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Eun 04-22-2011 07:06

[CSS] DMExtra
3 Attachment(s)
This little Plugin enhances the Deathmatch feeling.

It brings some various Changes:
  • No Restart on 1on1 situations
  • the Roundtimer on the bottom is the Maptimer
  • Damage given dialog on the bottom of Screen
  • Automatic Scoredialog at the end of map
  • Automatic vote at the end of map
  • Enhanced Teamscore
  • Team Balance
dmextra_enabled - plugin is enableddmextra_vote - allow map vote at the end of round
dmextra_damage - show damage at the bottom of screen
dmextra_nextmap - allow nextmap / nextlevel command
dmextra_timeleft - allow timeleft command
dmextra_teambalance - do teambalance, on player disconnect or player joins spectator

Screenshot of all features active.
DMExtra the main plugin.

Nextmap will be the nextmap in mapcycle.txt

1. Upload DMExtra.spx to your plugins folder
2. Change your mp_roundtime (not mp_timelimit) to the time you want to stay on this map (If you want infinitive mode change mp_roundtime to 0)
3. Set the features you want to use
4. Enjoy :D

Recommended Settings for server.cfg
mp_timelimit 0
mp_roundtime 10 // complete time a map should run
mp_limitteams 1
mp_autoteambalance 0

Note: The Voting system will randomly pick a map out of the mapcycle.txt.
If you disable voting, the plugin will loop trough the mapcycle.txt.
Voting time is exactly the time the score is displayed. (on map end)
You can control the time by setting mp_chattime

These entites get removed
Weapon entites,
item entites,
buyzone, bomb_target, escapezone, vip_zones, hostagezones
hostages themself,
game_weapon_manager (the one which equipts players) (since 1.1),
point_servercommand (since 1.1)

zBblock is known to make trouble with this plugin, try disabling zBlock.

  • added a pause, so when no player is on server the round restarts
  • mp_roundtime can be 346
  • Some more entites get removed
  • Added enabled cvar
  • Inserted KillTeamScore.sp to DMExtra.sp
  • added game_player_equip to remove list
  • fixed some bugs
  • Fixed a critical bug
  • Added infinitive mode
  • Fixed bug "GetArrayString"

  • Fixed bug for maps not in maplist
  • Added BalanceTeams (dmextra_teambalance)
  • Fixed some smaller bugs
  • Fixed wrong balance on spectate to spectate join

  • Fixed KillTimer Bug

If you have any suggestions let me know :D

usurpator 04-22-2011 07:18

Re: [CSS] DMExtra
oh, i was looking for this
gonna test it

Eun 04-22-2011 07:31

Re: [CSS] DMExtra
// Edit: added Cvars
Testserver is also avaible:

usurpator 04-22-2011 07:46

Re: [CSS] DMExtra

No Restart on 1on1 situations
what if all players in one command will be dead at one moment?


-the Roundtimer on the bottom is the Maptimer
does not work

also, if u add bots, they will only spawn after mp_restartgame 1

Eun 04-22-2011 12:02

Re: [CSS] DMExtra

Originally Posted by usurpator (Post 1455326)
what if all players in one command will be dead at one moment?

The players respawn? It is CSSDM.


-the Roundtimer on the bottom is the Maptimer
does not work
did you set mp_roundtime to the same as mp_timelimit?

Adding bots is also a CSSDM issue.

Please make sure you have CSSDM installed correctly, since this is just an Addon for CSSDM

usurpator 04-22-2011 13:27

Re: [CSS] DMExtra
imagine: 2 players in one team, 2 in another
cts kill ts ath the same time(time before respawn - 2 sec)
so cts will win round

Xp3r7 04-22-2011 17:36

Re: [CSS] DMExtra
Nice plugin!

I added it to my SK DM server and we just have SK as the only map so I have both mp_roundtime and mp_timelimit set to 1440 (24 hrs).

Problem is the timer doesnt show this.

Is this an game limitation?

Eun 04-23-2011 05:31

Re: [CSS] DMExtra

imagine: 2 players in one team, 2 in another
cts kill ts ath the same time(time before respawn - 2 sec)
so cts will win round
The round will never end thus the plugin uses mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1 to ignore the wins ;>


Nice plugin!

I added it to my SK DM server and we just have SK as the only map so I have both mp_roundtime and mp_timelimit set to 1440 (24 hrs).

Problem is the timer doesnt show this.

Is this an game limitation?
The limit is 346 minutes, i guess the clock on the bottom can't display more.

What you could do is for example putting 300 mins as timelimit and remove all maps instead off the map you want to play. (from mapcycle.txt)

So the nextmap will be automaticly the one in the mapcycle.txt

// Updated Source :D

Xp3r7 04-23-2011 10:27

Re: [CSS] DMExtra
I got a feature request.

Can you make an on/off cvar?

I use DM on one of my servers but I use map config files to only use it on DM maps.

I would love to use this with it. :)

Also, can you please explain to me what features that each of the plugins support.

I have both added to my server but Im still a little unsure of the function of the KillTeamScore one.

Is it the one that brings up the score board at the end of the map?

Is that all it does or does it serve another purpose on top of that? :)

TnTSCS 04-23-2011 12:03

Re: [CSS] DMExtra
The KillTeamScore adds up the frags of the players and totals them for each team... whereas normally it only lists how many times CTs won and how many times Ts won...

If a map was played for 30 minutes and Ts won 15 times and CTs won 21 times, the end score would be CT-21 and T-15... but if there were 15 players on T each having 90 kills, and 15 players on CT each having 70 kills, then the end score would be changed to T-1350 and CT-1050... if I'm understanding it correctly

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