minimum_gain = 0.5
voice_overdrive = 2
voice_overdrivefadetime = 0.4
voice_profile = 0
voice_serverdebug = 0
voice_showchannels = 0
voice_showincoming = 0
voice_steal = 2
voice_writevoices = 0
vphysics_threadmode = 1
vprof_counters = 0
vprof_counters_show_minmax = 0
vprof_dump_oninterval = 0
vprof_dump_spikes = 0
vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group =
vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy = 0
vprof_dump_spikes_node =
vprof_dump_spikes_terse = 0
vprof_graph = 0
vprof_scope =
vprof_scope_entity_gamephys = 0
vprof_scope_entity_thinks = 0
vprof_server_spike_threshold = 999.0
vprof_server_thread = 0
vprof_think_limit = 0
vs_score_distance_mult = 1.0
vs_score_pp_health = 0.5
vs_score_pp_healthbuffer = 0.25
vs_show_life_stats = 0
weapon_showproficiency = 0
xbox_steering_deadzone = 0.0
xc_crouch_debounce = 0
xlsp_force_dc_name =
z_added_light_max = 0.25
z_added_light_min = 0.025
z_anim_idle_speed_max = 85
z_anim_idle_speed_min = 20
z_attack_change_target_range = 100
z_attack_incapacitated_damage = 10
z_attack_interval = 1
z_attack_max_range = 20
z_attack_min_range = 10
z_attack_movement_penalty = 0.5
z_attack_on_the_run_range = 35
z_bbq_min = 0.0
z_bbq_rate = 0.005
z_blend_attack_layer = 1
z_burn_max = 0.85
z_burn_rate = 0.01
z_checkpoint_debug = 0
z_damage_screen_fade_alpha = 30
z_damage_screen_fade_duration = 0.5
z_debug_infected_server_anim = 0
z_debug_shared_random = 0
z_door_pound_damage = 60
z_elevator_in_air = 0
z_exploding_force = 5000
z_exploding_inner_radius = 130
z_exploding_outer_radius = 200
z_ghost_ahead_flow = 500
z_ghost_allowed_in_battlefield = 0
z_ghost_cooldown = 0
z_ghost_delay_max = 30
z_ghost_delay_min = 20
z_ghost_delay_minspawn = 3
z_ghost_duration = 1
z_ghost_friction = 1.5
z_ghost_group_spawn = 1
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_far = 2000
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_near = 1000
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_safety = 10
z_ghost_line_of_scrimmage_threat_bonus = 1000
z_ghost_los_expected_progress = 1500
z_ghost_offer_acceptance_time = 0
z_ghost_offer_spawn_safety_time = 20
z_ghost_spawn_distance = 300
z_gun_start_empty = 0
z_hunter_lunge_distance = 750
z_hunter_lunge_pitch = 25
z_hunter_max_pounce_bonus_damage = 25
z_lunge_cooldown = 0.1
z_lunge_distance_damage = 0
z_lunge_reflect = 0
z_lunge_release = 0
z_lunge_specials = 0
z_max_player_zombies = 4
z_max_survivor_damage = 100
z_minigun_atomize = 0
z_minigun_debug = 0
z_minigun_fire_anim = 0
z_minigun_fire_anim_speed = 1
z_minigun_firing_speed = 15
z_minigun_spin_down_speed = 4
z_minigun_spin_up_speed = 15
z_minigun_spread = 7
z_minigun_stand_distance = 36
z_mission_cycle = missioncycle.txt
z_mission_timelimit = 0
z_network_compression = 1
z_population = defaultrural
z_pounce_damage_range_max = 1000
z_pounce_damage_range_min = 500
z_pounce_shake_amplitude = 4
z_pounce_shake_duration = 1.5
z_pounce_shake_radius = 250
z_pounce_stumble_radius = 0
z_ragdoll_discard_range = 2000
z_round_start_attack_prevention = 1
z_scrimmage_creep_delay = 30
z_scrimmage_creep_rate = 50
z_scrimmage_sphere = 1
z_spawn_on_rails = 1
z_spec_nightvision = 1
z_splatteralpha = 200
z_splatterdistance = 100
z_splatterfade = 1
z_splatterhold = 3
z_survivor_respawn_health = 50
z_tank_footstep_shake_amplitude = 5
z_tank_footstep_shake_duration = 2
z_tank_footstep_shake_interval = 0.4
z_tank_footstep_shake_radius = 750
z_tracer_particles = 1
z_versus_boomer_limit = 1
z_versus_smoker_limit = 1
z_witch_tongue_range = 100


The CVars deathmatch and coop may control the game..

ThatGuy 11-27-2008 00:44

Re: L4D Hidden CVars

mp_weapon_ak47_price = 2500
mp_weapon_aug_price = 3500
mp_weapon_awp_price = 4750
mp_weapon_deagle_price = 650
mp_weapon_elite_price = 800
mp_weapon_famas_price = 2250
mp_weapon_fiveseven_price = 750
mp_weapon_g3sg1_price = 5000
mp_weapon_galil_price = 2000
mp_weapon_glock_price = 400
mp_weapon_m249_price = 5750
mp_weapon_m3_price = 1700
mp_weapon_m4a1_price = 3100
mp_weapon_mac10_price = 1400
mp_weapon_mp5navy_price = 1500
mp_weapon_p228_price = 600
mp_weapon_p90_price = 2350
mp_weapon_scout_price = 2750
mp_weapon_sg550_price = 4200
mp_weapon_sg552_price = 3500
mp_weapon_tmp_price = 1250
mp_weapon_ump45_price = 1700
mp_weapon_usp_price = 500
mp_startmoney = 800
Isn't this from CS?


mp_waitingforplayers_cancel = 0
mp_waitingforplayers_restart = 0
mp_waitingforplayers_time = 0
mp_stalemate_enable = 0
mp_stalemate_timelimit = 240


bl4nk 11-27-2008 01:40

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
Yeah, they did a lot of code copying for this mod.

CrimsonGT 11-27-2008 01:53

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
They always do that on games though. Valve is lazy.

DontWannaName 11-27-2008 03:42

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
Its partly cause they keep building and building upon one engine.

ZiramMaddness 11-27-2008 05:22

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
mat_dxlevel... did not see that one on console

The JCS 11-27-2008 07:43

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
These commands aren't available via Console...

DontWannaName 11-27-2008 14:25

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
sm_cvar <command>

ThatGuy 11-27-2008 15:25

Re: L4D Hidden CVars

survivor_limit = 4
z_max_player_zombies = 4
Try changing those and see what happens?

The JCS 11-27-2008 15:59

Re: L4D Hidden CVars
Cool CVar, haven't seen it yet.
I'll test it. =]

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