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FakeNick 01-03-2009 08:27

Active admins MOTD
5 Attachment(s)
Lastest version
1.0 (03.01.2009)

* First release


When someone types !admins in say, he will see a MOTD with online admins.


* Server ;)


* say/say_team !admins - shows MOTD with online admins

SnoW 01-03-2009 08:40

Re: Active admins MOTD
You do all your plugins ML don't you? Thought this already exists(It didn't until now?), so didn't make it when some one requested it before.

MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">Online adminit :<br>
MOTD_HEADER = Online adminit
INFO_COMMAND = [Active admins] Kirjoita !admins chattiin, jotta naat, mitka adminit ovat online

Pretty simple plugin and there is many ones for this(showing admins), but if this is a one new way, GW.

One 01-03-2009 08:44

Re: Active admins MOTD

why u dont req. translate? maybe u dont wannt this but here on german :


MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">Aktive Admins :<br>
MOTD_HEADER = Aktive admins
INFO_COMMAND = [Aktive admins]Schreibe !admins um zu sehen welche Admin/Admins online sind!

bomnacama 01-03-2009 09:23

Re: Active admins MOTD
MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">Admins activos :<br>
MOTD_HEADER = Admins activos
INFO_COMMAND = [Admins Activos] Escreve !admins no chat, para saberes os admins que estao online.

Strikerr 01-03-2009 15:47

Re: Active admins MOTD
MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">Aktuvni adminu :<br>
MOTD_HEADER = Aktuvni adminu
INFO_COMMAND = [Active admins] Napuwit' v 4ati !admins w,ob diznatusya 4u e adminu prusytni

Exolent[jNr] 01-03-2009 15:55

Re: Active admins MOTD
Why did you submit this?
This is the exact same as the plugin that prints in chat, except it goes to MOTD.

bow 01-03-2009 16:27

Re: Active admins MOTD
Russian Language | Русский язык by bow :D

MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">AkTuBHbIe AgMuHbI Ha CepBepe :<br>
INFO_COMMAND = [AkTuBHbIe AgMuHbI] HanuLLIuTe !admins B 4aTe(/say), 4To6bI y3HaTb, Kto u3 agMuHoB oHJIau'H.

SpNiz 01-03-2009 18:31

Re: Active admins MOTD

Originally Posted by Exolent[jNr] (Post 737769)
Why did you submit this?
This is the exact same as the plugin that prints in chat, except it goes to MOTD.

I think it's good, now it will be easier to spot all the admins in a row instead of a line in the chat, this way all admins will be shown :)

Great plugin!

AcidoX 01-03-2009 18:53

Re: Active admins MOTD
MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">Aktyvus adminai:<br>
MOTD_HEADER = Aktyvus adminai
INFO_COMMAND = [Aktyvus adminai] Rasyk !admins chate, kad atpazintum, kuris adminas yra online.

necox 01-03-2009 19:02

Re: Active admins MOTD

MOTD_1 = <body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\">Online Adminler :<br>
MOTD_HEADER = Online Adminler
INFO_COMMAND = [Online Adminler] Hangi adminlerin online oldugunu gorebilmek icin !admins komutunu kullanin...

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