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itoxicreal 03-29-2021 08:10

vps player ping
Hi my server runs off a vps and my players pings are high as hell
how can i fix

itoxicreal 03-29-2021 08:31

Re: vps player ping
the more players the higher their ping gets

my vps location is in germany

nG_getwreck 03-29-2021 10:47

Re: vps player ping
It depends on players location, if they live near at germany then it should be good.

itoxicreal 03-29-2021 11:25

Re: vps player ping
the thing is. when more players are on server the higher their ping gets it goes from 200-500

Shadows Adi 03-29-2021 14:26

Re: vps player ping
Show your server's launch command line.

TomL. 03-29-2021 14:31

Re: vps player ping
Make sure your server is powerful enough and not overloaded.

itoxicreal 03-29-2021 14:37

Re: vps player ping

Originally Posted by Shadows Adi (Post 2742280)
Show your server's launch command line.

@echo off
title StartUp
echo (%time%) HLDS Started...
reg add "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam\ActiveProcess" /v SteamClientDll /t REG_SZ /d "" /f
start /wait hlds.exe -console -game cstrike -master -pingboost 3 -noipx +map zm_foda +maxplayers 32 +port 27015
echo n| goto hlds
echo (%time%) HLDS Crashed, restarting...
goto hlds

here is my server.cfg

hostname "zombie mod"// Remote control password (RCON)
rcon_password ""

// The max ammount of time (in minutes) a map is played
mp_timelimit "40"

// The ammount of money a player receives on first round
mp_startmoney "3600"

// How many seconds the players wait within freezetime ?
mp_freezetime "0"

// Round time limit (in minutes)
mp_roundtime "6"

// Disable friendlyfire
mp_friendlyfire "0"

// Auto ballance teams
mp_autoteambalance "1"

mp_flashlight "1"

mp_playerid "1"

sv_downloadurl ""
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_allowupload "0"

sv_cheats "0"
sv_aim "0"
pausable "0"
sv_maxspeed "320"
sv_lan "0"
sv_minrate "15000"
sv_maxrate "25000"
sv_maxupdaterate "102"
sv_minupdaterate "20"
rate 100000
sv_region "255"
sv_proxies "1"
mp_autokick "0"
mp_chattime "0"
sv_timeout "60"
sys_ticrate "10000"
fps_max "10000"
pingboost 3
cl_updaterate 101
cl_cmdrate 101

mapchangecfgfile server.cfg

mp_autokick 0

decalfrequency 60

TomL. 03-29-2021 14:52

Re: vps player ping
If you have enough included traffic/bandwidth set your maxrate to 0

itoxicreal 03-29-2021 15:30

Re: vps player ping
doesnt fix

CryWolf 03-29-2021 16:32

Re: vps player ping

pingboost 3
cl_updaterate 101
cl_cmdrate 101

Those are unecessary in server.cfg also the rate command as well, i think problem is bandwidith your upload speed

but your sv_maxrate / sv_minrate sould be 0, meaning HLDS default, and sv_maxupdaterate at best for out of country players should be at 66 and sv_minupdaterate default at max 10, since you forcing client rates with this command and if client doesn't have enought bandwidith it will spike a lot of lagg's, meaning in hight CPU both sides

Better use this but be-ware at upload speed, better use your normal bandwidith with 10% lower

And you need to do 3 upload test's from server

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