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-   -   How to correctly install amxbans? (

Skuduriukas 01-26-2015 04:00

How to correctly install amxbans?
Hi again. YES I READED TUTORIALS! AND YES I WRITED QUESTION IN AMXBANS FORUMS BUT DAT FORUM DEAD. So what is the problem, I keep my cs in other vps server and website is on another. And when im installing amxweb they need my database and amxbans database, but where to get dat amxbans database? and how normally instal dat amxbans in server? Please, help..

brlight 01-26-2015 08:50

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
Before installing amxbans you must first create/have a database and user for it. you should create database and user for it on the host where you want to install amxbans (web).

Skuduriukas 01-26-2015 09:07

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
so here
in root and url path i need to write my server ip? or leave it for defaults? if i leave it by defaults im going next and what i get is that:
but all privilegies are set on.

Kia 01-26-2015 09:50

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
Remove the code which checks the permissions in the setup script, had the same issue.

Skuduriukas 01-26-2015 09:53

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?



AMXBans v6.0

Copyright 2009, 2010 by

This file is part of AMXBans.

AMXBans is free software, but it's licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0

AMXBans is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

You should have received a copy of the cc-nC-SA along with AMXBans.
If not, see <>.



//check for existing config file
// if(file_exists("include/")) {
// header("Location: index.php");
// }


$config->v_web = "6.0.3";

//installation are 6 sites

if($sitenr==7 && isset($_POST["check7"])) {
//if all setup data is ok, unlock and open site 7
if(isset($_POST["check6"])) {
if(isset($_POST["back"])) $sitenr--;
if(isset($_POST["next"])) $sitenr++;

if($sitenr < 1 || $sitenr > $sitenrall) $sitenr=1;

/////////////// basic functions /////////////////

$config->path_root=str_replace("/".basename(str_replace("\\", "/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])),"",str_replace("\\", "/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
$config->templatedir = $config->path_root."/install";
$config->langfilesdir = $config->path_root."/install/language/";
$config->default_lang = "german";
if(empty($_SESSION["lang"])) $_SESSION["lang"]="english";

if(!is__writable($config->path_root."/include/smarty/templates_c/")) {
echo '<br />
<table border="0" align="center">
<td align="center" style="color: #c04040;font-width=bold;font-size=18px;"><img src="images/warning.gif" /> <u>Directory include/smarty/templates_c is not writable !!</u></td>

/* Smarty settings */
define("SMARTY_DIR", $config->path_root."/include/smarty/");


class dynamicPage extends Smarty {
function dynamicPage() {

global $config;


$this->template_dir = $config->templatedir;
$this->compile_dir = SMARTY_DIR."templates_c/";
$this->config_dir = SMARTY_DIR."configs/";
$this->cache_dir = SMARTY_DIR."cache/";
$this->caching = false;

//for changing templates itīs better "true", but slow down site load
$this->force_compile = true;
$this->caching = false;

$smarty = new dynamicPage;


if($sitenr==1) {

/////////////// site 2 server settings /////////////////
if($sitenr==2) {
"display_errors"=>(ini_get('display_errors')= ="")?"off":ini_get('display_errors'),
"register_globals"=>(ini_get('register_global s')==1 || ini_get('register_globals')=="on")?"_ON":"_OF F",
"magic_quotes_gpc"=>(get_magic_quotes_gpc()== true)?"_ON":"_OFF", #(ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')=="0")?"off":"on ",
"safe_mode"=>(ini_get('safe_mode')==1 || ini_get('safe_mode')=="on")?"_ON":"_OFF",
"post_max_size"=>ini_get('post_max_size') ." (".return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')). " bytes)",
"upload_max_filesize"=>ini_get('upload_max_fi lesize')." (".return_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize' ))." bytes)",
"max_execution_time"=>ini_get('max_execution_ time'),
"bcmath"=>(extension_loaded('bcmath')=="1")?" _YES":"_NO",
"gmp"=>(extension_loaded('gmp')=="1")?"_YES": "_NO"

/////////////// site 3 dirs /////////////////
if($sitenr==3) {
if(isset($_POST["path_root"]) && $_POST["path_root"] != $config->path_root) $config->path_root = stripcslashes($_POST["path_root"]);
if(isset($_POST["document_root"]) && $_POST["document_root"] != $config->document_root) $config->document_root = stripcslashes($_POST["document_root"]);

"document_root" => $config->document_root,
"path_root" => $config->path_root,
"include" => $include_dir,
"files" => $files_dir,
"backup" => $backup_dir,
"temp" => $temp_dir,
"templates_c" => $templates_c_dir,
"setupphp" => $setupphp
if($include_dir && $files_dir && $temp_dir && $templates_c_dir && $backup_dir) $smarty->assign("next",true);

/////////////// site 4 db /////////////////
if($sitenr==4 && isset($_POST["check4"])) {


$smarty->assign("db",array($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$d bdb,$dbprefix));

if($dbhost=="" || $dbuser=="" || $dbdb=="" || $dbprefix=="") {

$mysql=@mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass ) or $msg="_CANTCONNECT";
if(!$msg) {
$enc = @mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf-8'");
$enc = @mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$ressource=@mysql_select_db($dbdb) or $msg="_CANTSELECTDB";

//get user privileges
if(!$msg) {
$prev[]=array("name"=>"SELECT","value"=>in_array("SE LECT",$previleges));
$prev[]=array("name"=>"INSERT","value"=>in_array("IN SERT",$previleges));
$prev[]=array("name"=>"UPDATE","value"=>in_array("UP DATE",$previleges));
$prev[]=array("name"=>"DELETE","value"=>in_array("DE LETE",$previleges));
$prev[]=array("name"=>"CREATE","value"=>in_array("CR EATE",$previleges));
//search for all needed previleges
foreach($prev as $k => $v) {
if(in_array(false,$v)) {$msg="_NOTALLPREVILEGES";break;}
//check for existing tables
if(!$msg) {
//search for existing dbprefix
if( mysql_num_rows( @mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `".$dbdb."` LIKE '".$dbprefix."\_%'"))) {
//search for field "imported" in bans table, added since 6.0
if( mysql_num_rows( @mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".$dbprefix."_bans` WHERE Field LIKE 'imported'"))) {


if(!$msg) {
if($prefix_exists) {
if($prefix_isnew) {
} else {
} else {
if($sitenr==4) $smarty->assign("checkvalue","_DBCHECK");

/////////////// site 5 admin /////////////////
if($sitenr==5 && isset($_POST["check5"])) {


$smarty->assign("admin",array($adminuser,$adminemail) );

if(strlen($adminuser) < 4) $validate[]="_USERTOSHORT";
if(strlen($adminpass) < 4) $validate[]="_PWTOSHORT";
if($adminpass != $adminpass2) $validate[]="_PWNOCONFIRM";
#if(!ereg(".+@.+\..{2,}",$adminemail)) $validate[]="_NOVALIDEMAIL";
if(!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{2,}@[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{2,}.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/",$adminemail)) $validate[]="_NOVALIDEMAIL";

if(!$adminuser || !$adminpass || !$adminpass2 || !$adminemail) {
if(!$validate) {

if($sitenr==5) $smarty->assign("checkvalue","_ADMINCHECK");
#if($sitenr==5 && $_SESSION["admincheck"]==true) $smarty->assign("next",true);

/////////////// site 6 show data /////////////////
if($sitenr==6) $smarty->assign("checkvalue","_STEP7");

/////////////// site 7 end /////////////////
if($sitenr==7 && $_SESSION["dbcheck"]==true && $_SESSION["admincheck"]==true && !isset($_POST["check7"])) {

if(sql_connect()) {
//get tables structure
//create db structure
foreach($table_create as $k => $v) {
$table=array("table"=>$k,"success"=>sql_creat e_table($k,$v));
//get default data
//create default data
foreach($data_create as $k => $v) {
$data=array("data"=>$k,"success"=>sql_insert_ data($k,$v));
//create default websettings
$websettings_create=array("data"=>"_CREATEWEB SETTINGS","success"=>sql_insert_setting($webs ettings_query));
//create default usermenu
$usermenu_create=array("data"=>"_CREATEUSERME NU","success"=>sql_insert_setting($usermenu_q uery));
//create webadmin userlevel
$webadmin_create[]=array("data"=>"_CREATEUSERLEVEL","success"=> sql_insert_setting($userlevel_query));
//create webadmin
$webadmin_create[]=array("data"=>"_CREATEWEBADMIN","success"=>s ql_insert_setting($webadmin_query));
//install default modules
foreach($modules_install as $k => $v) {
$modul=array("name"=>$k,"success"=>sql_insert _setting($v));


\$config->document_root = \"".$_SESSION["document_root"]."\";
\$config->path_root = \"".$_SESSION["path_root"]."\";

\$config->db_host = \"".$_SESSION["dbhost"]."\";
\$config->db_user = \"".$_SESSION["dbuser"]."\";
\$config->db_pass = \"".$_SESSION["dbpass"]."\";
\$config->db_db = \"".$_SESSION["dbdb"]."\";
\$config->db_prefix = \"".$_SESSION["dbprefix"]."\";

//create first log ;-)
$smarty->assign("usermenu_create",$usermenu_create) ;
$smarty->assign("websettings_create",$websettings_cre ate);
$smarty->assign("webadmin_create",$webadmin_create) ;
if($sitenr==7 && isset($_POST["check7"])) {
//clear smarty cache
//delete setup.php
header("Location: index.php");

$_SESSION["path_root"] = $config->path_root;
$_SESSION["document_root"] = $config->document_root;

// Generate template

which part to remove?

Kia 01-26-2015 11:32

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
PHP Code:

//search for all needed previleges 

Skuduriukas 01-26-2015 12:15

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
Then i get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/u536752076/public_html/amxbans/setup.php on line 346
line 346:

:/ hmm what the hell :/

Kia 01-26-2015 12:40

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
Remove that.

Skuduriukas 01-26-2015 12:58

Re: How to correctly install amxbans?
But its code ending symbol.. Well i removed now they say the same about other line.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/u536752076/public_html/amxbans/setup.php on line 345


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