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kadet.89 03-27-2020 10:47

Call a function by the pointer from FunctionTable
I have these functions from datamaps:



CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile - hegrenade_projectile
- InitializeSpawnFromWorld (Offset 0) (Input)(0 Bytes) - InitializeSpawnFromWorld
- CBaseCSGrenadeProjectileDangerSoundThink (Offset 0) (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_hThrower (Offset 1292) (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bIsLive (Offset 1265) (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_DmgRadius (Offset 1268) (Save)(4 Bytes)
- CBaseGrenadeSmoke (Offset 0) (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseGrenadeExplodeTouch (Offset 0) (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseGrenadeDetonateUse (Offset 0) (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseGrenadePreDetonate (Offset 0) (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseGrenadeDetonate (Offset 0) (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)

I get a void* from CBaseGrenadeDetonate (and it's not nullptr), is there a way to call the function using the pointer?
PHP Code:

virtual void Detonatevoid ); 

I tried to do it like this, but it crashes the server:
PHP Code:

typedef void (*Detonate_pointer)();

voidpointer = ...

Detonate_pointer)pointer ())(); 

PHP Code:

voidpointer = ...
CBaseEntityptr = ...
reinterpret_castvoid(*)(CBaseEntity*) > (pointer ) (ptr ); 

I got inputfunc_t field value from typedescription_t of the "CBaseGrenadeDetonate", I gues that should be the correct funcion pointer, but have no idea ho I can call it

kadet.89 03-27-2020 18:37

Re: Call a function by the pointer from FunctionTable
Here is my solution:

PHP Code:

#define EXTRACT_VOID_FUNCTIONPTR(x)        (*(void **)(&(x)))

void *UTIL_FunctionFromNamedatamap_t *pMap, const char *pName )
    while ( 
pMap )
        for ( 
int i 0pMap->dataNumFieldsi++ )
Assertsizeof(pMap->dataDesc[i].inputFunc) == sizeof(void *) );

            if ( 
pMap->dataDesc[i].flags FTYPEDESC_FUNCTIONTABLE )
                if ( 
FStrEqpNamepMap->dataDesc[i].fieldName ) )
pMap pMap->baseMap;

Msg"Failed to find function %s\n"pName );


typedef void (CBaseEntity::*VALVE_BASEPTR)(void);
typedef void (CBaseEntity::*VALVE_ENTITYFUNCPTR)(CBaseEntity *pOther);

VALVE_BASEPTR CBaseGrenade::func_Detonate nullptr;
VALVE_ENTITYFUNCPTR CBaseGrenade::func_ExplodeTouch nullptr;

void CBaseGrenade::detonate()
func_Detonate != nullptr)

void *ptr UTIL_FunctionFromNameGetDataDescMap_Real(), "CBaseGrenadeDetonate");

memcpy(&func_Detonate, &ptrsizeof(void *));
getBaseEntity()->*func_Detonate)(); //getBaseEntity() returns CBaseEntity*

For GetDataDescMap_Real use standard offset from "GetDataDescMap"
It seams to be the only way to detonate grenades without delays and dealing with signatures.

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