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twistedeuphoria 11-27-2004 03:38

AMX Bank 1.7
1 Attachment(s)
A banking plugin that includes interest and bank fees. Uses the vault or SQL...uses host/user/pass/db set in addons/amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg. Choose whether to use vault or SQL by changing the define in the .sma. -> Defaults to using the vault

All commands (both admin and normal) work in both console and chat.

Admin Commands:
-bank_open - Allow players to use the bank.
-bank_close - Turn off all bank functions except checking of balance.
-bank_givemoney <player> <amount> - Give a player money. (Works without bank on and player does not need an account.)

-bank_create - Create a bank acount. If you have enough money, the value of the bank_default_opening cvar will be automatically deposited.
-bank_amount - Display the balance of your bank account.
-bank_deposit <amount> - Deposit money in your account.
-bank_withdraw <amount> - Withdraw money from your account.
-bank_help - Show the bank help window.
-bank_transfer <player> <amount> - Transfer money from your account to another player's account. Both players must have an account for this to work.
-bank_menu - Display the bank menu.
---I suggest binding these-----
-maxdep - Deposit all your money on hand.
-maxwit - Withdraw money until you have $16000 on hand or you run out of money in your account.

-bank_default_opening (default 1000; in $) - Set the amount that will be automatically deposited from a player when that player opens a new account. If they do not have enough, what ever they have will be deposited.
-bank_state (default 1; 0|1) - Turn the bank on/off. Use bank_open/bank_close instead because they give a message to the players.
-bank_min_players (default 2) - Minimum amount of players required to access bank functions.
-bank_restrict (default 0; 0|1|2) - Set whether or not to restrict bank usages to a defined list of players or admins not at all. If you use files the file will be addons/amxmodx/configs/bankusers.ini or if you use SQL it will be in the table bankusers. Just add their SteamID to either one and you're set. Setting to 1 will restrict to admins only and setting to 2 will restrict to the list.
-bank_interest_rounds (default 15) - Number of rounds between giving interest.
-bank_interest_rate (default 0.01) - Percent of money in bank to give as interest. (0.01 = 1%)
-bank_fees_base (default 0; in $) - Bank fee for first transaction in each round
-bank_fees_increase (default 0; in $) - Increase in the current bank fee per transaction.
-bank_offrounds (default 1) - How many rounds to wait to turn on the bank at the beginning of the map.
-bank_msg (default "This server is using AMX Bank. Type bank_help in console to find out how to use it.") - Set the message displayed to tell people that the bank is running.
-bank_msg_interval (default 60) - Set the rate in seconds at which the message is displayed.
-bank_use_ip (default 0; 0|1) - Set whether or not to use IP based accounts. Default is using SteamID based accounts.

SQLON (default 0;0|1) - Define whether or not to use SQL.
HELPPAGE[] (default "") - Change this URL if you wish to use a different help page then the one I have provided.

If you wish to make your own help page and upload it some where, find the line that says new HELPPAGE[] = and replace the address that's in the quotes with the web address of your new help page.

atambo 11-27-2004 14:51

if we do not have the sql.cfg as an enabled module can we still place our sql info and have it work with this plugin?

twistedeuphoria 11-27-2004 15:45

His question was: If I'm not using adminsql.amxx, I'm using admin.amxx will this plugin still work?

Yes, as long as you set the your SQL values correctly in sql.cfg and you have enabled the appropriate SQL module.

twistedeuphoria 11-28-2004 13:46

-Added vault support by define -> defaults to using the vault.

CNZ 12-06-2004 21:59

I am getting a DBI include error? Can you help please.

CNZ 12-06-2004 22:05

found, now..

C:\HLServer2\cstrike\addons\amxx\scripting\in clude\ : warning 219: lo cal variable "result" shadows a variable at a preceding level
amx_bank.sma(397) : warning 213: tag mismatch

2 Warnings.
Small compiler 2.1.0 Copyright (c) 1997-2002, ITB CompuPhase

Is that something I should be worried about?

CNZ 12-06-2004 22:19

also, can you add a bankhelp command, and a little message that tells people that the bank is active and ready to use.

twistedeuphoria 12-07-2004 00:06

Wierd...I'm not getting that error when I compile...try the web compiler. The bank_open + bank_close command give a little message what else would you like?

CNZ 12-07-2004 11:29

can you attach your, maybe its that?

twistedeuphoria 12-07-2004 12:44

[ removed by moderator] (no need, it's included with amx mod x)

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