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TnTSCS 05-23-2011 21:27

[CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
2 Attachment(s)
Okay, so there are two other plugins that do kinda the same thing as this one, but not really. I'll explain in this thread the differences

This plugin will keep track of player's cash when they join spectate, or disconnect, and ensure that when they join back to a team, they have the same cash they left with (on a per map basis only, map change will reset their cash to default).

How this works is if they join spectate with less money than mp_startmoney, or simply disconnect and reconnect before the map changes, this plugin will reapply the amount of money the had before leaving the team. This is to thwart what is knows as, "spectate hopping" to increase their cash when they fall below mp_startmoney.

If mp_startmoney is 1000, and the player has 300 when they enter spectate, after they join back to a team and spawn, their money will be changed back to 300. If a player joins spectate with more cash than mp_startmoney, this plugin will leave their cash alone.

If a player disconnects (for whatever reason), if they reconnect before the map changes, their cash will be restored to what it was when they disconnected.

Messages are displayed to the players when they enter spectate and when they join back to a team - you can modify it a bit in the translations file, just keep the format the same.

[SpecHopCash] When you join your team again, your cash will be restored to $<amount>

[SpecHopCash] Your cash has been restored to $<amount>
How this plugin differs from ^BuGs^ Disable Spec For Cash is his plugin has been reported as not working, and he hasn't been showing that he's still supporting that plugin. Also, his plugin would just subtract the entire mp_startmoney amount from a player after they joined spectate and back.

How this plugin differs from FlyingMongoose's Spectate Hop For Money Prevention is that his plugin hard sets the player's cash in such a way that team money is not given to a player when they spawn. Example: When a player goes into spectate with 300, and then back into a team, when they spawn, their money is set to 300 and the player doesn't get the amount of money given to the team at the beginning of the round like every other player gets. Reported here. Also, his plugin was giving timer errors.

So, this is why I am publishing this plugin. It is basically a combo of the above two plugins without options. It simply restores a player's cash when they join spectate and go back to a team. I've tested this as best I can and am 98% sure it will work w/o issue, but please reply if you discover any issues and I'll jump on it as soon as I can.

Thank you guys for the basic ideas and help to make this a better plugin

Also, there is a plugin called Save Scores that will save a players scores as well as their cash amount. If you're looking for that additional functionality, you might want to take a look at that one.

Version 1.0
- Initial release

Version 1.1 - 1.3
- Internal changes including translation file, cleaner code, and use of array.

Version 1.4
- Fixed the retrieval of saved cash amount from array and annotated code a bit.
- Added translation file

Version 1.4a
- Removed handle for timer, not needed (thanks for suggestion databomb)

Version 1.5
- Changed from using array's to using a Trie - thanks for the heads up on that KyleS - it's a better suited data structure

Version 1.6
- Fixed possible bug where player could retain cash across map changes.

- Download the plugin and translation file. Place the NoSpecHopCash.smx into your sourcemod plugins folder - place the NoSPecHopCash.phrases.txt in your sourcemod translations folder

sinblaster 05-24-2011 10:54

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
I could use this thanks man. I just need to find the time to try it. I'm so plugged in Im suffocating :P

fifipaldi 05-28-2011 04:49

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
Hi. Nice plugin. I was looking exactly for the same thing, but i have one question. You said that the money will not change only if they are less than mp_startmoney. So my question is, if somebody go spec with 5000 lets say is he going to get money for the spec hop or no ?

TnTSCS 05-28-2011 11:16

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
if someone goes into spec with 5000, he will rejoin his team with 5000, but he'll get the team winning amount just like everyone else does. He won't get extra money than anyone else

databomb 07-24-2011 20:11

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
Here's my modification on your plugin to make sure that people can't just type 'retry' in console to avoid the same thing. I seem to recall seeing this somewhere already but in case you find it worthwhile too: (untested yet)

PHP Code:

/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>

#define SPEC_VERSION "1.0"
#define BUILDD __DATE__
#define BULLDT __TIME__

public Plugin:myinfo 
name "No Spec Hop Cash",
author "TnTSCS modified by databomb",
description "Prevents players from receiving mp_startmoney by spectate hopping",
url ""

Handle:g_hStartMoney INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle:gH_SteamList INVALID_HANDLE;

CreateConVar("sm_nospeccash_buildversion",SOURCEMOD_VERSION"This version of 'No Spec Hop Cash' was built on "FCVAR_PLUGIN);
CreateConVar("sm_nospeccash_version"SPEC_VERSION"This version of 'No Spec Hop Cash'  "FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY);
g_hStartMoney FindConVar("mp_startmoney");
g_MoneyOffset FindSendPropInfo("CCSPlayer""m_iAccount");
    if (
g_MoneyOffset != -1)
SetFailState("* FATAL ERROR: Failed to obtain offset for CCSPlayer::m_iAccount");
gH_SteamList CreateArray(22);

    if (
decl String:authString[20];
        if (
FindStringInArray(gH_SteamListauthString) == -1)

TeamChanged(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
client GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event,"userid"));
clientteam GetEventInt(event,"team"); //get the TeamID of the player
if(FirstJoined[client]) //Check to see if a player is joining the game and picking their first team
FirstJoined[client] = false//After a player joins for the first time and picks a team, they are marked as NOT FirstJoined
//if FirstJoined = false
clientteam != 0//ensure team is spectate, t, or ct
g_hPlayersMoney[client] = GetPlayerCash(client); //find out what the player's current cash is
if(g_hPlayersMoney[client] < GetConVarInt(g_hStartMoney)) //if player's cash is less than mp_startmoney
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client] = GetConVarInt(g_hStartMoney) - g_hPlayersMoney[client]; //figure out the difference between player's cash and mp_startmoney
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client] = 0//set to 0 since player's money is greater than mp_startmoney
clientteam == 1//if player is on team 1 for spectate
PlayerSpec[client] = true//Set player as being in spectate
                    //PrintToChat(client,"\x04[\x03SpecHopCash\x04]\x01 When you join your team again, your cash will be restored to %i",g_hPlayersMoney[client]);
clientteam != 1//player joined t or ct
PlayerSpec[client]) //if player is marked as spectate
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client] != 0//check if there is a PlayersDiffMoney value, if so, we will subtract that amount from the player's cash
//PrintToChat(client,"\x04[\x03SpecHopCash\x04]\x01 When you spawn, you will be fined for spectate hopping in the amount of %i",g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client]);
SetPlayerCash(client,g_hPlayersMoney[client] - g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client]); //subtract the difference from the player's cash to preserve the cash amount when they went into spectate
PlayerSpec[client] = false//player joined a team, mark as not in spectate

FirstJoined[i] = true;
PlayerSpec[i] = false;
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[i] = 0;

FirstJoined[i] = true;
PlayerSpec[i] = false;
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[i] = 0;

OnClientAuthorized(client,const String:auth[])
indexNum FindStringInArray(gH_SteamListauth);
    if (
indexNum == -1)
FirstJoined[client] = true;
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client] = 0;
PlayerSpec[client] = false;
FirstJoined[client] = false;
PlayerSpec[client] = true;
playerCash GetArrayCell(gH_SteamListindexNum20);
g_hPlayersDiffMoney[client] = GetConVarInt(g_hStartMoney) - playerCash;



TnTSCS 07-25-2011 02:12

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
thank you for the improvement

SmackDaddy 08-11-2011 00:03

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
Was databomb's code added to the plugin?

Plus, I am being told it's not working on the current CSS Windows server .... I had one of my admins test it and he said he can still bhop spec and get cash....

TnTSCS 08-11-2011 01:24

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
I will work on this tomorrow... as I said in a different thread, the wife claimed the PC for the night - I don't have access to my stuffs :(

But I'll implement databomb's code, test it, and post if it's working. I'm also going to fix the one bug I posted in OP under the NOTES

in the meantime, exvel's plugin is a great one -

It does more than mine will, so if you don't want/need all that it does, wait until tomorrow and I'll have this one fixed

SmackDaddy 08-11-2011 01:42

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
Will wait, thank you.

TnTSCS 08-11-2011 18:41

Re: [CS:S] No Spec Hop Cash
okay... I'm not going to update the OP with this version because I think with the help of databomb, we can get the feature where when a player types retry they will have their old cash restored instead of getting the mp_startmoney...

I tried the code that databomb posted above, but it didn't work... I don't know why :(

The attached plugin works and was tested on a windows server. I fixed the issue where after you rejoined a team, it showed that you had the full mp_startmoney even though you went to spec with less than that. I utilized a timer :)

Maybe databomb will help with the Array stuff to address those players that use "retry"... otherwise, the plugin SaveScores is a really good one :)

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