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Skyy 03-10-2013 21:25

[ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.7
2 Attachment(s)
Plugin Previewing
I am running every publicly available plugin in my signature on my community's server (except skyrpg2, as I'm running skyrpg3).
If you wish to try them out before you download them, just click here -> steam://connect/
This server is running the latest version of every plugin and should testify to their working order.

If you're interested in donating to support plugin development, I greatly appreciate your patronage.
You can donate by clicking here -> PayPal

Fortspawn 2 isn't a simple recreation of the Fortspawn mod. In fact, I've never played it, myself. However, this mod takes the general
idea behind Fortspawn and reinvents it, whilst adding new mechanics to it. In Fortspawn 2, players can earn experience and level up
which unlocks additional objects, as well as earn cash which allows them to buy more lucrative objects. The number of items a player
can build is based on their level, and all objects have their own dynamic health pool. Server owners can easily add new objects to the
object pool by editing the simple config file included. (configs/fortspawn2/objects.cfg)
Cash, Level and Experience are stored in the database.
Players can also pay an amount of their cash to toggle a new object they'll create between being a static object (one that does not
adhere to the laws of source-physics) and being a physics object. If purchased, the next object created will be a static object.
Players can simply toggle the key again to disable (and refund the cost) spawning a static object. Of course, a server owner may want
to make static purchases free, or simply enabling all objects as static objects. These options are both configurable.
I've provided a default objects.cfg in the compressed folder.

SDKHooks, and Ready Up 2.3+ (It will not work with older versions).
A database is also required; "fortspawn2" is the prefix you must use.

You can change these controls by directly editing the source. I will not be changing them or adding a configuration option for them.
Objects that can be picked up when you are looking at them will highlight green. You cannot pick up another players objects. Attempting
to do so will simply tell you the owner of the objects name. At this time, admins can't delete other users items, but that will be added.
However, when a player disconnects or dies, all of their items will be destroyed. At this time, this feature can't be removed, but an option
for it will be added at a later date.

!build: Will open the build menu. You must be a survivor, alive, not incapacitated, not in the air, and not currently ensnared.
!wipe: Will destroy all objects you have built (and refund their costs; includes static cost if applicable).
!static: Will toggle between static/physics object, if static objects aren't forced.
!ignoreuse: Toggles on/off whether you can grab your objects.

USE Key: Picks up/Drops the targeted object (if objects aren't set to ignore mode)
RELOAD Key: Views health pool of any object, regardless of distance (if you aren't in movement or rotation modes)

Object Movement Mode Controls
MOUSE2 Key: Destroys selected object (must be in Object Movement Mode)
ZOOM Key: Toggles Object Movement / Object Rotation Modes.
RELOAD / DUCK Keys: Pushes / Pulls object Away / Towards you. (Also sets distance for picking up objects)

Object Rotation Mode Controls
MOVEMENT, USE, MOUSE2 Keys: Rotates the object along the 3 axis.
RELOAD / DUCK Keys: Increase / Decrease Rotation speed.

Version History
- New features, yay!
- Hierarchy management

- Added several vast improvements for object handling.
- Code Efficiency++

- Players can now view the health pools of any players object, including their own, while not currently holding an object.
- Players can now push and pull objects away or towards themselves. How far away they must be to pick up an object
is based on this distance.

Ready up Information
This plugin will remove the survival start button, preventing random trolls from connecting to your server and starting the survival round before
players who are building are ready. Instead, the survival round will begin automatically when the ready up time reaches 0. Survivors are
invulnerable during the ready up period, and should they find themselves hanging, will automatically recover. Objects spawned are invulnerable
as well during this period, but will accept damage when the survival round starts.

Compiling the Plugin Yourself, Plugin errors
I will not assist users in compiling the plugin themselves or with Plugin errors resulting in PEBKAC, due to the headaches it has brought in the past.
When attempting to compile, please make sure you're using all of the dependencies the plugin requires, which can generally be found at the top
of the main source file. Most importantly, make sure they are the latest versions of each dependency. I do not include them in the
compressed folder as authors may update their works at any time.
Before posting complaints or problems, please verify that you've installed all of the dependencies, properly. Often, I see posts about plugin problems
because the EU didn't properly set up the dependencies - this includes improperly configuring the database. The plugin requires it and will not function
without it.
If you have compile errors, it's a PEBKAC issue, because it compiles for me. Check the dependencies and try again.
The binary is included, so you don't need to compile the plugin to use the plugin.

mugen 03-11-2013 20:05

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.1
:)Hello looks very nice but

i have errors

L 03/12/2013 - 00:58:21: [SM] Plugin encountered error 15: Array index is out of bounds
L 03/12/2013 - 00:58:21: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "fortspawn2.smx":

i get no panel in game and plugin is loaded

ok next morning: i look further now my server crash, server was stable still no panels only this in logs

Skyy 03-12-2013 05:44

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.2
Corrected several issues, including the aforementioned "Array index is out of bounds."
Fortspawn 2 will abort starting the panic event if there are no players connected to the server when the ready up period ends.

Advised that all users update Ready up to v2.4


Originally Posted by mugen
i get no panel in game and plugin is loaded

Make sure you have the objects.cfg in the proper folder, and if you've added new objects, that it's formatted correctly. Also:
!build: Will open the build menu. You must be a survivor, alive, not incapacitated, not in the air, and not currently ensnared.

mugen 03-12-2013 08:35

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.2
tried the new one all things correct installed

round start: type !build then lost connection to server a server crash

no errors in logs :cry:

Skyy 03-12-2013 15:45

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.2
Join this server:
Say !uptime into chat. 15:43:58 Server uptime: 43H 20M 0S

If you're having crashing issues, it most likely isn't related to fortspawn 2, because I'd most likely be crashing as well. (If it is, something was not installed, properly.)
You must install the objects.cfg or there will be nothing to load into a menu (and that itself may crash it)
That server is running ready up, fortspawn 2, and team manager.

mugen 03-12-2013 20:09

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.2
ok thx u do ur best but i already said everything is installed correctly

updated everything sourcemod metamod server is stable without your plugins

so this is not working for me

linux no errors in logs

dont know what to say further

good luck cya

Skyy 03-12-2013 20:49

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.2
If it crashes as soon as you attempt to open the menu as you say, that's because it isn't finding the config file.
As shown in the screenshots above, the plugin works flawlessly when installed properly. Also, you have to make
sure that the version of Ready up that is on the server is 2.3+, otherwise, fortspawn 2 won't work properly.

SetFailState's have been added in case the plugin and its required configs are not set up properly. This will output to its logs file the result.

Cash will no longer be refunded for all objects destroyed when a player dies.

Deathrow Bo Dean 03-17-2013 23:30

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.4
I'd love to have this plugin for my Clients. Sorry, but I can't get it to work. when I type !build Nothing. But I'l keep trying......DBD

Skyy 03-17-2013 23:43

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.4

!build: Will open the build menu. You must be a survivor, alive, not incapacitated, not in the air, and not currently ensnared.
If the criteria isn't met, the menu won't open. This is done to prevent players from violating the build rules. If that still isn't doing it, please post a pastebin of your error logs and if it exists, the fortspawn2 logs.

doctor banner 03-23-2013 19:13

Re: [ L4D2 ] Fortspawn 2 v2.0.6
Hello, ive been working on installing this for a awhile, I finally got everything to somewhat work. could you please add a instructional text in the download for people inexperianced in l4d2 servers. I could use some help with a error im having in the logs.....

this is from SM:
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: Error log file session closed.
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: SourceMod error session started
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: Info (map "outpost2_v4") (file "errors_20130323.log")
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: [SM] Plugin encountered error 25: Call was aborted
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: [SM] Native "SetFailState" reported: Unable to connect to the database: Configuration "fortspawn2" not found
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "fortspawn2.smx":
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: [SM] [0] Line 11, fortspawn2/database.sp::MySQL_Init()
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: [SM] [1] Line 92, F:\sky-plugins\skyrpg3\scripting\fortspawn2.sp::OnPl uginStart()

this is from readyup:
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:13: [readyup.smx] New map loaded successfully.

this is from fortspawn2:
L 03/23/2013 - 18:49:12: [fortspawn2.smx] Unable to connect to the database: Configuration "fortspawn2" not found

I first had the object.cfg error and just created the folder where it was missing and placed it properly. Im stumped on what and where the files are missing go. I have the database.sp in the folder C:\L4D2\left4dead2\left4dead2\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\fortspawn2 along with the other .sp files. Can anyone provide some insight on this?

Im using all the latest required files. I would also like to add that I have to do a map change twice for readyup to load right. It seems like fortspawner is loading before readyup and thats the reason I must change the map twice. If I change once, it says readyup not found or something. Is that normal?

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