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Jоnny 01-16-2010 13:46

[L4D1,2] Loot of Zombies 1.6
13 Attachment(s)
The plug-in allows special infected to lose items after death.

All items are divided into categories "Health", "Melle weapons", "Fire-arms", "Explosive weapons", "Thrown weapons ", "Upgrades", "Misc" As there is category No-Drop at which drops out nothing.

All categories divide among themselves the general chance (100%) items losses. If categories type in the sum more than 100% or less than 100% there is a recalculation of probabilities for each category. It means that 100% of "Health" and 100% of the "Upgrades" of near fight will not give loss of two items. They will divide probability of loss among themselves fifty-fifty. In the same way there is a miscalculation of probabilities and for each separate subject of group.
For example:

l4d2_loot_first_aid_kit "1"
l4d2_loot_defibrillator "1"
l4d2_loot_pain_pills "1"
l4d2_loot_adrenaline "1"

Will divide probability of loss of items of group "Health" fifty-fifty - on 25 %

l4d2_loot_first_aid_kit "25"
l4d2_loot_defibrillator "25"
l4d2_loot_pain_pills "25"
l4d2_loot_adrenaline "25"

As will divide probability of loss of items of group "Health" fifty-fifty - on 25 %

At murder infected first of all there is a choice of group of items, then a choice of a item of group. For everyone special infected it is possible to specify the probabilities of loss of groups. As it is possible to specify global No-Drop which will extend on all types of the special infected.

Variables of a plug-in are deprived flag FCVAR_NOTIFY to avoid flooding game by the foreign plug-ins changing probability drops dynamically.

Plugin cvars sample:

1. l4d2_loot 0/1 - off/on plugin
2. l4d2_loot_version -  plugin version
3. l4d2_loot_from_players 0/1 - drops (or not) items from real players (not bots)
4. l4d2_loot_scavenge_gascans 0/1 - drops (or not) gascans on scavenge
5. l4d2_loot_survival_defibs 0/1 - drops (or not) defibs on survival
6. l4d2_loot_g_chance_nodrop - global chance to no-drop (0%..100%)
7. l4d2_loot_h_drop_items - how many items hunter will drop after his death
8. l4d2_loot_b_drop_items - how many items boomer will drop after his death
9. l4d2_loot_c_drop_items - how many items charger will drop after his death
10. l4d2_loot_sp_drop_items - how many items spitter will drop after his death
11. l4d2_loot_j_drop_items - how many items jockey will drop after his death
12. l4d2_loot_t_drop_items - how many items tank will drop after his death
l4d2_loot_h_chance_health - chance to drop items from "Health" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_melee - chance to drop items from "Melee" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_bullet - chance to drop items from "Fire-arms" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_explosive - chance to drop items from "Explosive" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_throw - chance to drop items from "Throw" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_upgrades - chance to drop items from "Upgrades" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_misc - chance to drop items from "Misc" group
l4d2_loot_h_chance_nodrop - chance to drop nothing

Full cvarlist you can find in l4d_loot.cfg and l4d2_loot.cfg


Reason for Unapproving:
Uses same public cvar as existing approved plugin. Author refuses to change.
It is a lie. This plugin was first one which used cvar l4d2_loot_version.

Plugin created 01-16-10 , 23:46
Another one with cvar l4d2_loot_version have another date: 02-25-10 , 13:19

When I have created a variable l4d2_loot_version - it was first cvar with this name. All (approved or not approved) plugins did not used this cvar.
Servers with this Plugin: 10 - in most cases use THIS plugin

1.4 - added riotshield (l4d2_loot_riotshield - MELEE)

  • added nofarm option (l4d_loot_nofarm/l4d2_loot_nofarm 0/1)
  • added l4d_loot_nofarm_panic option
  • fixed sg552
  • added golfclub and rifle_m60
1.2 - added knife, oxygentank, propanetank, rewritten global no-drop.
1.1c - fixed this error
1.1b - added "loot" tag; no more items drops if the murderer not a person (prevent items flood on survival)
1.1 - added "versus" support ("l4d2_loot_from_players")
1.0 - release

Jоnny 01-17-2010 00:35

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
7 Attachment(s)
This autodifficulty works with [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
Chat commands (not team chat, only main): !easy !normal !hard !info

Root admins can use !all easy, !all normal and !all hard chat commands

dacomb 01-17-2010 01:08

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
interesting plugin but are there not already enough items all over the maps as it is without having the infected drop more?

Not a criticism. Just curious what the motivation to create it was.

Jоnny 01-17-2010 02:58

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
its good for increased maxplayers ;)
i have 2 servers with increased maxplayers (coop, survival), so its very usefull :)

Cuthbert 01-20-2010 15:31

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
This is awesome, I'll try it out the minute I get home. This will be an excellent way to dynamically populate maps with extra items, especially ones that are excessively rare like katanas/machettes (melee weapons). Players aren't given enough chances to use the good side-arms.

I've been waiting for something like this, thanks for putting it together.

Cuthbert 01-20-2010 20:10

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
Argh, you could have mentioned there's no Versus support. Leaving aside the question of "who the hell wants to play Campaign," it works great on Campaign.

Anyway, it is the only plugin of its kind (that actually has all the items), so I hope you get this working on Versus sometime soon.

Jоnny 01-21-2010 04:09

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies

Originally Posted by Cuthbert (Post 1061771)
I hope you get this working on Versus sometime soon.


Cuthbert 01-21-2010 11:11

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
Well shut my mouth -- thanks! I'll take another look when I get home.

Cuthbert 01-22-2010 12:14

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
Ok so I gave it a crack in Versus mode, and it worked beautifully. Right now I'm using the plugin to have Hunters drop magnums, and Chargers drop katanas/machettes, and that has made games a lot more enjoyable already. It allows frequent access to side-arms that are desirable, but tediously rare.

Very useful plugin. I did have a pretty rough time setting it up though, I would advise you to do one of two things. If you can, have this plugin create a .cfg file of its own in the user's sourcemod/configs folder, so they don't have to manually enter every line into their server.cfg.

If you can't do that, then you need to explicitly instruct people to set perameters for every line. For a long time my settings weren't working, because I had set perameters for items that I did want to include, but didn't set them for items I wanted to rule out.

Anyway this plugin saves me the trouble of manually spawning weapons into each player's hand at the start of every round (I'm a firm believer that katanas should be readily available), so thank you.

Jоnny 01-22-2010 12:28

Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
now its easy to add "exec loot.cfg" into server.cfg :)

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