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Powerlord 05-14-2011 14:47

MapChooser Extended 1.10.2 (Updated 2014-02-05)
97 Attachment(s)
SourceMod 1.4.x. 1.5.x recommended.
To compile: A recent version of

This plugin is an updated version of Zuko's MapChooser Extended plugin, under a new author.

Now on Github!

Like my work? Now taking donations.

Like SourceMod MapChooser, MapChooser Extended uses addons/sourcemod/maplists.cfg to determine which maps will show up in map votes.

Optional Requirements:
NativeVotes Plugin (TF2 only) 0.8.0 or newer.
For MapChooser Extended Sounds, you need to install a Sound Set. Except on TF2, where the included tf.cfg uses sounds already included with the game.

Compilation Requirements:
A recent copy of

MapChooser Extended is the SourceMod Mapchooser with the following new features:
  • Players are warned before the vote (by countdown)
  • Optional Sounds for vote start, end, countdown start, and countdown ticks
  • Custom maps are marked on the vote menu*
  • You can block slots in vote menu
  • Additional vote when none of the maps receive the minimum required number of votes
  • Percentage calculation when to start voting

What's new since 1.6:
1.7 has a breaking change: All cvars have been renamed to be different from their MapChooser counterparts.

Also, you must update your main (English) translation file.

This means you need to delete or rename mapchooser_extended.cfg and recreate it.

This was done to prevent confusion between MapChooser and MapChooser Extended's config files, since mapchooser had the exact same Cvars.
  • Updated with the capabilities of MapChooser 1.4.
  • Extend/Don't Change can now be moved above the other vote options.
  • Nominations can now be randomized with maps.
  • The Custom map phrase can now be disabled or set to *. * is now the default.
  • Preliminary support for the BuiltinVotes extension (but said extension isn't done yet, so sorry). This means that is now required in order to build MapChooser Extended.
  • OnMapVoteStart is now deprecated. Use OnMapVoteStarted instead.
What's new since 1.3/1.4


  • Unpack archive to game root directory eg. /tf
  • Move addons/sourcemod/plugins/mapchooser.smx to the disabled folder if present in plugins.
  • If you're upgrading from 1.3.x, 1.4.x, or 1.5.x, you need to follow the installation instructions above to get the updated translation files and official map files. You will also need to delete/rename your config file.
  • If you are upgrading from 1.6.x, you just need mapchooser_extended.smx, although it is recommended you also update your translation files and official map files. You will also need to delete/rename your config file.
  • If you are upgrading from 1.7.x, you need mapchooser_extended.smx and mapchooser_extended.phrases.txt
  • If you are upgrading from 1.8.x, you need mapchooser_extended.smx and the translations directory, as new translations were added this version. nominations_extended.smx and rockthevote_extended.smx were added in this release in the disabled folder. Move them to enabled (after moving the originals to disabled) if you want to use them.
Common Problems:
  • I'm running Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, but the warning timer messages are longer than the box they appear in.
    • Change the location of the warning timer using sm_mapvote_warningtimerlocation 1 (this changes to center message).
  • "The sounds download but don't play!" or "I get the error 'Failed to load sound "sourcemod\mapchooser\tf2\announcer_dec_missi onbegins30s06.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository"' in my game console"
    1. This has two potential problems. The first is that you didn't upload the sound files to your game server or fast download server.
    2. The second is that you may be running a sv_pure 2 server or a sv_pure 1 server without having the Mapchooser Sounds directory in your pure_server_whitelist.txt
    3. If it is a sv_pure 1 server, add this above the } at the end of hl2/pure_server_whitelist.txt :

      sound\mapchooser\...            allow_from_disk
    4. You cannot fix this on an sv_pure 2 server.
  • "The sounds play fine the first map, but not after a map change!"
    1. This is actually the same issue as the previous problem, except that you're setting the sv_pure value in server.cfg. See the previous answer's solution.
  • "The constant beeping during a vote is annoying. How do I get rid of it?"
    1. This is controlled by the game server. Set sv_hudhint_sound 0 in your server.cfg. Note: This disables the sound for all hint messages.
  • "I'm running CS:GO and on map change, the same map loads again!"
    • The first thing to try is to change mp_match_end_changelevel to 1 and mp_match_end_restart to 0.
    • If this still doesn't work, CS:GO's map group system may be interfering. I suggest making sure all maps in your map vote appears in CS:GO's map group for your server. Setting up map groups and cfg/gamemodes_server.txt is beyond the scope of this document.

Known bugs:
  • None at the moment.
Future plans:
  • Possibly make the number of blocked slots configurable.

  • mce_extend_fragstep [val] (min 5, def 5) - Specifies how many more frags are allowed when map is extended.
  • mce_extend_roundstep [val] (min 5, def 5) - Specifies how many more rounds each extension makes
  • mce_extend_timestep [val] (min 5, def 15) - Specifies how much many more minutes each extension makes
  • mce_dontchange [0/1] (def 1) - Specifies if a 'Don't Change' option should be added to early votes
  • mce_endvote [0/1] (def 1) - Specifies if MapChooser should run an end of map vote
  • mce_exclude [val] (def 5) - Specifies how many past maps to exclude from the vote.
  • mce_extend [val] (def 0) - Number of extensions allowed each map.
  • mce_include [val] (min 2, max 5, def 5) - Specifies how many maps to include in the vote.
  • mce_novote [0/1] (def 1) - Specifies whether or not MapChooser should pick a map if no votes are received.
  • mce_starttime [val] (min 1, def 10) - Specifies when to start the vote based on time remaining.
  • mce_startfrags [val] (min 1, def 5) - Specifies when to start the vote base on frags remaining.
  • mce_startround [val] (min 1, def 2) - Specifies when to start the vote based on rounds remaining. Use 0 on TF2 to start vote during bonus round time
  • mce_voteduration [val] (min 5, def 20) - Specifies how long the mapvote should be available for.
  • mce_blockslots [0/1] (def 1) - Block slots to prevent accidental votes. This setting is ignored for Valve-style menus.
  • mce_maxrunoffs [val] (def 1) - Number of run off votes allowed each map.
  • mce_runoff [0/1] (def 1) - Hold run off votes if winning choice has less than a certain percentage of votes
  • mce_runoffpercent [val] (min 0, max 100, def 50) - If winning choice has less than this percent of votes, hold a runoff
  • mce_runoffvotewarningtime [val] (min 0, max 60, def 5) - Warning time for runoff vote in seconds.
  • mce_start_percent [val] (min 0, max 100, def 35) - Specifies when to start the vote based on percents.
  • mce_start_percent_enable [0/1] (def 0) - Enable or Disable percentage calculations when to start vote.
  • mce_version [val] (def 1.9.1) - MapChooser Extended Version
  • mce_warningtime [val] (min 0, max 60, def 15) - Warning time in seconds.
  • mce_menustyle [val] (min 0, max 2, def 0) - Menu Style. 0 is the game's default, 1 is the older Valve style that requires you to press Escape to see the menu, 2 is the newer 1-9 button Voice Command style. Style 2 is unavailable in some games.
  • mce_warningtimerlocation [val] (min 0, max 2, def 0) - Location for the warning timer text. 0 is HintBox, 1 is Center text, 2 is Chat. Defaults to HintBox.
  • mce_markcustommaps [val] (min 0, max 2, def 1) - Mark custom maps in the vote list. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Mark with *, 2 = Mark with phrase.
  • mce_randomizeorder [0/1] (def 0) - Randomize the order of nominations and randomly selected maps instead of having nominations first?
  • mce_extendposition [0/1] (def 0) - Extend/Don't Change position. 0 = end, 1 = start
  • mce_hidetimer [0/1] (def 0) - Hide Warning timer notices, except the first.
  • mce_addnovote [0/1] (def 1) - Specified if "No Vote" should be added in the first vote slot. Has no effect if NativeVotes is in use. Adjusts the number of blocked slots if mce_blockslots is set.

MapChooser Extended Sounds:
  • mce_sounds_downloadallsounds [0/1] (def 0) - Force players to download all sound sets, so sets can be dynamically changed during the map. Takes effect at map change.
  • mce_sounds_enablesounds [0/1] (def 1) - Enable this plugin. Sounds will still be downloaded (if applicable) even if the plugin is disabled this way.
  • mce_sounds_enablewarningcountersounds [0/1] (def 1) - Enable sounds to be played during warning counter. If this is disabled, map vote warning, start, and stop sounds still play.
  • mce_sounds_version [val] (def "1.1.2") - Mapchooser Extended Sounds Version
  • mce_sounds_soundset [val] (def "tf") - Sound set to use, optimized for TF by default. Sound sets are defined in individual files in addons/sourcemod/configs/mapchooser_extended/sounds/. Takes effect immediately if mce_sounds_downloadallsounds is 1, otherwise at map change.
  • sm_mapvote_reload_sounds - Console command that reloads the Mapchooser Sound configuration files. EXPERIMENTAL. This may or may not work, although 1.1.2 should have fixed the crashing issue with it.
  • sm_mapvote_list_soundsets - Admin command that lists which sound sets have been successfully loaded. Requires the Cvar admin flag.

For Plugin Developers - Mapchooser Extended Forwards:
  • OnMapVoteStarted(const String:map[]) - Called at the start of a map vote, part of MapChooser
  • OnMapVoteEnd() - Called at the end of a map vote
  • OnMapVoteWarningStart() - Called 1 second before the warning timer starts ticking
  • OnMapVoteRunnoffWarningStart() - Called 1 second before the runoff warning timer starts ticking.
  • OnMapVoteWarningTick(timeLeft) - Called once a second as long as the warning timer is running. timeLeft is the number of seconds left on the timer.
  • SM Devs
  • Zerak
  • Zuko
  • Powerlord
  • Sammit92 (Russian translation)
  • DaRk56 (old French translation)
  • Arcy (Polish translation)
  • Sunshisoo (Italian translation)
  • banania (French translation)
  • Franc1sco (Spanish translation)
  • Minoost (Korean translation)
  • RoaR (Serbian translation)
  • Floody (German translation)
  • Yalamix (Portuguese translation)
* - For Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Plugins that work with MapChooser Extended:
  • NativeVotes
  • SourceMod NextMap
  • SourceMod RockTheVote
  • SourceMod Nominations
  • MapChooser Extended Sounds
  • RockTheVote Extended
  • Nominations Extended
The Get Plugin link will not work because the plugins requires to compile.

Warheart 05-14-2011 15:02

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5

DaRk56 05-14-2011 16:16

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5
1 Attachment(s)
French translation

Powerlord 05-14-2011 23:43

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5
Maybe I should have made it clearer what's new in this version:

1. The plugin is a lot smaller than the older versions. As in, 17.5KB versus 28.7KB. A lot of this was caused by the removal of Sounds from the core, but there was also some savings from moving the map list out as well. The way the map list is done should also take less memory than before (I hope), since only the current game's map list is loaded.

The sounds plugin is another 7.85KB, so both combined are still around 3.5KB smaller than version 1.4.2 (25.32KB vs. 28.7KB).

2. The Official Map list is now stored in a bunch of separate files, so they can be updated independently of the main plugin. It also allows other people to submit new lists of files for each game.

Said file is checked for changes every map change using the built-in SourceMod ReadMapList function. You can force a check with the sm_mapvote_reload_maplist server command (via console or rcon). It's recommended you just let it update on map change, though.

3. This version is now synced against SourceMod Mapchooser 1.3.7. I'm hoping this gives us better interoperability with other plugins that think they're talking to the SourceMod Mapchooser and are instead talking to Mapchooser Extended. From what I saw, this was mainly changes in how Mapchooser passes data around in timers, plus some logging changes.

4. Fixed some translation issues. I've never really understood how SourceMod determines a client's translation language, but things like (Custom) and the slot blocking lines are now hooked into the client's language instead of the server's language.

5. The code to print votes is gone now. It was redundant as of SourceMod 1.3.0 when the sm_vote_progress_hintbox cvar got added.

6. This rewrite finally fixes the % bug in translations (which still needs to be %% due to how SourceMod works). For real this time. The last time I tried fixing it (with %%%%), it still didn't display properly. Now, messages are handled as they're used rather than translating them, then passing them to additional functions that mangle % signs.

7. Fixed the menu and countdown being ugly in HL2DM, since it uses the older-style menus.

Arcy 05-15-2011 10:33

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5
1 Attachment(s)
Here's a complete polish translation.

Powerlord 05-15-2011 13:10

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5
I will be releasing version 1.5.1 shortly. I had a misunderstanding as to which cvars needed to be marked as FCVAR_NOTIFY.

The 1.5.1 zip file will also include the French translation from DaRk56 and the Polish translation from Arcy.

Edit: Somehow I didn't replace the source file with the correct version in either the zip or post. Fixed now.

Powerlord 05-15-2011 16:19

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5 (Updated 2011-05-15)
I posted 1.5.1 a while back, but it turns out that, although I posted the correct smx file, I posted the wrong sp file both attached and in the zip. This has now been fixed.

Powerlord 05-16-2011 13:45

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5 (Updated 2011-05-15)
1 Attachment(s)
I've fixed an issue with the Russian translation file. See attachment. I'll also fix it in the 1.5.1 zip.

It goes in addons/sourcemod/translations/ru/

Note: It's still missing the "Cannot Start Vote" translation string, if someone wants to add that.

John.Smith 05-16-2011 14:38

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5 (Updated 2011-05-15)
Ok again in this new Thread ;-)

With the newest version 1.5.1 i get this error messages at my console !

Whats wrong with the translation file.
I use the "en" translation file.


L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: -------- Mapchange to de_dust --------
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Warning(s) encountered in translation file "mapchooser_extended.phrases.txt"
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 17.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 24.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 43.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 50.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 69.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 76.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 83.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 90.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 109.


Powerlord 05-16-2011 15:40

Re: MapChooser Extended 1.5 (Updated 2011-05-15)

Originally Posted by John.Smith (Post 1470586)
Ok again in this new Thread ;-)

With the newest version 1.5.1 i get this error messages at my console !

Whats wrong with the translation file.
I use the "en" translation file.


L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: -------- Mapchange to de_dust --------
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Warning(s) encountered in translation file "mapchooser_extended.phrases.txt"
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 17.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 24.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 43.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 50.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 69.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 76.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 83.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 90.
L 05/16/2011 - 20:30:42: [SM] Ignoring translation to invalid language "#format" on line 109.


I'm at work right now, but I'll check it out when I get home to see if I can duplicate the problem.

I assume this is using SourceMod 1.3.7?

Edit: These line numbers don't match up to the ones in the 1.5.1 English mapchooser_extended.phrases.txt. Are you sure you're using the newest version? It's in the zip file in the first post.

As it says in the first post: "If you're upgrading from 1.3.x or 1.4.x, you need to follow the installation instructions above to get the updated translation files and official map files."

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