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eric0279 04-23-2015 18:13

[Solved] smac_kac_banlist

i have updated sourcemod to 1.7.1 and i have this error:

L 04/23/2015 - 22:24:59: [SM] Native "ReadPackString" reported: DataPack operation is out of bounds.
L 04/23/2015 - 22:24:59: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "smac_kac_banlist.smx":
L 04/23/2015 - 22:24:59: [SM] [0] Line 124, C:\addons\sourcemod\scripting\smac_kac_banlis t.sp::OnSocketConnected()
smac_version= ""

sm version:

00:12:29 SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version: 1.7.1
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.7, jit-x86 (build 1.7.1)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 6
Compiled on: Apr 18 2015 12:16:34
Built from:
Build ID: 5189:cf9aa05
Best regards,

TUSK3N1337 04-24-2015 05:00

Re: [ERROR] smac_kac_banlist
The ban list that kigen hosted is not longer up that is why you get a error.

The plugin is using this URL to check if one is banned or not and it just replies with _ERROR.

And I dont think kigen will update it very soon^^, just remove it.

DarkDeviL 04-24-2015 10:19

Re: [ERROR] smac_kac_banlist

Originally Posted by TUSK3N1337 (Post 2289630)
The ban list that kigen hosted is not longer up that is why you get a error.

The plugin is using this URL to check if one is banned or not and it just replies with _ERROR.

And I dont think kigen will update it very soon^^, just remove it.

First result on Google seems to fetch via a socket connection to, port 9652 where it just sends the Steam ID.


However, even bans that have previously existed according to Google searches on seems to return "_OK" through that...

So either way, yes, it seems like the whole thing have been discontinued, so there would be no reasons to keep that plugin on.

allienaded 04-25-2015 01:09

Re: [ERROR] smac_kac_banlist
Update to SMAC dev version, it's the only one updated to work properly with sourcemod 1.7+. The KAC Banlist module has been completely removed from because the banlist isn't working anymore.

SM9 04-25-2015 09:01

Re: [ERROR] smac_kac_banlist

Originally Posted by allienaded (Post 2289939)
Update to SMAC dev version, it's the only one updated to work properly with sourcemod 1.7+. The KAC Banlist module has been completely removed from because the banlist isn't working anymore.

Wrong, the banlist works perfectly, The reason it was removed is because of the issues that happened with Kigen and the DMCA, The reason you are getting errors is because of the Datapack changes never got applied to the KAC Banlist due to it being removed.

Heres a repo where I'm just pushing small fixes and tweaks as needed. I have added back the KAC Banlist.

DarkDeviL 04-25-2015 16:35

Re: [ERROR] smac_kac_banlist

Originally Posted by xCoderx (Post 2290028)
Wrong, the banlist works perfectly, The reason it was removed is because of the issues that happened with Kigen and the DMCA, The reason you are getting errors is because of the Datapack changes never got applied to the KAC Banlist due to it being removed.

Heres a repo where I'm just pushing small fixes and tweaks as needed. I have added back the KAC Banlist.

The plugin in the repository you linked to is sending its request for STEAM_0:1:2345 to the URL:
That URL returns _ERROR for all Steam ID's, even the ones from his own forums (protest section) which are less than 3 months old saying "This ban is valid and won't be lifted".

Could you explain how your version of the plugin works, when the data feed it is using doesn't work at all?

allienaded 04-26-2015 17:12

Re: [ERROR] smac_kac_banlist

Originally Posted by xCoderx (Post 2290028)
Wrong, the banlist works perfectly, The reason it was removed is because of the issues that happened with Kigen and the DMCA, The reason you are getting errors is because of the Datapack changes never got applied to the KAC Banlist due to it being removed.

Heres a repo where I'm just pushing small fixes and tweaks as needed. I have added back the KAC Banlist.

The KAC banlist isn't working anymore regardless of the reason it was originally removed, try it for yourself every single steam ID returns _ERROR (for example STEAM_0:0:0 used to return _BAN because it's an invalid ID and only a cracked client with a spoofed ID could ever have that)

eric0279 04-26-2015 20:09

Re: [Solved] smac_kac_banlist
Thank you for answers

allienaded 04-27-2015 04:46

Re: [Solved] smac_kac_banlist
1 Attachment(s)
I was bored and since the KAC banlist seems down for good I decided to code a clone of it in PHP that returns the exact same messages and works with the smac_kac_banlist plugin straight away by only replacing the url's in the .sp file. The steam id's are read from a simple text file so no need for any fancy SQL setups and on top of a simple one Steam ID per line format (STEAM_0:0:1234567 or just 0:1234567) the banned_user.cfg file format (banid 0 STEAM_0:0:1234567) is also supported, just make sure the file has only one type of line endings (either Windows \r\n or UNIX/OSX \n, NOT both mixed). Oh and Steam "universe" is ignored so it doesn't matter wether you have ID's starting with STEAM_0, STEAM_1 or both the beginning of the ID is ignored.

PHP Code:

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any

In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.


For more information, please refer to <>

/* Version 1430123388 */

//File containing banned id's (read AND write permissions required unless $allowremote is true)
//ex. './bannedIDs.txt', './banned_user.cfg', ''
$idlist './banned_user.cfg';

//Allow remote list locations (disable the need for write permissions)
//Note: If you enable this you MUST end the file in atleast a newline
//character or preferrably something like //end otherwise the last
//Steam ID on the list will be ignored!
$allowremote false//true or false

$banpending false//true or false

//Disable Steam ID validity checking (NOT RECOMMENDED)
//Only do this if you are getting _INVALID on ID's you're 100% sure are valid
//Note: Disabling validity checking will also force $banpending to false. If
//you want to keep STEAM_ID_PENDING for example banned with validity cheking
//disabled you will have to add it to your banlist.
$noval false//true or false

//Enable PHP error messages for debugging reasons, otherwise just print _ERROR on errors
$enabledebug false//true or false

//Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing!
function myErrorHandler($errno$errstr$errfile$errline)
    if (!(
error_reporting() & $errno)) {

    switch (
$errno) {

if (
$enabledebug == false) {

if (isset(
$_GET['id'])) {
$id $_GET['id'];
} else {
$id '';
if (
$id == '') {
$id 'empty';

if (
$noval == false) {
    if (
strpos($id'_ID_PENDING') !== false && strlen($id) < 17 || strpos($id'_ID_LAN') !== false && strlen($id) < 13) {
        if (
$banpending == true) {
        } else {
    if (
strpos($id'STEAM_') === false || is_numeric(substr($id10)) == false || strpos(substr($id10), '.') !== false || strlen($id) > 24) {

$id preg_replace('/^STEAM_[0-9]:/i'''$id);

$banned false;
if (
$allowremote == false) {
$handle = @fopen($idlist'r+t');
    if (
$handle) {
        if (
strpos(fgets($handle), "\r\n") !== false) {
$linebreak "\r\n";
fseek($handle, -2SEEK_END);
        } else {
$linebreak "\n";
fseek($handle, -1SEEK_END);
        if (
strpos(fgets($handle), $linebreak) === false) {
        while ((
$line fgets($handle)) !== false) {
            if (
strpos($line$id $linebreak) !== false) {
$banned true;
    } else {
trigger_error("Unable to open file ($idlist) for reading and writing"E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
$handle = @fopen($idlist'rt');
    if (
$handle) {
        if (
strpos(fgets($handle), "\r\n") !== false) {
$linebreak "\r\n";
        } else {
$linebreak "\n";
        } else {
trigger_error("Unable to open file ($idlist) for reading"E_USER_ERROR);
$handle = @fopen($idlist'rt');
    if (
$handle) {
        while ((
$line fgets($handle)) !== false) {
            if (
strpos($line$id $linebreak) !== false) {
$banned true;
    } else {
trigger_error("Unable to open file ($idlist) for reading"E_USER_ERROR);

if (
$banned == true) {
} else {

My server I tested this on has PHP version 5.2.17 so that or anything newer should work. Older versions might work too but I can't quarantee anything. I also fixed (and renamed) the KAC banlist plugin so that it works with SMAC and SourceMod 1.7+ and attached it the the .zip.

If anyone has any questions about this you're free to ask, even though I made this just for fun I might actually start using this myself as a sort of simple replacement for sourcebans

EDIT: I did some speedtests and it took on average 0.85 seconds to find the last ID (which takes the longest to find) on a list with 1 million entries (in the format: banid 0 STEAM_0:0:1234567) and a size of 27.1mb. This was on shared free hosting with very limited resources so speed shouldn't be an issue even with a massive banlist.

EDIT2: Tested the whole thing on my own server (self-hosted banlist + smac_custom_banlist.smx) and everything works perfectly. Even with my ID being the last on the 1 million entry list I still got kicked before I had time to even fully connect. The SMAC.log entries look like this:


L 04/27/2015 - 14:29:11: [smac_custom_banlist.smx |] Allienaded (ID: STEAM_1:0:12345678 | IP: was kicked.

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