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thedeagles3 03-02-2005 23:50

Deagles' Map Management 2.30b Updated 10/28
1 Attachment(s)
Many thanks to BigBaller for originally supporting this plugin in AMXX.


New in Version 2.30/2.30b:
Config files now belong in <MOD>\addons\amxmodx\configs folder to conform to required AMXX Standards.
OR you can put it in <MOD>\addons\amxmodx\configs\dmap folder

Important fix in linux on 2.27d:
Fix generation of allmaps.txt (removed.)

New in 2.27c

Fixed dmap_maxcustom <N> to allow 0 (no custom maps) in the vote.
I'm not sure why this was limited to being greater or equal to 1 in the first place (call it an oversight).

New in 2.27

Added randomization of "nextmap" when the current map being played does not exist in the server mapcycle.txt
Fixed dmap_maxcustom <N> to strictly control the maximum # of custom maps that appear in the vote
(voted or filled), so that the function does not just control the maximum number of maps that can be nominated.
Config files remain in addons/amxmodx/ directory

New in 2.20 (AMXX)

Release #3 of 2.10j, fixed bugs with strtonum() and warning messages about # arguments.
Config files need to be placed in your <mod>/amxmodx/ Folder!! (not the config folder or anywhere else)

***Added automatic generation of <mod>/amxmodx/allmaps.txt file***
-It will generate this list based on maps in your /MAPS folder, the first time you run this plugin.
Cached maps such as default maps will need to be added *manually* to this file in notepad and to the
standardmaps.ini, if the mod differs from CS 1.6.

Fixed "extra long" waits for map to change in mods other than CS.
Fixed flooding of vote menu in NS, due to the chat messages being displayed at vote time.
Fixed color hudmessage that "map will change in N seconds" when Round Mode is being used.
Changes from AMX version: NO more strtonum() or numtostr() integrated, had to make these 2 functions.
cstrike_running becomes function not variable.


* Put the standardmaps.ini, mapstoban.ini, and mapchoice.ini files in the
addons\amxmodx\configs directory (where <MOD> is the path to your Half-life mod)

* Compile deagsmapmanage227.sma or use the .amxx file that is COMPILED FOR AMX MOD X

* Put the deagsmapmanage227.amxx file in the mod\addons\amxmodx\plugins\ directory,
(if using older version, file name may be different!)

* Add a line in the plugins.ini file of:
deagsmapmanage227.amxx (or nomination_style_voting.amx or whatever your file name is.)

* When in-game, to see a list of commands, use command dmap_status or dmap_help in console.


******Be sure all other map chooser plugins are turned off, except for the mapmenu default plugin!******

* If you run CS 1.6, please define either these config files, or mapcycle.txt, otherwise NO VOTE WILL APPEAR
* Also, if you run Steam and/or CS 1.6, you need to put a line of

mapchangecfgfile server.cfg

in your server.cfg file! Otherwise the timelimit might not be reset every map, if the last map was extended
for a period of time.

********************************************* *************

XxKpAznGuyxX 03-03-2005 01:51

good job thedeagles3 :D works great on my server

m0r0n 03-03-2005 11:25

Thanks fot the great plugin. I've been using it since AMX and it's worked very well.

One thing with this new version. Instead of hard coding the path to the config files I think you should use get_configsdir instead to let AMXX get the location of the configs directory. It's nice to keep all the configuration files in one place.

I also have one request. I know there's already a dmap_maxcustom setting that restricts the number of nominations that can be made for custom maps. It would be nice if that setting also limited the number of custom maps in a vote. As it is now, if dmap_maxcustom is set to 2, only 2 custom maps can be nominated but all of the rest of the voting slots can be filled in with custom maps. That make sense?

Thanks again, it really is a great plugin.

XxKpAznGuyxX 03-03-2005 13:24

Yes, its very usefull for a great pub with many regulars!

thedeagles3 03-03-2005 15:28


Originally Posted by XxKpAznGuyxX
good job thedeagles3 :D works great on my server

Thanks for the input.

A question that was recently asked by pendragon should be addressed here:

The AMXX Version of 2.10I in BigBaller's thread has been tested in AMXX for one year, while I feel my new version will stand its ground, and prove to be bug free, I cannot guarantee that. I have tested and fixed several problems before I released version 2.20. As far as code wise, I went straight from my AMX Version to this version, without usiing any of the implementations of the existing modified AMXX Plugin released by BigBaller.
As far as Bug fixes go, the bug fixes I fixed are:

Fixed "extra long" waits for map to change in mods other than CS.
Fixed flooding of vote menu in NS, due to the chat messages being displayed at vote time.
Fixed color hudmessage that "map will change in N seconds" when Round Mode is being used.


Originally Posted by m0r0n
Thanks fot the great plugin. I've been using it since AMX and it's worked very well.

One thing with this new version. Instead of hard coding the path to the config files I think you should use get_configsdir instead to let AMXX get the location of the configs directory. It's nice to keep all the configuration files in one place.

I also have one request. I know there's already a dmap_maxcustom setting that restricts the number of nominations that can be made for custom maps. It would be nice if that setting also limited the number of custom maps in a vote. As it is now, if dmap_maxcustom is set to 2, only 2 custom maps can be nominated but all of the rest of the voting slots can be filled in with custom maps. That make sense?

Thanks again, it really is a great plugin.

m0r0n, thanks for your very good question ( I have forgot about this good point as it has never been brought up for a long time ).

As far as the config paths, I will try to address this soon.
As far as dmap_maxcustom, this indeed only restricts the maximum # of nominations from users. As far as the rest of the slots are filled, this will be filled with maps from your mapcycle (and allmaps.txt if no mapcycle is found), Even if these maps are custom. You are right about it, this is a problem I never thought would occur, as I figured primarily the mapcycle would not contain any custom maps (and fill up slots.)
I will try to fix this in a future version, so that the total # of custom maps that are in the vote will be limited by dmap_maxcustom settings.

[MLA]_Tron_ 03-04-2005 13:37

Great Work, but i have a Problem with this plugin.

When server change the map i see 10 seconds timeout from the Server on HLSW, change back to the old version of the plugin and the server runs by mapchange without timout ...

Any Idea with this Problem ???

sorry for bad english.

thedeagles3 03-04-2005 17:17


Originally Posted by [MLA
_Tron_]Great Work, but i have a Problem with this plugin.

When server change the map i see 10 seconds timeout from the Server on HLSW, change back to the old version of the plugin and the server runs by mapchange without timout ...

Any Idea with this Problem ???

sorry for bad english.

I'm assuming that you already removed all other references to a mapchooser in your plugins.ini file, so that only deagsmapmanage220.amxx appears.
That said, try deleting the old version of the plugin from your server, and restart it.

Otherwise, I have no idea what is happening on your server...but I would doubt it is being caused by this plugin, unless of course, what I said above is not true on your server. Unless I am not understanding what you are are saying that the server waits 10 seconds, switches back to an older version upon a mapchange? and after that it continues to use the old version but changing the maps correctly? I do now know why a server would display such strange behavior.

Oo Bedo oO 03-05-2005 13:05

im getting this error

changelevel failed: 'hldm1' not found on server.

ancient1 03-05-2005 16:50

I have installed this latest version, its working fine for me. The older version I was using had a problem that after a map such as Dustbowl or another map that ends on the completion of the objective, the map manager would go back to the first map in the mapcycle.txt file. This was very annoying as the server ended up being the same map again and again....

Hope this one has fixed that old problem?

Everything else seems fine for me :D



thedeagles3 03-05-2005 17:59

Re: gh

Originally Posted by Oo Bedo oO
im getting this error

changelevel failed: 'hldm1' not found on server.

This happens every map change? Very strange...your server isn't hl dm is it? what mod...

have installed this latest version, its working fine for me. The older version I was using had a problem that after a map such as Dustbowl or another map that ends on the completion of the objective, the map manager would go back to the first map in the mapcycle.txt file. This was very annoying as the server ended up being the same map again and again....

Hope this one has fixed that old problem?

Everything else seems fine for me
So you would like to see some sort of randomization on the mapcycle, if the current map being played is not already in the mapcycle....This is possible, I will need to work on it.

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