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minimoney1 10-16-2012 23:53

Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
HALLO Everyone
Well, as everyone may know, the old SCP plugin had a couple of bugs (which were mostly actually fixed in the latest source code in the google repoz), so I went ahead and created this new thread with the plugin + my own fixes.

Version History:
10-16-12: 1.1.0 - New Redux release.
10-16-12: 1.1.1 - Correctly sends the recipient handle by-ref.
10-18-12: 1.1.2 - Updater support + easy deadchat integration.
1-11-13: 1.1.3 - Implements the suggestions by Dr. McKay
1-12-13: 1.1.3-fixed - Does what 1.1.3 was supposed to do (uploaded the wrong files in 1.1.3)
1-19-13: 1.1.3-c - Fixes the plugin not loading issue.
2-2-13: 1.1.4 - CS:GO support and bug fixes.
2-3-13: 1.1.4-fix - Tried to remove 1.5 dependency.
2-4-13: 1.1.4-fix2 - Actually removed 1.5 dependency.
9-12-13: 2.0.0 - Dr. Mckay's update. SayText support added.
4-14-14: 2.0.1 - Fixed Updater
5-3-14: 2.0.2 - Powerlord's fix for CS:GO.

Any suggestions? Reply to this thread.

Originally Posted by PatriotGames (Post 2086591)
For anyone using SCP with Left 4 Dead 2, the included translation file is misnamed and will throw a "translation file not found" error. Change the name of the file as follows if your server uses the default left4dead2 install directory:

Included translation file: scp.l4d2.phrases.txt

Rename the file to: scp.left4dead2.phrases.txt

If you installed your L4D2 server in a custom named directory, use that name for the translation file name instead of the default.

SCP will then work as intended allowing other plugins that rely on it, like Simple Chat Colors, to work properly.


Huge thanks to Zephyrus for his CS:GO version.

minimoney1 10-17-2012 00:00

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)

FaTony 10-17-2012 03:45

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
Good. I hope we don't need to recompile our plugins, right?

minimoney1 10-17-2012 06:47

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
You should not have to, but I don't know how it would work because before, the cpRecipients handle was not being sent by-ref before, and now I'm doing so; if that's a big problem, then I'll make a new forward w/ a new name just so that it doesn't conflict with older plugins (in addition to the old forward, of course)

FaTony 10-17-2012 07:41

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)

Originally Posted by minimoney1 (Post 1820456)
You should not have to, but I don't know how it would work because before, the cpRecipients handle was not being sent by-ref before, and now I'm doing so; if that's a big problem, then I'll make a new forward w/ a new name just so that it doesn't conflict with older plugins (in addition to the old forward, of course)

Since handle is pointing to the data which is inside SM core, it doesn't need to be passed by ref. However, it would add an easier way to substitute one.

codeye 10-17-2012 10:25

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
well i get my text showing green on csgo if i use y for chat but not my name, but if im using y@ message admin tag name or message dont appear green, when in spectator mode if i use y to chat my name and message are green? anyone know how to get admin messages or even adverts in green?

Horsedick 10-17-2012 18:00

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
Does this solve the bug 11530 and myself pointed out and had to correct using another plugin? The bug was posted in some what of detail in the old SCP thread towards the end if you didn't see it.

minimoney1 10-17-2012 21:29

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)

Originally Posted by Logs
L 08/20/2012 - 17:31:58: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Client 23 is not connected
L 08/20/2012 - 17:31:58: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "TF2_simplechatprocessor.smx":
L 08/20/2012 - 17:31:58: [SM] [0] Line 351, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/3/6/9/5/4/92887.attach::ResendMessage()

That one has been fixed.
The one with the color chars... no it hasn't and I have no idea what the cause of it because I've never been able to reproduce it on CSS.

Another change is that the new usermessage is now created on the exact next frame, rather than through a 0.1 timer. This makes it faster, of course, and it also keeps the order of simultaneous messages, and of course, the most important reason is that javalia said he didn't like the timer portion of the plugin a while back... so here it is!

Franc1sco 10-18-2012 01:38

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
In the old Simple Chat Processor when a spectator use chat (with special colors, tags) the rest of people (not spectators) see it as normal chat (without colors, tags...), you have fixed that?

minimoney1 10-18-2012 01:43

Re: Simple Chat Processor (Redux)
That would probably be caused by a deadchat plugin, in which I have no control over.

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