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Exanero 12-28-2018 15:03

Execute command from a menu
Hello! So i'm currently in the proccess of writing my very first SourceMod plugin. A VIP plguin (Menu & Commands) for my community. Though i am having some problems when trying to execute commands.

I have gotten so far so if the player writes the commands (!vipheal) or uses the menu and selects that option it prints in the chat "Fullt HP" (Swedish for full hp) BUT it does not give them full HP. I have searched all through the web and tried many different things but i can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated!

if they use the menu.
NOTE: It does print "Fullt HP" in the chat for that player. SO that part if working.

case 2:
                                PrintToChat(param1, "Fullt HP");
                                PrintToServer("sm_hp %d 100", param1);

If they write !vipheal or /vipheal

public Action:Cmd_vipHeal(int client, int args)
        PrintToChat(client, "Fullt HP");

        ServerCommand("sm_hp %s 100", client);
        return Plugin_Handled;

sdz 12-28-2018 15:08

Re: Execute command from a menu
first things first i can't recommend mixing the two syntaxes, it looks bad and inconsistent as well as people on this forum will cry for weeks on end
continuing on - the blow example is wrong, followed by the correct method: %s is used for strings and/or char arrays, you'll want %i or %d for integers, or alternatively %N for the client's name (only if passing a client index, this is sourcemod specific), however none of these are recommended at all

PHP Code:

public Action Cmd_vipHeal(int clientint args
PrintToChat(client"Fullt HP");

ServerCommand("sm_hp %s 100"client);

public Action Cmd_vipHeal(int clientint args
PrintToChat(client"Fullt HP");
/* If we really wanted to do it this way, this is how: 
    ServerCommand("sm_hp %i 100", GetClientUserId(client));
    Better than calling and passing a client index through a servercommand,

and I think you'll just need to use SetEntityHealth in your menu handler
just to clarify, clients are edicts, which are entities

Exanero 12-28-2018 15:12

Re: Execute command from a menu
Thanks so much for the fast response!

First of all, about the using both ServerCommand() and PrintToServer() That is me just testing if anything works, ofcourse i will NOT use both when it gets to it, but thanks for pointing it out! :)

Secondly, is the error that i'm using "%s"? When i use a command in-game i get an error in the console:
"Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable."

if that's related (ofcourse it is somehow but i don't know if it's the problem)

The set_entity_health. Yeah that might work, thought i also have an option to respawn and set gravity where i also want to use the sm_gravity / sm_respawn commands. How would i go about it there? Is it still the "%s" usage that is the problem and what i should use then?

Thanks again for the answer :)

Exanero 12-28-2018 15:48

Re: Execute command from a menu
I tried the
SetEntityHealth(client, 100);
And that worked fine. So thanks! :)

I still have my problem for the Revive and gravity. Any clues?

sdz 12-28-2018 16:45

Re: Execute command from a menu

depending on your game:


XiLuo 12-28-2018 23:13

Re: Execute command from a menu
If you want to use some commands on server like console command with 'sv_cheats 1'
Such as 'give health' , 'give ammo' and so on.
In l4d2 I usually use the function that is
PHP Code:

stock CheatCommand(clientString:command[], String:argument1[])
userFlags GetUserFlagBits(client);
flags GetCommandFlags(command);
SetCommandFlags(commandflags & ~FCVAR_CHEAT);
FakeClientCommand(client"%s %s"commandargument1);

This function can execute command on 'sv_cheats 0'
For example,when you want to give 100 health to yourself you can invoke CheatCommand(client,"give health","100");
first argument is a client who will execute command,second and third arguments is the command and arg.
This code use the old grammar,you and update to new if you want.
For respawn and gravity,I also suggest use the method of sidezz.The API is so convenient and easily to use.
Hope to help you and Forgive me for my poor English,thanks:oops:

Bacardi 12-28-2018 23:39

Re: Execute command from a menu
...why you change player admin bits? Not make sense.

Ok, I maybe figure it out. You want bypass admin commands...

XiLuo 12-29-2018 00:12

Re: Execute command from a menu

Originally Posted by Bacardi (Post 2631522)
...why you change player admin bits? Not make sense.

Ok, I maybe figure it out. You want bypass admin commands...

Yes,some cmds created by RegAdminCmd() can also execute by CheatCommand on general player who is not a admin:3

backwards 12-29-2018 02:21

Re: Execute command from a menu

Originally Posted by sidezz (Post 2631480)
servercommand("sm_hp %s 100", client);[/php]

Parsing a variable that a user can define into a ServerCommand function without sanitizing the string is very dangerous because it's exploitable. If the user set his name to ";quit" for example, the console command input would be "sm_hp ;quit", which would end the servers process. Or even worse they can have a name like ";rcon_password newpass" and the server will change the password so the attacker could have direct control over the server.

XiLuo 12-29-2018 05:16

Re: Execute command from a menu

Originally Posted by 1337norway (Post 2631540)

Parsing a variable that a user can define into a ServerCommand function without sanitizing the string is very dangerous because it's exploitable. If the user set his name to ";quit" for example, the console command input would be "sm_hp ;quit", which would end the servers process. Or even worse they can have a name like ";rcon_password newpass" and the server will change the password so the attacker could have direct control over the server.

I also ever not notice this problem though I have never use servercommand for client.I learned,thanks for your answer!

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