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Natsheh 03-26-2017 08:50

Jailbreak MOD v2.7.0 (API SUPPORT) STABLE
Description :- Jailbreak mod is a nice fun mod to play with friends it participate into 2 roles, guards & prisoners, guards duties to make sure prisoners wont rebel, riot or disobedience ( trying to kill the opposite team / refusing to complete an order from the warden ) and the warden/commander should rule the round and control it by giving the prisoners some activities using the map or mod accessibilities such as starting a minigame or going through creativity to determine who's worthy enough in the prisoners team to survive and end the round by last prisoner choice either by a rebellion or using the last request menu and try to duel out with the guards.

the mod includes special days too...

Preview :-



* Cvar-util Module

* AMX Mod X latest version

* REHLDS, regamedll or Default HLDS

Installation :- (IMPORTANT)

extract all the files in the archives to your "cstrike/" folder, compile all the sma files,
Add all the plugins with '.amxx' TYPE after the compiling in the 'amxmodx/plugins/' folder after this step your jailbreak server should be working.

Note this mod is using a custom map vote plugin, you must disables the default ones that comes with the amxmodx package from plugins.ini

Note For the ones who're using the default gamedll of the game you might need to update some of the signatures in the orpheu function directory and/or some memory game offsets since some of the plugins won't work without the correct signatures and/or offsets...

Known Issues :-
  • MYSQL saving type, invalid queries and small mistakes with saving/loading the cash using mysql. Fixed in version 2.6.1
  • Taking damage is disabled, will be fixed asap! Fixed in version 2.6.3
  • Memory leakage of not destroying the hp duel lr menu and knife lr menu. Fixed in version 2.7.0

Features :-

you can configure any shop item, you will find everything in jailbreak_shop.ini & jailbreak_days_shopitems.ini file inside the configs folder which located in the amxmodx directory.

* Shop Features *
  • Item Limit per user or per users for one round or couples of rounds.
  • Item is Customable for each special day.
  • easy to change the prices.
  • You can add/change the description for each item.
  • You can set an admin flag or any flag for each item.
  • You can specify the item for any team you want or both team.

You can add skins for the gangs...
gangster skins are purchasable while the creation of the gang only.
you can add skins in the "gangs_skins.ini" file

This gambling system offers you two kind of gambling games jackpot and blackjack, if you're interested of adding more gambling games you can since the API is great.

You can add for each day/duel/event (DETECTED ONLY BY A JAILBREAK LOGMESSAGE) a sound, hudmessage or a chat message or even execute a server, client command, you can check JAILBREAK log messages by typing log on in server console, if is 1st parameter in the message is 'JAILBREAK' then its a detectable logmessage, there is no need to include JAILBREAK in the logmessage in the file.

* 'jailbreak_effects.ini' will be auto created!

for examples....


You can set/edit spawns for each fun/special day, sadly you need to do this manually but the editor spawns menu has much useful options you can use.

New Feature Added : Spawns are randomly generated for each special/fun day on each map.
Warning: You might end up with some bad spawns that you have to deal with them manually.

The Special days spawn editor menu command :-> jb_days_spawn_editor


You can customize your own classes.
check out configs/jailbreak_classes.ini

Syntax Format :-

[Class name]
TEAM = "GUARD", "PRISONERS", "ANY" // on both teams.
PRIMARY_WEAPON = "ak47,m4a1" // primary weapon items.
SECONDARY_WEAPON = "deagle,glock18" // secondary weapon items.
MODEL = "gign" or "terror" // class skin model
MODEL_SKIN = 0 // model skin number
MODEL_BODY = 0  // model body number
FLAGS = "" // Class admin flags
KNIFE_SOUNDS = "jailbreak/taser" // knife sounds directory, all the knife sounds should have the file name tag(taser) and its sequence format ex: taser_deploy1.wav
P_KNIFE = "models/jailbreak/p_taser.mdl" // players view knife model.
V_KNIFE = "models/jailbreak/v_taser.mdl" // view knife model.


Now its possible to play trivia and answer some questions challenging your intelligence.

* Squid Game doll *

The warden can sum up the prisoners and spawns the doll to play green light/red light game squid game edition.

* Death Realm *

Players can wonder around realms when they are dead and have an extra gameplay, there are currently two realms available, The death realm where as players fight each others and the ghost realm where as players spawn as a ghost to scare the alive players...

* AI / NPCs *

There are several NPCs and monsters the players can interact with such as the Guardian, Sentry, Zombie guard, Zombie Gonome and the Revenant Monster...


v1.0 : Released.
v2.0 :
* Now you can add the shop items to be used during the days, each day can has its own items,
          check out the native register_jailbreak_shopitem(const name[], const info[], cost, team, bitsum_days = 0)!
          Added jailbreak_days_shopitems file so you can configure your items in which day to show!
* Alot of code optimized.
* Added voteday chosen day delaying cvar.
* Added New client say command's  ( say /eday, /eduel ).
* Added New forward ( jb_mm_itemadded )
v2.1 :
* Fixed alot of bugs, Gang members menu, Voteday menu(now it wont close automatically after choosing a funday), sound system.
* Bazooka Item Code Optimized.
* Added more natives ( jb_save_user_ingang, jb_set_user_ingang, jb_remove_user_fromgang, jb_load_user_ingang, jb_get_commander )
v2.2 :
* Added multilanguage support, fixed several bugs.
* Added new shop item Oxhit/Bullhit.
* Added commander effects, Added jb_deathmatch command to (en/dis)able deathmatch mode, respawn time controlled by jb_day_dm_respawn_time cvar, the command is disabled after a dm day!.
* Blocked weapons pick up on knife duel!
* Added new admin command to set up the cells button (say /set button) aim at the cells button
* Added the ability to give a class an access flag by putting this format in the classname *FLAG=accessflags(abcdef....)*
* Crashing Decreased upto 90%, few bugs fixed.
v2.2_fixed :
* Crashing Decreased upto 99.9%.
* Added new control mod for bazooka (Aiming target mod).
* Several bugs fixed.
* Added new command, jb_chicken <name/#id/@c/@t/@a> CMD Info : transfer player/s into a chicken or back to human + Added chicken sounds!
v2.3 :

* Alot of features has been added.
* Fixed alot of bugs.
* Changed configuration methods. ( Check out jailbreak.ini / jailbreak_shop.ini / jailbreak_classes ) for more information.
* Added more natives and forwards...
v2.4 :

* Added a freeday guy out of minigames.
* Fixed a few bugs.
* Changed jb_sound_system into jb_effects_system, for more information check out the ini file (jailbreak_effects.ini).
* Added more two natives,

PHP Code:




// hook jailbreak logmessages /* return logmessage index */
native register_jailbreak_logmessages(const function[], const logmessage[])

// write a jailbreak logmessage its catchable by hooking with register_jailbreak_logmessages
native jb_logmessage(const logmessage[]) 





* Changed commander heal command to dropping medkits usable for healing, by pressing 'E' on the medkit.
v2.5 :

* Alot of major changes, and additions.
# v2.5.1 : Just Fixed a bug in the jb_days_spawns
# v2.5.2 : Fixed few errors, now LRmenu will open for the one and only terrorist on spawn if there was a ct, The mod now is not stable.
v2.5.3 :

* Minigames Bugs are all now fixed!
* Added Soccer Minigame comes along with a deathball if the minigame was free for all.
* Added HUDMessages to display player team in the minigame.
* Added a Counter for Last request game.
* More Commands were Added.
v2.5.4 :

* Fixed jb_cells native wasn't returning the index of cells button, fixed auto reviving when jb_deathmatch is active!
v2.5.5 :
  • Added Shop item zombie pet an NPC (protect/follow) you.

  • Fixed gang model bug.

  • Fixed Adding external classes using API.

  • Fixed/Optimized soccer ball physics.

  • Fixed a bug in friendlyfire during specified special/fun days.

v2.6 :

* Final version was released.

* an Update added all the missing include files to the archive ( dhudmessage & cvar_util ),
  also added compatibility compiling for version 182.
v2.6.1 :
  • Fixed Mysql connection & quries, now mysql details has their own cfg file ( jailbreak_mysql.cfg ).

  • Fixed mysql jb cash saving & loading.

  • Added the ability to open doors during special days and last request.

  • Added the ability to auto generate hunger games spawns.

  • Fixed Hulk Day ending bug, which on hulk death day won't ends.

  • Added a delay on ending a special day when its a free for all.

  • Fixed the unprecache sound of radio wav files which were causing players to disconnect.

v2.6.2 :
  • Fixed an issue with the infinite round and round terminator was the enums conflicts.

  • Changed friendlyfire from chaning teams back and forth to default by using the friendlyfire cvar.

  • Added new four natives jb_get/set_user_allies & jb_get/set_user_allies, helps to enable friendlyfire for specific players!

v2.6.3 :
  • Fixed receiving and inflicting damage.

  • Fixed few bugs with bitsum variables and constants.

  • Fixed a small bug in minigames.

v2.6.4 :
  • Fixed memory access error when the round ends on a specialday ending.

  • Jailbreak_main is now back to been compatible with amxx version 182

  • Fixed a bug in ttt special day to the sound when ID'ing the body.

v2.6.5 :
  • Fixed a server startup crash was caused by Invalid global variables declaration (problem from jb_minigames.sma).

  • Fixed Hulk special ability to smash, some global variables didn't had the correct initial value.

  • Fixed a Typos in jb_logmessage admin commands events.

v2.6.6 :[INDENT]
  • Fixed alot of bugs for sure...

  • Now you can save your gang costumes!

  • Optimized the jailbreak effects system, map system, gang systems.

  • Optimized the CT ban.

  • Optimized MYSQL load/save queries and methods in-addition to adding a prevention against SQL injection attacks!!!

  • Added a new special item ( Harpoon ).

  • Added a new minigame ( Deathmatch ).

  • Added a new specialday ( One in the chamber ).

  • Admins now are able to force LR on the last prisoner with executing the chat command /lr.

  • Admins can now end a voteday with executing the chat command /eday.

  • Added a new chat command for admins /give <gun/weapon/blind/sight> <target> <1/0 or weapon part of name>

v2.7.0 :
  • The mod is now stable!

  • Alot of fixes and additions!

  • Added a support for REHLDS and regamedll!

  • Dropped the support for AMX ModX version 1.8.2!


Jailbreak cvars

* CMDS *


Help/Support the mod to be translated to all languages.

* Translation Credits List *

Support me

If you would like to show your appreciation, please donate since this mod was really hard to make and was time consuming and took alot of work to test and process all the bugs, even a small amount of donation is also acceptable :) Thanks :)

Download the Mod on GitHUB

Servers are running this mod

HamletEagle 03-26-2017 08:54

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API
Remove the amxx files from the archive.

Natsheh 03-26-2017 09:00

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API

Originally Posted by HamletEagle (Post 2506898)
Remove the amxx files from the archive.

Done Secured!

Fuck For Fun 03-26-2017 13:57

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API
GJ BRO, Thank for release!!

D3XT3R 03-26-2017 14:20

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API
Look NICE! going testing it! to notice you with any bugs he has!
Thanx for realise it !!!

Natsheh 03-26-2017 14:21

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API

Originally Posted by D3XT3R (Post 2506962)
Look NICE! going testing it! to notice you with any bugs he has!
Thanx for realise it !!!


yas17sin 03-26-2017 14:41

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API
Gj & nice mod, i love the jailbreak gameplay.

hornet 04-16-2017 04:37

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API
Correct me if I'm wrong, is this the same as this? (I don't have all my old downloads anymore :| and you got rid of the old plugins )

Natsheh 04-16-2017 09:03

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API

Originally Posted by hornet (Post 2512634)
Correct me if I'm wrong, is this the same as this? (I don't have all my old downloads anymore :| and you got rid of the old plugins )

No it wasnt the same at all if you want ill attach it, i still has it
Was 1 plugin and didnt had alot of features

hornet 04-17-2017 02:52

Re: Jailbreak MODE + API

Originally Posted by Natsheh (Post 2512688)
No it wasnt the same at all if you want ill attach it, i still has it
Was 1 plugin and didnt had alot of features

If they're not related then it is fine. Just checking :up:

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