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DoomHammer69 04-22-2014 17:38

[PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
When I ban someone from the website, the player is not kicked.
It checks all servers correctly, but the person is still playing. I have to ban him ingame.
What could be the problem?

When I select the player, right click and ban:
"Can't get player info for Player is not on the server (xx.x.xx.xx) anymore!"
And If I try directly from add a ban, the same thing happens...the ban its ok but until the change of the map.

Thanks for your help

1.4.11 Version on windows In CS:Go Servers

DoomHammer69 05-06-2014 08:15

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
No one has this problem too? I canīt kick from webpanel

Wolfseye 05-12-2014 12:04

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
Got the same problem.

Just saw your post right now. Seems noone can help with that, or I suppose you would already got an answer. Which means I will also get no help with that. :cry:

Funny, such a big forum with so many people using these Plugins, I am sure quite many use Sourcebans. And you would think others than us encountered that problem as well. But since we're not getting any help with that, I can just assume people mostly care about their own problems. Once thats solved, they dont need to help others.

Shame. :(

Wolfseye 05-12-2014 12:28

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
I think I might found a solution. That is in case you keep the ID of your Server in the sourcebans.cfg only as standard value "-1", which technically works but somehow at the end of the map the admins.cfg seems to be overwritten with an more less empty file. So that in fact there are no admins left anymore that could ban or kick anyone.

I read that if you use the correct ID's from your Webpanel of Sourcebans for each Server in their sourcebans.cfg, that will not happen. Or supposedly. I can't say for sure, trying with my own Servers now and will report back later.

Hope thats it.


Wolfseye 05-12-2014 12:59

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
Well, I guess I was wrong in the hopes. Just tried. Always get that info.

If its ban, kick or whatever.... just messages seem to work. Anyone want to comment on that ?


DoomHammer69 05-12-2014 13:24

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
I check all the configs, the IDs are ok with the servers and the webpanel... I think its impposible no one more has this problem....

Wolfseye 05-12-2014 13:43

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
Yep, its weird. The SEND MESSAGE works everytime, just not the rest. All Co-Admins, just as myself the Main Admin, set all the right permissions and stuff in the admins.cfg and also in the Webpanel. But still, from the Webpanel I cannot do these things.

Why is it that noone knows how to fix this ?

Jargon 05-12-2014 22:27

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
What do you have set for the following parameters on your server:


If SourceBans uses the query protocol rather than something like "rcon status" for example to check who is on the server, having those cvars set to 1 will cause SourceBans to only see an artificial bot on the servers called "Max Players" rather than a list of actual players.

Set both of those cvars to 2 if they aren't, e.g.:

host_players_show 2
host_info_show 2

and see if this fixes the problem.

Wolfseye 05-13-2014 01:11

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked

where would these be? Cant remember that I saw those in the sourcebans.cfg. As for showing players, all players are shown in the Server Status of the Webpanel of Sourcebans. That's not the issue. But when I right click a player, showing the menu to kick, ban, view profile or send message, only send message actually works.


ozgaming 05-13-2014 04:25

Re: [PROBLEM] Bans are not kicked
First step I'd try is re-installing sourcebans on the game server. Then making sure the database.cfg file is correct, restart the servers... try again

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