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L. Duke 08-26-2008 18:51

TF2NADES - (28 Aug 2008)
2 Attachment(s)
add grenades to Team Fortress 2

Screenshot (frag nade)

Info on each nade (with videos) (some of the vids are of older versions and may not match exactly)


Requires SM 1.1 (some versions crashed due to a SM bug, if you can't run the plugin on SM 1.1, make sure you've updated to the latest version).

  1. Upload to your TF2 server.
  2. Upload the materials and models folders to your http fast download server (if you have one).
  3. Enjoy!

See the "readme.txt" file in the package.

Code: (28 Aug 2008)
- fixed some sounds not playing
- increased sound volumes
- conc nade fixed so player speed before explosion is considered
- explosion knockback fixed so player speed before explosion is considered
- turned off debug commands (could be abused by players joining the server) (26 Aug 2008)
- added "priming" nades
- EMP now destroys projectiles (stickies, rockets, pipe bombs, etc.)
- Added damage to buildables
- Added frag grenade
- Added attack trace so walls block damage
- slightly increased throw speed/distance on all nades
- kills now count towards score
- nades can't be thrown while cloaked or taunting
- resupply lockers give nades (thanks to Tsunami's input)
- fixed bug that left nades on the ground after quick class changes

If you're upgrading from or later, you should just need the smx file. the models/materials haven't changed.

There is also an updated version by Naris you may be interested in here.

L. Duke 08-26-2008 18:52

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
where are my pants?

willy1234x1 08-26-2008 19:16

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
Interesting plugin but you need someone to make the nades prettier.

0verdose 08-26-2008 19:27

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
Great plugin unfortunately the frag grenades error for some reason - hence the big error images that are displayed as the models.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

osiRiS {ClearnetDeluxe}

russell99ky 08-26-2008 19:36

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
This does not work, I get nothing when I install it and I have snapshot 1.1

russell99ky 08-26-2008 19:47

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
Also I added this to my fast downlaod server and it did not downlaod the files.... :(

teddyruxpin 08-26-2008 20:20

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
I will test this for you tonight on a windows host with SM 1.1.x snapshot.


strontiumdog 08-26-2008 20:27

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
Make sure you run it in sv_pure 0 first to make sure the models are actually working. Once you've figured out that the models work, then you need to create a pure_server_whitelist.txt file if you run sv_pure 1.

russell99ky 08-26-2008 20:30

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)
I have sv_pure 0, Do i still need to add to the whitelist still? But I mean i cant even get this plugin to work, I have everything setup right....any help would be nice thanks!!

0verdose 08-26-2008 20:33

Re: TF2NADES - (26 Aug 2008)

Originally Posted by strontiumdog (Post 676370)
Make sure you run it in sv_pure 0 first to make sure the models are actually working. Once you've figured out that the models work, then you need to create a pure_server_whitelist.txt file if you run sv_pure 1.

Yea all the models work except for the frag grenades which use a 3d error model instead of the actual grenade model.

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