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DS 10-26-2004 21:15

Message Logging
4 Attachment(s)
Message Logging 1.17
by Damaged Soul

AMX Mod X Version: 1.75 and above
Supported Mods: All

This plugin allows for the logging of any or all messages sent by the HL engine or mod (such as DeathMsg, CurWeapon, etc) It also allows these messages to be filtered by entity.

Information that is logged includes:
  • Message name
  • Number of message arguments
  • Message ID
  • Message destination (i.e. Broadcast, One, All, etc)
  • Message origin
  • Entity that received the message
  • Entity classname
  • Entity netname
  • Every argument value and type
Required Modules

  • Console Commands
    • amx_msglog <command> [argument]
      • Displays help for logging engine/mod messages when no command is given
      • Commands:
        • start [msg name or id]
          • Starts logging given message or all if no argument
        • stop [msg name or id]
          • Stops logging given message or all if no argument
        • list [page]
          • Displays list of messages and their logging status
  • Cvars
    • amx_ml_filter [Default Value: 1]
      • Allows for filtering messages by entity index
      • Set this to the index of the entity for which you want to log messages
      • If this is set to 0, message logging will be done for all entities
    • amx_ml_logmode [Default Value: 1]
      • Determines where to log message information
      • Set this to 0 to log information to the standard AMX Mod X log file
      • Set this to 1 to log information to a separate file (messages.log) in the log directory
  • Examples
    • To log the DeathMsg message:
      • amx_msglog start DeathMsg OR amx_msglog start 83
    • To stop logging the DeathMsg message:
      • amx_msglog stop DeathMsg OR amx_msglog stop 83
    • To log all messages except the DeathMsg message:
      • amx_msglog start
      • amx_msglog stop DeathMsg OR amx_msglog stop 83
    • To log messages only sent to third player of the server:
      • amx_ml_filter 3
    • To log messages sent to all entities:
      • amx_ml_filter 0
Version History
  • 1.17 [Feb. 11, 2007]
    • Fixed: Long arguments were being reported as bytes (Thanks XxAvalanchexX)
  • 1.16 [Oct. 4, 2006]
    • Fixed: String arguments of messages that contained format paramaters (such as %s) caused runtime error 25 (thanks sawce :avast:)
    • Tabs and new-lines in string arguments of messages are now converted to ^t and ^n
  • 1.15 [July 4, 2006]
    • Now uses the Fakemeta module instead of Engine
    • Now uses vformat instead of the deprecated format_args when logging information
    • Very minor optimizations
  • 1.11 [May 11, 2006]
    • Fixed: String arguments of messages were being logged as numbers
  • 1.10 [Apr. 23, 2006]
    • Minor optimizations including the use of pcvar natives to improve performance a bit
    • Much of the logged text has been rewritten in an attempt to make it more like the Half-Life log standard
    • Now when using the start or stop commands on a specified message, both the message name and ID are printed instead of just whatever was given as the argument
    • Added: amx_ml_logmode cvar for controlling where to log message information
    • Fixed: When no arguments were given to amx_msglog, usage information was not printed
  • 1.03 [Oct. 26, 2004]
    • Public release
    • Fixed: Entity filter wasn't actually checking for valid entities correctly (thanks JGHG)
  • 1.02 [Oct. 25, 2004]
    • Fixed: If logging had been started for a message, stopped, then started again, same message was logged twice.
    • Fixed: If message name or ID was invalid, started/stopped logging all messages instead
  • 1.01 [Oct. 23, 2004]
    • Fixed: List command was not reporting correct logging status
    • Fixed: Filter was incorrectly filtering messages if amx_ml_filter was 0
  • 1.00 [Oct. 19, 2004]
    • Initial version

Johnny got his gun 10-27-2004 08:27

As far as messages go, this is likely a one-stop shop for everything headed there. :-)

pendragon 10-28-2004 02:45

agreed - I'm glad u ventured into this plugin. THanks.
Could you possibly make this so that it creates the logs in a sql server?

Johnny got his gun 10-28-2004 08:11

Why on earth would you want that??

DS 10-28-2004 10:41

I would like to know why you would need that. Depending on what messages you are logging, I would think there would be some fairly high traffic (most especially if you are logging ALL messages) between the game and SQL servers. It's more or less just one of those plugins you'd probably only run once in awhile anyways if you're trying to figure out how a certain message works for a plugin you're developing.

BigBaller 10-28-2004 11:01

Yea I think this is more of a developers friendly plugin only needed for some projects that realy heavy on deathmsg and such. Maybe some of the warcraft coders could benfit from this I wouldnt know but I can tell you it would be a big help for anyone learning to script.

I do have to give you a A+ for presentation and organization, very understandable format :)

Lasershock 10-29-2004 11:06

i have a small question:

i have a entmod server on svencoop does this plugin log everything that all my entadmins type in console??? so i can easy check who crashed the server

and btw failed to compile for 0.20

DS 10-29-2004 12:47

Yes, you're right it doesn't compile using the online compiler. I hadn't noticed this. But this is most likely because the inc files haven't been updated for it yet. It should compile fine if you download the sma and have 0.20 RC7 though.

As for your question. No this has nothing to do with logging what commands people type or what people say. Although in a round-about way you could log what people say using this with the SayText message. But this is not what the plugin is meant for.

BAILOPAN 10-29-2004 12:59

Include files updated. It should compile now.

This plugin looks very useful, good job :D

Lasershock 10-29-2004 14:06


Originally Posted by Damaged Soul
As for your question. No this has nothing to do with logging what commands people type or what people say. Although in a round-about way you could log what people say using this with the SayText message. But this is not what the plugin is meant for.

maybe you can make a plugin thats does it :roll: P???
just because youre so good :wink:

im gonna post this in request forum

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