
AlliedModders (
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EKS 12-22-2005 19:32

This plugin adds a simple TK system to any source server, so players can forgive teamkills & teamattacks.
TK/TA can be forgiven either via a menu or via chat

say /forgivetk ( Forgives the latest team kill )
say /forgiveta ( Forgives the latest team attack )
say /tacount - Shows you your current TA / TK count
say /tkcount - Shows you your current TA / TK count

Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Erling K. Sæterdal
Menu code based on code from CSDM ( ) Created by BAILOPAN
Adminloading function from Xaphan ( ) Created by Devicenull
Helping on misc errors/functions: BAILOPAN,sslice,devicenull,PMOnoTo,cybermind ( most who idle in #sourcemod on GameSurge realy )

Download 1.2.4
Download source


- Removed sound prechancing.

FTK 1.2.1
- Added: Better ins mod support

FTK 1.2.0
- Added: Betteroffset scanner to change players health
- Fixed: Plugin not removing hooks to all events correctly (Valve magic)
- Changed: ALOT of code to make plugin simpler to maintain
- Changed: Alot of others things to, but i forget

FTK 1.1.10
- Changed: Now requires sourcemm 1.4.x

FTK 1.1.9
- Fixed: Potensial crash regarding executing config files

FTK 1.1.8
- Added: cvar ftk_admininterface to enable or disable use of the AdminInterface in this plugin
- Added: Plugin should now the admin immunity right if its not connected to BAT ( class: ForgiveTK, access flag: immunity )
- Changed: Plugin now uses AdminInterface 1

FTK 1.1.7
- Added: Support for slaying again
- Changed: Some other things, dont know what

FTK 1.1.6
- Fixed: Plugin now able to change HP of players in DoD S
- Removed: Slap like effect ( may come back, but requires a sig scanner )

FTK 1.1.5
- Added: Plugin now has CVAR callbacks, meaning cvar changes to: ftk_teamattackcount,ftk_teamkillcount,ftk_opt ion,ftk_punishoption take effect instantly.
- Added: Plugin now uses diffrent Event catches ( Idea by BAILOPAN ) , meaning plugin should use less cpu as less string comparisons are required

FTK 1.1.4
- Added: say /tkcount | say /tacount - Shows the player his current TA / TK count
- Fixed: the 1.1.3 Release was screwed somehow. So all changes listed in changelog may not have made it to the public

FTK 1.1.3
- Added: ESC based menus
- Added: Support for AdminInterface ( Makes admins with "immunity" flag immune to being kicked / banned )
- Fixed: Posible crash on showig forgive tK text
- Fixed: On Getting punishing players that where being disconnected
- Changed: Parts of the code to make it more crash proof

Opossum 12-22-2005 20:26

nice, just one question: mp_tkpunish 0 or 1 in combination with this?

EKS 12-22-2005 20:43


Originally Posted by Opossum
nice, just one question: mp_tkpunish 0 or 1 in combination with this?


andre31 12-28-2005 03:04

oh you beautiful man you :lol: , been waiting on something nice and simple like this for source. will try it out on a dods server today.

just 1 question what happens, if i set the plugin to the manual command option and the max amount of unforgiven tks to 5, what happens to the player who makes 5 unforgiven tk's? is it a kick, ban or a slay

andre31 12-28-2005 03:56

get error message

cminterface.cpp (531] : Assertion Failed: NULL != m_hConnection

and vac doesn't run

when i install the plugin and add the correct line to metaplugin.ini.

when i edit out the line server starts up fine and vac is enbaled

windows 2003 server, with latest BAT admin and sourcemm 1.1.2

Monkwarrior 12-28-2005 05:45

Damn, I am coding something like this for mattie :wink:
Several questions:
1) could you make the forgive string variable, so servers can set their own forgive string. I have always been using "np" as forgive string: most players are too lazy to type forgivetk, so let's make it easy for them to forgive.
2) are players kicked or banned and for how long ? (variables ?)
3) It would be nice to have admins excluded from being kicked/banned, so adding a small list of steamID's for admins would be a nice-to-have I guess

Thanks EKS, great work.
It's all about forgiving not punishing :D


EKS 12-28-2005 12:47

I havent tested it on dod, but i will when i come home on the 30th.

Il look at adding a command for a custom text.

If a player reaches max TK count, he gets kicked. I can add a temp ban to it if its wanted

andre31 12-28-2005 13:58

for some wierd reason the plugin loads fne it just disables vac. a 2 min temp ban would be perfect, also a little bit of text linked to server name displayed, in console of banned player, so i can add forums url so that a player can post to be unbanned. we keep a hlsw player mdb of past infractions so its easier to come to a decision on whether or not to unban

EKS 12-28-2005 14:16


Originally Posted by andre31
for some wierd reason the plugin loads fne it just disables vac. a 2 min temp ban would be perfect, also a little bit of text linked to server name displayed, in console of banned player, so i can add forums url so that a player can post to be unbanned. we keep a hlsw player mdb of past infractions so its easier to come to a decision on whether or not to unban

Thats realy odd about VAC, il test this when i get home.
You want a log of the players kicked ? And there is a real limit in how much information can be shown to the client when he is kicked, priting in console migh be futile as all players may not have it open

L. Duke 12-28-2005 16:21


Originally Posted by andre31
for some wierd reason the plugin loads fne it just disables vac. a 2 min temp ban would be perfect, also a little bit of text linked to server name displayed, in console of banned player, so i can add forums url so that a player can post to be unbanned. we keep a hlsw player mdb of past infractions so its easier to come to a decision on whether or not to unban

I hear that servers are having problems staying in secure mode due to a Valve problem. This probably doesn't have any thing to do with the plugin.

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