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badwolf 11-22-2010 23:44

Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
Considering the use of valid steam ids. This code doesn't even print a chat message back when someone says something. Any idea what's wrong with it?


#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools_functions>
public Plugin:myinfo =
        name = "meh",
        author = "meh",
        description = "meh",
        version = "",
        url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
        HookEvent("player_say", Event_PlayerSay);

public Action:Event_PlayerSay(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
        new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        new String:text[200];
        GetEventString(event, "text", text, 200);
        decl String:player_authid[32];
        GetClientAuthString(client, player_authid, sizeof(player_authid));

        PrintToChatAll("[SM] %s", text);
        PrintToChatAll("[SM] %s", player_authid);
        //if (StrContains(player_authid, "1111111", false))
        if (StrContains(player_authid, "2222222", false))
                if (StrContains(text, "fish kill", false))
                if (StrContains(text, "not even winded", false))
                if (StrContains(text, "lag", false))

AltPluzF4 11-23-2010 00:29

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?

You're using %t (which is for translated files.) While I believe you should be using %s.

I'm sure if you check the server, each time player_say is fired you'd get an error such as:

L 11/23/2010 - 00:21:22: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 11/23/2010 - 00:21:22: [SM] Native "VFormat" reported: Language phrase "text" not found
L 11/23/2010 - 00:21:22: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "plugin.smx":
L 11/23/2010 - 00:21:22: [SM]  [0]  Line 283, <path to SRCDS>\orangebox\tf\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\
L 11/23/2010 - 00:21:22: [SM]  [1]  Line 28, plugin.sp::Event_PlayerSay()

I hope this information helps you. If not, let me know and I'll try to further assist you.

badwolf 11-23-2010 00:32

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
The code after that point doesn't work either... I'll try the %s and get back to you.


%s isn't working either.. and it doesn't give any error logs.

AltPluzF4 11-23-2010 00:38

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?

Originally Posted by badwolf (Post 1354908)
The code after that point doesn't work either... I'll try the %s and get back to you.

To the best of my knowledge, once an error is encountered, the rest of the function does not execute.

So, something like:
PHP Code:


It would print "one", then error because there's no variable two, and the function would abort. So it wouldn't display "three".

Sorry, didn't notice you edited your post.
Can you please update your original post with the exact code you're using (with %s) so I can see what may be wrong?

badwolf 11-23-2010 01:00

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
The original code has been modified with the %s instead of %t. Any idea what's wrong with it now? It still doesn't print any messages.

AltPluzF4 11-23-2010 01:05

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
Are you actually in the server when you test this?

PrintToChatAll is defined as this:
PHP Code:

stock PrintToChatAll(const String:format[], any:...)
decl String:buffer[192];
    for (new 
1<= MaxClientsi++)
        if (
VFormat(buffersizeof(buffer), format2);

So, if you're just at the server, it won't actually do anything unless there's someone in-game.

For testing purposes, can you temporarily replace PrintToChatAll with LogMessage? This will let you know if the code is even being reached.

Oh, sorry. I'm going to sleep, and I just realized, you're not checking the client index either. So if client is 0 (using say from server), it will error on GetClientAuthString, since it requires a client index between 1 and MaxClients.
Here's a little snippet:
PHP Code:

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>

public OnPluginStart()

Action:evPlayerSay(Handle:hEvent, const String:szName[], bool:bDontBroadcast)
client GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(hEvent"userid"));
    if (
client 1)
decl String:szAuth[32];

decl String:szText[256];
PrintToServer("[Say] %s : %s"szAuthszText);

Hope that helps.

CrimsonGT 11-23-2010 03:38

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
The more common approach (I am not sure if the game events even actually get called by the game) is to just do RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_PlayerChat); then use that as the callback function.

badwolf 11-23-2010 09:57

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
Yes, I've been in the game for all testing.. on a team.. on the blu team... as a scout...

I have also tried LogMessage, it's what I originally started with, and it didn't work either. I also tried LogToFile, and it didn't work either.

I also tried the RegConsoleCmd for both say and say_team and they didn't work either.

This code that you placed above:


#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>

public OnPluginStart()
    HookEvent("player_say", evPlayerSay);

public Action:evPlayerSay(Handle:hEvent, const String:szName[], bool:bDontBroadcast)
    new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(hEvent, "userid"));
    if (client < 1)
        return Plugin_Continue;
    decl String:szAuth[32];
    GetClientAuthString(client, szAuth, sizeof(szAuth));

    decl String:szText[256];
    GetEventString(hEvent, "text", szText, sizeof(szText));
    PrintToServer("[Say] %s : %s", szAuth, szText);
    return Plugin_Continue;
} doesn't even work, unmodified... just compiled and loaded in as a plugin. And no... there's no error logs or anything of that nature...

FaTony 11-23-2010 10:15

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?
PHP Code:

public OnPluginStart()

Action:Command_Say(client, const String:command[], argc)
decl String:argstring[256];
PrintToServer("%N : %s"clientargstring);
PrintToChatAll("%N : %s"clientargstring);

badwolf 11-23-2010 10:51

Re: Chat Hook, What's Wrong?

Originally Posted by FaTony (Post 1355114)
PHP Code:

public OnPluginStart()

Action:Command_Say(client, const String:command[], argc)
decl String:argstring[256];
PrintToServer("%N : %s"clientargstring);
PrintToChatAll("%N : %s"clientargstring);

OK... Now, this works... Thank you!

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