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-   -   [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands (

PeEzZ 07-22-2016 10:45

[CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
1 Attachment(s)
I created an other advanced admin commands plugin, but this one is created and optimized only for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Thanks for original command authors: Super Commands (pRED*), Super Admin (TechKnow), Adv Commands (xaider), and for original custom adminmenu list (Dungeon).
Please, if you copy the plugin and it's description to other sites, make those informations and the plugin there up-to date, thanks!

QuickTip, if you don't know: @me - always you | @!me - everyone except you | @t - terrorists | @ct - counter-terrorists | @spec - spectators | @alive - alive players | @dead - dead players | @all - all player | @aim - player, which you are looking at | @bots - all bot.


sm_advadmin_admins <def. 2> - Settings of "!admins" command. | 0 - Disable the command for players without admin rights | 1 - Show always "No Admins online." for players without admin rights | 2 - Show the online admins, like "PeEzZ[R], Bob, NEPTune"
sm_advadmin_announce <def. 2> - Join message, 0 - Disable | 1 - Simple ("PeEzZ connected")| 2 - Message with country ("PeEzZ connected (Hungary)")
sm_advadmin_invalid <def. 1> - Show give/equip text for everyone in the chat if the item is invalid. | 0 - Disable | 1 - Enable ("Bob got the aimbot")
sm_advadmin_log <def. 1> - Enable logging for the plugin. | 0 - Disable | 1 - Enable (The plugin will log into the default sourcemod file)

Admin commands:

sm_extend <map | round> <[+/-] minutes> - Extending the map or the round, ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP
sm_clearmap - Removing dropped weapons, items and chickens without owner from the map, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_restartgame or sm_rg <seconds> - Restarting the game after the specified seconds, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_restartround or sm_rr <seconds> - Restarting the round after the specified seconds, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_playsound <target> <sound [directories/filename.extension]> <pitch 100[50 - 250]> <volume 100[1 - 100]> <multiplier 1[1 - 10]> , - Playing a sound for the targets, with custom settings, ADMFLAG_GENERIC

sm_teleport or sm_tp <target(s) 1> <leave blank for savedlocation | @blink to aim position | target 2> - Teleporting the target to somewhere, ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_saveloc - Saving the current position for later to teleport, ADMFLAG_BAN

sm_team <target(s)> <[1-3] | SPEC | SPECTATOR | T | CT> <[0/1] now/next round> - Set the target(s) team, ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_swap <target(s)> <[0/1] now/next round> - Swap the target(s) team, ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_spec <target(s)> <[0/1] now/next round> - Set the target(s) team to spectator, ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_scramble - Scrambling the teams by scores, ADMFLAG_KICK

sm_give <target(s)> <leave blank for knife | weapon name | text> - Give something for the target(s) (without removing any existing weapon), ADMFLAG_BAN - (Available weapon names below)
sm_equip <target(s)> <leave blank for knife | weapon name | text> - Equipping something for the target(s) (removing all weapons and giving the specified ones), ADMFLAG_BAN - (Available weapon names below)
sm_equipments - Printing the valid equipment names into the user's console, available weapon names below, ADMFLAG_GENERIC
sm_disarm <target(s)> - Disarming the target(s), (removing all weapons from the target(s)) ADMFLAG_BAN
(Hint: You can give anything, invalid things always will be ignored)

sm_respawn <target(s)> <[0/1] on spawn/on death pos> - Respawning the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_bury <target>(s) <[0/1] bury/unbury> - Burying/unburying the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK

sm_speed <target(s)> <multiplier> - Set the speed multipiler of the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_god <target(s)> <[0/1] off/on> - Set godmode status for the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_helmet <target(s)> <[0/1] off/on> - Set helmet status for the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK

sm_health or sm_hp <target(s)> <[+/-] amount> - Set the health of the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_armour <target(s)> <[+/-] amount> - Set the armour of the target(s), ADMFLAG_KICK
sm_cash <target(s)> <[+/-] amount> - Set the cash of the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN

sm_setstats <target(s)> <kills | assists | deaths | mvps | scores | clan> <[+/-] value> - Set the stats of the target(s), ADMFLAG_BAN
sm_teamscores <[2/3] | T | CT> <[+/-] amount> - Set the scores of a team, ADMFLAG_BAN

sm_spawnent <chicken | ball | snow | turret | drone> <value1> <value2>  - Spawning entities, like chickens or balls, ADMFLAG_BAN
For <value1> can be:
- Chicken: <body [0-6] 0 - Normal chicken, 1 - Birthday, 2 - Ghost, 3 - Christmas, 4 - Bunny, 5 - Pumpkin, 6 - Zombie> (i know its not working now,  i will fix it)
For <value2> can be:
- Chicken: <explode [-1-9999]>  -1 - Chicken with godmode, 0 - Normal chicken, everything else greater than 0 is the explosion damage when the chicken dies
Remember, do not spam the command, or you have a risk to make the server lag or crash by too many entities!

User commands:

sm_admins - Will show the admins for users based on the "sm_advadmin_admins" convar setting
(Example: if the cvar is "0" - this will say "Command disabled", for users without admin rights, if "1" - this will say "No admins online." for users without admin rights, if "2" - this will say "Online admins: Bart, [R]PeEzZ" for the users)
(Hint: Flags: [R] - have root admin flag ADMFLAG_ROOT.)
For players who have generic admin flag (ADMFLAG_GENERIC), this command will always show the true, currently online admins, no matter what the convar is set to.

Available equipment names:

new String: WeaponsList[][] = //VALID WEAPON NAMES HERE
    "c4", "knife", "knifegg", "taser", "healthshot", //misc
    "decoy", "flashbang", "hegrenade", "molotov", "incgrenade", "smokegrenade", "tagrenade", //grenades
    "usp_silencer", "glock", "tec9", "p250", "hkp2000", "cz75a", "deagle", "revolver", "fiveseven", "elite", //pistoles
    "nova", "xm1014", "sawedoff", "mag7", "m249", "negev", //heavy
    "mp9", "mp7", "mp5sd", "ump45", "p90", "bizon", "mac10", //smgs
    "ak47", "aug", "famas", "sg556", "galilar", "m4a1", "m4a1_silencer", //rifles
    "awp", "ssg08", "scar20", "g3sg1" //snipers
new String: ItemsList[][] = //VALID ITEM NAMES HERE, HEAVYASSAULTSUIT ONLY WORKS WHEN ITS ENABLED (mp_max_armor 3 and mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1)
    "defuser", "cutters", //defuser and rescue kit
    "kevlar", "assaultsuit", "heavyassaultsuit", //armors
    "nvgs" //nightvision

Plugin requirements:
- Latest, Stable SourceMod
- Translation files ("common.phrases.txt", "advadmin.phrases.txt")
- Adminmenu plugin, if you want to use the custom adminmenu: "adminmenu_custom.txt" (OPTIONAL)

- Do use the beta version please(latest)
- Just in case, if there is a new sourcemod version, try to recompile all of your plugins with the newer compiler!
- If you found some bug or error in the log, please report here!
- The plugin currently not support the command executes from the server's console.
- If you want to add some other commands, suggest and discuss here.
- Custom adminmenu file "adminmenu_custom.txt" is not needed, but optional.
- You can set admin activity chat messages in sourcemod's config file "cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg" with "sm_show_activity" CVar.

Suggested commands and known following updates:
- Balancing the teams based on player count
- Option to give multiple weapons at once with give and equip?
- Server console command executing support
- Support for new items (shield, etc...)
- Saving other players location for yourself to teleport to ("sm_saveloc Engie" >> will save Engie's position for later to teleport with "sm_tp <target(s)>")
- Active check when using "sm_spawnent" to prevent making the server lag/crash by too many spawned entities
- Upgrade to Counter-Strike 2?

Known bugs:
- Chicken body variants are no longer exists
- Drone & turret does not working right

Last update:
(1.7.2 BETA, 2020.02.25, 19:20)
- New changes, commands, etc, the plugin is not finished yet, maybe has some bugs, but a few people requested this version.
- New command "sm_spawnent" will replace the "sm_spawnchicken", and "sm_spawnball" commands.
- Option to extend the current round with sm_extend <round> <time>
- Fixed the typo of the traslations folder in the zip

Older updates

Sw33T3R 07-25-2016 09:48

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Nice plugin :3
How can i hide [SM] commands on chat?

PeEzZ 07-25-2016 10:34

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
With the default sourcemod cvar "sm_show_activity" in "cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg"

Aymeric VII 07-27-2016 15:49

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Wheres the other commands?
sm_shutdown etc, these are commands we use on a daily as well. Id suggest you add it maybe?

PeEzZ 07-27-2016 18:26

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Yes, then i add just suggest what you want, sm_rr is currently in plugin now (sm_rr, sm_rg, sm_restartgame, sm_restartround)

Aymeric VII 07-27-2016 19:16

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

Originally Posted by PeEzZ (Post 2440064)
Yes, then i add just suggest what you want, sm_rr is currently in plugin now (sm_rr, sm_rg, sm_restartgame, sm_restartround)

Oh, pardon that suggestion then. My dear apologies, thanks for those commands.

shockys 07-30-2016 01:36

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
the commands dont seem to work for me, any fix?

PeEzZ 07-30-2016 05:07

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Maybe try reinstall, from .zip, .sp only for view, plugin needs translations.

Archange 07-31-2016 09:10

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
[Google Translate]

How to translate the menus?
(I can not find them)

PeEzZ 07-31-2016 16:22

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
You can translate the the adminmenu_custom.txt, just you need modify, replace all name phrases like "Set God" and save, and you done

my11 07-31-2016 16:25

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Plugin commands works fine, but i don't see the menu of advanced commands when i put !admin. I see the default menu.

L 07/31/2016 - 17:46:40: [SM] Native "GetUserFlagBits" reported: Client index 0 is invalid
L 07/31/2016 - 17:46:40: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sm_advanced_admin.smx":
L 07/31/2016 - 17:46:40: [SM] [0] Line 143, sm_advanced_admin.sp::CMD_Admins()
L 07/31/2016 - 17:46:51: [SM] Native "GetUserFlagBits" reported: Client index 0 is invalid
L 07/31/2016 - 17:46:51: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sm_advanced_admin.smx":
L 07/31/2016 - 17:46:51: [SM] [0] Line 143, sm_advanced_admin.sp::CMD_Admins()

PeEzZ 08-01-2016 05:10

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
You need replace adminmenu_custom.txt to see plus commands in !admin menu, "Advanced Admin"
The plugin not support all commands from server-side execute (in server console "sm_admins")

my11 08-02-2016 08:19

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
i replace all the files but the menu still does not appear. :C

All commands works well but the menu not :(

PeEzZ 08-02-2016 12:02

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
"adminmenu.smx" is needed to run adminmenu, put into the plugins folder the "adminmenu.smx" after this, use "sm_admin"

my11 08-02-2016 16:11

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
adminmenu.smx is in the correct folder and adminmenu_custom.txt too.

PeEzZ 08-02-2016 16:27

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
!admin shows menu for you? if not, the problem is not with this plugin.

PeEzZ 08-04-2016 12:31

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Plugin updated, new command syntax and more :D

my11 08-06-2016 12:33

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Yes! only the default menu, adminmenu_custom don't work for me :C

my11 08-06-2016 13:06

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

Originally Posted by PeEzZ (Post 2442240)
Plugin updated, new command syntax and more :D

Now it's working!!! ty

jeka2 08-06-2016 13:23

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Not start map my server. Infinity load map.

PeEzZ 08-08-2016 17:41

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

Originally Posted by my11 (Post 2442789)
Now it's working!!! ty

I think, you not have some flags for commands maybe try add Root admin yourself.


Originally Posted by jeka2 (Post 2442796)
Not start map my server. Infinity load map.

I can't help for you, its not the plugin i think.

nguyenbaodanh 08-10-2016 00:09

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
sm_clearmap sometimes not working

PeEzZ 08-10-2016 03:34

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
You got errors or something?

PeEzZ 08-10-2016 06:55

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

Originally Posted by nguyenbaodanh (Post 2443698)
sm_clearmap sometimes not working

Maybe i fix this now.

jeka2 08-12-2016 13:59

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by PeEzZ (Post 2443368)
I think, you not have some flags for commands maybe try add Root admin yourself.

I can't help for you, its not the plugin i think.

Attachment 156803
Please check my consolelog file.
When I install your plug-in is no longer loaded any map on the server.

PeEzZ 08-12-2016 14:13

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Type "sm version" and "meta version" into you console, and copy what is say

jeka2 08-13-2016 13:15

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version:
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.8, jit-x86 (build
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 11
Compiled on: Jul 8 2016 12:47:46
Built from:
Build ID: 5919:2fb976b

Metamod:Source version 1.10.6
Built from:
Build ID: 946:9fed12f
Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
Compiled on: Sep 10 2015
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

Listing 4 plugins:
[01] SourceMod ( by AlliedModders LLC
[02] CS Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
[03] SDK Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
[04] SDK Hooks ( by AlliedModders LLC

[SM] Listing 67 plugins:
01 "[Timer] MapZones - Simple Stage Timer" (1.0) by Zipcore
02 "[CSGO] Team Limit Bypass" (1.1) by Zephyrus
03 "[Timer] Random Startmap" ( by Zipcore
04 "[Timer] MySQL Manager" ( by Zipcore
05 "BunnyHop" (1.0.1) by Soccerdude
06 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
07 "[Timer] Sounds" ( by Zipcore, Jason Bourne
08 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
09 "[Timer] Physics" ( by Zipcore, Alongub
10 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
11 "[Timer] Core" ( by Zipcore, Credits: Alongub
12 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
13 <Failed> "[Timer] Rankings" ( by Panduh (AlliedMods: thetwistedpanda), Zipcore
14 "MapChooser" (1.7.3-dev+5238) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
16 "No Weapon Fix" (1.3) by .#Zipcore
17 "SourceBans" (1.4.11) by SourceBans Development Team
18 "Round Time Extension" (1.0) by R1KO
19 "Plugin 13" (1.0.0)
20 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
21 "[Timer] Hide" ( by Zipcore, exvel
22 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
23 "[Timer] LJstats" ( by justshoot, Zipcore
24 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
25 "respawner.smx"
26 "Advertisements" (0.6 CSGO-1.1) by Tsunami (CSGO FIX Феникс)
27 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
28 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
29 "Fast Change Team v2" (1.6 v2) by ilga80
30 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
31 "Resetscore+" (1.5.0) by AlmazON
32 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC
33 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
34 "Rock The Vote" (1.7.3-dev+5238) by AlliedModders LLC
35 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
36 "NoBlock" (1.4.2) by Team
37 "[Timer] Main Menu" ( by Zipcore
38 "Map configs" (1.2) by Berni
39 "Player Cleaner" (1.0) by White Wolf (HLModders LLC)
40 "Player Respawn v2" (1.5) by Rogue
41 "startmap_restartgame.smx"
42 "[Shop] Core" (2.0.19) by FrozDark
43 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
44 <Failed> "[Timer] HUD" (1.0.7) by alongub | Glite
45 "Map Nominations" ( by AlliedModders LLC
46 "[Timer] Auto lower case commands" ( by Zipcore
47 "[Timer] Logging" ( by Zipcore, Credits: Alongub
48 "[Timer] World Record" ( by Zipcore, Credits: Alongub
49 "[Shop] Money Distributor" (1.4.2) by FrozDark (HLModders LLC)
50 "bhop_small.smx"
51 "spawntools7" (0.9) by meng
52 "[Timer] Finish Manager" ( by Zipcore
53 "[Timer] MapZones" ( by Zipcore, Credits: Alongub
54 "Stop Map Music" (1.0.0) by GoD-Tony [Fixed by The Count]
55 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
56 "Admin Sounds" (1.2.2) by cadav0r, dalto, o_O.Uberman.O_o, |HS|Jesus
57 "Plugin 25" (1.0.0) by Step-One.Ru
58 "Удаление трупов" (1.0) by R1KO
59 "[Timer] Players Online DB" (1.0) by Zipcore
60 "[CSGO] Third Person" (1.0.0) by thecount & Powerlord
61 "Multiplayer Bunnyhops: Source" ( by DaFox & petsku, Zipcore
62 "[Timer] HUD" ( by Zipcore, Alongub
63 "[Таймер] Финальное сообщение" ( by Zipcore + Fixes by Orel s binoklem + Translate by xFrunKy
64 "Terrible Enable Full Alltalk" (0.02) by Sheepdude
65 "mpbhops_unload_end_map.smx"
66 "Hook Grab Rope" (1.1.4) by Sheepdude, SumGuy14
67 "[Shop] Skins" (2.0.22) by FrozDark
timer-rankings.smx ([Timer] Rankings): Native "GetMessageFlags" was not found
timer-hud.smx ([Timer] HUD): Native "Timer_GetBestRecord" was not found

PeEzZ 08-13-2016 19:59

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Try reinstall the latest sourcemod, and try disable all plugins and add one by one back, and all "<Failed>" plugins not working.

jeka2 08-14-2016 02:15

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Thank you. Now the plugin works for me.

PeEzZ 08-14-2016 06:25

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

krikus62 08-15-2016 12:40

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Would you mind implementing a forced team scramble + balance command?

PeEzZ 08-15-2016 12:51

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
I think, its not needed if you use a good config file.
But if more people request this, i can add.

renatopali 08-15-2016 14:02

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Szia! Most veszem észre magyar vagy :D
Abba tudnál segiteni hogy logoltathatom az admin tevékenységet ennél a pluginnál?

PeEzZ 08-15-2016 15:01

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
A fórumon nem szabad magyarul beszélni, írj PM-et.

Edit.: Már csinálom is.

Edit.: Tess, kész is.

renatopali 08-16-2016 11:06

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

Originally Posted by PeEzZ (Post 2445122)
A fórumon nem szabad magyarul beszélni, írj PM-et.

Edit.: Már csinálom is.

Edit.: Tess, kész is.

BIG thanks bro :D

PeEzZ 08-16-2016 11:27

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
np :D

.Richter 08-16-2016 16:01

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
Hey! I'm thinking of replacing the good ol' SuperCommands with your plugin, but there's one tiny problem: SC has a feature called "adminseeall" which basically means admins can see everything written in the chat (e.g. enemy teamchat), and I find that little 'ability' quite useful. As I went through your code I didn't find anything that would mean your plugin has it, so my question is: would it be possible to implement it?

Előre is köszi. :)

PeEzZ 08-16-2016 16:09

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
hmm, its interesting :D

Hallucinogenic Troll 08-17-2016 22:59

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands

Originally Posted by krikus62 (Post 2445094)
Would you mind implementing a forced team scramble + balance command?

I also vote for this, it can be useful sometimes.

asdfxD 08-18-2016 11:32

Re: [CSGO] Advanced Admin Commands
would be nice if you can add deagle round only and zeus round only. :)

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