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mad_maniac_man 09-25-2010 11:01

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Good news mate. I found the problem. Somehow my csdm.cfg file was set csdm to 0 so i set it to 1 and changed the prefix-awp.cfg and renamed to awp_bycastor32.cfg and its now allowing me to select deagle only and gives me nades and armor auto. The only thing left to fix is making the bots do this as they seem to be buying any weapon they like. Finally some success eh ?


KWo 09-26-2010 07:22

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Update Your bots to V3B21 version, so they are buying the weapon on awp map, if the map allows them to.

mad_maniac_man 09-26-2010 09:38

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Ok mate think ive managed to fix it. Now how to I set it so there is no timelimit with csdm and also no round end on csdm ?


KWo 09-26-2010 10:44

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps

Originally Posted by csdm.cfg
;Sets whether the bomb is removed
remove_bomb = 1

;Map objectives are removed by their flags.
; a - as_ maps
; b - buyzones are removed
; c - cs_ maps
; d - de_ maps
remove_objectives = abcd

Bombs and all objectivities have to be removed to have the round neverending.
To skip the mp_timelimit problem, You should use - whenever You are using CSDM enabled - mp_maxrounds system instead mp_timelimit, I mean - for those maps You should have:
mp_timelimit 0
mp_maxrounds 30
As You can see - if the round is neverending - mp_maxrounds never can be reached...

mad_maniac_man 09-30-2010 07:54

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Thanks mate Ive managed to do that and it works fine. For some strange reason after like 8-10 rounds on awp_bycastor32 I start with a knife and no longer automatically get an AWP. Any ideas ?

I swear this is the last question then Ill leave you be lol.


KWo 09-30-2010 08:57

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
I can imagine only one situation. You have skipped the awp selection, then - on the next map - You have chosen from Gun Menu "3. 2+Don't show menu again" (so it was rememebering all the time no selection). Another case is some awp limiter plugin is still working. Other than that I cannot imagine why You don't have Your awp. Sorry.

RAFFAK 06-17-2011 01:13

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Hello. Just done another configure with restricted guns. I turned off some zoom guns in csdm.cfg and created new folder: cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/maps/

There I created files:

Inside these files need to write: csdm_equip.amxx disabled

Im doing this configs in maps, there map auto giving gun to you, just switching off Gun meniu, in other maps there is all guns, gun meniu is working, dont need to do config.

But I have a problem, in some maps, for example: aim_map_usp is bug, then I creating this config, T got usp's, CT not, just knife and in a lot of USP maps and other maps. Allways I need to test all maps, to good working. So, please help me for this configuration. I very need this.

c0ma 06-30-2011 14:03

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
Hello,i need help :( i have a respawn server and awp is restricted,i have this plugin on him but i want to change the price in 5000$ or another price for awp and doesen't work! good,that is the first problem :)) ...second problem: on all maps awp is restricted,actually awp cost 15000$ in this moment,i want to know how can i give free awp on awp maps only?

The code for my first problem,where i want to change the price in 5000$:


#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>

new g_pCvar_Price;

public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Buy AWP", "0.0.1", "dinnk.");

register_clcmd("say /awp", "CmdAwp");

g_pCvar_Price = register_cvar("awp_deagle_price", "15000");

public CmdAwp(id)
new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(id);
new iPrice = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvar_Price);

if( !is_user_alive(id) )
client_print(id, print_chat, "* You need to be alive !");

if( iMoney < iPrice )
client_print(id, print_chat, "* You need more money ! ($%i)", iPrice);

give_item(id, "weapon_awp");
give_item(id, "weapon_deagle");
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AWP, 30);
cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35);

client_print(id, print_chat, "* You bought an AWP & Deagle for $%i !", iPrice);
cs_set_user_money(id, iMoney - iPrice, true);
Edit:i forgot something ;)) i change it the price in 5000$ and i compiled again but doesen't work!

c0ma 07-01-2011 05:01

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
i made it with my second problem :P thank you all,but with the first problem,i don't know how can i change the price in 5000$

c0ma 07-01-2011 05:32

Re: Restrict weapons for certain maps
i made it,i change it the price with cvar awp_deagle_price "5000",it's work now,thanks all

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