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KingJTellem 06-24-2014 10:13

How To Make a Gun Hero
Hi how do i make a gun hero with only damage & level. I got the V,W & P model juat need to make it for a hero.

Gun_level 0
Gun_gunmult 2.0 //Gun damage

anon12 06-24-2014 16:18

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
There's a few tutorial on how to create a hero (including guns)

Or you could rip some heroes off by changing the name and the weapon model.

KingJTellem 06-25-2014 11:50

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
So if i make this would it be a hero with gun ?


//Yeah, we include superheromod for this one
#include <superheromod>

new gHeroID
new gHeroName[] = "super" //creates a string varr to hold the hero name
new bool:gHasSuperPower[SH_MAXSLOTS+1] //creates a varr with an aray, with 1 slot per player

public plugin_init()
//This registers the plugin with amx mod x. This is what is shown when you type amx_plugins in console
register_plugin("SUPERHERO super", "1.0", "Jelle")

//now we register the cvars
//you can make the "pcvarLevel" to what ever you want, but make sure it matches this each time you use it
new pcvarLevel = register_cvar("super_level", "0") //this is what level the hero should be avalible at

//This is what creates the hero remember the pcvarLevel is pointing at the level for the hero
gHeroID = sh_create_hero(gHeroName, pcvarLevel)
//This is setting the hero info. It pretty much explains itself
sh_set_hero_info(gHeroID, "short decription", "long decription")

//if you were used to the old method you will notice that there is no need to register the init anymore therefor nothing more is required

public sh_hero_init(id, heroID, mode)
//if no power return
if (gHeroID != heroID) return

//This is what runs when someone drops or picks the hero
//if the hero is added
//it is true that client has the hero
gHasSuperPower[id] = true
//if the hero is dropped
//it is false that the client has the hero
gHasSuperPower[id] = false
public plugin_init()
//the code you already made should be here
//Be sure to set the cvars as the first thing in your plugin
//you now add a cvar for multiplier:
new pcvarMult = register_cvar("super_mult", "5")

//and now you set the hero power. Remember this should be after you create the hero with sh_create_hero!
//with this native I set the hero multiplier accordingly to the multiplier cvar
sh_set_hero_dmgmult(gHeroID, pcvarMult, CSW_M4A1)
public plugin_init()
//the code you already made should be here
//Be sure to set the cvars as the first thing in your plugin
//you now add a cvar for multiplier:
new pcvarMult = register_cvar("super_mult", "5")

//and now you set the hero power. Remember this should be after you create the hero with sh_create_hero!
//with this native I set the hero multiplier accordingly to the multiplier cvar
sh_set_hero_dmgmult(gHeroID, pcvarMult, CSW_M4A1)
//now we make a new global variable to hold the path of the gun model
new const gSuperWeapon[] = "models/shmod/v_super_m4a1.mdl"

public plugin_init()
//all the plugin_init stuff should be here. All the cvars you made so far and the hero creating etc goes here

//and now we can register the CurWeapon event. This runs each time the user changes his weapon
register_event("CurWeapon", "weapon_change", "be", "1=1")
public sh_hero_init(id, heroID, mode)
//you should now know what should be going here

//again we are using the hero init to set the weapon model if the hero is picked
switch (mode)
//You know what this is
gHasSuperPower[id] = true
//this is what is new
//this tells that we are going to super_weapons to give out a free weapon
//here when the hero is picked we also go to set the weapon model or he will first get it when he spawn next time
//You know what this is
gHasSuperPower[id] = false
//now we check if the user is alive if user drops this hero while alive he should not be able to use the gun
if (is_user_alive(id))
//this drops the weapon
sh_drop_weapon(id, CSW_M4A1, true)
//the true value I set means that when the weapon is dropped it disappears so user cannot just pick it up again

public sh_client_spawn(id)
//check if they have the power
if (gHasSuperPower[id])
//go and give free gun if it is true that the user has the hero

//yes now we actually give the free gun
//before we just handle the gun out to this crazy maniac we have to check if sh is actually running and that the user is alive and he has the hero
if (sh_is_active() && is_user_alive(id) && gHasSuperPower[id] )
//if all this is true we can safely give him his gun
sh_give_weapon(id, CSW_M4A1)

//now we use the registered event
public weapon_change(id)
//do nothing if client does not have hero or sh is off
if ( !sh_is_active() || !gHasSuperPower[id] ) return

//the read data is reading the weapon the client has out
new weaponID = read_data(2)
//and if the client does not have the m4a1 out just do nothing
if (weaponID !=CSW_M4A1) return

//now we checked if the user does not have the m4a1 out. If he does not the code stops here
//if he does have m4a1 out then we continue so now we set the weapon model for the m4a1 since he is having that gun out
//yes we are going to do it in switch_models since that makes most sense

//now, we do not want the guy to run out of ammo so we just give him an unlimited amout of it
//this is reading how many bullets there are left in the gun
if (read_data(3) == 0)
//so if he is out of ammo just reload it
sh_reload_ammo(id, 1)
/*after the id I made a 1 number
look at the and you will see this
0 - follow server sh_reloadmode CVAR
1 - continuous shooting, no reload
2 - fill the backpack (must reload)
3 - drop the gun and get a new one with full clip
That should explain it*/

//if the sh mod is off the client is dead or he does not have the hero we do not want to let him have the weapon model!
if (!sh_is_active() || !is_user_alive(id) || !gHasSuperPower[id] ) return

//and now we check again if he still has the m4a1 out
if (get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_M4A1)
//now he has all the requirements to have the weapon model so we also need to give it to him
set_pev(id, pev_viewmodel2, gSuperWeapon)
//now we make a new global variable to hold the path of the gun model
new const gSuperWeapon2[] = "models/shmod/p_super_m4a1.mdl"

//if the sh mod is off the client is dead or he does not have the hero we do not want to let him have the weapon model!
if (!sh_is_active() || !is_user_alive(id) || !gHasSuperPower[id] ) return

//and now we check again if he still has the m4a1 out
if (get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_M4A1)
//now he has all the requirements to have the weapon model so we also need to give it to him
set_pev(id, pev_weaponmodel2, gSuperWeapon2)

anon12 06-25-2014 16:51

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
u cant have more than 2 plugins_init at once

something like this: (from rolnaaba's code)
PHP Code:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <superheromod> 
#include <fakemeta>

new gHeroName[]="Hero Name" //creates a string varr to hold your hearo's name
new bool:gHasGun[SH_MAXSLOTS+1//creates a varr with an aray, with 1 slot per player 

new g_p_model//must be outside plugin_init so it can be global
new g_v_model;

register_plugin("SUPERHERO Super""1.0""Rolnaaba"); //register plugin (you should know what this is)
register_cvar("Super_level""1"); //level required to select hero

shCreateHero(gHeroName"Gun Hero desc1""Gun Hero Desc2"false"Super_level"); 
    //stock  shCreateHero(heroName[], heroPower[], heroHelp[], bool:requiresKeyEvents, heroLevel[])

register_srvcmd("Super_init""Super_init"); //register your hero's init function with server
shRegHeroInit(gHeroName"Super_init"); //register your hero's init with superheromod
register_cvar("Supher_mult""1.5"); //how much damage to do (1.5 x normal_damage)

g_p_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/p_weapon_model.mdl"); //makes players download the model
g_v_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/v_weapon_model.mdl");
temp[6]; //declare a temperary varriable
read_argv(1,temp,5); //reading the first argument will give you the id of the person who selected your hero
new id str_to_num(temp); //transfer the string returned into a number and store it as the id

read_argv(2,temp,5); //second argument is whether they have the power or not
new hasPowers str_to_num(temp);

gHasGun[id] = (hasPowers != 0); //(hasPowers != 0) will either return 1 (if it is true that hasPowers != 0), or 0 (if it is false that hasPowers != 0)
if(hasPowers) { //if they have power
Super_set_model(id//go to set model funciton
    if (!
shModActive() || !is_user_alive(id) || !gHasGun[id])  return;

clipammowpnid get_user_weapon(id,clip,ammo);

wpnid == CSW_AK47) {
set_pev(idpev_viewmodelengfunc(EngFunc_AllocStringg_v_model));//view model
set_pev(idpev_weaponmodelengfunc(EngFunc_AllocStringg_p_model));//player model
Event_damage(id) {
    if (!
shModActive() || !is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;

damage read_data(2); //this is covered in my events tut. (in helpful links)
new weaponbodypartattacker get_user_attacker(idweaponbodypart//store what weapon used, bodypart hit, and attacker
new headshot bodypart == //this is just short for:

if(attacker <= || attacker SH_MAXSLOTS ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE//checks ifs it was world that did the damage, and if so just end function.

if(gHasGun[attacker] && is_user_alive(id)) { //if alive and have power
new extraDamage floatround(damage get_cvar_float("Super_mult") - damage); //calculate extra damage ([damage done x multiplier] - damage done = extra damage)
if (extraDamage 0) {
shExtraDamageidattackerextraDamage"Super damage Mult"headshot ); // stock shExtraDamage(id, attacker, damage, weaponDescription[], headshot = 0);

KingJTellem 06-25-2014 17:53

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
Thanks how do i make the weapon spawn every time?

anon12 06-25-2014 18:18

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
Something like this:
PHP Code:

#include <amxmodx> 
#include <superheromod>  
#include <fakemeta> 

new gHeroName[]="Hero Name" //creates a string varr to hold your hearo's name 
new bool:gHasGun[SH_MAXSLOTS+1//creates a varr with an aray, with 1 slot per player  

new g_p_model//must be outside plugin_init so it can be global 
new g_v_model


register_plugin("SUPERHERO Super""1.0""Rolnaaba"); //register plugin (you should know what this is) 
register_cvar("Super_level""1"); //level required to select hero 

shCreateHero(gHeroName"Gun Hero desc1""Gun Hero Desc2"false"Super_level");  
    //stock  shCreateHero(heroName[], heroPower[], heroHelp[], bool:requiresKeyEvents, heroLevel[]) 

register_srvcmd("Super_init""Super_init"); //register your hero's init function with server 
shRegHeroInit(gHeroName"Super_init"); //register your hero's init with superheromod 
register_cvar("Supher_mult""1.5"); //how much damage to do (1.5 x normal_damage) 

g_p_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/p_weapon_model.mdl"); //makes players download the model 
g_v_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/v_weapon_model.mdl"); 


temp[6]; //declare a temperary varriable 
read_argv(1,temp,5); //reading the first argument will give you the id of the person who selected your hero 
new id str_to_num(temp); //transfer the string returned into a number and store it as the id 

read_argv(2,temp,5); //second argument is whether they have the power or not 
new hasPowers str_to_num(temp); 

gHasGun[id] = (hasPowers != 0); //(hasPowers != 0) will either return 1 (if it is true that hasPowers != 0), or 0 (if it is false that hasPowers != 0) 
if(hasPowers) { //if they have power 
Super_set_model(id//go to set model funciton 

    if ( 
gHasGun[id] && is_user_alive(id) && shModActive() ) {

clipammowpnid get_user_weapon(idclipammo)
        if ( 
wpnid != CSW_AK47 && wpnid ) {
    if ( 
is_user_alive(id) && shModActive() ) {
public Super_set_model(id)  

    if (!
shModActive() || !is_user_alive(id) || !gHasGun[id])  return; 

clipammowpnid get_user_weapon(id,clip,ammo); 

wpnid == CSW_AK47) { 
set_pev(idpev_viewmodelengfunc(EngFunc_AllocStringg_v_model));//view model 
set_pev(idpev_weaponmodelengfunc(EngFunc_AllocStringg_p_model));//player model 


    if (!
shModActive() || !is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

damage read_data(2); //this is covered in my events tut. (in helpful links) 
new weaponbodypartattacker get_user_attacker(idweaponbodypart//store what weapon used, bodypart hit, and attacker 
new headshot bodypart == //this is just short for: 

if(attacker <= || attacker SH_MAXSLOTS ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE//checks ifs it was world that did the damage, and if so just end function. 

if(gHasGun[attacker] && is_user_alive(id)) { //if alive and have power 
new extraDamage floatround(damage get_cvar_float("Super_mult") - damage); //calculate extra damage ([damage done x multiplier] - damage done = extra damage) 
if (extraDamage 0) { 
shExtraDamageidattackerextraDamage"Super damage Mult"headshot ); // stock shExtraDamage(id, attacker, damage, weaponDescription[], headshot = 0); 


I believe this is called every round so it will give the user the weapon
PHP Code:


PHP Code:

public newSpawn(id

    if ( 
gHasGun[id] && is_user_alive(id) && shModActive() ) { 

clipammowpnid get_user_weapon(idclipammo
        if ( 
wpnid != CSW_AK47 && wpnid ) { 


    if ( 
is_user_alive(id) && shModActive() ) { 

KingJTellem 06-25-2014 18:35

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
Nice i get the weapon now but the P & V_model dosent show up just the normal ak47.

anon12 06-25-2014 18:37

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
Oh right i forgot

Add this in the plugins_init():
PHP Code:


and somewhere below

PHP Code:

public plugin_precache()  
g_p_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/p_weapon_model.mdl"); //makes players download the model 
g_v_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/v_weapon_model.mdl"); 

Add this:
PHP Code:

public weaponChange(id)
    if ( !
gHasGun[id] || !shModActive() ) return

wpnid read_data(2)
clip read_data(3)

    if ( 
wpnid != CSW_AK47 ) return


// Never Run Out of Ammo!
if ( clip == ) {

KingJTellem 06-25-2014 18:45

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
Okay now the server freeze and says this SV_ModelIndex: model {SUPERHERO Super not precached

anon12 06-25-2014 18:46

Re: How To Make a Gun Hero
Did you put these files in?
PHP Code:

   g_p_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/p_weapon_model.mdl"); //makes players download the model  
g_v_model precache_model("models/shmod/Super/v_weapon_model.mdl"); 

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