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-   -   [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns? (

Marttt 05-05-2021 15:58

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?
Some events are hard-coded and plugin-dependent like this one:

If you search for "iComplexEventID" you will find both maps mentioned above that had to add the "unlock" line.

The rest I didn't read, too much information.

Tank Rush 05-05-2021 20:00

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by Proaxel (Post 2746039)
Maps with added Scavenge events
Dark Carnival Map 2, Swamp Fever Map 1, Hard Rain Map 2, Death Toll Map 2, Death Air Map 4

On these maps, I found that a logic_auto entity is setting convars so that fires from molotovs and gas cans are heavilly nerfed, in that they only last 2.5 sec and their range is significantly shorter.

Fix: In each of these maps' cfgs, delete the following lines from the logic_auto entry.
PHP Code:

    "OnMultiNewRound" "directorBeginScriptsky_scavenge_cans_cvars.nut0-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "directorBeginScriptsky_scavenge_cans_cvars.nut0-1" 

Alternatively, you may also delete sky_scavenge_cans_cvars.nut from your server's vscripts folder, however I am not sure what may happen when the entity tries to run the script only for it to not be found.
============================================= ================

I also noticed this recently and didn't know how to fix it, the molotovs only lasted 2.5 seconds. Thank you very much for sharing this solution :)

Here is my work, it was one of my first coca events, I created it based on the sky event c8m4_interior :3
PHP Code:

; ===============================================================
; ====== 
; ===============================================================
"classname" "logic_auto"
    "OnMapSpawn" "elevator_number03_leftDisable0-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_mob_blockeraddoutputmins -155 -300 -820-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_mob_blockeraddoutputmaxs 155 300 820-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_mob_blockeraddoutputsolid 20-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_hurtaddoutputmins -155 -300 -820-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_hurtaddoutputmaxs 155 300 820-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_hurtaddoutputsolid 20-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_intercom_buttonaddoutputmins -8 -8 -80-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_intercom_buttonaddoutputmaxs 8 8 80-1"
    "OnMapSpawn" "sky_intercom_buttonaddoutputsolid 20-1"
; ======= 
"classname" "func_timescale"
    "minBlendRate" "2"
    "desiredTimescale" "0.2"
    "blendDeltaMultiplier" "3.0"
    "acceleration" "0.05"
    "targetname" "sky_timescale"
"classname" "color_correction"
    "fadeInDuration" "1.0"
    "fadeOutDuration" "2.0"
    "filename" "materials/correction/el_timescale.raw"
    "maxfalloff" "-1"
    "maxweight" "0.9"
    "minfalloff" "-1"
    "spawnflags" "0"
    "StartDisabled" "1"
    "targetname" "sky_bt_colorcorrect"
"classname" "point_servercommand"
    "targetname" "sky_servercommander"
; ========== 
sobre barricada y cerco largo
"origin" "656.219116 3748.716797 445.031311"
    "angles" "0 0.000001 0"    
    "mins" "-590 -5 -350"
    "maxs" "590 5 250"
    "boxmins" "-590 -5 -350"
    "boxmaxs" "590 5 250"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"
    "targetname" "sky_invisible_block_surv"
sobre cerco que esta debajo de la casa de whitaker
"origin" "1255.878418 3861.517578 445.031281"
    "angles" "0 0.000001 0"    
    "mins" "-5 -110 -250"
    "maxs" "5 110 250"
    "boxmins" "-5 -110 -250"
    "boxmaxs" "5 110 250"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"
    "targetname" "sky_invisible_block_surv"
sobre cerco que esta detras de la casa de whitaker
"origin" "1832.537231 4588.987305 398.281250"
    "angles" "0 0.000001 0"    
    "mins" "-165 -5 -200"
    "maxs" "165 5 200"
    "boxmins" "-165 -5 -200"
    "boxmaxs" "165 5 200"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"
    "targetname" "sky_invisible_block_surv"
sobre alero del techo en el balcon de la casa de whitaker
"origin" "1299.625488 3998.468994 361.554260"
    "angles" "0 0.000001 0"    
    "mins" "-55 -25 -15"
    "maxs" "55 25 15"
    "boxmins" "-55 -25 -15"
    "boxmaxs" "55 25 15"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"
    "targetname" "sky_invisible_block_surv"
sobre alero del techo de la casa de whitaker
"origin" "1461.120239 4317.912598 553.304321"
    "angles" "0 0.000001 0"    
    "mins" "-230 -340 -170"
    "maxs" "230 340 170"
    "boxmins" "-230 -340 -170"
    "boxmaxs" "230 340 170"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"
    "targetname" "sky_invisible_block_surv"
sobre el techo de galeria semi-cubierto de la casa de whitaker
"origin" "1144.899414 4452.299805 568.866211"
    "angles" "0 0.000001 0"    
    "mins" "-75 -165 -200"
    "maxs" "75 165 200"
    "boxmins" "-75 -165 -200"
    "boxmaxs" "75 165 200"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"
    "targetname" "sky_invisible_block_surv"
; ========== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "193 3748 96"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence002_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "704 3748 96"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence002_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "449 3748 96"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence002_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ========== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1252 3866 91"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence001_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1256 4458 91"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence001_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1256 4191 92"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence001_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1256 4037 91"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence001_64.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ========== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1300 3974 215"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence002_128.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1239 4104 215"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence002_256.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1360 4002 215"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_urban/wood_fence002_64.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ========== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1106 3751 97"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_fortifications/barricade001_128_reference.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1203 3751 98"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_fortifications/barricade001_128_reference.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "882 3751 96"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_fortifications/barricade001_128_reference.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ====== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "970 7013 224"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "model"     "models/props_interiors/table_picnic.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ====== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1347 4142 347"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props/cs_assault/camera.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ====== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1480 4040 270"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"     "models/props_equipment/intercom.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ====== 
"solid" "6"
    "origin" "1355 4257 217"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_downtown/door_interior_112_01.mdl"
    "classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "disableshadows" "1"

; ====== 
MARCA ROJA -oNO PASAR (va detras de la barricada)
"classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "targetname" "sky_visual_tank_block"
    "solid" "0"
    "origin" "995 3738 96"
    "angles" "0 90 0"
    "model"    "models/props_placeable/wrong_way.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ======== 
"classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "targetname" "sky_cola_door"
    "glowcolor" "0 255 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "solid" "6"
    "origin" "1349 4230 217"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"    "models/props_doors/gun_store_door.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
activador glow de la puerta
"classname" "logic_timer"
    "targetname" "sky_door_glow_timer"
    "UseRandomTime" "0"
    "StartDisabled" "1"
    "spawnflags" "0"
    "RefireTime" "1"
    "origin" "12280 13070 430"
    "OnTimer" "sky_cola_door,StartGlowing,,0,-1"
    "OnTimer" "sky_cola_door,StopGlowing,,0.5,-1"
; ======== 
"classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "targetname" "sky_barricade_board"
    "solid" "6"
    "origin" "994 3743 96"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"     "models/props_unique/wooden_barricade.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"classname"    "prop_physics_override"
    "targetname" "sky_barricade_board"
    "spawnflags" "8"
    "origin" "994 3743 96"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"    "models/props_unique/wooden_barricade_break1.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"classname"    "prop_physics_override"
    "targetname" "sky_barricade_board"
    "spawnflags" "8"
    "origin" "994 3743 96"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"    "models/props_unique/wooden_barricade_break2.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
"classname"    "prop_physics_override"
    "targetname" "sky_barricade_board"
    "spawnflags" "8"
    "origin" "994 3743 96"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"    "models/props_unique/wooden_barricade_break3.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ======== 
"classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "targetname" "sky_intercom_model"
    "glowcolor" "0 255 0"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowrange" "800"
    "solid" "0"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
    "angles" "0 180 0"
    "model"    "models/props_equipment/intercom.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ======== 
"classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker"
    "solid" "6"
    "origin" "1490 4063 217"
    "angles" "0 -153 0"
    "model"    "models/deadbodies/chm_fallensurvivor.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ========= 
BOTELLAS DE COLA (cantidad6 botellas)
"classname" "point_template"
    "spawnflags" "2"
    "targetname" "sky_cola_spawn"
    "Template01" "sky_cola"
"classname" "prop_physics" (1)
"targetname" "sky_cola"
    "spawnflags" "257"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowcolor" "255 153 0"
    "model" "models/w_models/weapons/w_cola.mdl"
    "origin" "-177 5697 140"
    "disableshadows" "1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_door_glow_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola,PlaySound,,0,-1"
"classname" "prop_physics" (2)
"targetname" "sky_cola"
    "spawnflags" "257"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowcolor" "255 153 0"
    "model" "models/w_models/weapons/w_cola.mdl"
    "origin" "1435 6186 190"
    "disableshadows" "1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_door_glow_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola,PlaySound,,0,-1"
"classname" "prop_physics" (3)
"targetname" "sky_cola"
    "spawnflags" "257"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowcolor" "255 153 0"
    "model" "models/w_models/weapons/w_cola.mdl"
    "origin" "-30 4648 140"
    "disableshadows" "1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_door_glow_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola,PlaySound,,0,-1"
"classname" "prop_physics" (4)
"targetname" "sky_cola"
    "spawnflags" "257"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowcolor" "255 153 0"
    "model" "models/w_models/weapons/w_cola.mdl"
    "origin" "-562 6434 304"
    "disableshadows" "1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_door_glow_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola,PlaySound,,0,-1"
"classname" "prop_physics" (5)
"targetname" "sky_cola"
    "spawnflags" "257"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowcolor" "255 153 0"
    "model" "models/w_models/weapons/w_cola.mdl"
    "origin" "971 7015 258"
    "disableshadows" "1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_fridge,addoutput,solid 6,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_door_glow_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola,PlaySound,,0,-1"
"classname" "prop_physics" (6)
"targetname" "sky_cola"
    "spawnflags" "257"
    "glowstate" "3"
    "glowcolor" "255 153 0"
    "model" "models/w_models/weapons/w_cola.mdl"
    "origin" "1093 4985 171"
    "disableshadows" "1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_door_glow_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnPlayerPickup" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola,PlaySound,,0,-1"
; ======== 
WHITAKER HABLANDOTODOS CON EL MISMO ORIGEN (este tambien debe tener el mismo origen del intercomunicador)
"whitaker: muy buenas"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/comeupstairslongerd01.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_hello"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: me he atrincherado en el tejado con provisiones de sobra"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/wayblockedlongere01.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_i_am_barricade"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: pero me olvide los refrescos"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/wayblockedlongere02.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_forget_cola"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: necesito unas cocas, y no abrire la barricada hasta que no las tenga"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/wayblockedlongerk02.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_bring_the_cola"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: pon las latas en la ranura!"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/missioncompleted01.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_put_the_cola"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: muy agradecido, ahora a tomarmelo adentro no pienso ayudarlos jajaja ahh solo queria ver que caras pondriais.. alla vamos!!"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/missioncompleted12.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_joke"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: espero que no sean lights, tapaos los oidos, se va liar un buen estruendo"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/missioncompleted09.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_diet_cola"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"whitaker: en cantando de averlos conocido"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "npc/whitaker/defendchatter15.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "1500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_warning"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
; ======== 
en la parte superior de la barricada
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_grenadelauncher_dirt"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_explode"
    "origin" "1050 3746 226"
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_grenadelauncher_dirt"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_explode"
    "origin" "946 3746 226"
en la parte inferior de la barricada
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_grenadelauncher_dirt"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_explode"
    "origin" "946 3746 110"
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_grenadelauncher_dirt"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_explode"
    "origin" "1050 3746 110"
detras de la barricada sobre el sueloa un metro 
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_grenadelauncher_dirt"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_explode"
    "origin" "996 3658 102"
en el medio de la barricadalos dos con el mismo origenigual origen del latido de corazon 
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_grenadelauncher_dirt"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_explode"
    "origin" "994 3746 161"
"classname" "env_explosion"
    "fireballsprite" "sprites/zerogxplode.spr"
    "iMagnitude" "180"
    "iRadiusOverride" "150"
    "rendermode" "5"
    "spawnflags" "1852"
    "targetname" "sky_grenade_launcher_explode"
    "origin" "994 3746 161"
sonido de latido de corazon
"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "8"
    "message" "player/heartbeatloop.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "5555"
    "spawnflags" "49"
    "targetname" "sky_heart_sound"
    "origin" "994 3746 161"
; ======== 
INSTRUCTOR DEL EVENTOLOS DOS CON EL MISMO ORIGEN (mismo origen del intercomunicador)
"classname" "env_instructor_hint"
    "targetname" "sky_instructor_cola_hint"
    "hint_target" "sky_instructor_cola_target"
    "hint_caption" "Encuentra los paquetes de coca-cola para Whitaker!"
    "hint_timeout" "7"
    "hint_range" "5000"
    "hint_auto_start" "0"
    "hint_icon_onscreen" "icon_alert_red"
    "hint_icon_offscreen" "icon_alert"
    "hint_allow_nodraw_target" "1"
    "hint_color" "255 255 255"
    "hint_static" "0"
    "hint_shakeoption" "0"
    "hint_pulseoption" "0"
    "hint_nooffscreen" "0"
    "hint_icon_offset" "0"
    "hint_forcecaption" "0"
    "hint_alphaoption" "0"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
"classname" "info_target"
    "targetname" "sky_instructor_cola_target"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
; ======== 
"targetname" "sky_filter_survs"
    "classname" "filter_activator_team"
    "filterteam" "2"
    "Negated" "0"
"targetname" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "classname" "filter_activator_class"
    "filterclass" "infected"
    "Negated" "0"
"classname"    "prop_dynamic"
    "targetname" "sky_launcher_grenade"
    "parentname" "sky_he_grenade_tracktrain"
    "renderamt" "0"
    "rendercolor" "255 255 255"
    "rendermode" "1"
    "solid" "0"
    "angles" "19 333 0"
    "origin" "1462.534302 4051.657715 255.304245"
    "model"    "models/w_models/weapons/w_he_grenade.mdl"
    "disableshadows" "1"
; ======== 
"classname" "info_particle_system"
    "effect_name" "weapon_muzzle_flash_shotgun"
    "targetname" "sky_particle_grenade_smoke"
    "origin" "1462.534302 4051.657715 255.304245"
; ======== 
EFECTO DE SONIDO CUANDO SE USA EL LANZAGRANADAS (el mismo origen del lanzagranadas)
"classname" "func_tracktrain"
    "targetname" "sky_he_grenade_tracktrain"
    "target" "sky_he_grenade_path1"
    "orientationtype" "0"
    "spawnflags" "539"
    "height" "0"
    "StartSound" "weapons/grenade_launcher/grenadefire/grenade_launcher_fire_1.wav"
    "StopSound" "weapons/hegrenade/explode4.wav"
    "startspeed" "300"
    "velocitytype" "0"
    "volume" "10"
    "wheels" "10"
    "origin" "1462.534302 4051.657715 255.304245"
; ======== 
empieza aqui (el mismo origen del lanzagranadas
"classname" "path_track"
    "targetname" "sky_he_grenade_path1"
    "target" "sky_he_grenade_path2"
    "orientationtype" "0"
    "origin" "1462.534302 4051.657715 255.304245"
termina aqui en el suelo (el mismo origen de efecto de explosion detras de la barricada a un metro)
"classname" "path_track"
    "targetname" "sky_he_grenade_path2"
    "orientationtype" "0"
    "origin" "996 3658 102"
; ======== 
"classname" "trigger_hurt"
    "thinkalways" "0"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_hurt"
    "filtername" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "3"
    "origin" "1507.890015 4335.212891 297.012390"
    "nodmgforce" "0"
    "damagetype" "0"
    "damagemodel" "0"
    "damagecap" "20"
    "damage" "5000"
"classname" "func_nav_attribute_region"
    "targetname" "sky_mob_blocker"
    "spawnflags" "8194"
    "origin" "1507.890015 4335.212891 297.012390"
"targetname" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "classname" "filter_activator_class"
    "filterclass" "infected"
    "Negated" "0"
; ======== 
"classname" "func_button"
    "targetname" "sky_intercom_button"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
    "spawnflags" "1025"
    "speed" "5"
    "OnPressed" "sky_whitaker_gift_items_spawn,ForceSpawn,,0,-1"
    "OnPressed" "sky_intercom_model,stopglowing,,0,-1"
    "OnPressed" "sky_elevator_crowbar,startglowing,,0,-1"
    "OnPressed" "sky_whitaker_speech_relay,Trigger,,0,-1"
    "OnPressed" "sky_cola_relay,Trigger,,9.9,-1"
    "OnPressed" "!self,Kill,,0.1,-1"
"classname" "logic_relay"
    "origin" "1347 4287 275"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_speech_relay"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "0"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_hello,PlaySound,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "!activator,speakresponseconcept,ScenarioJoin,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_i_am_barricade,PlaySound,,0.6,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_i_am_barricade,FadeOut,1,1.4,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_forget_cola,PlaySound,,2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_bring_the_cola,PlaySound,,5.7,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "!activator,speakresponseconcept,SurvivorBotYesReady,9.8,-1"
; ======== 
"classname" "point_prop_use_target"
    "nozzle" "sky_cola_door"
    "origin" "1331.608398 4227.569336 279.304260"
    "spawnflags" "2"
    "targetname" "sky_cola_target"
    "OnUseCancelled" "sky_cola_door,SetAnimation,gun_store_door_idle,0,-1"
    "OnUseStarted" "sky_cola_door,SetAnimation,gun_store_door_open,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_door,SetAnimation,gun_store_door_close,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_servercommander,command,sm_add_canister_points 12,0,6"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_display_1,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_display_2,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_display_3,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_display_4,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_display_5,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_display_6,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "sky_cola_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
"classname" "math_counter"
    "max" "6"
    "targetname" "sky_cola_counter"
    "OnHitMax" "sky_scavenge_mission_completed_relay,Trigger,,0,-1"
    "OnHitMax" "sky_whitaker_help_relay,Trigger,,20,-1"
    "OnHitMax" "sky_instructor_explosion_hint,ShowHint,,17,-1"
; ======== 
"classname" "logic_relay"
    "origin" "1347 4287 288"
    "targetname" "sky_scavenge_mission_completed_relay"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "0"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_fake_cola,ForceSpawn,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_joke,PlaySound,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_diet_cola,PlaySound,,14,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_cola_door,stopglowing,,1,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_door_glow_timer,Kill,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_cola_target,Kill,,0,-1"
; ======== 
"classname" "logic_relay"
    "origin" "1347 4287 288"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_help_relay"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "0"
    "OnTrigger" "director,BeginScript,sky_events_silent.nut,2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "director,EndScript,sky_events_silent.nut,6,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_launcher_grenade,Alpha,255,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_launcher_grenade,Kill,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_visual_tank_block,Kill,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_door,Open,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_door,Close,,1.5,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_door,startglowing,,1.7,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_instructor_explosion_hint,EndHint,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_instructor_explosion_hint,Kill,,0.4,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_instructor_saferoom_hint,ShowHint,,1.7,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_he_grenade_tracktrain,StartForward,,0.2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_barricade_door,SetBreakable,,0.2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_grenade_launcher_explode,Explode,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_particle_grenade_smoke,Start,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_particle_explode,Start,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_barricade_board,Break,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_timescale,Start,,0.2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_timescale,Stop,,1.1,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_bt_colorcorrect,Enable,,0.2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_bt_colorcorrect,Disable,,1.1,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_heart_sound,PlaySound,,0.2,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_heart_sound,FadeOut,4,1.1,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_whitaker_warning,PlaySound,,0.3,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_invisible_block_surv,kill,,0.3,-1"
; ======= 
"hammerid" "1483922"

The event works fine, but I have a little problem in this section:
PHP Code:

"classname" "trigger_hurt"
    "thinkalways" "0"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_hurt"
    "filtername" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "3"
    "origin" "1507.890015 4335.212891 297.012390"
    "nodmgforce" "0"
    "damagetype" "0"
    "damagemodel" "0"
    "damagecap" "20"
    "damage" "5000"
"classname" "func_nav_attribute_region"
    "targetname" "sky_mob_blocker"
    "spawnflags" "8194"
    "origin" "1507.890015 4335.212891 297.012390"
"targetname" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "classname" "filter_activator_class"
    "filterclass" "infected"
    "Negated" "0"

I understand that with this I can prevent special or common infected from entering Whitaker's safe room, but it seems to be not working well or maybe it is badly done or something else needs to be added.
If anyone knows how to solve this, do not hesitate to reply to this thread.

Balloons 05-06-2021 04:48

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by Proaxel (Post 2746039)

First, you're an MVP for going through all of these map cfgs omg.
Second, Have you encountered any issues with the starting safe room door having an invisible wall on some maps?

Proaxel 05-06-2021 17:56

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by Balloons (Post 2746087)
First, you're an MVP for going through all of these map cfgs omg.
Second, Have you encountered any issues with the starting safe room door having an invisible wall on some maps?

We have had no issues with safe rooms, but I did notice these entries in some config files have this under the "exploits blocked" category.

This specific one was taken from c2m2_fairgrounds:
PHP Code:

; --- 
block saferoom trigger bounds (fixes versus start before saferoom opened)
invisible block inside saferoom door
"targetname" "block_versus_start_checkpoint"
    "origin" "1742 2568 0"
    "mins" "-8 0 0"
    "maxs" "0 430 128"
    "initialstate" "1"
    "BlockType" "1"
    "classname" "env_physics_blocker"

; <
remove block as soon as door is opened>
"targetname" "checkpoint_exit"
"OnOpen" "block_versus_start_checkpointKill0-1"

Perhaps something on your server like a plugin is preventing this from being run properly. Maybe try deleting every occurrence of this in each cfg file and see if the issue still occurs. I'm not even sure the exploit that this entry is supposed to fix is still present as of the TLS update anyway.

For those that still didn't read my entire last post because it was too long, here is an excerpt describing problems I still need help with:

Unsolved Problems:
Map 4 of Blood Harvest:

Tank spawn will be static at 21%. The Tank spawns in one of the Trucks and has to hit the explosive barrels inside, this will send the Tank flying to the Survivors location, Everyone will see the cut-scene from the Tank's Point of View!
I tried this about half a dozen times, only once did the tank actually trigger the explosion and the cutscene. He didn't even go flying. All the other times, the tank would just stand there doing nothing in the truck and eventually suicide for being stuck. It's obvious this was meant for a human player only.

I have zero knowledge how these scripted sequences work, so I have no clue on how to fix. Perhaps there is a way to force the explosion to happen shortly after the tank spawn is triggered? Then it's just a matter of making sure the AI tank actually flies to where the survivors triggered it.

The Parish Map 3:

The route through the Cemetery is modified to be longer.
Roughly 90% of the time, all the entrances are blocked, thus survivors are unable to proceed.

I'm unable to determine what is causing this issue. I can't find any entry or comment in the cfg that suggests what may be causing this.
The closest lead I have is that deleting everything in the section labelled "Sky.cfg by: Electrik, JaneDoe, Visor, vintik" seems to stop this from happening, but that also deletes the exploding barrels event as well. But it's reason to believe the cause is somewhere in that section.

Dead Center Map 3:
The config seems to be forcing the map to spawn with the lower route with the emergency exit doors. I tried deleting various parts with the goal of returning it to default behavior of randomly picking between that route and the route where you shoot out the glass in the toy store, but I always seemed to get broken results with whatever I tried deleting; examples include both routes ending up blocked, or the lower route is open but the emergency exit doors are locked. Deleting the "All Changes" section seems to return it, but I do like the harder escalator placement just before the safe room and doing that gets rid of that too.

HarryPotter 05-08-2021 10:17

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by Proaxel (Post 2746039)

The Parish Map 3:

Roughly 90% of the time, all the entrances are blocked, thus survivors are unable to proceed.

delete this line I think
PHP Code:

"OnMapSpawn" "template_Path_DForceSpawn0-1" 

HarryPotter 05-08-2021 10:34

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by Tank Rush (Post 2746058)
Here is my work, it was one of my first coca events, I created it based on the sky event c8m4_interior :3

I copy your work and test, it seems that
you forgot to add
PHP Code:

"classname" "logic_relay"
    "origin" "1347 4287 280"
    "targetname" "sky_cola_relay"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "0"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_instructor_cola_hint,ShowHint,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "sky_cola_spawn,ForceSpawn,,0,-1"

anyway, good job

Proaxel 05-13-2021 14:43

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by HarryPotter (Post 2746275)
delete this line I think
PHP Code:

"OnMapSpawn" "template_Path_DForceSpawn0-1" 

This seems to be working, thanks! I reloaded the map at least a dozen times just to make sure.

AlexAlcala 05-15-2021 21:25

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?
I have modifications on my server, new things, I can help you create your ideas, I will also finish some "strippers" to share with the community :wink:

a small contribution: :bee:


PHP Code:


"targetname" "radio"
"startdisabled" "1"
"hammerid" "12253"
"OnOpen" "!Rochelle,speakresponseconcept,_c4m1Intro10,0,1"
        "OnOpen" "gascans,TurnGlowsOn,,0,1"
        "OnOpen" "prop_gas_nozzle,startglowing,,0,1"
        "OnOpen" "scavenge_display,TurnOn,,0,1"
        "OnOpen" "!self,Kill,,20,1"    
        "OnOpen" "director,PanicEvent,,1,-1"    


"classname" "point_servercommand"
    "targetname" "servercommander"

"classname" "point_prop_use_target"
    "nozzle" "prop_gas_nozzle"
    "origin" "-5469.31 6770.03 161.82"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "targetname" "gas_target"
    "OnUseFinished" "gas_counter,Add,1,0,-1"
    "OnUseFinished" "servercommander,command,sm_add_canister_points 12,0,6"

"classname" "game_scavenge_progress_display"
    "targetname" "scavenge_display"
    "max" "5"
"classname" "math_counter"
    "max" "5"
    "targetname" "gas_counter"
    "OnHitMax" "relay,Trigger,,0,-1"

"classname" "logic_relay"
    "targetname" "relay"
    "OnTrigger" "radio,Enable,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "scavenge_display,TurnOff,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "prop_gas_nozzle,stopglowing,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "gas_target,Kill,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger" "generator_sound,PlaySound,,0,-1"


"classname" "prop_dynamic"
    "angles" "0.00 233.65 23.00"
    "model" "models/props_vehicles/radio_generator_fillup.mdl"
    "glowcolor" "255 0 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "glowrange" "1500"
    "solid" "6"
    "targetname" "prop_gas_nozzle"
    "origin" "-5412.58 6733.34 126.15"

"classname" "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "solid" "6"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "targetname" "gascans"
    "origin" "-5339.86 6994.24 131.00"
"classname" "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "solid" "6"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "targetname" "gascans"
    "origin" "-5339.86 6994.24 131.00"
"classname" "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "solid" "6"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "targetname" "gascans"
    "origin" "-5339.86 6994.24 131.00"
"classname" "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "solid" "6"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "targetname" "gascans"
    "origin" "-5339.86 6994.24 131.00"
"classname" "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn"
    "angles" "0 0 0"
    "glowstate" "0"
    "solid" "6"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "targetname" "gascans"
    "origin" "-5339.86 6994.24 131.00"

"classname" "ambient_generic"
    "health" "10"
    "message" "ambient/generator/generator_start_run_loop.wav"
    "pitch" "100"
    "pitchstart" "100"
    "radius" "2500"
    "spawnflags" "48"
    "targetname" "generator_sound"
    "origin" "-5412.58 6733.34 126.15"

AlexAlcala 05-16-2021 00:17

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by Tank Rush (Post 2746058)
The event works fine, but I have a little problem in this section:
PHP Code:

"classname" "trigger_hurt"
    "thinkalways" "0"
    "targetname" "sky_whitaker_saferoom_hurt"
    "filtername" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "StartDisabled" "0"
    "spawnflags" "3"
    "origin" "1507.890015 4335.212891 297.012390"
    "nodmgforce" "0"
    "damagetype" "0"
    "damagemodel" "0"
    "damagecap" "20"
    "damage" "5000"
"classname" "func_nav_attribute_region"
    "targetname" "sky_mob_blocker"
    "spawnflags" "8194"
    "origin" "1507.890015 4335.212891 297.012390"
"targetname" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "classname" "filter_activator_class"
    "filterclass" "infected"
    "Negated" "0"

I understand that with this I can prevent special or common infected from entering Whitaker's safe room, but it seems to be not working well or maybe it is badly done or something else needs to be added.
If anyone knows how to solve this, do not hesitate to reply to this thread.

PHP Code:

"targetname" "sky_filter_mobs"
    "classname" "filter_activator_class"
    "filterteam" "3"
    "Negated" "0"

user2000 05-16-2021 01:17

Re: [L4D2] Sky (comp. config), that adds only the additional events to camapigns?

Originally Posted by AlexAlcala (Post 2746914)
I have modifications on my server, new things, I can help you create your ideas, I will also finish some "strippers" to share with the community :wink:

a small contribution: :bee:


thanks for sharing :)

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