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Unreal1 03-10-2012 22:29

Loop while player is alive
How would I create a loop that executes a command every x amount of seconds while the player is alive.

thetwistedpanda 03-10-2012 22:37

Re: Loop while player is alive
How about CreateTimer(1.0, DatTimer, client, TIMER_REPEAT) and keep a Float:g_fTimerCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1] increasing by 1.0 each iteration of the timer. If they're alive, increase g_fTimerCount. If they're dead, set g_fTimerCount back to 0.0 and wait for them to spawn. If g_fTimerCount >= CommandDelay, g_fTimerCount = 0, IssueCommand. Pesudodrunkocodo.

Unreal1 03-10-2012 23:52

Re: Loop while player is alive

Originally Posted by thetwistedpanda (Post 1666415)
How about CreateTimer(1.0, DatTimer, client, TIMER_REPEAT) and keep a Float:g_fTimerCount[MAXPLAYERS + 1] increasing by 1.0 each iteration of the timer. If they're alive, increase g_fTimerCount. If they're dead, set g_fTimerCount back to 0.0 and wait for them to spawn. If g_fTimerCount >= CommandDelay, g_fTimerCount = 0, IssueCommand. Pesudodrunkocodo.

Can you write this out in code?

For example, if I already have:


public Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
                new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"))

//Create the timer stuff here


public Action:whattodo(Handle:timer, any:user_index)
//Does whatever

What do I need to put within the Even_PlayerSpawn meathod so that it executes whattodo on the client every few seconds.

necavi 03-11-2012 00:00

Re: Loop while player is alive
PHP Code:

public Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
client GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event"userid"))

} else {

Something roughly like this would do.

mcpan313 03-11-2012 06:05

Re: Loop while player is alive

Originally Posted by necavi (Post 1666436)
PHP Code:

public Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {
client GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event"userid"))

} else {

Something roughly like this would do.

CloseHandle(whattodo); ? why not use return Plugin_Stop;

necavi 03-11-2012 06:12

Re: Loop while player is alive
Because I don't tend to write many timers using TIMER_REPEAT, and while I considered return Plugin_Stop, I wasn't entirely sure it worked in that instance.

Bacardi 03-11-2012 08:12

Re: Loop while player is alive
I suggest use global Handle, create timer using Handle array index by client index... (what I writing here ?)


dam, I noticed if in timer userid return 0, it empty that array index.....
Then let use only client indexs

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