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altex 06-05-2009 03:31

[CS:S/CS:GO] GunGame
5 Attachment(s)

Table of contents
GunGame:SM is the gameplay plugin that makes you to
act with various guns and not only with your favorite
one. On spawn you get one weapon. You should kill
enemy with the current weapon to get next weapon.
You should kill enemies with all the weapons to win the game.
Complementary plugins
Commands and Cvars
  • sm_gungamesm_version - Gungame version.
  • gungame_enabled - Display if gungame is enabled or disabled.
  • gg_version - Show gungame version information.
  • gg_status - Show state of the current game.
  • gg_restart - Restarts the whole game from the beginning.
  • gg_enable - Turn on gungame and restart the game.
  • gg_disable - Turn off gungame and restart the game.
  • gg_rebuild - Rebuilds the top10 rank from the player data information.
  • gg_import - Imports the winners file from es es gungame3. File must be in data/gungame/es_gg_winners_db.txt.
    You can convert winners db file from es gungame5 to gungame3 - use tools/
  • gg_reset - Reset all gungame stats. (only if sql stats enabled)
  • gg_importdb - Imports the winners from gungame players data file into database. (only if sql stats enabled)
  • sm_gg_cfgdirname - Define config directory where gungame.config.txt is located.
    Default is "gungame" (so config files will be loaded from "cfg\gungame\").
    You can define your own directory after gungame winner, for example exec "sm_gg_cfgdirname gungame-dm",
    and after map change the config files will be loaded from "cfg\gungame-dm"
    (so config files will be loaded from "cfg\gungame\").
  • sm_gg_turbo - Change TurboMode config variable.
  • sm_gg_multilevelamount - Change MultiLevelAmount config variable.
  • say !level - Show your current level and who is winning.
  • say !weapons - Show the weapon order.
  • say !score - Show all player current scores.
  • say !top - Show the top winners on the server.
  • say !leader - Show current leaders.
  • say !rank - Show your current place in stats. (only if sql stats enabled)
  • say !rules - Show the rules and how to play.

  • Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • SourceMod 1.4.5+
  • (Optional, not required by default) SDK Hooks 2.2 or later (
    You need SDK Hooks if you want to set specific options in config
    (search for "sdkhooks" in "gungame.config.txt" and read comments for more info)

  • Install Metamod:Source.
  • Install SourceMod.
  • (Optional, not required by default) Install SDK Hooks.
  • Upload the "addons", "sound", and "cfg" into your "cstrike" folder for CS:Source
  • Config "gungame.config.txt" and "gungame.equip.txt" to your liking in "cfg/gungame/<css|csgo>/"
  • (Optional, not required by default) If you installed SDK Hooks, remove "gungame.smx" from "plugins" folder
    and add "gungame_sdkhooks.smx" from "disabled" info "plugins" folder.
  • Restart your server.

  • gungame.smx - Main GunGame:SM plugin
    • Depends on gungame_config.smx, gungame_stats.smx (optional)
    • Mandatory plugin
    • Provides almost all gungame functionality
  • disabled/gungame_sdkhooks.smx - Main GunGame:SM plugin compiled with SDK Hooks support.
    • You need SDK Hooks if you want to set specific options in config
      (search for "sdkhooks" in "gungame.config.txt" and read comments for more info)
    • If you want to use sdk hooks version of gungame, then remove gungame.smx and add gungame_sdkhooks.smx.
      Don't use both gungame.smx and gungame_sdkhooks.smx.
  • gungame_config.smx - Config Reader
    • No dependencies
    • Mandatory plugin
    • Read all config files
    • Can load different configs (*.config.txt, *.equip.txt) depending on map
      prefixes and map names in configs/gungame/maps.
      gungame.config.txt will be read first before prefix map name.
      Prefix map name will be executed first before map specfic map.
      Then map specifc config files will be loaded.
  • gungame_stats.smx - Stats
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Displays top10 panel
    • Stores players wins data and top10 data
    • Sets handicap level for the new connected players
  • gungame_afk.smx - Afk Management System
    • Depends on gungame_config.smx, gungame.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Detect afk players, kick them if needed, do not allow level up on afk players
  • gungame_mapvoting.smx - Map voting
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Starts the map voting for the next map when someone reaches particular level
      by executing gungame.mapvote.cfg
  • gungame_logging.smx - Logging events
    • Depends on gungame.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Logs events for players: gg_win, gg_leader, gg_levelup, gg_leveldown, gg_knife_steal,
      gg_knife_level, gg_triple_level, gg_last_level, gg_team_win, gg_team_lose.
  • gungame_tk.smx - TeamKill Management System
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Level down team killer
  • gungame_display_winner.smx - Display winner
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_stats.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • When someone wins it shows MOTD window with external URL displaing some info
      about winner.
  • gungame_bot.smx - Bot protection
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Does not allow players to win by killing a bot.
  • gungame_warmup_configs.smx - Warmup configs execution
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Executes configs gungame.warmupend.cfg and gungame.warmupstart.cfg on warmup start and end.
  • gungame_winner_effects.smx - Winner effects after player win
    • Depends on gungame.smx, gungame_config.smx
    • Optional plugin
    • Adds winner effect, configured in gungame.config.txt.

  • Thanks to PlasteR for the polish translation.
  • Thanks to Xilver266 for the spanish translation.
  • Thanks to VoGon for the portuguese translation.
  • Thanks to tObIwAnKeNoBi for the german translation.

For full changelog see doc/CHANGELOG.txt
For full todo list see doc/TODO.txt
  • Q. The map does not change after player wins
    A. GunGame plugin doesn't change the map itself, it leaves that to whatever mapchanger you use.
    After player reaches one of the latest levels GunGame will attempt to run the command that is located in "gungame.mapvote.cfg" to start map voting.
    By default it tries SourceMod default plugin to start the vote (MapChooser) - "sm_mapvote", but you can change that by changing the file "gungame.mapvote.cfg".

    See "VoteLevelLessWeaponCount" config variable in main gungame config file. By deafult it equals two.
    That means the voting begins after someone level up to the level that 2 levels below the maximum level.

    After someone wins the game GunGame finishes map like it happens when "mp_timelimit" exceeded. Then your map changing plugin should change the map.

    You need to configure your map voting/map changing plugin according to its documentation.
    For example SourceMod Map Management Plugins documentation is here
    It uses some of the config files:

    You can also try UltimateMapChooser plugin
    If you are having issues with CS:GO you can try workaround - "EndGameSilent" "1" in main gungame config file.
    If you are running CS:GO, make sure to set the correct game mode (find in the FAQ).
  • Q.[CS:GO] What do I put for game_mode and game_type?
    A.+game_type 0 +game_mode 0
  • Q. I want weapon to be changed after leveling up in the same round and not in the next round.
    A. "TurboMode" "1" in gungame.config.txt.
  • Q. How to enable/disable gungame depending on map prefixes (aka buyzone issue):
  • Q. How to switch stats database from sqlite to mysql
  • Q. Sound does not work.
    A. Try to change all slashes ("/") in sound files paths to double-backslashes ("\\")
    in gungame.config.txt and restart server and client.
  • Q. Sound still does not work.
    A. Good article for beginning
    Post your question with the following info: output of the command on server "sv_pure",
    output of the command on client "sv_pure" or content of the file "cstrike/pure_server_whitelist.txt",
    output of the command "sv_downloadurl" on server or client.
  • Q. Weapons desapearing on level up and player spawn.
    A. If you are using DeathMatch:SM then set sm_ggdm_removeweapons "0" in server.cfg and
    set "StripDeadPlayersWeapon" "1" in gungame.config.txt. GunGame:SM weapon stripper is much cpu effective
    then DeathMatch:SM weapon stripper, don't use DeathMatch:SM weapon stripper with GunGame:SM, it was designed for non GunGame servers.
  • Q. I level up on two levels at once.
    A. Double check that you have only gungame_sdhooks.smx OR gungame.smx in your plugin folder.
    Not both of them. If you have both you have to delete one of them.
  • Q. I have strange errors in my logs.
    A. First of all read this error messages carefully. Sometimes log messages has recommendations how to fix
    the issue. Double check that you have only gungame_sdhooks.smx OR gungame.smx in your plugin folder. Not both of them.
    If you have both you have to delete one of them.
  • Q. I have updated the plugin, and something does not work.
    A. First of all update weaponinfo.txt.
    Notice, that since version the cfg directory changed it's location from cfg/gungame/ to cfg/gungame/css/ (cfg/gungame/csgo/).
    You can use your old gungame.config.txt and gungame.equip.txt, but you should update new weaponinfo.txt from the release zip file.
  • Q. Server has been updated and gungame does not work.
    A. If you have gungame version earlier then, you should update to the version or later.
    Notice, that since version the cfg directory changed it's location from cfg/gungame/ to cfg/gungame/css/ (cfg/gungame/csgo/).
    You can use your old gungame.config.txt and gungame.equip.txt, but you should update new weaponinfo.txt from the release zip file.
  • Q. How do i enable feature X?
    A. All config files are very good described and documented. Before asking such a question you should read
    commets in gungame.config.txt and gungame.equip.txt for all config variables.
  • Q. Something does not work, what should i do?
    A. Start with posting your output of server commands "version; meta version; sm version; plugin_print; meta list; sm exts list;sm plugins list"
    and content of the latest file cstrike/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_<date>.log in this topic.
  • Q. Where the stats database is located?
    A. If you did not configure any custom databases, you gungame stats is located in
  • Q. How to convert my ES GG 5.1 winners database file into SM GG database?
    1) Install php (from into C:\programs\php folder.
    2) Copy C:\programs\php\php.ini-development into C:\programs\php\php.ini file.
    3) Uncomment 2 lines in C:\programs\php\php.ini:
    3.1) extension_dir = "ext"
    3.2) extension=php_sqlite3.dll
    4) Run C:\programs\php\php.exe tools\convert_winners_esgg51_to_ggsm.php <input.db> <output.db>
    where input.db is your ES GG 5.1 sqlite winners database file,
    and output.db is you SM GG sqlite winners database file, that is usualy located in

  • [CSGO] No multichannel sounds. It's possible to play only one sound at a time,
    no overlaps of the sounds. Sounds couldn't be cached on a client.
  • [CSGO] Motd could not be shown as notmal motd. It's only possble to show
    new window with javascript function

3-rd party plugins
My gungame maps
Links below

And also i've got a github repo here:

My plugins | Donations via PayPal

exvel 06-05-2009 05:02

Re: GunGame:SM
Glad to see that you finally started your own thread. :-)

Xp3r7 06-05-2009 08:57

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by exvel (Post 842018)
Glad to see that you finally started your own thread. :-)

Same and keep up the good work on this!

My clan has wanted to switch all our servers over to SM but we are still using Mani on our GG5 server and getting all features that GG5 has will help! :)

One question though, gg_import - where do I put the ES database file at for this GG to import it?

Pietje 06-05-2009 11:34

Re: GunGame:SM
Maybe autoupdate would be handy to put in?

altex 06-05-2009 16:33

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Xp3r7 (Post 842135)

One question though, gg_import - where do I put the ES database file at for this GG to import it?

in sourcemod/data/gungame folder

altex 06-05-2009 16:34

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Pietje (Post 842284)
Maybe autoupdate would be handy to put in?

I don't think it's good idea.

Xp3r7 06-05-2009 21:53

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by altex (Post 842488)
in sourcemod/data/gungame folder

Thank you!

May want to add that by the command in your post so others will see it easier and you wont be asked 1,000,000 times! lol

EDIT: Got this error.


[GunGame] es_gg_winners_db.txt does not exists to be imported.
It doesnt exist because GG5 saves their database as winnersdata.db.

GG4 saves theirs as es_gg_database.sqldb btw.

So that has to be from GG3 or earlier!

altex 06-06-2009 02:33

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Xp3r7 (Post 842695)
May want to add that by the command in your post so others will see it easier and you wont be asked 1,000,000 times! lol

So that has to be from GG3 or earlier!

Updated first post. Thank you.

Stitllams 06-06-2009 02:39

Re: GunGame:SM
Thanks for the quick reply in Liam's thread.

First I would like to thank you for the work you have done since taking over from Liam.

I had a play with the weapon list and started off with more powerful weapons first so I could have some opposition when mates playing against bots.

Shotguns were first and boy did it make it difficult, was way fun though.

Cheers :)

altex 06-06-2009 02:47

Re: GunGame:SM
On our servers we have weapon order like this
"1" "awp"
"2" "g3sg1"
"3" "m249"
"4" "sg550"
"5" "ak47"
"6" "m4a1"
"7" "sg552"
"8" "aug"
"9" "galil"
"10" "famas"
"11" "mp5navy"
"12" "p90"
"13" "tmp"
"14" "ump45"
"15" "mac10"
"16" "xm1014"
"17" "m3"
"18" "scout"
"19" "deagle"
"20" "elite"
"21" "fiveseven"
"22" "p228"
"23" "usp"
"24" "glock"
"25" "hegrenade"
"26" "knife"

PStar 06-06-2009 04:07

Re: GunGame:SM
For the opening post.
Put the change log into a scrolable box, it will make it more clear.

Xp3r7 06-06-2009 11:30

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Xp3r7 (Post 842695)
Thank you!

May want to add that by the command in your post so others will see it easier and you wont be asked 1,000,000 times! lol

EDIT: Got this error.

It doesnt exist because GG5 saves their database as winnersdata.db.

GG4 saves theirs as es_gg_database.sqldb btw.

So that has to be from GG3 or earlier!


Originally Posted by altex (Post 842813)
Updated first post. Thank you.

Thanks man!

Can we get support for importing GG4 and GG5 databases considering they are the 2 most recent versions and GG3 is like 2+ years old and there probably isnt a lot of GG3 servers out there?

I dont want to come off as nagging to you.

I just am suggesting some things that would definitely help this plugin out.
795 GG5 servers
2064 ES GG servers total and I bet 90% or more are GG4 and GG5 servers.

altex 06-06-2009 13:54

Re: GunGame:SM
You can export from gg5 sqlite database into text file, and then manualy (or via text editor replacing tool) convert in into old gg3 format. There is a firefox plugin to access sqlite databases.

Xp3r7 06-06-2009 20:24

Re: GunGame:SM
I tried that extension and a separate program but GG5 saves as a .db and I couldnt find anything to convert it.

Stitllams 06-06-2009 21:54

Re: GunGame:SM
I haven't checked but if its the in same format as the .db in excel you can open it up in excel and save it as comma delimited from there.

Hope that helps.

Edit: Maybe this link may help, or not, I don't have a winnersdata.db to play around with.

Xp3r7 06-06-2009 23:11

Re: GunGame:SM
Yeah that was me askin on the GG5 forums how to open it up since the firefox addon or the program didnt work.

I didnt know I could just open it up in notepad/wordpad.

I tired saving it as es_gg_winners_db.txt and ran the import but it said I had nothing to import so GG3 must save different in the actual txt file.

I can PM u my winnersdata.db if ya like.

I also have an es_gg_database.sqldb from GG4 if you would like it to try to make a converter/workaround for it.

I just feel that since there are so many GG4/GG5 servers out there, this is a must as people wont want to switch to SMs GG if they cant convert their database.

Who wants to switch if they are going to lose their thousands apon thousands of player ranks, kills, etc.?

Stitllams 06-06-2009 23:24

Re: GunGame:SM

I just feel that since there are so many GG4/GG5 servers out there, this is a must as people wont want to switch to SMs GG if they cant convert their database.
I totally agree, send away and if I can help I will.

Xp3r7 06-07-2009 01:34

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Stitllams (Post 843413)
I totally agree, send away and if I can help I will.

Sent via PM.

I sent a GG5 database and a GG4 database. :)

Stitllams 06-07-2009 09:30

Re: GunGame:SM
Thanks for that.

Haven't accomplished much but here is what I have noted so far.

GG4 database is definitely sqlite format so it is feasible that it could be imported using the sqlite support when that is implemented.

GG5 forums were right about the GG5 database format, they use python with cpickle to read and write to the database. Not really sure what to do with that, if it can't be done sourcemod side using c++ (cpickle is written in c), then a python script may be able to convert it to GGSM format.

Thats my thoughts so far anyway.:)

altex 06-07-2009 11:53

Re: GunGame:SM
1 Attachment(s)
1) download and install
2) copy your gg5 winners db file into some folder
3) copy attached file to the same folder
4) unzip script
5) run script and you got gg3 winners file

Pietje 06-08-2009 14:25

Re: GunGame:SM
If so wouldn't it be that u can get the gg_convert from gungame 5 to convert from gg 4 to 5 the same way and then use ur converter to get back to gungame 3??

Also would the converted file be a .txt??

Can u post a gg5 winners file please so we can try??

altex 06-08-2009 15:12

Re: GunGame:SM
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Pietje (Post 844416)
If so wouldn't it be that u can get the gg_convert from gungame 5 to convert from gg 4 to 5 the same way and then use ur converter to get back to gungame 3??

Yes, you can convert from es gg 4 to es gg 5 using es gg 5, and then convert gg 5 database to es 3 format using my tool.

Originally Posted by Pietje (Post 844416)
Also would the converted file be a .txt??

yes, it would be exactly the same file as database for es gg 3

Originally Posted by Pietje (Post 844416)
Can u post a gg5 winners file please so we can try??


Pietje 06-08-2009 15:33

Re: GunGame:SM
1 Attachment(s)
Tryed it, but the gg_convert needs to be changed to let it work exactly like u do with ur converter in the pyton folder, cause with the original file u need to have it set on a server :(

This is the converter for gungame 4 to 5, but i dont know how to make it work in the pyton folder like u did with ur converter.

altex 06-08-2009 16:05

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Pietje (Post 844452)
Tryed it, but the gg_convert needs to be changed to let it work exactly like u do with ur converter in the pyton folder, cause with the original file u need to have it set on a server :(

This is the converter for gungame 4 to 5, but i dont know how to make it work in the pyton folder like u did with ur converter.

You realy need to read original documentation for that tool. I converted winners database from es gg 3 to es gg5 using this tool without any issues. But i do not remember all the steps, sorry.

Stitllams 06-08-2009 17:29

Re: GunGame:SM
It is times like this when I can see the problem and the fix that I wish I was a programmer, but I my other forte is music, not programming.

If somebody had enough C++ knowledge they could write an extension so cpickle could be used in sourcepawn, then with a bit of effort all the converting could be done either from within gungamesm or from a separate plugin.

At least thanks to altex it is now possible to convert gg5 to ggsm.

If you have gg4 then run esgg5's built in converter to upgrade gg4 to gg5 before following altex's instructions.

PStar 06-09-2009 19:29

Re: GunGame:SM
Could you add a function like this?

It's a realy cool addon for GG5.

bl4nk 06-09-2009 19:50

Re: GunGame:SM
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by PStar (Post 845192)
Could you add a function like this?

It's a realy cool addon for GG5.

The attached plugin should do what you want. It will work with everything but ranks; you'd have to get this built into the main plugin or have altex expose a few native functions related to ranks for that to work.

altex 06-10-2009 03:21

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by PStar (Post 845192)
Could you add a function like this?

It's a realy cool addon for GG5.

I thinked about it, i'll implement this.

altex 06-10-2009 03:22

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by bl4nk (Post 845198)
The attached plugin should do what you want. It will work with everything but ranks; you'd have to get this built into the main plugin or have altex expose a few native functions related to ranks for that to work.

Thanks for help!

Pietje 06-10-2009 04:04

Re: GunGame:SM
Missing option to give deagle or other weapon instead of glock when on nade level.


//  Grenade Level Bonus Weapon  0=off, <weapon name>= on
//  If this is set, players on grenade level will receive this bonus weapon also.
//  Set this to zero to disable this function.
gg_nade_bonus "deagle"

Xp3r7 06-10-2009 10:46

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by altex (Post 843730)
1) download and install
2) copy your gg5 winners db file into some folder
3) copy attached file to the same folder
4) unzip script
5) run script and you got gg3 winners file

Thats doesnt seem to work right.

I did what you said and imported it just fine but I have no top10 and someone that has 3,000 wins won our test round and it said he only had 1 win.

Im using it on a test server grabbing the database from our main GG5 server so no worries.

And thank you bl4nk - thats a real popular addon from GG5 and I was going to ask about it after we got the database thing working. :)

altex 06-10-2009 10:53

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Xp3r7 (Post 845596)
I did what you said and imported it just fine but I have no top10 and someone that has 3,000 wins won our test round and it said he only had 1 win.

Did you using gg_import and than gg_rebuild (as it was saing in console after import)?

Xp3r7 06-10-2009 10:59

Re: GunGame:SM
I used both.


[GunGame] Import of es player data completed. Please run gg_rebuild to update the top10.

[GunGame] Backing up top10.txt at addons\sourcemod\data\gungame\top101795.bak.t xt
[GunGame] Top10 has been rebuilt from the player data file

altex 06-10-2009 11:00

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Xp3r7 (Post 845607)
I used both.



And what is in top10.txt ?
You can post screenshot of say !top10 if you want.

Xp3r7 06-10-2009 11:28

Re: GunGame:SM
Ok, I got the top10 working.

Now I just gotta get someone thats in it to play and win and see if it adds to their wins or just says they have 1 win again.

Ill report back.

And about the gg_rebuild feature - I used it 4 or 5 times messing with getting the top10 to work and everytime I used it, it seemed to add to what they were suppose to have.

Like the #1 guy has 4010 wins and when I rebuilt it the 2nd time, it said he had 7000 some wins and the 3rd time said he had 11,000 some wins.

I had to disable the GG plugin, restart the server, re-enable the GG plugin, restart the server again and redo all the importing to get it set.

I deleted all files everytime I did it.

altex 06-10-2009 11:44

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by Xp3r7 (Post 845639)

And about the gg_rebuild feature - I used it 4 or 5 times messing with getting the top10 to work and everytime I used it, it seemed to add to what they were suppose to have.

Like the #1 guy has 4010 wins and when I rebuilt it the 2nd time, it said he had 7000 some wins and the 3rd time said he had 11,000 some wins.

I had to disable the GG plugin, restart the server, re-enable the GG plugin, restart the server again and redo all the importing to get it set.

I deleted all files everytime I did it.

Fisrt of all - not gg_rebuild but gg_import. Every time you use gg_import you add winners database to current game state. So never run gg_import twice on the same es gg 3 winner database file.

altex 06-10-2009 17:09

Re: GunGame:SM
Released version
+ Added motd winner display.
+ Added option to winner display for the custom URL.
+ Added option to give deagle or other weapon instead of glock when on nade level.
* Fixed NadeBonus to work if turbo is enabled.

PStar 06-10-2009 17:26

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by altex (Post 845898)
Released version
+ Added motd winner display.
+ Added option to winner display for the custom URL.
+ Added option to give deagle or other weapon instead of glock when on nade level.
* Fixed NadeBonus to work if turbo is enabled.

Where can i find the custom URL option? (in wich config file)
Or we should just use the cvar provided and put it into an executed cfg file?
And could you provide an example of the winner display html?
Or can wee use the one provided with the ES script?

altex 06-10-2009 17:38

Re: GunGame:SM

Originally Posted by PStar (Post 845905)
Where can i find the custom URL option? (in wich config file)
Or we should just use the cvar provided and put it into an executed cfg file?

Use cvar sm_gungame_display_url in server.cfg or guname.mapconfig.cfg.

Originally Posted by PStar (Post 845905)
And could you provide an example of the winner display html?
Or can wee use the one provided with the ES script?

You can use html from es gg.

Stitllams 06-10-2009 20:22

Re: GunGame:SM
Is there a way to have the rounds continue until there is a winner, not taking into account that the map could be changed if ppl got bored with it.

Also, if the set number of rounds have been completed or there is a mapchange and no winner yet, is there a way to declare the leader/leaders and have the music, instead of just changing map with nothing but the leaderboard.

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