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Naydef 12-29-2015 15:33

[TF2] Neutral Team Mode (v1.1.1)
1 Attachment(s)
Neutral Team Mode
Version: 1.1.1

I have created this plugin as not simple alternative to this plugin: Ghost Mode Redux by ReFlexPoison
The differences between this two plugins is that this plugin will respawn the dead players into the unused tf2 team Unassigned. It's waiting to play team. I have created this plugin first for my own server, because the hale rounds can be very long and boring, so why the players have to spectate instead of the possibility to watch the round like they are alive(More information below).
The plugin will only work on ARENA tf2 server!
It's is recommended for Freak Fortress 2/VS Saxton Hale servers

Good things:
  • The players can do all the things the can do in the real teams(Red and Blu)
  • All weapons are allowed(except The Short Circuit, Mad Milk and derivatives)
  • Taunts, Sentries, Dispensers and absolutely every building is allowed
  • The neutral players can go into hazardous areas(changeable with cvar)
  • The players can't take fall damage(changeable with cvar)
  • The players can take real team teleporters
  • Almost all ordinary things are allowed
Not so good things:
  • Both team can't hurt the other team (Neutral team players can't hurt real team players and vice versa)
  • The neutral team players and buildings are invisible for the real team players
  • Real teams won't hear neutral players and buildings
  • Neutral projectiles collision with real team players and buildings will delete the entity(Why I say that?)
  • Neutral team spies can't sap real player buildings(Very good)
  • Neutral team pyros(or everyone with Flamethrower) can't airblast real team players!
  • And much more

Dev things:
The plugin has natives and forwards for control of the functionalities and for interface for other plugins(subplugins).
Not very soon, I will release a subplugin, which will enable friendly fire for the neutral team, but there are some big bugs to achieve this. Also more soon I will release another subplugin for better compatibility with Freak Fortress 2 and other subplugins! For reference about the natives and forwards see:

Command and Cvars:

sm_neutral - Toggle the options menu to yourself.
al_toggle - Toggle respawning in the neutral team to someone

neutralmode_version - (AfterLife version cvar, dont change it)
al_enabled - ((Def: 1) 1- The plugin is enabled 0- The plugin is disabled)
al_spcanseeneutral - ((Def: 1)Set if the spectators can see players from the neutral team.)
al_debug - ((Def: 0)Enable debug messages.)
al_announce_time - ((Def: 145) Amount of seconds to wait until Neutral Team Mode info is displayed again | 0-disable)
al_neutral_tp - ((Def: 1)1- Allow the neutral team to use playing team teleporters | 0-Otherwise)
al_notrhur - ((Def: 1)1- No damage from the map except fall damage | 0-Otherwise!)
al_only_arena - ((Def: 1)1- The plugin will work only on arena maps (which have tf_arena_logic entity) | 0-Otherwise!)
al_airblast_punishmen - ((Def: 1)Airblast punishment 0- Nothing 1-Warning message 2-Kick the player al_plugin_silence - (1-Other plugins will not detects some common player events like respawning or gettting new set of weapons. Recommended for servers, which their bosses having long lastman music (Freak Fortress 2) | 0-Otherwise"))
al_solidtp - ((Def: 1)1-Teleporters will be solid, as in the game | 0-Teleporters will be made as the sentries and the dispensers)
al_blockblood - ((Def: 1)1-No blood will be emitted by the neutral team | 0-Otherwise)
al_gravmenu - ((Def: 1) 1-The gravity menu is enabled | 0-The menu is disabled)
al_popupmenu - ((Def: 1)1-Menu for selection spawn preferences is enabled | 0-The menu is disabled)
al_nopickups - ((Def: 0)1-The players won't be able to pick up health/ammo packs and etc. | 0-The player will be able to pick ammo/health)


Plugin conflicts:
Currently, this plugin has some conflicts with Freak Fortress 2 not giving points to players, who are in the neutral team. To fix this, set the cvar
PHP Code:


to 1 in FreakFortress2.cfg file.

Disowned - Giving real example for blocking sounds to specific clients
Freak Fortress 2 - Various code from this plugin


  • Rarely there are server crashes due to neutral team ragdolls
  • Some bugs with the blocking mechanisms of the plugin - Fixed
  • Blood will be emitted if you attack neutral player
  • The menu is glitchy for the moment. Will be fixed next version
  • There are other bugs

  1. Download file
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Copy the extracted files to you sourcemod installation
  4. Restart the server or change the map
  5. If you want to upgrade from older version, the plugin name, translation file and source file are with new names. Please first remove older versions of the files.
  6. Remove AfterLifePlugin.cfg file from cfg/sourcemod folder and let the plugin create a new one. Then set your settings(The name of the new file is NeutralTeamMode.cfg)
  7. Restart the server (don't change the map, the new translation file will not load)

Feedback is welcomed!
The plugin cannot be compiled in the forum, due to include files, so download the pre-compiled (or better the zip file) file or compile it yourself.


ZAGOR 12-31-2015 03:56

Re: [TF2] Afterlife

12/31/2015 - 11:55:02: [afterlife.smx] AfterLife plugin loading!!!
[SM] Plugin [TF2] AfterLife reloaded successfully.
L 12/31/2015 - 11:55:02: [SM] Native "ReadDirEntry" reported: Invalid file handle 0 (error 4)
L 12/31/2015 - 11:55:02: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afterlife.smx":
L 12/31/2015 - 11:55:02: [SM]  [0]  Line 236, C:\Users\Geo\Downloads\sourcemod-1.7.3-git5283-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\afterlife.sp::SyncConVarValuesLoadPlugins()
L 12/31/2015 - 11:55:02: [SM]  [1]  Line 208, C:\Users\Geo\Downloads\sourcemod-1.7.3-git5283-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\afterlife.sp::OnConfigsExecuted()

Naydef 12-31-2015 07:16

Re: [TF2] Afterlife
Ok, fixed.
Edit: Maybe your host doesn't allow creating new folders

Windroid 01-03-2016 06:26

Re: [TF2] Afterlife
error log

L 01/03/2016 - 00:01:17: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "disabled\afterlife.smx":
L 01/03/2016 - 00:01:17: [SM]  [0]  Line 1476, C:\Users\Geo\Downloads\sourcemod-1.7.3-git5283-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\afterlife.sp::SetMeToOtherTeam()
L 01/03/2016 - 00:01:17: [SM]  [1]  Line 958, C:\Users\Geo\Downloads\sourcemod-1.7.3-git5283-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\afterlife.sp::Timer_Spawn()
L 01/03/2016 - 00:01:17: [SM] Native "TE_Send" reported: No TempEntity call is in progress

Naydef 01-03-2016 10:55

Re: [TF2] Afterlife
I can't explain this error. On this line there is a call to TF2_RespawnPlayer(client). It can be something internal in the native. Someone more competent can answer why there is an error on this line. Have you modified the plugin? Also I will release version 1.0 soon. Also if someone's server (Linux server) is crashing for no reason, please install Accelerator and publish the crash dump.

Naydef 01-09-2016 12:48

Re: [TF2] Afterlife
Version 1.0.0 of the plugin is here!!!
This version comes with a lot of bug fixes and new features, so replace all previous plugin files with the new one!

Features and bug fixes:
  1. Hopefully fixed server crashes due to this plugin*
  2. All phrases in the plugin are now in the translation file.
  3. Fixed bugs with translations.
  4. Added new cvars
  5. Hopefully fixed sounds from neutral players and entities(buildings, etc) not blocked for real players (Disowned)
  6. Real team teleporters from now will not register neutral players, which have used the teleporters and fixed some bugs with instant recharging of the teleporters
  7. Fix for removed sappers still emitting looping sounds (Might not work)
  8. New forward
  9. And much more...

  1. Download the all-in-one zip file
  2. Extract it
  3. Copy the files and past them in the sourcemod folder
  4. Let the old files to be overwritten
  5. If you have used older version of the plugin, remove the AfterLifePlugin.cfg file from cfg/sourcemod folder and let the plugin to create the new config file.

*The server crashes occured because the projectile entities(tf_proj*) were hooked twice: one with starttouch and another with touch. When the projectile hits a real player, starttouch hook is called first and the entity is deleted with the Kill input. Then touch hook is called and second time the entity is deleted, which lead to server crash

Naydef 02-03-2016 14:25

Re: [TF2] Neutral Team Mode (v1.0.0)
I have read the rules on this page and there is no prohibition/rule how to change the name of already released plugin. So because of the low interest(no one has asked me anything about this plugin) and the VERY BAD NAME of the plugin, which I think is the thing that repel user's interest, i change the plugin's name from "Afterlife" to "Neutral Team Mode". A new version with many changes, bug fixes, improvements and of course the new name of the plugin inside will come soon. Sorry if there is a rule, which prohibits changing the name of already released plugin or another thing. And sorry for my English!

Naydef 02-13-2016 16:08

Re: [TF2] Neutral Team Mode (v1.1.0) [UPDATED]
Version 1.1.0 release. New features:
  • Changed the name of the plugin.
  • Fixed issue with the translation file
  • The plugin now restores the default server collision on player respawn
  • Fixed infinitely looping sapper sounds (Hopefully)
  • It's now possible to block neutral player to pick ammo and health packs with the new cvar: al_nopickups
  • Many bug fixes and more
Download files are now archived into one zip file. Inside is the source code. The files are in the OP.

And why this plugin is not popular. I'm sad, because this plugin took me a long time to create it:cry:. Please test it and give your view about this plugin

Stropy 06-10-2016 10:57

Re: [TF2] Neutral Team Mode (v1.1.0) [UPDATED]
Gonna put it on my server and test it
Does this work on trade servers anyway?

Naydef 06-11-2016 13:53

Re: [TF2] Neutral Team Mode (v1.1.0) [UPDATED]

Originally Posted by Stropy (Post 2426395)
Gonna put it on my server and test it
Does this work on trade servers anyway?

No! Read the OP. Only for VSH/FF2/ARENA servers only.
Also I will only release critical updates for this plugin(due to low interest).

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