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Juba_PornBorn1 04-20-2007 05:31

Gun control problem!
Has I've seen. Things are getting out of control. These things happen to remind us something is wrong with the way US handles violence not only politicians but regular citizens that, or even support guns beeing bought whenever they feel like or just dont care about it. These people will later regrat their decision when one of their loved ones is taken. What's the point of having security measures at schools when there is no Gun Control and anyone can get a weapon.

This Korean guy had two 9mm and look what happen. He was a kid.
The guys from Columbine were kids as well. Now an inportant thing is to dedicate a moment to think about it with honesty. Is it good to have guns?
Just think if in CS game nobody had guns what would happen? Well in real life it's precisely the same. iN Europe there is an estrict gun control and for that reason criminality is by far way lower than in US. If you aRE AN American fight for your right to have a future without guns. Don't let all this pain be in vain has always! Wild West is over! Gangs are not cool! Violence is not cool ever.

PEOPLE WITH GUNS SUCK!!!!:down: :down: :down: :down:

Lee 04-20-2007 06:56

Re: Gun control problem!
Guns do not equal violence. It's the people who use them in this way who are violent. You'll note that there are numerous countries with similar gun laws to the US without such high homicide rates. Don't get me wrong; I do think the mentality of 'it's my god-given right that I can own/carry a gun' is a silly one, but availability isn't the problem.

The notion that if the government were to tighten gun control the situation will only worsen is correct. What exactly would motivate criminals willing to commit murder to give up their arms?

Juba_PornBorn1 04-20-2007 18:14

Re: Gun control problem!
Could you point me those countryas with the exception of Canada?

Lee 04-20-2007 19:22

Re: Gun control problem!
The first search I made led to Switzerland which apparently has the lowest homicide rate is Western Europe. For example, the military are given assault rifles and are allowed to keep them at home.

There are bound to be more.

Juba_PornBorn1 04-21-2007 07:18

Re: Gun control problem!

The notion that if the government were to tighten gun control the situation will only worsen is correct. What exactly would motivate criminals willing to commit murder to give up their arms?
None what so ever has the same thing on other countrys. Criminals dont hand over their guns. But this type of incidents has it happened on VT are not made by criminals but by guys that in the first hand should never have an easy acess to guns has they do. So in what would it be worse?


The first search I made led to Switzerland which apparently has the lowest homicide rate is Western Europe. For example, the military are given assault rifles and are allowed to keep them at home.
Tell me. Can you in Switzerland go to a shop with your ID card and buy a gun? Switzerland has an army of over 300000 people on reserve and yet they never went to war. So what is the big diference between swiss citizens and americans? Culture. Now would you in an extreme example hand over a gun to a monkey that knows how to use it? And what if it was a Priest or a Pacifist? I would know who to give it to but in US there's simply no discrimination on who to give a gun. Anyone can have one.

Tell me. In how many countrys can you go to a shop with your ID card and buy a gun?

Lee 04-21-2007 08:17

Re: Gun control problem!
You have to obtain a permit, but there are no real restrictions when doing so.

Cynicalkitty 04-21-2007 09:16

Re: Gun control problem!
I think it should be like Chris Rock once said

'If a bullet cost $5000, there'd be no more innocent bystanders.'

TheNewt 04-23-2007 23:46

Re: Gun control problem!

Anyone can have one.
uuh, correct me if I'm wrong. I am an immigrant from sweden, but isn't that the whole fucking point of having the right to bear arms? Havn't you noticed that regulations mean very little here? People can STILL find ways to obtain weapons, even if it were completely illegal to carry a gun the kid from the Virginia Tech shooting would of found a different way to commit mass murder, probably poisonous gas. Probably the easiest and most effeciant way to kill someone is to go out buy some Chlorine and mix it with ammonia to create mustard gas. Are you saying we should have strict regulations on our CLEANING products TOO?
The whole point in the right to bear arms is to protect ourselves against people who are willing to commit murder. If we make so many rules that we can't even defend ourselves, while murderers who obviously don't care much for rules and regulations will still murder. Doesn't it defeat the purpose?

Juba_PornBorn1 04-24-2007 02:31

Re: Gun control problem!

I am an immigrant from sweden
How are swedish gun laws? Having a gun will stop anyone from hurting you, but what will stop you from hurting someone with the gun you owne? How would a gun help in protecting yourself from poiseness gas? So a way to defend or even lower crime is to give a gun to everybody?

I would like someone to view and post what percentage of crimes are comited with legal weapons.

By your point a view everything should be allowed then. CO2, cfs because their pratical.

And yes cleaning products should have regulations(there are alternative to some of the toxic ones that you mentioned)! But has a future previewer that you are I'm surprised that you dont now that in your sons and grandsons will not be able to swim in the ocean at the rithim toxic waste is beeing dumped to the sea. Not to get off topic.

Right to bear arms point a view along with consequences

some parts:


What else do we hear from government leaders in the undeclared war on crime? Now we hear gun control! With over 200 million guns privately held in the USA, gun control is like trying to put out a forest fire with a garden hose! It is obvious to most of us that gun control is a political ploy by the politicians to appease the citizenry in our outcry against crime and once again avoid the question of legal justice reform.

Surely no sane thinking human being would believe that gun control, in and of itself will have an impact on crime, except to leave the criminals armed while law abiding citizens are disarmed. The root cause of crime in the USA is not weapons. Neither is weapons the cure to crime. The trigger finger is always preceded by the murderous heart. Only the legal justice system can deal with the murderous hearts in society.

It would be difficult to imagine a subject today that occupies the minds of Americans more than the subject of crime! The national crime clock tells us we have....A violent crime every 22 seconds....A property crime every 3 seconds....A rape every 5 seconds....An automobile stolen every 19 seconds and....A child abuse case reported every 10 seconds. The threat of Crime hovers over every community in our nation like an ominous dark cloud. Rapists, murderers, drug dealers and violent perverts are turned out on the street by a judicial system that is supposed to be the watchdog of our freedoms. America now leads the world in the number of incarcerated-with Russia coming in second.

Singapore has had no kidnappings during the past five years and only a handful of armed robberies. Singapore has an immediate mandatory death sentence for those who fire a gun during the commission of a crime. Twenty offenses carry the death penalty. Firearm and drug trafficking offenses carry the most swift punishment. During a recent four year period, 47 convicts were hanged in Singapore, more than all violent criminals executed in the entire United States. Twenty two of those who were hanged were convicted of drug trafficking. Capital punishment is a definite deterrent to crime. An executed criminal cannot commit another crime.

The USA can learn a great lesson from the Singapore caning experience. In fact we could learn so much about punishment as a deterrent to crime, with legal justice reform, we could apply billions of dollars in crime costs and crime bills and completely eliminate the government deficit with the savings on crime costs in a short period of time

If I were a criminal, I might actually look forward to going to prison in America now and then. I could get the best medical care, my occupancy, food and clothing paid for. Generally a nice gym to keep in shape, color television, a good law library where I could learn how to file outrageous civil rights lawsuits against the prison system on everything from bad food to a hard mattress and charge that litigation expense to the taxpayers. I would not have to pay taxes on the $32,000 per year it is costing taxpayers for my upkeep. I would have access to the best criminal teachers on how to improve my skills as a criminal when I am released. Best of all if my sentence follows the national average I would be released after spending only 37% of my sentence so I could get on with my criminal profession more quickly.

XxAvalanchexX 04-24-2007 18:29

Re: Gun control problem!
Call your local senator. Debates on the internet are worthless.

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