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Diegorkable 07-01-2012 09:06

Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests
Hey guys! :)

So you all know my Auto-Mix Plugin (I hope :P), I am about to release a new version of the auto-mix and to the new version I added Multi-Lingual support.

Languages Translated:
Languages left to translate:
  • Serbian - [sr]
  • Turkish - [tr]
  • French - [fr]
  • Slovac - [sv]
  • Danish - [da]
  • Polish - [pl]
  • Dutch - [nl]
  • Czech - [cz]
  • Finnish - [fi]
  • L33t Sp3ak - [ls]
  • Bulgarian - [bg]
  • Hungarian - [hu]
  • Latvian - [lv]
  • Slovak - [sk]

I'd be very glad if you could help me translate all of these, that is the only thing that hinders me from posting the new version of the auto-mix, so as soon as you help me translate these, the soon I update.

Translation Guiding:

I'll post the text below, all you've got to do is go sentence by sentece and translate them in your own words according to what was written in english.

In the sentence, please ignore the following signs: ^n, \r, \w, \y, \d, %s, %d, %f, %i, %L and OTHER signs which are NOT words, you have a good enough brain to see what I'm talking about :)

Also put at the beginning of the text, like I put [en], put the [?] of the language you translate it to, the list of them are at the "Languages left to translate" up at the post.

So here is the text to translate:


NOT_ADMIN = You are not an admin!
SHOW_SCORE = Score: (Terrorists) %d - %d (Counter-Terrorists)
SHOW_SCORE_TAG = Score: (Team-A) %d - %d (Team-B)
MATCH_NOT_STARTED = A match hasn't started yet!
LOSE_POINTS_TK = You have LOST %d points for Team Killing.
LOSE_POINTS_KNIFE = You have LOST %d points for dieing from a KNIFE
LOSE_POINTS_KILL = You have LOST %d points for dieing!
LOSE_POINTS_LOSE = You have LOST %d points for losing!
GAIN_POINTS_KNIFE = You have GAINED %d points for killing with a KNIFE!
GAIN_POINTS_KILL = You have GAINED %d points for killing!
GAIN_POINTS_PLANT = You have GAINED %d points for Planting the Bomb.
GAIN_POINTS_DEFUSE = You have GAINED %d points for Defusing the Bomb.
GAIN_POINTS_WIN = You have GAINED %d points for winning!
NO_SHIELD = Shield has been disabled on this server!
NO_SHIELD_KNIFEROUND = You can not buy shield on the knife round!
FF_DISABLED = FriendlyFire has been disabled temporarily. Team-Killing may get you BANNED!
FF_WARNING = Warning! Attacking your teammates can get you banned.
FF_WARNING_FINAL = You have been enough warned! Attacking your teammates can get you banned, be aware.
FF_OFF = FriendlyFire will now be OFF until next round.
FF_ON = FriendlyFire is back ON! WARNING: TK may get you BANNED!!!
FF_ANNOYING = If %s is team attacking just to be annoying, use !voteban
FF_EXCEED = You can not vote anymore at this match.
FF_NO_ABUSERS = No players have been detected as abusers!
VOTE_IN_PROGRESS = There is already a vote going on!
BAN_VOTE_SUCCESS = Ban vote succeed.
BAN_VOTE_FAIL = Ban vote failed.
VOTED_TO_BE_BANNED = was voted to be BANNED
VOTED_TO_BAN = %s Voted to be banned for abusing.
AFK_LOGIN = AFK on login.
AFK_KICK = You were kicked for being AFK longer than %i seconds
ADD_TIME_OVER = You've been kicked for not typing !add for %d seconds.

PUG_INI_ERROR = ERROR! Pug.ini file not found.
TEAM_A = Team A
TEAM_B = Team B
TERRORISTS = Terrorists
COUNTER_TERRORISTS = Counter-Terrorists
T_FULL = The Terrorists Team
CT_FULL = The Counter-Terrorists Team
SERVER_PASSWORD_REMOVED = Server password has been REMOVED.
SHOW_INFO = Check out !cmds for commands, or press M to display the player's menu.
SHOW_INFO_2 = You can also type !mute to mute a player.
KNIFE_ROUND_WON = has won the knife round!
KNIFE_ROUND_WITHDRAW = Knife round is withdrawn! No team has won.
NOT_ENOUGH_TEAMMATES = One of the teams has %d teammates or LESS!
NOT_ENOUGH_TEAMMATES2 = If that team will not gain its teammates back within %d next rounds, the other team will automatically WIN.
T_AUTO_WON = The Terrorists Team has automatically won due to lack of teammates at the rival team.
CT_AUTO_WON = The Counter-Terrorists Team has automatically won due to lack of teammates at the rival team.
NO_TEAM_WON = Teams are equal! Game is withdrawn.
ENDING_MATCH = Ending match in 5 seconds...
SWITCH_TEAMS = 15 Rounds have passed, switching teams!
CLIENT_AFK_KICKED = has been kicked out of the server for being afk on login.
CLIENT_ADD_KICKED = %s have been kicked for not typing !add for %d seconds.
TYPE_READY = Please type !add to be Ready! You will be kicked in %d seconds if you don't type it.
TYPE_READY_HUD = Seconds left! Type !add
MATCH_ALREADY_STARTED = A match has already started!
ALREADY_TYPED_ADD = You have already typed !add
HUD_PLAYERS_READY = Players are Ready.

YOU_ARE_READY = You are now ready!
HE_IS_READY = %s is now ready!
YOU_ARE_NOT_READY = You are not ready anymore!
ADD_NOT_TYPED = You haven't even typed !add
PLAYERS_LEFT = %d players left to start the match!
MAP_VOTE_BEGINS = Map voting will begin shortly...
TEAMS_VOTE_BEGINS = Teams voting will begin shortly...
ADMINS_ONLY = Only admins can execute that command!

CREDITS_1 = Credits: This Mix Mode was built by p1Mp.
CREDITS_2 = Author contact: (Skype) diegork759
CMDS_1 = Commands: !menu (Press M), !ranks, !cmds, !score
CMDS_2 = !mute, !credits, (Admin Console) amx_automix_settings.
CMDS_3 = !startmatch (ADMINS), !stopmatch (ADMINS)
AUTO_MIX_BY = Auto-Mix (Pug) By: p1Mp - Version %s

CHANGE_MAP = Change map?
EXTEND_MAP = Extend current map
PLEASE_VOTE_MAP = Please vote for the map you'd like to play in.
VOTED_MAP = %s voted for the map %s
VOTED_EXTEND = %s voted to extend the current map.
MAP_FINAL = The map will be changed within 10 seconds. The map that was chosen is: %s.
EXTEND_FINAL = The current map will be extended for this match.
FF_PICK = What would you like FriendlyFire to be? (On/Off)
FF_VOTED_ON = %s voted for FriendlyFire to be: On.
FF_VOTED_OFF = %s voted for FriendlyFire to be: Off.
FF_BE_ON = Friendly Fire will be On!
FF_BE_OFF = Friendly Fire will be Off!
FF_VOTE_START = Friendly Fire vote will now start...
TEAMS_VOTE_START = Teams organization vote will be started in 10 seconds.
PLAYERS_NOT_JOINING = Players are not joining! Match is over...
TEAMS_VOTE_DELAY = Teams organization vote will be delayed in another 15 seconds since everyone hasn't joined in yet.
TEAMS_VOTE_DELAY_HUD = Teams Vote DELAYED - Restarting match in %d Seconds
TEAMS_TITLE = How do you want the teams organized?
SAME_TEAMS = Same teams.
RANDOM_CAPTAINS = Random captains.
RANDOM_TEAMS = Random teams.
TEAMS_PLEASE_VOTE = Please pick the way you'd like the teams to be organized.
NOT_AVAILABLE_WITH_BOTS = That feature is NOT available when there are bots online!
VOTED_SAME = %s voted for: Same teams.
VOTED_CAPTAINS = %s voted for: Random captains.
VOTED_RANDOM = %s voted for: Random teams.
TEAMS_NOT_BALANCED = Teams are not balanced! Randomizing teams in 10 seconds.
TEAMS_WILL_REMAIN_SAME = The teams will remain the same, match will start in 10 seconds.
TEAMS_WILL_BE_CAPTAINS = Random Captains will be chosen in 10 seconds.
TEAMS_WILL_BE_RANDOM = Random teams will be set in 10 seconds.
LESS_PLAYERS_CUSTOM = There are less than 2 players, can not pick 2 captains. Randomizing teams... (Custom Game)
LESS_PLAYERS = There are less than 2 players, restarting match...
RANDOM_CAPTAINS_CHOSEN = Random captains were chosen, The captains will now choose their teammates.
TERROR_CAPTAIN_FIRST = Terrorists's Captain, please choose first.
CAPTAINS_AFK = One of the captains is AFK! Randomizing teams...
CAPTAINS_DISCONNECTED = One of the captains has disconnected! Randomizing Teams...
CAPTAINS_DISCONNECTED_HUD = One of the Captains has LOGGED OUT!^nRandomizing Teams in 5 seconds...
TEAMS_ARE_SET = All teams are set! Match will start in 10 seconds...
TEAMS_ARE_SET_HUD = All teams are set!
CHOOSE_PLAYER = Choose a Player to move to your team:
TERROR_TEAM_FULL = Terrorists Team is FULL! Going back to CT Captain.
CT_TEAM_FULL = Counter-Terrorists Team is FULL! Going back to T Captain.
CHOSEN_IN_TEAM_TERROR = %s was chosen to be in Terrorists Team by %s the Captain.
CHOSEN_IN_TEAM_CT = %s was chosen to be in Counter-Terrorists Team by %s the Captain.
TEAMS_RANDOMIZED = Teams has been randomized! Starting match in 5 seconds...
MATCH_DELAYED = The match will be delayed in 15 seconds. (Minimum 8 PLAYERS).
NO_MINIMUM = There are no longer %d players MINIMUM. Match is starting over.
NO_MINIMUM_CONTINUE = Pre-game settings are now loaded. Please wait...
MIX_SETTINGS_LOADED = Mix settings are now loaded. Please wait...
KNIFE_MENU_TITLE = Do you want to switch teams?
KNIFE_MENU_VOTED_STAY = You have voted to: Stay.
KNIFE_MENU_VOTED_SWAP = You have voted to: Swap.
KNIFE_MENU_RESULT = Switching teams result is
KNIFE_ROUND_START = Knife round will now start...
KNIFE_ROUND_ATTENTION = Attention! Knife round has NOW started.
MATCH_START = The match has been started...

FIRST_HALF_STARTED = 1st HALF Started. Match is now live...
MATCH_OVER = Match is over! (%d - %d)
MATCH_OVER2 = Match is over! A new match will be started in 10 seconds.
MATCH_OVER3 = You can re-join the next match by typing !add again.
PLUGIN_RESTART = Plugin will restart in 10 seconds.

PLAYER_PERSONAL_INFO = ------------------------------------------^nWelcome to %s^n^nTo start a game, type !add^nPress the 'M' Button ('chooseteam') or type !menu to open the menu.^nYou have %d seconds left to type !add^n^nPlugin scripted by p1Mp^n------------------------------------------
RANKING_TABLE = Match Player Rankings^n-----------------------------^n^n%s has won the Match!^n^nTop Kills - %s [%d Kills]^nTop Deaths - %s [%d Deaths]^nTop Bomb Plants - %s [%d Bomb Plants]^nTop Bomb Defusions - %s [%d Bomb Defusions]^nPug Leaves - %d
RANK_SYSTEM_DISABLED = The Ranks system feature has been disabled on this server!
MENU_BLOCK = %s You can not open the menu right now!
MUTE_MENU_DISABLE = The mute menu option is disabled!
OPTION_NOT_AVAILABLE = Option is not available!
ENTER_POSITIVE_VALUE = You must enter a positive value!
AFK_TIME_WARN = You have %i seconds to move or you will be kicked for being AFK
AFK_KICKED = %s was kicked for being AFK longer than %i seconds

YOU_HAVE_BEEN_WARNED = %s You have been warned! (Team-Kill)
TK_BANNED = %s is BANNED for TK!
TK_WARNING = Warning!!! Team-Killing May Get You Banned!
TK_QUERY = Is %s Annoying?! Type !voteban

DID_A_MINIACE = %s just did a Mini ACE!
DID_AN_ACE = %s just did an ACE!
MATCH_STOPPED = The Match has been stopped ^nby the Admin %s
JUST_KNIFED = %s just KNIFED %s!
KNIFE_ROUND_WINNERS = Knife Round Winners.
KNIFE_ROUND_WITHDRAWN_HUD = Withdraw - Match continues.
LAST_ROUND = Last round has been started.
SECOND_HALF_STARTED = 2nd HALF Started. Match is now live...

CHOOSE_PLAYER_VOTEBAN = Choose a player to vote for ban
BAN = Ban
BOTH = Both
ENABLED = Enabled
DISABLED = Disabled
UP = Up
DOWN = Down
RIGHT = Right
LEFT = Left
BACK = Back

READY_POS_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\wReady Pos Settings:^n\dX Pos: %f^nY Pos: %f\w
NOTREADY_POS_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\wNot Ready Pos Settings:^n\dX Pos: %f^nY Pos: %f\w
FF_MENU_TITLE = Friendly Fire?
RANKS_LIST_MENU_TITLE = Players' Ranks List
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM1 = \wMax Players [\y%d\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM2 = Time Left (!add) [\y%d\w seconds]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM3 = Players List [\y%L\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM4 = FriendlyFire Vote [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM5 = Knife Round [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM7 = Mute Menu [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM8 = Allow Shield [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM9 = Maps Vote [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM10 = Match Rankings [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM11 = \wTeams Tag [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM12 = (Mini) Ace Announce [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM14 = Ready Pos [\ySettings\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM15 = Not Ready Pos [\ySettings\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM16 = Ranks System [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM17 = Ranks System Messages [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM18 = Points Values [\ySettings\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM19 = Ranks Points Prices [\ySettings\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Points Gains/Loses:^n\dSet to 0 to NOT give/take.
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Killing [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Killing w/ Knife [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Winning a Match [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Playing until the end [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Leaves match\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM6 = Seconds to return points [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM7 = Team Kill\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM8 = Bomb Plant [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM9 = Bomb Defuse [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM10 = Dieing\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM11 = Dieing by Knife\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM12 = Losing a match \d(Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_DIRECTIONS = Please enter in chat the\y value\w of^nhow many\r seconds\w until a player can get ^nhis points back, if left match.^n^nTo cancel press '\r0\w'.
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_DIRECTIONS2 = Please enter in chat the\y value\w of^nthe option you just picked...^n^nTo cancel press '\r0\w'.
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Ranks Points Prices:^n\dUntil these values you will be the rank specified.
PLAYERS_MENU_TITLE = \rPlayers menu:
PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM1 = Display Commands
PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM4 = Mute a player
PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM5 = List of Players' ranks
RANKS_MENU_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\r %s\w's Stats:^n^nPoints: %s^nRank:\r %L\w (\r%s\w)^n^n^n\r0.\w Back
TK_BAN_MENU_ITEM = Disconnected
TEAM_INFO_CAPTAINS = Captain: %s^n^nTeammates:
MENU_INFO_MUTED = \r(Muted)\w
PLAYERS_LEFT_HUD = Players left. Type !add.

I know its alot of text to translate, but what to do, it's a big plugin aswell :)
There are 234 sentences to translate.

Thank you very much for the help!

cisse3 07-01-2012 17:40

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests

[PT - Portuguese]

NOT_ADMIN = Nao es Admin
SHOW_SCORE = Score: (Terroristas) %d - %d (Contra-Terroristas)
SHOW_SCORE_TAG = Score: (Equipa-A) %d - %d (Equipa-B)
MATCH_NOT_STARTED = O jogo ainda nao comecou
LOSE_POINTS_TK = Perdeste %d pontos por TK!
LOSE_POINTS_KNIFE = Perdeste %d pontos por morrer de faca!
LOSE_POINTS_KILL = Perdeste %d pontos por morrer!
GAIN_POINTS_KNIFE = Ganhaste %d pontos por matares de faca!
GAIN_POINTS_KILL = Ganhaste %d pontos por matares!
GAIN_POINTS_PLANT = Ganhaste %d pontos por Plantares a Bomba.
GAIN_POINTS_DEFUSE = Ganhaste %d pontos por Defusares a bomba.
GAIN_POINTS_WIN = Ganhaste %d pontos pela Vitoria!
NO_SHIELD = Escudo foi desativado neste servidor!
NO_SHIELD_KNIFEROUND = Nao podes comprar escudo na ronda de faca!
FF_DISABLED = Fogo Amigo foi desativado temporariamente. TK pode originar BAN!
FF_WARNING = Aviso!  Atacar os teus companheiros de equipa, pode originar BAN!
FF_WARNING_FINAL = Foste continuamente avisado!  Atacar os teus companheiros de equipa, pode originar BAN, tem cuidado.
FF_OFF = Fogo Amigo estara agora DESLIGADO ate a proxima ronda.
FF_ON = Fogo Amigo esta novamente LIGADO! AVISO: TK pode originar em BAN!!!
FF_ANNOYING = Se %s esta a fazer TK por ser irritante, usa !voteban
FF_EXCEED = Nao podes votar mais neste jogo.
FF_NO_ABUSERS = Nenhum jogador foi detectado como abusador!
VOTE_IN_PROGRESS = Ja esta uma votacao em curso!
BAN_VOTE_SUCCESS = Voto para BAN com sucesso.
BAN_VOTE_FAIL = Voto para BAN falhado.
VOTED_TO_BE_BANNED = Foi votado para ser banido
VOTED_TO_BAN = %s votou para ser banido por Abuso.
AFK_LOGIN = AFK no login.
AFK_KICK = Foste kickado por estar AFK mais de %i segundos.
ADD_TIME_OVER = Foste kickado por nao escrever !add durante %d segundos.

PUG_INI_ERROR = ERRO! Ficheiro Pug.ini nao foi encontrado.
TEAM_A = Equipa A
TEAM_B = Equipa B
TERRORISTS = Terroristas
COUNTER_TERRORISTS = Contra-Terroristas
T_FULL = A equipa dos Terroristas
CT_FULL = A equipa dos Contra-Terroristas
SERVER_PASSWORD_PROTECTED = Servidor esta agora PROTEGIDO com password.
SERVER_PASSWORD_REMOVED = A password do servidor foi REMOVIDA.
SERVER_FULL = Servidor esta cheio!
SHOW_INFO = Escreve !cmds para ver os comandos, ou carrega M para o menu de utilizador.
SHOW_INFO_2 = Podes tambem escrever !mute para mutar um jogador.
KNIFE_ROUND_WON = ganhou a ronda de faca!
KNIFE_ROUND_WITHDRAW = Ronda de faca acabou em EMPATE! Nenhuma equipa ganhou.
NOT_ENOUGH_TEAMMATES = Uma das equipas tem %d jogadores A MENOS!
NOT_ENOUGH_TEAMMATES2 = Se a equipa nao ganhar os jogadores de volta nas %d proximas rondas, a outra equipa GANHARA automaticamente.
T_AUTO_WON = A equipa dos Terroristas ganhou automaticamente devido a falta de jogadores da equipa rival.
CT_AUTO_WON =  A equipa dos Contra-Terroristas ganhou automaticamente devido a falta de jogadores da equipa rival.
NO_TEAM_WON = Equipas estao em equilibrio! O jogo esta EMPATADO.
ENDING_MATCH = Finalizando o jogo em 5 segundos...
SWITCH_TEAMS = Passaram 15 rondas, Troca de equipas!
CLIENT_AFK_KICKED = Foi kickado do servidor por estar AFK no login.
CLIENT_ADD_KICKED = %s Foi kickado por nao escrever !add durante %d segundos.
TYPE_READY = Por favor escreve !add para ficares PRONTO para jogar! Vais ser kickado em %d segundos se nao escreveres.
TYPE_READY_HUD = Segundos restantes! Escreve !add
MATCH_ALREADY_STARTED = O jogo ja comecou!
ALREADY_TYPED_ADD = Ja escreveste !add
HUD_NOT_READY = Nao esta Pronto
HUD_READY = Esta Pronto
HUD_PLAYERS_READY = Jogadores estao Prontos.

YOU_ARE_READY = Estas agora Pronto para jogar!
HE_IS_READY = %s esta Pronto para jogar!
YOU_ARE_NOT_READY = Ja nao estas Pronto para jogar!
ADD_NOT_TYPED = Ainda nao escreveste !add
PLAYERS_LEFT = %d restantes para comecar o jogo!
MAP_VOTE_BEGINS = Votacao do mapa comecara brevemente...
TEAMS_VOTE_BEGINS = Votacao de equipas comecara brevemente...
ADMINS_ONLY = Apenas ADMINS podem executar esse comando!

CREDITS_1 = Creditos: Este modo mix foi criado por p1Mp.
CREDITS_2 = Contacto do autor: (Skype) diegork759
CMDS_1 = Comandos: !menu (Carrega M), !ranks, !cmds, !score
CMDS_2 = !mute, !credits, (Admin Consola) amx_automix_settings.
CMDS_3 = !startmatch (ADMINS), !stopmatch (ADMINS)
AUTO_MIX_BY = Auto-Mix (Pug) Por: p1Mp - Version %s

CHANGE_MAP = Mudar de mapa?
EXTEND_MAP = Extender mapa actual
PLEASE_VOTE_MAP = Por favor vota no mapa que desejas jogar.
VOTED_MAP = %s votou no mapa %s
VOTED_EXTEND = %s votou para extender o mapa actual.
MAP_FINAL = O mapa vai ser alterado em 10 segundos. O mapa que foi escolhido foi: %s.
EXTEND_FINAL = O mapa actual vai ser extendido para este jogo.
FF_PICK = Como desejas que o Fogo Amigo fique? (LIGADO/DESLIGADO)
FF_VOTED_ON = %s Votou para o Fogo Amigo ficar: LIGADO.
FF_VOTED_OFF = %s Votou para o Fogo Amigo ficar: DESLIGADO.
FF_BE_ON = Fogo Amigo estara LIGADO!
FF_BE_OFF = Fogo Amigo estara DESLIGADO!
FF_VOTE_START = Votacao para o Fogo Amigo vai comecar...
TEAMS_VOTE_START = Votacao para a organizacao de equipas vai comecar em 10 segundos.
PLAYERS_NOT_JOINING = Jogadores nao entraram! O Jogo acabou...
TEAMS_VOTE_DELAY = A votacao para a organizacao de equipas esta atrasada em 15 segundos uma vez que nao estao todos os jogadores no servidor.
TEAMS_VOTE_DELAY_HUD = Votacao de equipas ATRASADA - Recomecar o jogo em %d Segundos
TEAMS_TITLE = Como queres que fiquem organizadas as equipas?
SAME_TEAMS = Mesmas equipas.
RANDOM_CAPTAINS = Capitaes aleatorios.
RANDOM_TEAMS = Equipas aleatorias.
TEAMS_PLEASE_VOTE = Por favor escolhe a maneira como queres que as equipas fiquem organizadas.
NOT_AVAILABLE_WITH_BOTS = Essa opcao nao esta disponivel quando estao bots online!
VOTED_SAME = %s votou em: Mesmas equipas.
VOTED_CAPTAINS = %s votou em: Capitaes aleatorios
VOTED_RANDOM = %s votou em: Equipas aleatorias.
TEAMS_NOT_BALANCED = Equipas nao estao equilibradas! Escolher equipas aleatorias em 10 segundos.
TEAMS_WILL_REMAIN_SAME = As equipas permanecerao iguais, o jogo ira comecar em 10 segundos.
TEAMS_WILL_BE_CAPTAINS = Capitaes aleatorios serao escolhidos em 10 segundos.
TEAMS_WILL_BE_RANDOM = Equipas aleatorias serao feitas em 10 segundos.
LESS_PLAYERS_CUSTOM = Estao menos de 2 jogadores. Nao se pode escolher 2 Capitaes. Escolhendo equipas aleatorias... (Jogo Customizado)
LESS_PLAYERS = Estao menos de 2 jogadores, Recomecar o jogo...
RANDOM_CAPTAINS_CHOSEN = Capitaes aleatorios foram escolhidos, Os capitaes irao agora escolher os seus companheiros de equipa
TERROR_CAPTAIN_FIRST = Capitao dos Terroristas, escolhe primeiro por favor.
CAPTAINS_AFK = Um dos Capitaes esta AFK! Escolhendo equipas Aleatorias...
CAPTAINS_DISCONNECTED = Um dos Capitaes disconectou-se! Escolhendo equipas Aleatorias...
CAPTAINS_DISCONNECTED_HUD = Um dos Capitaes DESCONECTOU-SE!^nEscolhendo equipas Aleatorias em 5 segundos...
TEAMS_ARE_SET = Equipas feitas! O jogo comecara em 10 segundos...
TEAMS_ARE_SET_HUD = Todas as equipas estao feitas.
CHOOSE_PLAYER = Por favor escolhe um jogador para mover para a tua equipa:
TERROR_TEAM_FULL = A equipa dos Terroristas esta CHEIA! Voltando para o Capitao dos CT's.
CT_TEAM_FULL = A equipa dos Contra-Terroristas esta CHEIA! Voltando para o Capitao dos T's.
CHOSEN_IN_TEAM_TERROR = %s foi escolhido para ficar na equipa dos Terroristas pelo Capitao %s
CHOSEN_IN_TEAM_CT = %s foi escolhido para ficar na equipa dos Contra-Terroristas pelo Capitao %s
TEAMS_RANDOMIZED = Equipas foram escolhidas aleatoriamente! Comecando o jogo em 5 segundos...
MATCH_DELAYED = O jogo ficara atrasado em 15 segundos. (Minimo 8 JOGADORES).
NO_MINIMUM = There are no longer %d players MINIMUM. Match is starting over. (Can't understand the meaning of this sentence)
NO_MINIMUM_CONTINUE = Configuracoes de warmup carregadas. Por favor espera...
MIX_SETTINGS_LOADED = Configuracoes de MIX carregadas. Por favor espera...
KNIFE_MENU_TITLE = Queres trocar de equipas?
KNIFE_MENU_RESULT = O resultado de troca de equipas e:
KNIFE_ROUND_START = A ronda de faca comecara agora...
KNIFE_ROUND_ATTENTION = Atencao! A ronda de faca COMECOU.

FIRST_HALF_STARTED = Primeira Parte COMECOU. O jogo esta agora LIVE...
MATCH_OVER = O jogo ACABOU! (%d - %d)
MATCH_OVER2 =O jogo ACABOU! Um novo jogo comecara em 10 segundos.
MATCH_OVER3 = Podes re-entrar no proximo jogo escrevendo !add outra vez.
PLUGIN_RESTART = Plugin will restart in 10 seconds.

PLAYER_PERSONAL_INFO = ------------------------------------------^nBem Vindo a %s^n^nPara comecar um jogo, escreve !add^nCarrega no 'M' ('chooseteam') ou escreve !menu para abrir o menu de utilizador.^nTens %d segundos restantes para escrever !add^n^nPlugin scriptado por p1Mp^n------------------------------------------
RANKING_TABLE = Estatisticas do jogo^n-----------------------------^n^n%s ganhou o Jogo!^n^nTop Kills - %s [%d Kills]^nTop Deaths - %s [%d Deaths]^nTop Bomb Plants - %s [%d Bomb Plants]^nTop Bomb Defuses - %s [%d Bomb Defuses]^nPug Desistencias - %d
RANK_SYSTEM_DISABLED = A opcao de sistema de Rank, foi desabilitada deste Servidor!
MENU_BLOCK = %s Nao podes abri o menu neste momento!
MUTE_MENU_DISABLE = A opcao do menu de mute esta desabilitada!
OPTION_NOT_AVAILABLE = Opcao nao e valida!
ENTER_POSITIVE_VALUE = Tens de escrever um valor positivo!
AFK_TIME_WARN = tens %i segundos para te mexer, ou seras kickado por estar AFK
AFK_KICKED = %s foi kickado por estar AFK durante %i segundos

YOU_HAVE_BEEN_WARNED = %s Foste Avisado! (Team-Kill)
TK_BANNED = %s foi BANIDO por TK!
TK_WARNING = AVISO!!! TK pode originar BAN!
TK_QUERY =  %s esta a ser irritante?! Escreve !voteban

DID_AN_ACE = %s fez um ACE!
MATCH_STOPPED = O jogo foi interrompido ^npelo Admin %s
KNIFE_ROUND_WINNERS = Vencedores da Ronda de faca.
KNIFE_ROUND_WITHDRAWN_HUD = Com empate - O jogo continua.
SECOND_HALF_STARTED = Segunda parte COMECOU. O jogo esta agora LIVE...

CHOOSE_PLAYER_VOTEBAN = Escolhe um jogador para banir
BAN = Ban
BOTH = Ambos
ENABLED = Activado
DISABLED = Desactivado
UP = Cima
DOWN = Baixo
RIGHT = Direita
LEFT = Esquerda
BACK = Atras

READY_POS_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\wReady Pos Settings:^n\dX Pos: %f^nY Pos: %f\w
NOTREADY_POS_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\wNot Ready Pos Settings:^n\dX Pos: %f^nY Pos: %f\w
FF_MENU_TITLE = Fogo Amigo?
RANKS_LIST_MENU_TITLE = Lista de Rank dos jogadores
SETTINGS_MENU_TITLE = Menu de Configuracoes
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM1 = \wJogadores maximos [\y%d\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM2 = Tempo Restante (!add) [\y%d\w segundos]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM3 = Lista de Jogadores [\y%L\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM4 = Votacao de Fogo Amigo [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM5 = Ronda de faca [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM6 = Sistema de TK [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM7 = Menu de Mute [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM8 = Permitir Escudo [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM9 = Votacao de Mapas [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM10 = Estatisticas do jogo [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM11 = \wTag das Equipas [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM12 = Anuncio de Almost [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM14 = Ready Pos [\ySettings\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM15 = Not Ready Pos [\ySettings\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM16 = Sistema de Rank [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM17 = Mensagems de Sistema de Rank [%s]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM18 = Valores de Pontos [\ySettings\w]
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM19 = Ranks Points Prices [\ySettings\w] (Can't understand the meaning)
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Pontos Vitorias/Derrotas:^n\dEscolhe 0 para NAO dar/retirar.
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Matar com faca [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Ganhar o jogo [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Jogar ate ao fim [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Desistir do jogo\d (Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM6 = Segundos para devolver pontos [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM7 = Team Kill\d (Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM8 = Bomb Plant [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM9 = Bomb Defuse [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM10 = Morrer\d (Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM11 = Morrer de faca \d (Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM12 = Perder o jogo \d(Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_DIRECTIONS = Por favor escreve no chat o\y valor\w de^nquantos\r segundos\w ate um jogador voltar a ter ^nos seus pontos de volta, se saiu a meio de um jogo.^n^nPara cancelar carrega '\r0\w'.
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_DIRECTIONS2 = Por favor escreve no chat o\y valor\w da^nopcao que escolheste...^n^nPara cancelar carrega '\r0\w'.
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Ranks Points Prices:^n\dUntil these values you will be the rank specified.(Once again, i can't understand the meaning of Ranks Points Prices)
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Beginner [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Regular [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Veteran [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Professional [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Hardcore [\y%d\w]
PLAYERS_MENU_TITLE = \r menu de jogador:
PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM3 = Nao Estar Pronto
PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM4 = Dar mute a um jogador
PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM5 = Lista de Rank dos jogadores
TK_BAN_MENU_ITEM = Disconnected
TEAM_INFO_CAPTAINS = Captao: %s^n^nCompanheiros de Equipa:
MENU_INFO_MUTED = \r(Muted)\w

I maybe forgot some things or some of the, may be bad translated. I'm not a professional language translator. If some Portuguese/Brazilian person find some mistake, can correct me :)

Hoping to see the next update soon.


Diegorkable 07-01-2012 20:51

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests
@cisse3 - Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it! :)
And yeah if there will be any fixes for your translations I will edit, anyways its good enough for me :P

Can you please just translate that?

PLAYERS_LEFT_HUD = Players left. Type !add.
I forgot that :) now added.

Also, please translate for me again the sentences you didn't understand. I'll post the explanation here:

NO_MINIMUM - There are no longer some amount of players, which is the minimum. THEREFORE, match is starting over. Imagine you need 5 players minimum to start a match, you dont have any longer 5 players which is the minimum, so the match is starting over

RANKS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE - The title name you can do easily (until the ^n sign), Ranks Points Prices, meaning the Points Prices, the ammount of points that ranks require. For example: you need 500 points to get to rank 2, so the points price of rank 2 is 500, thats why its called Ranks Points Prices.
And then, after the ^n it explaines what I just said, that until you have the amount specificed, for example it tells in the menu "Beginner [500]", so until you have 500 points, you will be titled as a beginner, Thats why: "until these values" the points values..., "you will be the rank specified" until the value of 500, you will be Beginner, which is specified there.

SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM19 - Its just the title name, look at the explanation below.

Just next time please tell me you didnt do a few, cuz I noticed it by an accident, while testing ingame and seeing "(I cant understand that meaning)" :) Thanks and good job. :P

cisse3 07-02-2012 07:28

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests
Sure! And thanks for the explanation. Now its more easy some things :)


PLAYERS_LEFT_HUD = Jogadores sairam. Escreve !add.
NO_MINIMUM = Nao ha %d jogadores SUFICIENTES. O jogo ira recomecar de novo.
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Etapas de Pontos de Rank:^n\dAte estes valores vais ficar no rank especificado.
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM19 = Etapas de Pontos de Rank: [\ySettings\w]

I think this is it. And sorry. I wrote that i couldn't understand exactly on the code because i thought it would be more easy when checking if there was everything ok :P thanks for the tip.

Also, i don't know if you noticed but, in some parts upthere on the code i didn't translate. Like for example:

POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM7 = Team Kill\d (Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM8 = Bomb Plant [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM9 = Bomb Defuse [\y%d\w]

RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Beginner [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Regular [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Veteran [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Professional [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Hardcore [\y%d\w]

I think it has no translation right? Its supposed to be like that i think. At least i know that people understand, but if not, someone that correct me and translate those parts and some others that i may missed.

Diegorkable 07-02-2012 11:19

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests

Originally Posted by cisse3 (Post 1741082)
Sure! And thanks for the explanation. Now its more easy some things :)


PLAYERS_LEFT_HUD = Jogadores sairam. Escreve !add.
NO_MINIMUM = Nao ha %d jogadores SUFICIENTES. O jogo ira recomecar de novo.
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Etapas de Pontos de Rank:^n\dAte estes valores vais ficar no rank especificado.
SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM19 = Etapas de Pontos de Rank: [\ySettings\w]

I think this is it. And sorry. I wrote that i couldn't understand exactly on the code because i thought it would be more easy when checking if there was everything ok :P thanks for the tip.

Also, i don't know if you noticed but, in some parts upthere on the code i didn't translate. Like for example:

POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM7 = Team Kill\d (Derrota)\w [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM8 = Bomb Plant [\y%d\w]
POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM9 = Bomb Defuse [\y%d\w]

RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Beginner [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Regular [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Veteran [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Professional [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Hardcore [\y%d\w]

I think it has no translation right? Its supposed to be like that i think. At least i know that people understand, but if not, someone that correct me and translate those parts and some others that i may missed.

About Team Kill, Bomb Plant and Bomb defuse they must be translated.
The meaning of them is the amount of points you gain or lose. Where you wrote "Derrota" I hope you meant 'lose' in the term of losing points if there is any other term :P
Translat those three to Portugese so they tell what you get when you.... "Team Kill", "Bomb Plant" - Plant a bomb and "Bomb defuse - when you defuse a bomb.

About the RANKS_PRICES ones I am not so sure, I think they need to be translated aswell, people who play in the protugese language must know the definition of their rank, like not all of the portugese people know english good, and I know that cuz I met few and its the same in my country :)

I think its better if you translate these too, so people will know weither they are "Beginner"s or "Regular" players, or "Veteran"s in the server, etc.... if you get what im saying.

ramioca 07-02-2012 15:11

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests
I read the language file and this language is Portuguese from Portugal (pt-pt) and not Portuguese from Brazil (pt-br) but it is similiar :)

Diegorkable 07-02-2012 15:45

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests

Originally Posted by ramioca (Post 1741383)
I read the language file and this language is Portuguese from Portugal (pt-pt) and not Portuguese from Brazil (pt-br) but it is similiar :)

Well.... is it much of a difference? Because in the ML system there is only Portugese from Brazil option, the list of "Languages left to translate" are taken from the amx_langmenu in-game, which I believe are the only languages supported, kinda wierd there is no Portuguese from Portugal (or maybe there is and I'm missing it..?). Anyways, can it still be used as portugese from brazil?

Because it's a big issue to now start looking for Portugese from Brazil. Is it much of a difference? can people from Brazil understand it (good)?

cisse3 07-02-2012 18:56

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests

Originally Posted by Diegorkable (Post 1741413)
Well.... is it much of a difference? Because in the ML system there is only Portugese from Brazil option, the list of "Languages left to translate" are taken from the amx_langmenu in-game, which I believe are the only languages supported, kinda wierd there is no Portuguese from Portugal (or maybe there is and I'm missing it..?). Anyways, can it still be used as portugese from brazil?

Because it's a big issue to now start looking for Portugese from Brazil. Is it much of a difference? can people from Brazil understand it (good)?

Don't worry. Portuguese from Portugal and Portuguese from Brazil are quite similar. Everyone can understand. The only diference between them are some little gramar diferences.
Btw, @ramioca is right. I translated to Portuguese from Portugal.


Originally Posted by Diegorkable (Post 1741413)
About Team Kill, Bomb Plant and Bomb defuse they must be translated.
The meaning of them is the amount of points you gain or lose. Where you wrote "Derrota" I hope you meant 'lose' in the term of losing points if there is any other term
Translat those three to Portugese so they tell what you get when you.... "Team Kill", "Bomb Plant" - Plant a bomb and "Bomb defuse - when you defuse a bomb.

About the RANKS_PRICES ones I am not so sure, I think they need to be translated aswell, people who play in the protugese language must know the definition of their rank, like not all of the portugese people know english good, and I know that cuz I met few and its the same in my country

I think its better if you translate these too, so people will know weither they are "Beginner"s or "Regular" players, or "Veteran"s in the server, etc.... if you get what im saying.

About that, i can't understand the context of those words, that's why i don't know if that can be translated. I need to see where those words will pop up in game to know if it has translation or not. e.g.
Team Kill: We never say team kill in Portuguese. We allways say TK or in some rare cases, Team Kill. Also, that translated to the word, it would be too large. It should be "Team Kill = Matar Companheiro de equipa". I just can't figure out the context of those words in game. Sure some can be translated.

Another thing. where i wrote "Derrota" is with the meaning of "lose the match/defeat". So, as you can see, i need to know the context where this words will appear.

If you mean "Bomb Plant" to "Plant the bomb" i can easly translate it to "Plantar a bomba". But only "Bomb Plant" i don't even know how to translate it, since we are so accustomed to that because of the game it self being in English, like when the Terrorists team win, you hear "Terrorists WIN"

About the others, the rank prices, sure i think i can translate them. It should be:


RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Principiante [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Regular [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Veterano [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Professional [\y%d\w]
RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Hardcore [\y%d\w]

In so many games this comes in English and the diferences are so few between one to another, that i didn't know if it should be translated.

Diegorkable 07-03-2012 07:24

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests
@cisse3 - You can translate it to whatever sounds the same in your country, about the "Bomb Plant" you can translate it to "Planting a bomb", of course... if that is what your language allows you, why not :)
And Team Kill is simple, to describe a "Team Kill"... Killing one of your teammates. if in portugal you use "Team Kill" aswell then leave it like that, you are the guy that plays CS from Portugal, not me.

cisse3 07-04-2012 13:17

Re: Auto-Mix Multi-Lingual Translation Requests
Sure, but i need to know the meaning in-game to know what expression to use. If you know what i mean..

Lets stay it like there. And when you realease your next update we will tell you what is needed to fix and so..

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