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<VeCo> 05-21-2012 13:41

WARZZZ 2.4 [Needs Update !]
3 Attachment(s)
●●● WARZZZ 2.4
●●● Author: <VeCo>
●●● Category: Gameplay

●● Description:

This is a team deathmatch mod.

There are rings around the map.
The goal is to capture all these rings to win the round. To capture a ring, step on it and press the USE button.

The mod has a built-in respawn with spawn protection and every ring plays a role of a spawn point.
When your team captures a ring, you will have the chance to respawn on that ring (or on the other rings owned by your team) until the enemy captures it and become under their possesion.
If you can't respawn on a ring, you will be respawned on the default spawn points of the map.

Each team has it's own money, which is used by all of it's members.
When you capture a ring, your team will earn money and your enemy will lose money (if it's not a neutral ring).
Your team can also earn money by killing. The amount of money given depends on the type of the kill - normal kill, headshot, knife kill or knife headshot kill.

Every ring glows in it's team color : white - for neutral, blue - for CT and red - for T.

All objectives on the map (e.g. bombs, hostages, VIP zones and etc.) are removed.

When a player spawns, he will be shown a menu for selecting a player class and weapons.
Every class has it's own item, which players can drop on the ground to help their teammates.
●● Classes and their items are:
●●● Assault - Drops "Ammo Box", which gives backpack ammo to player's weapon.
●●● Sniper - Drops "Invisibility Suit", which increases player's invisibility.
●●● Engineer - Drops "Mine", which explodes on detonation (touch).
●●● Medic - Drops "Medkit", which heals players to maximum health.
Dropping an item will cost money, depending on it's type.
Every item glows in its owner's team.
Players can remove enemy items from the ground (except "Mine" item), but that will cost money too.

Ring spawn points can be made by admin command and every ring spawn point will be saved in a file for the specific map (located in: configs/warzzz/name-of-the-map.ini).
Admin can also spawn custom items on the map that will be respawned on new round automatic. They are saved in the same file as the rings.

●● CVARs:
●●● Edit them from configs/warzzz.cfg.
●● Commands:
●●● Admin Commands:
●●● wz_spawn_ring [team]
○○○ Makes a new ring spawn point at the current player's position. You can set up default ring team or make it neutral (if you don't pass an argument or use 0).
●●● wz_spawn_item <type> [team]
○○○ Makes a new custom item spawn point at the current player's position. You can set up default custom item type and team or make it neutral (if you don't pass an argument at [team] or use 0). <type> is the id of the item : 1 - ammobox, 2 - invsuit, 3 - mine, 4 - medkit.
●●● Chat Commands (say and say_team):
●●● /item, /items
○○○ Drops an item on the ground, depending on player's class.
●●● /class, /change, /changeclass
○○○ Changes player's class on the next spawn (depending on wz_class_change_mode CVAR).
●●● /guns, /weapons
○○○ Changes player's weapons on the next spawn (if they are remembered).
●●● /medic
○○○ Notifies all teammate medics that you need help (health) and shows their position on the radar.
●●● /ammo
○○○ Notifies all teammate assaults that you need help (ammunition) and shows their position on the radar.
●● Requirements:
●●● Modules:
●●● HamSandwich
●●● FakeMeta
●●● CStrike
●● Changes Log:
●●● 1.0
●●● First release!
●●● 1.1
●●● Added 'Previous Selected Weapon' option in the weapon menu.
●●● 1.2
●●● Now, the 'Previous Selected Weapon' option don't shows the weapon menu again after selecting the previous weapon.
●●● Added /guns command.
●●● Fixed small bugs.
●●● Added CVAR wz_item_invsuit_max_inv.
●●● 2.0 (special update)
●●● Fully rewritten code!
●●● Optimized code.
●●● Added/Fixed lots of CVARs and other stuff.
●●● Added ML Support.
●●● 2.1
●●● Fixed bug with capturing the last ring.
●●● Fixed bug with adding new ring spawn points.
●●● 2.2
●●● Removed hardcoded configs dir.
●●● Optimized respawn code.
●●● On adding new ring spawn point, team name will be displayed instead of team number in the info message.
●●● Added wz_spawn_item admin command to make spawn points for custom items, that will be respawned on every round.
●●● Increased lenght of ML string messages to maximum (191 characters).
●●● Fixed bug with checking neutral items as enemy items.
●●● 2.3
●●● Fixed bug with weapon remembering and weapon/class menus.
●●● Fixed de_nuke ring spawn points coordinates.
●●● 2.4
●●● Now explosion effect is sent in MSG_PVS datagram instead of MSG_BROADCAST.
●●● Optimized "env_hud" think code.
●●● Added /medic and /ammo commands to notify players that you need help.
●●● Fixed position of "Remember Weapon" option in weapon menus.
●●● Optimized colorchat system.
●● Default Supported Maps:
●●● cs_assault - 14 rings
●●● cs_estate - 10 rings
●●● cs_italy - 9 rings
●●● de_aztec - 17 rings
●●● de_dust - 21 rings
●●● de_dust2 - 20 rings
●●● de_inferno - 26 rings
●●● de_nuke - 25 ring
●●+ More
●● Multilangual Support:
●●● Translated Languages:
●●● [en]
●●● [bg]
●●● [es] by Neeeeeeeeeel.-
●●● [fr] by micapat
●●● [nl] by striker07
●●● [ru] by dasha
●●● [de] by Mordekay
●●● [pt] by lagayo
●●● [cn] by ztz472947849
●●● [sk] by gump497
●●● [ro] by Razvann.
●●● Original English Tokens:

SV_NOTIFY_NOSPAWNS = ERROR: Couldn't find file %s - No ring spawn points will be loaded!
SV_NOTIFY_NOCFG = ERROR: Couldn't find file %s - Default CVAR values will be loaded!
SV_NOTIFY_COULDNTREAD = ERROR: Couldn't read file %s!
ADM_NOTIFY_SPAWNADD = spawn point successfully added at %.2f %.2f %.2f (Team: %s)!
PL_NOTIFY_NOTENOUGH = Not enough players to start! (%i needed)
PL_NOTIFY_CAPTURE = Press USE button to capture this ring!
PL_NOTIFY_REMOVE = Press USE button to remove this item!
PL_NOTIFY_MAXINVREACHED = You have reached the maximum amount of invisibility!
PL_NOTIFY_RESPROTECTEND = Your spawn protection has been removed!
MSG_RING_CAPTURED = captured a ring.
MSG_RING_CAPTURED_LAST = captured the last ring!!!
MSG_WIN = team wins!
MSG_NOCLASS = You must have a class to use this command!
MSG_CLASS_CANTCHANGE = You can't change your class with a command!
MSG_CLASS_CHANGENEXT = Your class will be changed on your next spawn!
MSG_WEAPONS_CHANGENEXT = Your weapons will be changed on your next spawn!
MSG_NOTALIVE = You must be alive to use this command!
MSG_NOMONEY = Your team doesn't have enough money to use this command!
MSG_MAXITEMREACHED = You have reached the maximum number of this item at the same time.
MSG_MINEDETONATED = Your mine has been detonated!
MSG_CALLNOTIFY_MEDIC = All medics on the server were notified! You can see them on the radar.
MSG_CALLNOTIFY_ASSAULT = All assaults on the server were notified! You can see them on the radar.
MSG_CALLNOTIFY_RECEIVE = needs your help! Look on the radar and go to help him!
MSG_SELECTED = You have selected
HUD_MONEY = Money:
HUD_INVISIBILITY = Invisibility:
HUD_RESPAWN = You will be respawned after %i seconds...
MENU_CLASS = Select a class:
MENU_WEAPON_PRIMARY = Select primary weapon:
MENU_WEAPON_SECONDARY = Select secondary weapon:
MENU_YES = \yYes
MENU_NO = \rNo

●● Source Code Customization:
PHP Code:

#define SPAWN_RING_ACCESS ADMIN_RCON // admin access level for wz_spawn_ring command (see
#define SPAWN_ITEM_ACCESS ADMIN_RCON // admin access level for wz_spawn_item command 

●● TO DO:
Update stuff???
●● Credits:
●●● Exolent
●●● For some help with percentage calculation for captured ring stats.
●●● Numb
●●● For his
●●● VEN
●●● For his is_player_stuck stock.
●●● (ConnorMcLeod) For blinking dot on the radar code.
●●● All translators!
●●● All spawn point makers!
●● Want to help supporting this mod?:
●●● Post your suggestions, reports and improvements.
●●● Post your ML translations for your language.
●●● Post your ring spawn points for other maps.
●●● Be my friend! :crab:

kramesa 05-21-2012 13:53

Re: WARZZZ 2.0

ConnorMcLeod 05-21-2012 14:03

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
WoW !!

spike1554746 05-21-2012 14:08

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
man this is very gooood

Napoleon_be 05-21-2012 14:28

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
Even Connor is surprised, dam this is just great dude :)

NamOP 05-21-2012 15:36

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
wow nice tnx dude/

FR0NTLINE 05-21-2012 15:39

Re: WARZZZ 2.0

Originally Posted by ConnorMcLeod (Post 1713822)
WoW !!

Thats what i said when i read all this COOL SHIT! Always nice to have a new mod for cs!

FR0NTLINE 05-21-2012 15:42

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
Damn this is so badass I love the models!

FireJinTW 05-21-2012 21:06

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
There is a bug I found. When one team win by getting all rings. Next round any teams that get first ring will win right away. Can you fix that?

Also Can we make each classes having different choices to choose the gun?
Example Sniper has Awp, Scout, Auto-Sniper. Assault has Ak, M4A1.

FOUTA 05-21-2012 21:29

Re: WARZZZ 2.0
awesome :O i will definitely test this one :D

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