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ntp 06-22-2014 08:37

server var
the servers im running seem to have fluctuating variance. on map change, the var is at 0.15 to 0.20 msec. however, after a minute or 2, the var jumps up to 0.5 to 0.6. i've done a few tests with both sourcemod and without sourcemod enabled. all this is done sitting on an fresh empty server.

im starting to suspect that this is due to hyperthreading and there is another server on the other virtual core. if so is there anything i can do to improve the var? perhaps something to adjust how hyperthreading is handled?

specs are as follows:

2600k @ stock clock
8gb ram
128gb ssd (samsung 830)

Bacardi 06-22-2014 13:24

Re: server var
That looks so small variance drop.

You maybe just get one bad FPS drop of 50 previous updates.

But, with Intel CPU, you may find Intel C-State Tech from BIOS (C1 C3 C6).
It increase/decrease CPU frequency (GHz) depend CPU usage (%), trying saving power.
Disabling that you get high CPU frequency all the time.

Then I would disable HT as well to not gain too much temprature :/, and it's not usefull.

I just mention this, not telling to do this ;)

ntp 06-23-2014 06:21

Re: server var
the power saving settings in BIOS are all disabled, along with any onboard accesories (sound, gfx etc). i believe it is to do with cpu resource contention causing the variance? this is consistently reproducable on the 2600k. i have another server on an i5 which i will be conducting more tests as its non-hyperthreaded, to see if there are any variance increases there.

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