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Tylerst 07-20-2012 01:45

[TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo
4 Attachment(s)
Advanced Infinite Ammo

Description: Give Infinite Ammo/Clip/and more to everyone in game or on a specific target(s)

List of features:
* Infinite Ammo/Clip
* Infinite Crit-a-cola/Bonk! Note: Right-click(alt-fire) to manually remove bonk!
* Infinite Hype
* Infinite usage for Rage based weapons(Banners, Phlog, etc)
* Beggar's Bazooka - Hold right-click(alt-fire) to fire infinite rockets
* Infinite Manmelter/Frontier Justice/Diamondback Crits (Shoot once to activate)
* Infinite Shield Charge
* Infinite Ullapool Caber
* Infinite Metal/Sentrygun Ammo
* Infinite usage for Uber/Kritz/QuickFix
* Infinite Jarate/Sandman Balls/Sandviches/Madmilk/etc
* Infinite Cloak/Dead Ringer/Instant Recharge Spy-cicle
* Infinite Heads/Decapitations
* Infinite Spell Uses(Press reload to remove current spell)

CVARs(Default Values Shown: 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled):
Note: The plugin automatically creates AdvancedInfiniteAmmo.cfg at tf/cfg/sourcemod
Change the default values there.

sm_aia_version "1.5.3"

sm_aia_all "0" - Advanced Infinite Ammo for everyone(and will automatically give it to anyone who connects)
sm_aia_adminonly "0" - Advanced Infinite Ammo will work for admins only, 1 = Completely admin only, 2 = Admin only but the commands will work on non-admins
-Default "b" flag - Can be overridden with sm_aia_adminflag
sm_aia_bots "1" - Advanced Infinite Ammo will work for bots
sm_aia_roundwin "1" - Advanced Infinite Ammo for everyone on round win
sm_aia_waitingforplayers "1" - Advanced Infinite Ammo for everyone during waiting for players phase
sm_aia_chat "1" - Show Advanced Infinite Ammo changes in chat
sm_aia_log "1" - Log Advanced Infinite Ammo commands
sm_aia_disabledweapons "" - Weapons indexes to not give infinite ammo, separated by semicolons(Do not add spaces) --eg. sm_aia_disabledweapons "44;58;222" would disable sandman, jarate and mad milk

sm_aia_clip "1" - Infinite Clip will be globally disabled
sm_aia_ammo "1" - Infinite Ammo will be globally disabled
sm_aia_extrastuff "1" - Infinite Extra Stuff will be globally disabled
sm_aia_metal "1" - Infinite Metal will be globally disabled
sm_aia_sentryammo "1" - Infinite Sentry Ammo will be globally disabled
sm_aia_cloak "1" - Infinite Cloak will be globally disabled
sm_aia_spells "1" - Infinite Spells will be globally disabled

sm_aia "target" "1/0" - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) (Can auto-target self with just sm_fia)
sm_aia2 "target" "time(in seconds)" - Give Advanced Infinite Ammo to the target(s) for a limited time
sm_advanced_infinite_ammo "target" "1/0" - Same as sm_aia
sm_advanced_infinite_ammo_timed "target" "time(in seconds)" - Same as sm_aia2
sm_aiamenu - Open menu to choose target's AIA capabilities(flags globally disabled by the cvars cannot be changed)
Note: Can override sm_aia_targetflag to control which admins can target others

Command Usage Examples:
sm_aia -Toggle AIA on yourself
sm_aia Bob 1 -Enable AIA on Bob
sm_aia @all 1 -Enable AIA on everyone
sm_aia @red 1 -Enable AIA on red team
sm_aia @!me 0 -Disable AIA for everyone except yourself
(sm_advanced_infinite_ammo can be used in place of sm_aia)

sm_aia2 @me 10 - Give yourself AIA for 10 seconds
sm_aia2 Bob 30 - Give Bob AIA for 30 seconds
sm_aia2 @all 300 - Give everyone AIA for 5 minutes
(sm_advanced_infinite_ammo_timed can be used in place of sm_aia2)


Version 1.0.0 - July 20, 2012
* Initial Release

Version 1.0.1 - July 20, 2012
* Added sm_aia_targetflag override to set which admins can target others
* Fixed a typo in the self target part

Version 1.0.2 - July 27, 2012
* Beggar's Bazooka now has a hold right-click(alt-fire) option for firing infinite rockets
* Reverted Bonk!/Crit-A-Cola to old plugin behavior(Infinite duration+right click[alt-fire] to remove Bonk!)
* Moved the Sandman/Wrap Assassin to their own case to make it a bit simpler to enable the admin check, or disable them altogether
* August 1, 2012 Fixed sm_aia_adminonly being 1 by default, No version change

Version 1.1.0 - August 4, 2012
* Plugin now uses SDKHooks
* Added weapon indexes from The Triad Pack
* Fixed plugin not detecting arena round start

Version 1.1.1 - August 7, 2012
* Added sm_aia_bots cvar to control whether bots can receive Advanced Infinite Ammo
* Changed validation code a bit to fix errors

Version 1.1.2 - August 16, 2012
* Fixed plugin not detecting mvm wave start

Version 1.2.0 - December 13, 2012
*Code cleanup in a few areas(Such as caching cvars instead of using GetConVar* in a for loop)
*Updated item indexes
*Can now set sm_aia_ammoonly to set ammo instead of clip(Must still reload weapon)
*Can now set sm_aia_extrastuff to allow/disallow extra things such as ubercharge/rage/hype/etc off to only have ammo related things
*Can now set sm_aia_adminonly to 2 to allow the admin command to work on non-admins

Version 1.2.1 - December 13, 2012
*Small update, I forgot to add silver/gold botkiller weapons in 1.2.0(Thanks to raygius for messaging me)

Version 1.2.2 - December 21, 2012
*Updated for new item indexes

Version 1.2.3 - January 6, 2013
*Sappers now infinite in MvM

Version 1.2.4 - January 7, 2013
*Added infinite sniper rifle charge meter(with extrastuff enabled)

Version 1.2.5 - January 9, 2013
*Added better late load support

Version 1.2.6 - January 21, 2013
*Added infinite rage for Heavy Miniguns in MvM(with extrastuff enabled)
*Added Festive Minigun index(No idea why, but I found out it was missing when adding the above code)

Version 1.2.7 - January 24, 2013
*Added Infinite Razorback(Thanks to FlaminSarge for the method idea)

Version 1.2.8 - March 01, 2013
*Fixed Festive Ambassador and Festive Grenade launcher being in ammo section instead of clip section(Thanks to rayguis for pointing it out)

Version 1.2.9 - May 27, 2013
*Added Ap-Sap and Ham Shank indexes
*Moved Flamethrowers into the Only Ammo category(They no longer need clip set for airblast ammo)

Version 1.3.0 - October 13, 2013
*Fixed waitingforplayers cvar not removing infinite ammo if it was changed during waitingforplayers
*Changed Crusader's Crossbow to ammo mode until Valve decides to fix it's rapid fire with a clip size higher than 1
*Changed Event hooks to EventHookMode_PostNoCopy since the plugin doesn't need to retrieve any values from them
*Non-plugin related, removed SDKhooks link and compiled plugin since sdkhooks now comes with sourcemod as of 1.5 and will compile on the forum

Version 1.3.1 - November 3, 2013
*Added Infinite Spell Uses(Press reload to remove current spell)
*Added Automatic config creation(AdvancedInfiniteAmmo.cfg in tf/cfg/sourcemod/)

Version 1.3.3 - November 5, 2013
*Fixed an error that would occur if no players had a spellbook equipped

Version 1.3.4 - December 3, 2013
*Fixed AutoExecConfig creating AdvancedInfiniteAmmo.cfg.cfg
*Added Infinite Medic Shield(MvM) with extra stuff cvar enabled
*Changed SetAmmo from 999 to 500 to fix a console spam error related to the heal target ammo counter

Version 1.3.5 - December 14, 2013
*Added cvar sm_aia_disabledweapons to control which weapon indexes should not get infinite ammo
*Added Golden Frying Pan index to melee case

Version 1.3.6 - December 19, 2013
*Fixed disabled weapons cvar not working for spellbooks

Version 1.3.7 - June 19, 2014
*Added newer Item Indexes

Version 1.3.8 - June 28, 2014
*Slight code change to check for Valid Weapon

Version 1.3.9 - June 29, 2014
*Updated game check code
*Fixed Hitman's Heatmaker and Bazaar Bargain not getting full charge damage

Version 1.4.0 - July 17, 2015
*Revamp of plugin to 1.7 syntax
*Sorted wepaon index section by class and slot and updated indexes
*Changed Sentry Infinite Ammo to use the games built in Infinite ammo flag rather than forcing it in OnPreThink(should improved performance)

Version 1.4.1 - July 17, 2015
*Changed OnClientPutInServer to OnClientPostAdminCheck

Version 1.4.2 - July 17, 2015
*Added item indexes 15000-15059(Thanks to xXDeathreusXx and abrandnewday for notifying me)

Version 1.4.3 - July 19, 2015
*Changed Sentry ammo code to use OnEntityCreated Instead of the build event
*Sentry code now adds/removes the ammo flag with the current flags taken into account instead of overwriting them.

Version 1.4.4 - July 19, 2015
*Fixed a few bugs with new sentry code

Version 1.4.5 - July 28, 2015
*Fixed sniper bow indexes(separated them from rifles)

Version 1.4.6 - July 29, 2015
*Fixed LochNLoad/AliBaba'sWeeBooties indexes being switched.

Version 1.5.0 - August 2, 2015
*New command sm_aiamenu to control target's AIA capabilities and Cvars to allow global disabling
*Removed curent sm_aia_extrastuff and sm_aia_ammonly due to above change
*Added new natives for use in other plugins(see include file)

Version 1.5.1 - September 14, 2015
* Small bit of code change to fix errors in 1.8 compiler(No functional difference from 1.5.0)

Version 1.5.2 - October 3, 2015
*Fixed global ammoflags not properly being enabled/disabled properly if plugin/config file matched.

Version 1.5.3 - October 7, 2015
*Added the 4 Invasion weapon indexes

Tylerst 07-20-2012 02:08

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo
~Reserved just in case

TurretTheEpic 07-20-2012 02:14

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo
Im gonna try it :D

ReFlexPoison 07-20-2012 03:15

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo
Don't know the differences between the old one, maybe a list would suffice.

Tylerst 07-20-2012 03:31

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo

Originally Posted by ReFlexPoison (Post 1754239)
Don't know the differences between the old one, maybe a list would suffice.

Most of the changes are in how it's coded. For the end user, it's practically the same. Off the top of my head the only large gameplay difference I can think of is that Bonk!/CritACola are infinite usage now rather than infinite duration.(Though I left the code in for the old way if it's really important to anyone, so they can re-enable it.)

Edit: As of 1.0.2 Bonk/Crit-A-Cola are Infinite Duration with right-click(alt-fire) to remove Bonk!, again.

The largest difference is in how it applies everything. It goes by weapon now rather than class, so it will work more fluidly with things like FlaminSarge's GiveWeapon and Randomizer. As a result, you can also add weapon exceptions fairly easily if you want to by moving cases to the do nothing area.

ReFlexPoison 07-20-2012 03:38

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo

Originally Posted by Tylerst (Post 1754244)
Most of the changes are in how it's coded. For the end user, it's practically the same. Off the top of my head the only large gameplay difference I can think of is that Bonk!/CritACola are infinite usage now rather than infinite duration.(Though I left the code in for the old way if it's really important to anyone, so they can re-enable it.)

The largest difference is in how it applies everything. It goes by weapon now rather than class, so it will work more fluidly with things like FlaminSarge's GiveWeapon and Randomizer. As a result, you can also add weapon exceptions fairly easily if you want to by moving cases to the do nothing area.

Ah sweet, ty for the info. Will try it out soon.

Leonardo 07-20-2012 04:05

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo
please add noreload cvar/command
so people would have an unlimited ammo, but not infinite fire.

Tylerst 07-20-2012 05:00

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo

Originally Posted by Leonardo (Post 1754260)
please add noreload cvar/command
so people would have an unlimited ammo, but not infinite fire.

Not something I'm interested in doing with the main plugin, but if you really want that, you can just change the SetClip entries to SetAmmo (Remove them where they already have SetAmmo) and re-compile.
Added in 1.2.0

Horsedick 07-20-2012 10:16

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo
How do I restrict infinite sandman and wrap assassin balls to Admins only but able to set everything else for everyone else?

Tylerst 07-20-2012 11:45

Re: [TF2] Advanced Infinite Ammo

Originally Posted by Horsedick (Post 1754424)
How do I restrict infinite sandman and wrap assassin balls to Admins only but able to set everything else for everyone else?

If you're worried about lag, I released a plugin to fix that a couple days ago: Ball Projectile Limit

Edit: As of 1.0.2, it's much simpler to do this, just uncomment the if statement, or comment the SetAmmo to disable them altogether.

//Sandman, Wrap Assassin - Ammo
case 44, 648:
        //Admin Check(Old Plugin Behavior)
        //if(!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_fia_adminflag", ADMFLAG_GENERIC)) return;
        SetAmmo(client, iWeapon);


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