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pRED* 07-04-2007 20:52

SM Super Commands
13 Attachment(s)
SM Super Commands by pRED*

Official support and any future releases will be available at: SuperCentral

Latest version is 0.6 - See the attached zip file.
The posted other files are still 0.52 while I finish up the transition.

I got the idea for this from the plugin amxx super for cs1.6. Credit goes to Bmann_420 and Bo0m! for the idea..

Large range of admin fun commands..
Requires The admin flags Custom 4 for most commands (letter 'r')

You need to put the plugin.supercmds.txt file into your gamedata folder and then restart your server.

Recommended to use SM Super Menu in conjunction with this plugin (they were designed together) to make life easier. Not necessary though.

All powers are reset each round.

Features and Commands:

Armour - sm_armour <player> <armour>
HP - sm_hp <player> <hp>
Bury - sm_bury <player>, sm_unbury <player>
Igniting Players - sm_burn <player> <seconds>
Give item (weapons etc) - sm_weapon <player> <itemname> (eg weapon_ak47)
Teamswap - sm_teamswap
Move player team - sm_team <player> <teamid> (CSS 1-spec, 2-t, 3-ct)
Defuse Kit - sm_defuser <player> <1|0>
NightVision - sm_nv <player> <1|0>
Helmet - sm_helmet <player> <1|0>
God Mode - sm_god <player> <1|0>
Gravity - sm_gravity <player> <Float gravity multiplier> (eg 1.0 (normal), 0.5 (half))
Extend - sm_extend <minutes>
No Clip - sm_noclip <player> <1|0>
Speed - sm_speed <player> <Float speed multiplier> (eg 1.0 (normal), 2.0 (double))
Damage Done (shows damage done to other players in a hint text message)
- Cvar: sm_showdamage <1|0>
Respawn - sm_respawn <player>
Shutdown - sm_shutdown (forces players to retry as well, usefull if server auto restarts)
Connect Announce - Cvar: sm_connectannounce <1|0>
Admin See All - Cvar: sm_adminseeall <1|0>
Teleport - sm_teleport <player/@ALL/@CT/@T> <x/#saveloc> <y> <z>
Client Execute - sm_exec <player/@ALL/@CT/@T> <command string>
Get Player Location - sm_getloc <player> - leave blank for your location
Save Player Location - sm_saveloc - Saves your current location and gives you a saveloc number to use with teleport

Things To Do:

- Multilinugal
- More Commands!
- Confirm/Fix Teamswap


0.1 - Initial Release.
0.11 - Fixed GodMode not removing
0.2 - Added Slay
- Added Respawn
- Disarm
- Fixed team/teamswap
- New teamswap commnad (sm_swapteam)
0.3 - Added @ALL/@CT/@T for most commands
- Added list of defined Admin Levels
0.31 - Fixed teamswaping again (hopefully....?)
- Changed method of slaying. See how this works..
0.4 - Admin See All
- Connect Anounce
- Server Shutdown
- Removed Slay and Burn (basefuncommands stole them.. :(
0.5 - Fixed team change in DoD:S, should work in most mods now (The-Killer)
- Added team name support for other mods, currently CSS, DODS, HL2DM, looking into INS, PVK, Hidden, Sourceforts, Dystopia (The-Killer)
- Added teamswap for single players (The-Killer)
- Added Check for cstrike on cstrike specific commands(armor helmet nv defuse) (The-Killer)
- Reorganised entire plugin to be smaller
- Renamed Gamedata to "supercmds.gamedata.txt" - to avoid confusion with translation files
- Fixed a dumb mistake in the gamedata file.
- Changed to use native hint text
- Added sm_exec, sm_teleport and sm_getloc
0.51 - Added Connected checks to the say/say_team handlers
- Added sm_saveloc
- Added sm_saveloc
0.52 - Added sm_freeze <player> <1/0> 1=freeze 0=un-freeze - TechKnow (I think..)
- Added sm_name - majority of code thanks to bl4nk
- Updated to use new ProcessTargetString and FindTarget natives
- Cleaned up adminseeall code
- Added autoexec config
0.6 - Added some crazy output config. I don't know why, someone wanted it..
- Armour should work for hl2dm


sm_super_cmds.smx -> plugins folder
sm_super_cmds.sp -> scripting folder (optional)
super_command_overrides.cfg -> config folder
plugin.supercmds.txt -> translations folder
supercmds.gamedata.txt -> gamedata folder.

0.6 Contains a ridiculously overpowered and over complex method to let you customize the output for each and every command separately. I'm not entirely sure why I added this.

Anyway the idea is you open up super_command_overrides.cfg (read the instructions!!). Then you edit the default value to what you want most commands to do. Then add special lines for each command you want different. Its simple really.

I've also removed all the #define ADMIN_LEVEL stuff from the source file. EVERY SINGLE COMMAND uses 'custom4' as the admin level now (with the exception of the admin see all chat which which uses 'chat').
If you want to change these use overrides -

bobbobagan 07-04-2007 21:09

Re: SM Super Commands
awsome... thanks dude, ill try it out :D

More mani features *yay!!*

{LOD}Scarecrow 07-04-2007 21:15

Re: SM Super Commands
Great plugin, but says it failed to compile, so I can't get it. Can you add slap and slay to the list??

pRED* 07-04-2007 21:17

Re: SM Super Commands
Try it again, compiles fine for me.

Yup I'll try add those if you want. Also looking at beacons, no recoil (struggling..) stuff like that..

{LOD}Scarecrow 07-04-2007 21:17

Re: SM Super Commands
Beacon would be great to add as well. Download link is working now.

{LOD}Scarecrow 07-04-2007 21:20

Re: SM Super Commands
Quick thought, would it be possible to be able to turn these functions on or off?

pRED* 07-04-2007 21:23

Re: SM Super Commands
What do you mean? Disable them entirely so no-one can use them?

If that's what you mean open the .sp file. Find the section with lots of RegAdminCmd.

Find the line that contains the command you dont want and add // to the start of the line. Recompile.

janbanan 07-04-2007 21:26

Re: SM Super Commands
Oh yea baby!

Teamswap - sm_teamswap
Move player team - sm_team <player> <teamid> (CSS 1-spec, 2-t, 3-ct)

Ive been waiting for this. Thank you very much!

And i also would love some slap and slay, this is what is missing in SM for me. :)

{LOD}Scarecrow 07-04-2007 21:55

Re: SM Super Commands
01 <Failed> "SM Super" (0.11) by pRED*
02 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Basic Chat" ( by ferret
05 "RateChecker" (0.1) by pRED*
06 "KnifeMug" (1.0.3) by FlyingMongoose, sslice
07 "rtv" (1.3) by ferret
08 "Bounty" ( by Shane A. ^BuGs^ Froebel, FlyingMongoose, and stoic
09 "Nextmap" (1.0) by pRED*, ferret
10 "Mapchooser" (1.3) by ferret
11 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
13 "ATAC" (1.2.0) by FlyingMongoose
14 "Timeleft" (1.0) by ferret

Not trying to be a pain, but the plugin won't start up. Is there an additional file that needs to be added?

janbanan 07-04-2007 22:21

Re: SM Super Commands
Try grabbing the latest build of SM, loads fine for me with

However, the teamswap and playerswap crashed my server.
Teamswap crashed server when i executed it right after freezetime was up, and playerswap worked when i swaped a player from ct -> spec -> t, but directly after i tried t -> ct, and it crashed. When i first moved, he was dead, and when it crashed, the player was alive.

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