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11530 04-21-2012 19:38

Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String
I'd been wanting to find a function which retrieves a client's CommunityID but didn't find what I wanted from the original thread here. I also didn't want to have to resort to extensions/includes. The main problem (aside from 32-bit limits) was that most functions wouldn't work with newer SteamIDs so I've created a quick function for everyone here that will work with all individual SteamIDs.

I'm completely open to any optimizations here, so please write down any suggestions below. :)

To use the function, create two strings, one that holds a client's SteamID (you can use GetClientAuthString for this too) and the other for the function's output. I've also made two directives to define the maximum lengths of SteamIDs and CommunityIDs.

PHP Code:

new String:SteamID[MAX_STEAMID_LENGTH] = "STEAM_0:0:6070829"String:CommunityID[MAX_COMMUNITYID_LENGTH];

My original:
PHP Code:


stock bool:GetCommunityIDString(const String:SteamID[], String:CommunityID[], const CommunityIDSize)
decl String:SteamIDParts[3][11];
    new const 
String:Identifier[] = "76561197960265728";
    if ((
CommunityIDSize 1) || (ExplodeString(SteamID":"SteamIDPartssizeof(SteamIDParts), sizeof(SteamIDParts[])) != 3))
CommunityID[0] = '\0';

CurrentCarryOver = (SteamIDParts[1][0] == '1');
    for (new 
= (CommunityIDSize 2), = (strlen(SteamIDParts[2]) - 1), = (strlen(Identifier) - 1); >= 0i--, j--, k--)
Current = (>= ? (* (SteamIDParts[2][j] - '0')) : 0) + CarryOver + (>= ? ((Identifier[k] - '0') * 1) : 0);
CarryOver Current 10;
CommunityID[i] = (Current 10) + '0';

CommunityID[CommunityIDSize 1] = '\0';

Output given my SteamID as above: 76561197972407386

Code attributed to Zephyrus - untested, but may work:
PHP Code:

stock bool:GetCommunityID(String:AuthID[], String:FriendID[], size)
strlen(AuthID) < 11 || AuthID[0]!='S' || AuthID[6]=='I')
FriendID[0] = 0;

iUpper 765611979;
iFriendID StringToInt(AuthID[10])*60265728 AuthID[8]-48;

iDiv iFriendID/100000000;
iIdx 9-(iDiv?iDiv/10+1:0);
iUpper += iDiv;
IntToString(iFriendIDFriendID[iIdx], size-iIdx);
iIdx FriendID[9];
FriendID[9] = iIdx;


  • Altered expensive strcmp checks for non-standard SteamIDs
  • Changed Format to strcopy
  • Removed code that itself removed "STEAM_"
  • Added a null-terminator so one can use decl as well as new.
  • Improved the function to be much smaller, more efficient and allow for larger output strings (with leading zeros).
  • Added Zephyrus's code as a possible faster alternative.

Alex30555 04-22-2012 13:08

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String
Thanks :D

11530 04-24-2012 11:35

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String

Originally Posted by Alex30555 (Post 1694522)
Thanks :D

You're welcome! :3

I'll reserve this space to describe the process of getting the SteamID64 if requested.

asherkin 04-24-2012 11:50

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String
Doing all the strcmp checks is expensive, just check ExplodeString's return value.

11530 04-24-2012 12:38

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String

Originally Posted by asherkin (Post 1695681)
Doing all the strcmp checks is expensive, just check ExplodeString's return value.

Cheers, I've updated the OP to reflect the optimizations.

minimoney1 04-24-2012 18:15

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String

Originally Posted by 11530 (Post 1695702)
Cheers, I've updated the OP to reflect the optimizations.

I would recommend using strcopy instead of Format when checking the ExplodeString return.
(Format makes it go thorugh all the trouble of checking for format class functions, such as %s, %d, etc), and since you have none, strcopy would be faster in this case.

11530 04-24-2012 21:16

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String

Originally Posted by minimoney1 (Post 1695873)
I would recommend using strcopy instead of Format when checking the ExplodeString return.
(Format makes it go thorugh all the trouble of checking for format class functions, such as %s, %d, etc), and since you have none, strcopy would be faster in this case.

Yea I originally used Format because I kept hearing on another thread about how Format is "safer" and didn't really mind using either. Now I have a recommendation, I'll go ahead and change it. Thanks! :)

Meow Mix 08-06-2012 19:31

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String
I went to use this for a CS:GO plugin, except realized that the Community ID's returned weren't quite right. After doing a little research, I discovered that your stock is returning nothing but "76561197960265728" which is the identifier (and the stock is missing this part of the equation: accountID * 2).

I tried manually having the SteamID's inputted, as well as get them from GetClientAuthString.


    new String:sAuth[32] = "STEAM_0:0:14297752";
    new String:sComm[32];
    GetCommunityIDString(sAuth, sComm, sizeof(sComm));
    LogMessage("SteamID to CommunityID: %s -> %s", sAuth, sComm);
    sAuth = "STEAM_0:0:6070829";
    GetCommunityIDString(sAuth, sComm, sizeof(sComm));
    LogMessage("SteamID to CommunityID: %s -> %s", sAuth, sComm);


L 08/06/2012 - 18:25:00: [test.smx] SteamID to CommunityID: STEAM_0:0:14297752 -> 76561197960265728
L 08/06/2012 - 18:25:00: [test.smx] SteamID to CommunityID: STEAM_0:0:6070829  -> 76561197960265728

Anyone got any ideas?

11530 08-06-2012 19:49

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String
It's just the mathematics of the function since it has to work with strings. Change new String:sComm[32] to [18] and you'll be fine.

When using [18], I get: STEAM_0:0:14297752 -> 76561197988861232

All Steam64IDs are 17 characters long, so an array of 18 always works, but when I have time I'll add something so that 0s are prefixed if someone needs to use a longer array.

Meow Mix 08-06-2012 19:57

Re: Get CommunityID (SteamID64) String
Ah, and of course I changed that in my plugin while I was waiting for a reply...didn't expect that to be the problem but makes sense now! Thanks!

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