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Furibaito 09-02-2012 08:57

[CSS] Hurt Effects [1.1]
1 Attachment(s)
Version 1.2 by Furibaito

*CS:GO support are dropped at the moment until I found a fix*

Plugin Description

This is a simple effects plugin that gives visual effects when a player is being hit or hurt. The visual effects are screen fading and shaking. This can be configured that the effects can be created on headshot only or do the effects whenever the player is hurt.

The plugin works on CS:S and CS:GO, and other source games but without the headshot-settings.

This plugin requires Sourcemod 1.5.0+

Install it like other plugins, download the .smx file then put it on addons/sourcemod/plugins folder.

Put these to your server.cfg or anything.


hfx_version // Plugin Version

hfx_enable 1 // Enable/Disable this plugin
hfx_fade_mode 1 // Set the fade effect mode | 1 = Always fade when hurt | 2 = Fade on headshot only | 3 = Fade on HE damage | 4 = Headshot and HE only | 0 to disable fade effects
hfx_shake_mode 4 // Set the shake effect mode | 1 = Always fade when hurt | 2 = Fade on headshot only | 3 = Fade on HE damage | 4 = Headshot and HE only | 0 to disable shake effects
hfx_disable_team 0 // Disable effects on specific team? 2 = T | 3 = CT | 0 Enable for all
hfx_disable_world_damage 0 //Disable fade effects on world damages such as falling or physics damage
hfx_fade_power 1.0 //Scales the fade effect, 1.0 = Normal , 2.0 = 2 x Stronger fade, etc
hfx_shake_power 1.0 //Scales the shake effect, 1.0 = Normal , 2.0 = 2 x Stronger shake, etc


I will rewriting and optimizing the plugin. This is messy D:
Will provide flashing red screen when low on health on the next update..



- First public release

- Added config to enable/disable effects on specific team
- Fixing a bug

- Fixed a bug when nade fade effects are too intense
- Fade effects should be more smoother now

- Fixed a bug when a player is hurt from world damage

- Added setting to disable effects on world damage
- Deleting useless things in the source code

[0.8 - 1.0] - SKIPPED / Private release

[1.1] Recommended to Update!
- Revamped the fade effects, sometimes it was too strong or too weak in the past versions
- Added cvar to modify the strength of the effects

eyes of hunter 09-11-2012 11:50

Re: [CSS] Hurt Effects [0.3]
Any chance you post a video?

SHAREN 09-26-2012 10:31

Re: [CSS] Hurt Effects [0.3]
Jail on a server players do not like this plugin when they play for the CT, Furibaito, do pozhaluchsta that effect would redistribute only on T

Furibaito 09-26-2012 11:46

Re: [CSS] Hurt Effects [0.3]
Sorry for a very long reply guys, I'm currently on a mid-term test and school project and will continue to update this plugin soon..
I'll make a video and add team settings next update. Which is probably tomorrow.

angel635 10-09-2012 09:50

Re: [CSS] Hurt Effects [0.5]
1 Attachment(s)

Log erreur

Furibaito 10-10-2012 10:43

Re: [CSS/CSGO] Hurt Effects [0.7]


- Added setting to disable effects on world damage
- Deleting useless things in the source code

Also added video!


Originally Posted by angel635 (Post 1815529)

Log erreur

I could not reproduce this error, but I think it should be fixed after update.

InB 10-13-2012 14:35

Re: [CSS/CS:GO] Hurt Effects [0.7]

Can you make this effect that when you spawn your screen shakes and fades for 3 seconds?

And , This is an Amazing plugin good job man! It's really sick!

kylelawfirm 10-13-2012 15:21

Re: [CSS/CS:GO] Hurt Effects [0.7]
This is a very good post. I am very much agree to learn CSS. This help me very much
The Kyle Law Firm

kylelawfirm 10-13-2012 15:22

Re: [CSS/CS:GO] Hurt Effects [0.7]
This is a very good post for me, because I am very much interested to learn CSS, This post help me to learn it.

hajmus 10-13-2012 17:22

Re: [CSS/CS:GO] Hurt Effects [0.7]
Nice Idea, i will try this plugin on GO... :)

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