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uncleharvey 12-09-2015 04:13

[HL2DM] High Kill Server
Hi there,

I’m looking at setting up a high kill / low grav HL2DM server, however im struggling a bit with the ‘high kill’ part. The gameplay im looking for is where the pistol & 357 kill with one shot.

The only thing I can find in the server config that looks like it may be relevant is the skill.cfg file. Ive tried adding a cvar to increase damage from the pistol and the 357, but the changes seem to have no effect on the server.

sk_plr_dmg_357 "150" (this is normally just 40)
sk_plr_dmg_pistol "150" (this is normally just 5)

// player damage adjusters
sk_player_head "3"
sk_player_chest "1"
sk_player_stomach "1"
sk_player_arm "1"
sk_player_leg "1"

Could anyone provide any help with this? I cant find a mod to do what I want either. Im happy with the rest of the server set up, all is up and running. Just the high damage I cant figure.

Many thanks

Ade 12-11-2015 07:46

Re: [HL2DM] High Kill Server
Do you know that your text formatting can be annoying?

You used 2 fonts: a font not even in the available fonts list for this site, with a larger size than usual, a 2nd font instead of what should've been a quote or code block, again, way too large of a size.

You also used blank lines between text at a higher than average rate, making some people close this page as soon as they open because it smells like a troll.

Here I am trying it out in case this actually is fun for some people, I found it much like work if colors aren't involved.

Also in my opinion, High Kill servers should be banned. You could try headshots only, by setting the other damage modifiers besides
sk_player_head to 0. To still offer you something after all this reading, you can simply try to set all the damage multipliers to 100 or even 1000 if you have super duper chargers, maybe that will work.

uncleharvey 12-11-2015 14:05

Re: [HL2DM] High Kill Server
The damage multiplier option is no good, needs to be pistol and 357 only otherwise you could just spray the machine gun and kill everything in sight.

The whateversplace high kill server is a good example of what I'm after. Cant get in touch with the owners to ask however

Ade 12-18-2015 03:42

Re: [HL2DM] High Kill Server
well one of the servers i been on that had this 'feature' would have it for all weapons, including shotgun, which was ridiculous, cus it has this huge spread and if even 1 random pellet would find u... DED
this is why i hate this 'feature' in the first place, u dont even have to aim right, like u said, just spray machine gun all over :)

to do something per weapon, u need plugins, maybe sourcemod ones. you could also use pistol and 357 only, remove all other weapons with stripper:source, i don't think it needs metamod even

is this your attempt?

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