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Chdata 10-30-2014 04:10

[TF2] Bumper Cars 0x0D (Last updated 11/1/2015 | 3:30AM CDT)
1 Attachment(s)
[TF2] Bumper Cars
Before you give a suggestion, read the TODO list. It's probably already there.

  • This plugin adds the /car command to toggle riding in bumper cars on themselves.

    Admins can also force toggle it on others.

    This plugin also does some other fixes.
    - Precaches everything related to carts so they work on any map.
    - In sd_doomsday_event, your cart is removed during the jarate swimming spell and returned afterwards.
    - Can set infinite charge boost.
    - Can enable the ability to prematurely stop boosting by pressing +back
    - Can make everyone always spawn in a car.
    - Can make the /car command only usable by one team.
    - Can make only one team always spawn in a car.
    - Can fix the head resizing to always be normal.
    - Can enable suicide console commands while driving, which Valve recently disabled.
    - Fixes the bug where changing teams while in a bumpercar will let you switch teams without dying and respawning.
    - Read the changelist below for more!

    Happy Hallofrog! Frog. Frog frog.

    Sorry, I've never tried using Updater before, and I've been making fast updates to this thing.

  • sm_car <noparam|#userid|name> <noparam|on|off>
    Toggles bumper car on all targets or self.

    /car -> client toggles car on themselves
    /car @me -> same as above
    /car username -> admin toggles car on that player
    /car @all -> error, you need to say ON/OFF if you multi-target
    /car @blue on -> admin toggles car to be on, on all blue players
    /car @blue -> error, you need to say ON/OFF if you multi-target
    /tele @!cars -> admin teleports everyone who is not driving
    /slay @cars -> this is broken, because of valve, so you have to do the commands below
    sm_car <target> off; sm_slay <target> -> remove their car and then slay them

    By default, anyone can target themselves.
    Admins with access to ADMFLAG_CHEATS can target others.

    If it's single-target, not specifying ON or OFF will simply toggle the target.
    (Actually, specifying on/off when toggling it on yourself is messed up right now and will just always toggle).
    If you multi-target, you MUST specify ON or OFF.

    Also: sm_bumpercar -> Does the same as above.

    You can also target @cars and @!cars to affect people in cars, or not in cars.

  • sm_cvar tf_halloween_kart_boost_duration Default: "1.5"
    -1.0 = Infinite charge duration. Any other negative value means 0 charge duration. 0 = 0 charge duration. Anything higher is your new charge duration. Does not affect boost pads in maps.
  • sm_cvar tf_halloween_kart_boost_recharge Default: "5.0"
    How long it takes for your boost to recharge after activation. Less than or equal to 0 is instant.
  • List of Valve's kart cvars:
  • cv_bumpercar_version Default: "0x0X" - Bumper Car Version (DO NOT CHANGE)
  • cv_bumpercar_teamonly Default: "0" - Which team can use car command when targeting themselves?
    0 = Anyone can enter bumper cars via command | 2 = Only red | 3 = Only blu | Anything else = Anyone can.
    - This can negate the effects of setting cv_bumpercar_respawn to 2 so it only works for one team.
  • cv_bumpercar_headscale Default: "3.0" - Head scale for when you're in a bumper car.
    Min 0.1; Max 3.0
  • cv_bumpercar_respawn Default: "1.0"
    1 = Keep car on respawn | 0 = Lose car after death | 2 = Everyone automagically spawns in a car all the time every time they respawn
  • cv_bumpercar_suicide Default: "1"
    1 = people in car can suicide | 0 = cannot suicide
  • cv_bumpercar_spawntoggle Default: "1"
    1 = have to respawn to enter/exit car | 0 = can enter/exit car at any time - don't need to respawn
  • cv_bumpercar_backstop Default: "1"
    1 = +back cancels speed boost | 0 = +back does not cancel speed boost
  • cv_bumpercar_blockplayerdmg Default: "1"
    1 = enable damage block for non-drivers attacking drivers | 0 = no damage block, non-drivers can damage and kill drivers
  • cv_bumpercar_percent Default: "-1"
    -1 = (anything negative) car damage acts like it normally does | 0+ (anything non-negative) car damage percentage stays at this integer all the time
  • cv_bumpercar_initpct Default: "0"
    An amount of damage cars start with on spawn. Only applies if cv_bumpercar_percent is -1.

Admin Overrides:
  • adm_bumpercar_self - (Default: Anyone)
    Admin flag check for whether or not clients can toggle bumper cars on themselves
  • adm_bumpercar_target - (Default: Cheats)
    Admin flag check for whether or not clients can toggle bumper cars on others

  • Make sure you have Sourcemod.
  • Get Plugin below.
  • bumpercar.smx goes in tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins/
  • plugin.bumpercar.cfg will be auto-generated in tf/cfg/sourcemod/
  • bumpercar.sp is only needed for programmers.
  • You can use /rcon sm plugins load bumpercar to enable the plugin mid-game. unload to remove it. reload to update it if you change or reupload bumpercar.smx
  • After it's loaded, edit tf/cfg/sourcemod/ch.bumpercar.cfg to your settings.


0x0C (11/7/2014 | 12:31AM)

* Being removed from your car removes the KartDash and KartCage
* Fixed players not being oriented with their spawn points on spawn
* Removed the halloween gates, kept the movement prevention
* Fixed falling off the map not killing drivers
Older Changes:

TODO: (High priority)

* At X percent car damage, the car just explodes.
* Add a cooldown on the alternative suicide method.

Priority except slightly less:
* Fix for /slay and similar scenarios being unable to kill cars.
* Admins toggling car on others can bypass cv_bumpercar_spawn
* Fix weapons not always being hidden when entering a bumper car (try holy mackeral for example).
* Prevent bumper car toggle in sd_doomsday_event during the bumper car minigames.
* Fix forced taunts not re-entering the car when finished.
* Fix wrong team colored cars.
TODO: (As I get to it)

  • Dr. McKay who made the first kart plugin.
  • FlaminSarge who gave coding contributions and suggestions.
Wanna support me?
  • Post suggestions (read the TODO list first) and...
    Join TF2Data, play on our servers, or donate! ;p
    (See siggy for links!)
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  • Post questions and...
    Join TF2Data if you have questions not related to this plugin.
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Zadrave 10-30-2014 04:12

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x01 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 3:00AM CDT)
Mind adding a cvar for head size? Like one for normal and one for the usual big head?

friagram 10-30-2014 05:06

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x02 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 3:36AM CDT)
Test with custom models. I think there are some bugs. If you die with say, a static prop equipped, or a custom model that is missing certain animations sequences, every client on the server drops.

Chdata 10-30-2014 05:08

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x02 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 3:36AM CDT)
I tried it on VSH and riding in the car as the boss worked fine for me.

that's all I know

edit: Ah, 'certain animations'

Otokiru 10-30-2014 07:56

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x03 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 6:01AM CDT)
L 10/30/2014 - 19:34:21: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "bump.smx":
L 10/30/2014 - 19:34:21: [SM] [0] Line 518, C:\Users\Otokiru\SM\scripting\include\tf2_sto
L 10/30/2014 - 19:34:21: [SM] [1] Line 132, bump.sp::OnTakeDamage()
L 10/30/2014 - 19:34:21: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Property "m_nPlayerCondEx2" not found (entity 0/worldspawn)

Chdata 10-30-2014 08:10

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x05 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 7:09AM CDT)
Should be fixed now

Though I guess the 2x damage thing doesn't work yet :O

MrBen 10-30-2014 08:33

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x05 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 7:09AM CDT)
Hi Chdata. Thank you very much for this.

I have a problem on Mariokart2 map where the general music and disco music does not work. I haven't tracked down yet if it is Valve's update last night, this plugin or spells (which I enabled at the same time) causing it, but I did notice in the server window that none of the bumperkart sounds are precached and it's spewing errors. Not sure if it's related, but is it possible to precache them along with the models?

Thanks again for the great plugin!

Otokiru 10-30-2014 08:43

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x05 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 7:09AM CDT)

Originally Posted by Chdata (Post 2217805)
Should be fixed now

Though I guess the 2x damage thing doesn't work yet :O

yeah it fix the spam but dmg x2 doesnt work

Chdata 10-30-2014 12:44

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x05 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 7:09AM CDT)
Hmm.... I've been getting weird problems with the sounds precaching... e.g., the two I bothered to precache still don't play for me.

And I don't see any errors for any other sounds, while my friends have been reporting them.


Originally Posted by MrBen (Post 2217815)
Hi Chdata. Thank you very much for this.

I have a problem on Mariokart2 map where the general music and disco music does not work. I haven't tracked down yet if it is Valve's update last night, this plugin or spells (which I enabled at the same time) causing it, but I did notice in the server window that none of the bumperkart sounds are precached and it's spewing errors. Not sure if it's related, but is it possible to precache them along with the models?

Thanks again for the great plugin!

This sounds like a bug with Soundscapes which has known to been broken since this update.

Well. Frog.

Updated with fix for sound precaching and added respawning with car.

MrBen 10-30-2014 13:33

Re: [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x06 (Last updated *Today* 10/30/2014 | 12:12PM CDT)
Yeah - the kart engine sound plays for some people and not for others. It appears to be random though as I heard it the first time I joined the server and not when I returned.

I can see in the server console that there are a lot of bumperkart sounds that are not precached.

Now that you mention it I can remember problems with the Mariokart2 map in the past after a big update, so it wouldn't suprise me if it was soundscape related.

I've been watching our two servers that use your plugin all afternoon. The Kart model also seems to randomly dissapear at times, but overall you have made a lot of players very happy on Mariokart. I've heard some actually squealing with delight - just thought you'd like to know :-)

Edited to add: Thanks for the update - trying it out now!

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