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ozzyzorda 05-14-2006 12:05

Weapon leveling
**And Lets assume I disable hero's like Morphius, Master Cheif, (heroes that have weapon multipiers)and The like. **
~End Edit

OK this Idea has been sturing up in mai brain for the last couple of days now.

Flammers just stfu and listen. If this idea has been used, ok, I am sorry. I haven't seen anything like it. I also don't know whether it would bad or good as a hero or if it would be better suited as a mod. If it would be better as a mod I will submit it to (or whatever the name of the website is)

Ok. For now I will call this hero/mod "Level Me". The only easy way I can describle this would be once you chose this hero a WW3 type leveling is enabled, but instead of getting other powers your weapons are your class(no menu). As you use a weapon you gain "experience" for THAT gun. As you gain more experience and as you use a gun more your damage multiplyer increases by 0.01 or 0.02 or whatever. and once you disable the hero you lose your modifiers


//Hero CVAR's

hero_level 5            //Level this hero is enabled
hero_weaponlevel 0.02      //modifyer increase per weapon level
hero_killlevel 15        //global setting of how many kills it takes to level your weapons.
(continue for max of 5 or 10 guns to list or just edit the cvar in the .sma then recompile)

hero_killlevel description continued:

Set to -1(or 0, whichever works) to modify weapon levels individually (this should be set up if it is given any number higher than 0 all the next CVARS are over written)


mydas 05-14-2006 12:59

there are enough hero with multipliers as is, your hero would work only if
1. the server wouldn't have most of the other multiplier heroes or
2. it would be a mod ^_^.

the idea is very cool. gain proficiency in what u're using ... interesting fun mod that would be. but what would snipers get ? i would suggest speed, cuz damage is redundant.

this could be very complex. like if you die very often, your hp will go up by a lot. but once you have a better ratio, your hp will drop to normal (but not suddenly), and you gain more damage or i dunno, speed can be thrown in too.

ozzyzorda 05-14-2006 13:36


Originally Posted by mydas
this could be very complex. like if you die very often, your hp will go up by a lot. but once you have a better ratio, your hp will drop to normal (but not suddenly), and you gain more damage or i dunno, speed can be thrown in too.

funnily enough as it may be, that was the topic of my next post. lol. a mod to even out hp against players who have a better skills against noobies. basicly to give noobies a better chance of killing. but that is for another post.

*snipers would get better SLIGHTLY better speed while zooming. Accuracy would need to decrease though, to keep from sniper spamming.

mydas 05-14-2006 14:58

how can u decrease accuracy ? make your crosshair tremble or what ?

ozzyzorda 05-14-2006 23:33


Originally Posted by Midas
how can u decrease accuracy ? make your crosshair tremble or what ?

I dunno. that would be cool, though. Maybe the more they move the more they "tremble". Well, anyone else with an Idea?

**And Lets assume I disable hero's like Morphius, Master Cheif, and The like. **

mydas 05-15-2006 04:56

well no sniper shoots while mooving, right ? what good will it do ?

ozzyzorda 05-15-2006 12:33

I guess we could keep the accuracy intact, but there would definately need to be moderation of sniper spam. Maybe add sniper fatigue(if they stay in sniper mode too long they start trembling. As they advance, they lose the trembling by so much)

This would be an awesome idea to to the opposite mod. They start out as woop ars, but as they become stronger(i.e. they get more kills with a specific weapon) the weapon becomes less desirable due to "wear and tear" and maybe becomes less responsive, "malfunctions", becomes less accurate, or "misfires", and you have to pay to "Fix" it, but the more you level the less likely and more expensive it will be for the gun to be completely fixed.

there would be ALOT of math involved.

God, I hate when mai mind races like this. if any of this is confusing ask and I will clerify to the best of mai ability. I am just putting mai thoughts down before I forget them. I will organize everything as more things become set in stone.

mydas 05-15-2006 15:12

I understood you perfectly, but it's probably undesirable by most people, that can handle only few weapons.

ozzyzorda 05-15-2006 18:03


Originally Posted by mydas
...but it's probably undesirable by most people, that can handle only few weapons.

ok, now you lost me. Who or what can handle only a few weapons. and if you mean other player, that's good it forces players to use weapons they don't normally use, i.e. they get better at weapons they don't like cuz they can't use it well. Do you get that point? wow, I just thought of that benefit!!!

mydas 05-15-2006 18:25

What I mean was, ppl generally use 1 weapon, 2 at most which they're good at.

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