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TrullSin 10-26-2018 17:45

Kick Players When player with flag join

For any reason this is not working, any ideas why?

PHP Code:

#include <sourcemod>  
#include <sdktools>  
#include <cstrike>  

public OnPluginStart()  

Action:Command_JoinTeam(client, const String:command[], args)  
players GetClientCount(true);  
playersInTeams 1;  
kickYes 1;  
//Player needs to be a spectator  
if(GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_CT || GetClientTeam(client) != CS_TEAM_T)  
//Player needs to have an admin flag  
if(GetUserAdmin(client) != INVALID_ADMIN_ID)  
//Count the amount of players in both teams  
for(new 1<= playersx++)  
IsClientInGame(x)) continue;  

GetClientTeam(x) == CS_TEAM_T || GetClientTeam(x) == CS_TEAM_CT)  
playersInTeams += 1;  
//Find a player with no admin flags  
for(new 1<= playersi++)  
IsClientInGame(i)) continue;  
                if (
GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_CT || GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T)  
GetUserAdmin(i) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID && kickYes == && playersInTeams 19)  
//Get the about-to-be-kicked player's team  
new teamToJoin GetClientTeam(i);  
//Not sure if this is the best way to inform the kicked player - or if it even works...  
PrintToConsole(i"[SM] You got kicked because Admin/VIP joined from spectate and teams are full.");  
KickClient(i"You have been kicked because Admin/VIP joined from spectate and teams are full."); 
kickYes 0;  

Bacardi 10-26-2018 18:09

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
Why people still play with admin flags in code... use CheckCommandAccess :/

Bacardi 10-27-2018 10:02

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
I don't have server with players to test this code.

So here, if you like.
- player who have admin flag "a" (reservation) or have access to so called command "vip", can try join full teams from spectators.
- you can override "vip" to another admin flag(s) from admin_overrides.cfg without editing plugin code.

PHP Code:

Server event "switch_team", Tick 2966:
- "numPlayers" = "1"
- "numSpectators" = "0"
- "avg_rank" = "0"
- "numTSlotsFree" = "10"
- "numCTSlotsFree" = "9"

int numTSlotsFree;
int numCTSlotsFree;

void OnPluginStart()

void OnMapStart()
// While we wait "switch_team" event to update FreeSlots count, lets reset variables to avoid wierd bug.
numTSlotsFree 15;
numCTSlotsFree 15;

Action jointeam(int client, const char[] commandint args)

// In this code, bypass only no-team and spectator
if(client == || !IsClientInGame(client) || IsFakeClient(client) || GetClientTeam(client) > 1) return Plugin_Continue;

char buffer[2];
int jointeam_value StringToInt(buffer);

// Random jointeam "0", no free slots and have access
if(jointeam_value != || numTSlotsFree != 0  || numCTSlotsFree != || !CheckCommandAccess(client"vip"ADMFLAG_RESERVATION)) return Plugin_Continue;

int count;
int[] players = new int[MaxClients+1];

int i 1<= MaxClientsi++)
client == || !IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i) || GetClientTeam(i) < || IsClientInKickQueue(i)) continue;

players[count] = i;

// no free slots and no humans. Do nothing. No spawnpoints on map?
if(count == 0) return Plugin_Continue;

// get random target
int target players[GetRandomInt(0count-1)];

// Is target in admin cache
AdminId target_adminid GetUserAdmin(target);

target_adminid != INVALID_ADMIN_ID)

AdminId client_adminid GetUserAdmin(client);

// You can't target this admin!
PrintHintText(client"[SM] Couldn't kick %N\nPlease, try jointeam random again."target);

// You can't target this vip!
        // Use this code if you not want vip to kick another vip

        //if(CheckCommandAccess(target, "vip", ADMFLAG_RESERVATION))
        //    PrintHintText(client, "<font color='#FF6A00'>[SM]</font> Couldn't kick %N\nPlease, try jointeam random again.", target);
        //    return Plugin_Continue;

LogAction(clienttarget"Jointeam kick - Player %L kicked from server to make room for player %L"targetclient);
KickClient(target"[SM] You have kicked from server to make room for VIP/admins. Sorry");

FakeClientCommandEx(client"jointeam 0 1");


// update free slots variables
public void switch_team(Event event, const char[] namebool dontBroadcast)
numTSlotsFree event.GetInt("numTSlotsFree");
numCTSlotsFree event.GetInt("numCTSlotsFree");

TrullSin 10-27-2018 15:14

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
It doesent work, server is full I try to join and nothing happens..

Bacardi 10-27-2018 15:32

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
I forgot mention, it should work when you are in spec team and you jointeam random. Don't choose team.

I could try look again when I have time.

TrullSin 10-27-2018 15:55

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
I try to join random team and dont work either

Bacardi 10-27-2018 16:34

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
Could you check sourcemod logs and errors

TrullSin 10-27-2018 17:00

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
The thing is that, i get no sourcemod logs errors or anything..

Bacardi 10-27-2018 17:48

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
Ok. Could you re-check that you are running SM on server?

rcon plugin_print
rcon meta list
rcon sm plugins list

TrullSin 10-27-2018 18:46

Re: Kick Players When player with flag join
I put the plugin in the server, then i did this: sm plugins load reservedtest and the console said: blablabla load successfully, I have the latest stable sourcemod and metamod.

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