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dirka_dirka 12-09-2009 19:48

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
nice improvements - now can you make adrenaline and pills have different results?

adrenaline should be quicker, but give less health on revive... and wouldnt hurt to have the odd sound effects you get while on adrenaline.

AtomicStryker 12-10-2009 09:43

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
I can't re-create the effects as the game has them, so i dont even try ;)

Newf 12-10-2009 11:46

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
this is an awesome plugin. everyone on my server loves it. great job!! can't wait to try out the updated version.


Edit, we were also pleased to find out it gets you up from ledges if hanging. :)

Visual77 12-10-2009 14:29

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
Nice update, but I had to remove the part were the meds were being dropped at the floor :)

Newf 12-10-2009 15:04

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch

Originally Posted by Visual77 (Post 1012433)
Nice update, but I had to remove the part were the meds were being dropped at the floor :)

lol yes i can see that becoming frustrating in the middle of a horde attack.

also, i had an it possible to make it so incapped people who can crawl are able to pick up pills if they are nearby?

ie - player gets incapped in a room where they happen to see pills close by, they crawl over, press e to pick up the pills, and then revive themselves.

Blakeocity 12-10-2009 15:40

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
Another awesome plugin. Thanks. :D

AtomicStryker 12-10-2009 17:51

Re: [L4D & L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
Version 1.1.1 features slightly different chat prints, so people know they must HOLD DOWN the button to revive.

Ive also tweaked it a bit so it should run on L4D aswell.

Newf 12-11-2009 00:19

Re: [L4D2] Incapped Meds munch

Originally Posted by Visual77 (Post 1012433)
Nice update, but I had to remove the part were the meds were being dropped at the floor :)

and how did you do this exactly? that's the one thing people complained about lol.

Visual77 12-11-2009 02:14

Re: [L4D & L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
Remove this part from InterruptMunch(client) I suppose.


RemovePlayerItem(client, Meds);
 new droppedstuff = CreateEntityByName(medstring);
 new ticktime = RoundToNearest( FloatDiv( GetGameTime() , GetTickInterval() ) ) + 5;
 SetEntProp(droppedstuff, Prop_Data, "m_nNextThinkTick", ticktime);
 decl Float:position[3], Float:randomvec[3];
 GetClientAbsOrigin(client, position);
 position[2] += 20.0; //lift the dropped med a wee bit higher
 randomvec[0] = GetRandomFloat(0.0, 45.0);
 randomvec[1] = GetRandomFloat(0.0, 45.0);
 randomvec[2] = GetRandomFloat(15.0, 45.0); //toss it a random direction
 TeleportEntity(droppedstuff, position, NULL_VECTOR, randomvec);
 PrintToChat(client, "\x04Self Reviving was interrupted! You flinched, \x03dropping your meds!");

AtomicStryker 12-11-2009 02:40

Re: [L4D & L4D2] Incapped Meds munch
Added cvar to control that, shifted chat notifications a bit so you wont get it while being shreddered or revived.

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