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Timocop 10-15-2016 07:17

[RELEASE|SOURCE] BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor

BasicPawn is a very lightweight and basic SourcePawn Editor that uses dynamic Autocompletion and IntelliSense like any other IDE or Advanced Editor.
It supports SourcePawn, Transitional SourcePawn and even AMX Mod X. BasicPawn also has some special features like the simple debugger to debug your plugins and the plugin system to create your own BasicPawn plugins.

Last Supported SourcePawn Compiler
Due to major compiler changes, BasicPawn became incompatible with newer versions of the SourcePawn compiler.
Any version above 1.11-git6724 will not work with BasicPawn until i fix the issue.
Download the last supported compiler here: SourceMod 1.11-git6724 Requirements

BasicPawn requires at least .NET Framework 3.5 to run.
Download .NET Framework 3.5 (Windows)
Use PlayOnLinux for beginners (recommended)
Download and Install .NET Framework 3.5 (Wine)
Download and Install .NET Framework (Wine) Pictures Features
  • Lightweight & Portable
    BasicPawn is a very lightweight editor with a size of a few megabytes.
    All settings are saved in its working directory so you can bring BasicPawn aynwhere!

  • Autocomplete & IntelliSense
    Like most IDE's and editors, BasicPawn supports autocompletion and IntelliSense too.
    (Including methodmap, enum struct and variable autocompletion support)

  • Plugins
    Missing a feature? Write your own plugins using .NET Framework to add more functionality to BasicPawn.
    Available official plugins:
    FTP Uploader
    Automatic Error Reporting
    Translation Editor
    Lysis Decompiler

  • Debugger
    (Possible design changes)
    To make sure your code is running as it should be, you can use the BasicPawn debugger to debug your code.
    Use breakpoints, watch values, set values, caught exceptions and more.

  • Configs
    Create your own configs for every situation.
    Set different compilers, input and output folders, build events and more.

  • Styles
    Customize BasicPawn's Editor syntax styles using the XSHD file format.
    You can find official syntax styles here. FAQ
  • Autocompletion/IntelliSense doenst work! What can i do?
    In order to use the Autocompletion and IntelliSense feature make sure you saved your source to disk and check if all config entries are valid. (e.g. valid include directory)
    Then set the config you want as active. Press F5 to update manualy.

  • Does BasicPawn support AMX Mod X?
    Yes, but not all original Pawn features are supported.

  • Does BasicPawn support Pawn?
    Yes but its very limited. You may want to use some other Pawn editor for it.

  • Does the BasicPawn Debugger work with AMX Mod X/Pawn?
    No, only SourceMod is currently supported.

  • I want to use BasicPawn on Linux how do i install it?
    Because BasicPawn is build for Windows you have to use Wine to use BasicPawn on Linux.
    You may also have to Download the Windows version of SourceMod since the compiler needs to be Win32 too if you want to compile your sources.
    The easiest method to install wine and configure everything is using PlayOnLinux. Because it has a nice GUI.
    First install 'wine-stable' and 'wine-stable-amd64' (If you are running 64 Bit) from the buildin 'Software Manager' to download all dependencies automatically. Because PlayOnLinux wont download Wine dependencies.
    Next install 'PlayOnLinux' the same way then go 'Tools > Manage Wine versions' and install a Wine x86 version (3.0 recommended). If the installation crashes choose a older Wine version.
    In the main window go 'Configure' and create a new configuration. Choose x86 application and select the Wine version we installed previously.
    Once done, go 'Install components' and install 'dotnet35' to install .NET Framework 3.5 which will take a while but its mostly automated.
    Done. You can do some fine tuning.
    (Tested on Linux Ubuntu x86 and Linux Mint x64)

  • Can i use BasicPawn with Mono?
    No, Mono is not supported. BasicPawn can could run with Mono but not for long until it crashes. It makes use of the Windows API and will be unstable if it can't access it.

  • Is '' your website?

More comming soon Download

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Sorry for the broken english, english isn't my native language. Grammar correction suggestions are appreciated. Thanks :).

Timocop 10-15-2016 07:18

Re: BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor
So, since i cant use my homepage link and i dont know how to seperate 2 domains to 2 different subdirectorys on my server using 1 IP, im forced to create a thread here instead.
Does posting links to third party file sharing sites (e.g MEGA) to download the software conflict with "Do not advertise" in the rules?

Lux 10-15-2016 08:22

Re: BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor

Originally Posted by Timocop (Post 2462289)
So, since i cant use my homepage link and i dont know how to seperate 2 domains to 2 different subdirectorys on my server using 1 IP, im forced to create a thread here instead.
Does posting links to third party file sharing sites (e.g MEGA) to download the software conflict with "Do not advertise" in the rules?

My mega links are still here for this plugin

I assume it is okay because the links are still there xD

Grey83 10-15-2016 09:12

Re: BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor
It looks interesting
Is it possible to somehow make the highlight (and autocomplete) separately for the old and the new syntax?
More precisely if necessary that for old syntax the hint as well as in the compiler in the presence of a line "#pragma newdecls required" in plugin heading was issued.

Timocop 10-15-2016 10:05

Re: BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor
For the autocomplete you can already select which syntrax you want to use (
For the seperate syntrax highlight, i may add that to the Design feature todo list.
Maybe each config a custom style?

Do you mean BasicPawn should automatically switch to the new syntrax when "#pragma newdecls required" exist? Yea, seems legit, i'll add that too.
And i'm adding more compiler options later on. In the current version the only way to set arguments is to use shell. (

I've tested BasicPawn on Linux Ubuntu x86 using Wine (Installed .NET Framework 2.0 using Winetricks), it's actually working pretty well and stable.

wall57 11-01-2016 11:15

Re: [RELEASE] BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor
i loved the backwards syntax compatibility, beign able to simply translate ancient plugins to mah mother lang is great, but i'm also looking foward for yer "skin" updates and such customizations. sure there are more functionalities to spawn with each new update, looking foward to that as well as a pawn newbie.

Grey83 11-02-2016 11:16

1 Attachment(s)
It looks good but lacks a few things:
  • transition by clicking on things in the Object Browser to the corresponding part of a plugin
  • highlighting of lines which have been changed
  • mark at the same time several things (in different colors), not just one
Types ConVar and Handle not highlighted. :cry:

It should be something more similar to what can be seen on the attached screenshot (green mark - saved change, orange mark - not saved change).

Timocop 11-02-2016 17:56

Re: [RELEASE] BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor v0.6
New Major Update! v0.6
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Added a super basic debugger. (Uses unmanaged Windows API, untested in Wine)
BasicPawn saves now in *.ini files instead of *.cfg files!
You may need to re-config everything!


Originally Posted by Grey83 (Post 2467076)
highlighting of lines which have been changed


Originally Posted by Grey83 (Post 2467076)
mark at the same time several things (in different colors), not just one

I already have them on my todo list :wink:.

ConVar and Handle aint hardcoded in BasicPawn. BasicPawn will parse them from the includes.
But you'll need to save your source first and setup the include directory in your active config. Or if your source *.sp is next to the include directory use "Automatic" detection and let the Autocomplete update either from the DropDown menu or by hitting F5.
They should be colored then.

asherkin 11-02-2016 19:16

Re: [RELEASE] BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor v0.6
We do not feel comfortable with you distributing closed-source, obfuscated binaries to our community.

Perhaps you would consider joining forces with the author of SPEdit to build a single, awesome, open-source SourcePawn editor?

Timocop 11-02-2016 20:54

Re: [RELEASE] BasicPawn - SourcePawn Editor v0.6

Originally Posted by asherkin (Post 2467171)
We do not feel comfortable with you distributing closed-source, obfuscated binaries to our community.

I know obfuscated programs are suspicious but im only doing it to optimize and compress the program (and holding it closed until i know if im going commercial or not).
The only thing i want is to get a bit attention for what i do, so i dont feel like wasting my time on expensive projects and spreading malware through my software doenst help that at all. Its even the opposite.

I dont want to Open-Source it yet, well, unless im forced to (Please dont abuse) or maybe im going commercial so i can buy certificates (which are expensive btw), who knows.
If im going to Open-Source it, i still need take time to learn how to use Github :oops:, cleanup even more code and set comments everywhere.


Originally Posted by asherkin (Post 2467171)
joining forces with the author of SPEdit to build a single, awesome, open-source SourcePawn editor?

Mhh, im not sure. AeonOne and i have probably different goals or tastes.
Im a bit proud of what i did with BasicPawn. At the beginning i didnt even know how to get on the same level like SPEdit did and scraping BasicPawn now, the only thing currently to get a bit attention for my projects, feels wasted...
We still could help each other tho.

Sorry for the bad english grammar, i hope you understand what i wrote and hopefully we solve this somehow. Do i fear a takedown?
This literally took me over 30 minutes to write this, i did my best xD

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