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addons_zz 10-10-2015 22:31

Addons zz's Multi-Mod Plugin v2.0.1 | Last Update: 02.02.2017
1 Attachment(s)
Addons zz's Multi-Mod Plugin v2.0
Release: 10.10.2015 | Last Update: 02.02.2017

Contents' Table
  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements and Commands
  3. Installation
  4. Profiler Benchmark
  5. Change Log
  6. Credits
  7. TODO
    1. Development Versions
    2. Old Versions Downloads
    3. Latest Release Download

The "Addons zz's Multi-Mod Plugin" is my multi-mod plugin configuration for amxmodx and contains
numerous mods and comes standard configured for maximum performance and server control.

This is a Alpha version. This Alpha software can be unstable, see TODO section for more information.
As Alpha software may not contain all of the features that are planned for the final version, see TODO
section for features that are planned for the final version.

Click here to see all servers using this configuration.

********************** Introduction Go Top *******************************

You will have a new plugins list beyond you own "plugins.ini" at "yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/configs".
This will be "plugins-ultra.ini", too at "yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/configs". It contains the descriptions
of all plugins at this Multi-Mod_Plugin. There you can active or deactivate then as you usually do
at your own "plugins.ini.

This Multi-Mod_Plugin comes with the following Mods installed and configured:
  • Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT Mod)
  • CS-DM (DeathMatch)
  • Catch Mod
  • Dragon Ball Mod
  • Gun Game Mod
  • Hide N Seek Mod
  • Just Capture The Flag
  • Knife Arena Mod
  • Predator Mod_b2
  • Super Heros
  • Surf Mod
  • Warcraft Ultimate Mod 3
  • Zombie Money Mod
  • Zombie Pack Ammo Mod
  • AIO (All-In-One) Winter Plugin

********************** Requirements and Commands Go Top ******

Server's Requirements:
  1. Amx Mod X 1.8.2
  2. Tested under Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

You can see and configure the default cvars at "yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/configs/amxx_ultra.cfg" file.

See here the big list of commands actually activated. To see the new ones after active a plugin, just type
"amx_help" or "amxx cvars" without quotos at your server's console, to see the commands and cvars of all
plugins activated.

If you enter at a new map, like "zm_*" maps for zombie plague mod, the Zombie Mod is activated automatically.
If you was using some other mod, it automatically deactivate when you are at "zm_*" maps. When you leave
the "zm_*" map, the Zombie Mod is deactivated automatically, and you last mod is activated automatically,
if there was an active mod before you enter at the "zm_*" map.

The same happens to "catch_*" and "surf_*" maps. If want to disable that feature, go to the folder
"yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/configs/maps/" and rename the files "plugins-catch.ini", "plugins-surf.ini"
and "plugins-zm.ini" to "old_plugins-catch.ini", "old_plugins-surf.ini" and "old_plugins-zm.ini",
respectively. If you want to enable that feature again, "rename them" back.

Example of "amx_setmod help 1":
HTML Code:

amx_setmod help 1                | To show this help.
amx_setmod disable 1            | To deactivate any active Mod.
amx_votemod                      | To force a votemod.
say_team nextmod                | To see which is the next mod.
say currentmod                  | To see which is the current mod.
say votemod                      | To try start a vote mod.
say_team votemod                | To try start a vote mod.
amx_setmod csdm 1                | to use CS-DM (DeathMatch)
amx_setmod catch 1              | to use Catch Mod
amx_setmod dragon 1              | to use Dragon Ball Mod
amx_setmod gungame 1            | to use Gun Game Mod
amx_setmod hiden 1              | to use Hide N Seek Mod
amx_setmod jctf 1                | to use Just Capture The Flag
amx_setmod knife 1              | to use Knife Arena Mod
amx_setmod predator 1            | to use Predator Mod_b2
amx_setmod shero 1              | to use Super Heros
amx_setmod surf 1                | to use Surf Mod
amx_setmod warcraft 1            | to use Warcraft Ultimate Mod 3
amx_setmod zp50Money 1          | to use Zombie Mod with Money
amx_setmod zp50Ammo 1            | to use Zombie Mod with AmmoPacks
amx_setmod ttt 1                | to use Trouble in Terrorist Town
amx_setmod deathrun 1            | to use Deathrun Mod

******************************** Installation Go Top **********************

1. Download the files "" and "" at Downloads section.

2. Then take the contents at the folder "Multi-Mod_Plugin-XXX" inside ""
and the contents at "" to your GameMod folder, replacing the existents files.
GameMod Examples: czero, cstrike, ...

3. Go to yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/scripting/ and compile all files and take the compiled files
at the folder yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/scripting/compiled/ to your plugins' folder usually at
yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/plugins/. Note: To compile all files at your scripting/ folder, just
run "compile.exe" (windows) or (linux/mac).

4. Edit the "plugins-ultra.ini" file at yourGameMod/addons/amxmodx/configs/ folder, to your own taste.

5. If you want to, learn how to configure your own mods here.

******************************** Profiler Benchmark *****************************************

******************************** TODO Go Top *********************************


* Compile a good map pack and good mapcycles for each mods, weeks days and to default one.
 * Realise server benchmarks/profiler against a default AMXX Default install.
 * Find plugins which are leaking server's and client's performance and ping.
 * Remove, fix or substitute plugins bad coded which are leaking server's and client's performance and ping.
 * The mod CSDM Mod is crashing the server after 400 or 600 server change levels.
 * Test the Jailbreak mod.
 * Install SoccerJam mod.
 * Install Halloween Mod 2015.
 * Install Battlefield 2: Rank Mod by pRED*

******************************** Change Log Go Top ***********************

2017-02-02 | v2.0.1
  1. Few bug fixes and updated Galileo to its latest version.
  2. Installed the Jailbreak (not tested).
  3. Added missing updates from the last version.

2016-03-28 | v1.0-alpha2
  1. Installed the new MOD TTT, Trouble in Terrorist Town.
  2. Updated the Galileo, DragonBall Mod and Multi-Mod Manager to its latest version.
  3. Installed the new Deathrun mod.
  4. Installed hideNseek mod recommended complementary plugins as blockmarker.
  5. Installed AIO (All-In-One) Winter Plugin.
  6. Installed the game accuracy fix plugin.
  7. Adjusted the 'plugin-ultra.ini' file to use a mono-spaced font.
  8. Fixed the 'commandmenu.txt' broken menus/features.

2015-10-30 | v1.0-alpha1.hotfix4
  1. Disable the plugin the plugin "GHW_Weapon_Replacement.sma" due to became the server irresponsible.

2015-10-14 | v1.0-alpha1.hotfix3
  1. Updaded galileo_reloaded.sma to newer version.
  2. Fixed cs_rio map crashing czero server's due 512 GoldSrc models limit.
  3. Fixed Superheros Mod crashing czero server's due 512 GoldSrc models limit.

2015-10-10 | v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2
  1. Fixed misssing include at addons_zz_info.sma

2015-10-10 | v1.0-alpha1
  1. Initial alpha release.

******************************** Credits Go Top *******************************

These mods and plugins was originally written by hundreds and hundreds of people
all around the world. Now, after lot work from everybody, it is easy to install and use them.
Hence, that are a lot of credits, so just read its own source code doc to heads up.

******************************** Downloads Go to top *************************

Development Versions: Go to top

Here you can see what is going on the latest unreleased version over development at:

And this is a direct link to always to download the latest unreleased changes you see on the above link:

Note that these versions above are probably not tested or maybe not stable as the Latest Release

Old Versions Downloads: Go to top

v1.0-alpha1.hotfix4: (2.82 MB, 76  views)
v1.0-alpha1.hotfix3: (2.82 MB, 43  views)
v1.0-alpha2        : (3.23 MB, 134 views)

Latest Release Download: Go to top

wickedd 10-10-2015 23:49

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2
Why did you post this shit here?

addons_zz 10-10-2015 23:55

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2
Because I liked the bbcode.

Depresie 10-11-2015 00:06

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2
i don't think is a good ideea mixing so many modes in one server...

addons_zz 10-11-2015 00:21

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2

Originally Posted by Depresie (Post 2351904)
i don't think is a good ideea mixing so many modes in one server...

Wow, it's works wonderfully, just depends how you do it. I developed a new plugin, which I just released that does that.

It is like there is just only one mod, or even none, if none mod is not active (you just can enable one at time, never more, the manager plugin dont let you do it).

My server's problem is that I like to use a lot of plugins, like golden weapons, pain_shock_free, round_terminator, infinity_money, and the list goes on. Then I think that so much plugin could cause lag. Or not. But if it can, I am going after that ones who cause bad performance, hence remove or substitute or optimize them.

Freezo Begin 10-11-2015 07:31

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2
Well i think it's a good idea, thanks for your efforts ;).

addons_zz 10-11-2015 07:40

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2

Originally Posted by Freezo Begin (Post 2352014)
Well i think it's a good idea, thanks for your efforts ;).

Thank you very much, after the first post.

Depresie 10-11-2015 08:59

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2
im talking about changing the server's game mode every one map...

addons_zz 10-11-2015 09:37

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2

Originally Posted by Depresie (Post 2352042)
im talking about changing the server's game mode every one map...

It is not intend to that, but you want you can. But there is these cvars from the "Multi-Mod Manager" for such worries:


// enable (1) or disable (0) end map multi-mod voting.
amx_multimod_endmapvote 0

// enable (1) or disable (0) multi-mod voting (say votemod).
amx_multimod_voteallowed 1
You can see and configure the default cvars at "yougamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/amxx_ultra.cfg"

You can limit too, the number of vote options, commenting the mods at the file

[CS-DM (DeathMatch)]:[csdm]:
;[Catch Mod]:[catch]:
;[Dragon Ball Mod]:[dragon]:
[Gun Game Mod]:[gungame]:
;[Hide N Seek Mod]:[hiden]:
[Just Capture The Flag]:[jctf]:
;[Knife Arena Mod]:[knife]:
;[Predator Mod_b2]:[predator]:
;[Super Heros]:[shero]:
;[Surf Mod]:[surf]:
;[Warcraft Ultimate Mod 3]:[warcraft]:
[Zombie Money Mod]:[zp50Money]:
;[Zombie Pack Ammo Mod]:[zp50Ammo]:

;[Mode Name]:[shortModName]:
But the admin still can active any mod by command line, even if it is not at multimod.ini above:


* Command 'amx_setmod modShortName <1 or 0>', to enable the mod "modShortName" as csdm,
starting a vote map (1) or not (0), right after. This command can only active mods loaded from
"multimod.ini" file, and needs an admin level ADMIN_CFG.

* Command 'amx_setmods modShortName <1 or 0>', to enable the mod "modShortName" as surf,
restarting (1) or not (0) the server immediately, silently. This command can active any mod installed
at the server, and it needs an admin level ADMIN_CVAR.
But the admin can always still forcing a vote mod, of the loaded mods from multimod.ini, by command line:

//Admin only command to launch MOD voting
And if you don't want the mod by map type as "zm_*" feature, just disable it:


Go to the folder
"yourgamemod/addons/amxmodx/configs/maps/" and rename the files "plugins-catch.ini", "plugins-surf.ini"
and "plugins-zm.ini" to "old_plugins-catch.ini", "old_plugins-surf.ini" and "old_plugins-zm.ini",
respectively. If you want to enable that feature again, "rename them" back.

SkumTomteN 10-22-2015 11:26

Re: Addons zz's Multi-Mod Server v1.0-alpha1.hotfix2

Originally Posted by Depresie (Post 2351904)
i don't think is a good ideea mixing so many modes in one server...

Why wouldnt it?, the plugins are loaded on each map only, not at the same time.

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