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Mr. Zero 07-04-2009 04:14

[L4D2] Vocalize Fatigue
1 Attachment(s)
This plugin is no longer supported. A new version have been released and can be found here.

Vocalize Fatigue

This plugin has one simple purpose. To stop "PEELZ HERE" spam. You know what I'm talking about.

Some random dude joins your sever at start spamming his "IWILLZANNOYU" key which is bound to "vocalize PlayerDeath".
All of sudden you now got some guy playing Zoey screaming like hell all the time, which is not only annoying but it also reveals your position to the infected team.

The reason for this another-prevention-of-vocalize-spam is that I find kicking or banning people for use the vocalize commands is a bit harsh. Sure it is funny sometime. When timed right and at the right moment, but keep spamming pills here, got old a long time ago.

Blocking commands instead of kicking a player seems a lot more sensible to me.

Anyway so that is the reason for this plugin. I hope you will find it useful.
Also first plugin evar so be nice ;). A simple and short script.

Big credit to teddyruxpin. I was getting out in timers and stuff that weren't needed as I saw from Vocalize Spam Guard.
  • Blacklist
    This enables you to disable certain vocalize command, to prevent people spamming these command.
    Personal I blacklist the PlayerDeath command (Zoey's annoying scream), but it’s not enabled by default.
  • Prevent Repetition
    Often people spam the same thing. Instead of just spamming different commands, players that repeat the same vocalize command will be flagged for such and get an extra time penalty for this.
  • Stop Vocalize Spamming
    If players are not repeating them self but just spamming a lot of vocalize commands, they will after 5 different commands within 2 seconds suffer a fatigue, that render them unable to use the vocalize command.

  • Vocalize Gag
    Players can be gagged, render them not being able to use the vocalize command at all. Command usage requires admin flag A (generic).
    Usage: sm_vocalgag <#userid|name> [time]
  • Vocalize Fatigue Immunity
    Can be adjusted so certain users don't have to wait to say another vocalize command, or can evade blacklist.

Known Problems / Things to Notice:
  • Does not kick or ban
    This plugin simply disable the vocalize command for the abusing player. Check out Vocalize Spam Guard if you want to kick players for abusing vocalize.
  • Will not prevent scripted sequence
    Such as Francis's "Aw hell" when players activate the car alarm. Nor when the game thinks a player should comment on something (Healing somebody, almost falling, etc.).

A configuration file will be automatically created for you upon first run, in /cfg/sourcemod/ called VocalizeFatigue.cfg

// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.2.1)
// ConVars for plugin "VocalizeFatigue v1.2c.smx"

// Defines which vocalize commands that are not allowed to be used. Separate each command with a comma (,).
// -
// Default: ""
l4d_vf_blacklist ""

// Sets the level of immunity users need, to be able to bypass the blacklist filter.
// -
// Default: "0"
l4d_vf_blacklist_immunity "0"

// Sets whether Vocalize Fatigue plugin is enabled
// -
// Default: "1"
l4d_vf_enable "1"

// Amount of time that has to pass before you can repeat (in seconds).
// -
// Default: "2.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_vf_repeat_delay "2.0"

// Sets the level of immunity users need, to be able to bypass being flagged for repetition.
// -
// Default: "0"
l4d_vf_repeat_immunity "0"

// Amount of time to add, to the repeat fatigue, if players keep using vocalize commands while fatigue is active (in seconds).
// -
// Default: "2.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_vf_repeat_penalty "2.0"

// Amount of times a command can be used before it is player is flaged for repeation.
// -
// Default: "3"
l4d_vf_repeat_threshold "3"

// Sets the amount of time within the vocalize threshold is valid (in seconds)
// -
// Default: "2.0"
l4d_vf_spam_delay "2.0"

// Sets the level of immunity users need, to be able to bypass being flagged for spamming.
// -
// Default: "0"
l4d_vf_spam_immunity "0"

// Amount of time to add, to the spam fatigue, if players keep using vocalize commands while fatigue is active (in seconds).
// -
// Default: "1.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_vf_spam_penalty "1.0"

// Sets the amount of vocalize commands can be used before fatigue starts within the threshold time
// -
// Default: "5"
l4d_vf_spam_threshold "5"


Version 1.2c
~ Added FCVAR_DONTRECORD to version cvar.

Version 1.2b
~ Fixed a tag mismatch

Version 1.2a
~ Fixed IsBlackListed() out of array bounds error
~ Fixed a tag mismatch in VocalGag function

Version 1.2
+ Vocalize Gag
~ Various code change

Version 1.1f
~ Added root check

Version 1.1e

~ Added fake client/bot checks
~ Various code optimizing

Version 1.1c

+ Added immunity level for bypass
- Removed flag bypass
~ Fixed not resetting player data corretly
~ Renamed all _time cvars to _delay
~ Accidental removed inclueded files... Added again.

Version 1.0

+ Finished the blacklist function
+ Added cvars to enable bypass flag for blacklist, repetition and spam

Version 0.9

v1.0 - 52 views
v1.1c - 44 views
v1.1e - 48 views
v1.1f - 130 views
v1.2 - 54 views
v1.2a - 111 views
v1.2b - 171 views

This plugin is no longer supported. A new version have been released and can be found here.

olj 07-04-2009 05:04

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue
I like Zoey's screams, they sexy. Never turn them off :mrgreen:

(-DR-)GrammerNatzi 07-04-2009 05:13

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue

Originally Posted by olj (Post 863915)
I like Zoey's screams, they sexy. Never turn them off :mrgreen:

I'm fine with vocalize spam as long as the vocalizes are something else than peelz here five thousand times and zoey screams.

I was playing as louis once on a server and kept spamming vocalizes that were for when he was calling for someone to pull him up when he was hanging off of something, and finished it off with a dying scream. Everybody thought it was funny.

As for this add-on, I love how you didn't go the idiotic direction and made it so that it would perma-ban anyone who used the vocalize key (reminds me of the micspam plug-in). It's nice to see something that doesn't completely restrict it and instead (will) has/have a black/whitelist. I hate plug-ins that just flat out remove everything. It really pisses me off.

Now, if someone could make a micspam plug-in that could check to see if the sound is going over the volume limit (which is usually what people hate). Then I'd be happy.

If that is even possible, of course.

Mr. Zero 07-04-2009 23:00

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue
Updated first post.

Blacklist is added plus cvars for bypass certain funcitons.

Naow 07-06-2009 03:05

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue

Blocking commands instead of kicking a player seems a lot more sensible to me.
I have the same point of view ,thats why I will try your plugin

Euphytose 07-06-2009 08:15

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue

but it also reveals your position to the infected team
I'm sorry but I don't need any scream to know where they are except when it's a " We play crouched " team.

President Skroob 07-06-2009 11:28

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue
I just installed your plugin and checked the error logs and everytime a mapchange or I do a server reboot these pop up:

L 07/06/2009 - 10:22:08: SourceMod error session started
L 07/06/2009 - 10:22:08: Info (map "l4d_hospital01_apartment") (file "errors_20090706.log")
L 07/06/2009 - 10:22:08: [SM] Plugin encountered error 15: Array index is out of bounds
L 07/06/2009 - 10:22:08: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "VocalizeFatigue.smx":
L 07/06/2009 - 10:22:08: [SM] [0] Line 124, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/5/5/1/5/2/44909.attach::ResetPlayerData()
L 07/06/2009 - 10:22:08: [SM] [1] Line 111, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/5/5/1/5/2/44909.attach::OnMapStart()

Since I am still a noob in regards to deciphering what might be the issue, I assume that it is because there are no active players on the server. These seem to be popping up whenever I reboot the server and/or do a change map (no players connected to server at the time).
If there are any more details you need, let me know and if I am just being too much of a bother and there is nothing to worry about, let me know too.. I am still sorta new to the whole element of SourceMod but I love the platform... :D

/President Skroob

Posting SM plugins list for posterity:

[SM] Listing 28 plugins:
01 "Admin File Reader" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Admin Help" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Admin Menu" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "AdminSentinel" (1.2.000) by <eVa>StrontiumDog
05 "Anti-Flood" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
06 "Basic Chat" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Basic Comm Control" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Basic Votes" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Client Preferences" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Fun Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Fun Votes" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "gameME Plugin" (3.0) by TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
15 "[L4D] Infinite Reserve" (1.0) by (-DR-)Grammernatzi (installed this one along with the Vocalize Fatigue plugin.)
16 "L4D Ready Up" (0.16.3.cevo) by Downtown1
17 "L4D Friendly Fire Limit" (1.1.1) by -pk-
18 "Game Mode Config Loader" (1.4) by Thraka
19 "PermaMute" (0.1) by Ryan "FLOOR_MASTER" Mannion
20 "Player Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "SnareSpeak" (1.7) by n0limit
22 "Sound Commands" (1.2.1) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "SourceBans" (1.4.3) by InterWave Studios Development Team
24 "Spray Tracer" (5.8) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
25 "L4DSwitchPlayers" (1.3) by SkyDavid (djromero)
26 "Very Basic High Ping Kicker" (1.2) by msleeper
27 "Vocalize Fatigue" (1.0) by Mr. Zero
28 "L4D Vote Manager 2" (1.5.2) by Madcap

Forgot to add that I also have Downtown1's L4D Scores/Team Manage plugin installed but because the default startup map is a coop map, I have Thraka's Game Config plugins unloading that plugin since currently (only having it load during Versus campaigns), it causes issues with having coop players to switch to infected on the third map during a couple of campaigns (that I have documented).

Thought I'd at least list that as well.

Icettiflow 07-06-2009 11:38

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue

L 07/06/2009 - 06:18:28: Info (map "l4d_vs_airport01_greenhouse") (file "errors_20090706.log")
L 07/06/2009 - 06:18:28: [SM] Plugin encountered error 15: Array index is out of bounds
L 07/06/2009 - 06:18:28: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "VocalizeFatigue.smx":
L 07/06/2009 - 06:18:28: [SM] [0] Line 124, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/5/5/1/5/2/44909.attach::ResetPlayerData()
L 07/06/2009 - 06:18:28: [SM] [1] Line 111, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/5/5/1/5/2/44909.attach::OnMapStart()

Mr. Zero 07-06-2009 17:27

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue
Hmm array is out of bounds. Could mean two things, I think... Either MAXPLAYERS aren't returning the right value (anyone with more then 8 players?) or MAXPLAYERS+1 doesn't work :/

Anyway I changed the reset data function to reset once the client is connected, instead of when player disconnects or at map start.

Again this could still give a array is out bounds error, but I can't see why it should do. Otherwise I will have to specify max players I guess.

Also seems that no one noticed that my flag bypass was not functioning (:P), so I have replaced it with immunity which for once actually works :oops:


Version 1.1c
+ Added immunity level for bypass
- Removed flag bypass
~ Fixed not resetting all player data corretly
~ Renamed all _time cvars to _delay
~ Accidental removed inclueded files... Added again.

pheadxdll 07-07-2009 03:26

Re: [L4D] Vocalize Fatigue
I find that friendly fire is a good deterrent for vocalize spamming. :wink:

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