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ben_yaa 02-08-2011 11:42

some errors while compiling
i'm new on scripting(started learning: today :P).
I started a new plugin(and didn't finish yet) and i wanted to see if what i did until now is works good.
I tried to compile it but i got those errors:

/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(7) : error 023: array assignment must be simple assignment
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(17) : error 055: start of function body without function header
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(20) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(30) : warning 217: loose indentation
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(31) : warning 217: loose indentation
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(31) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/textzwN55A.sp(32) : warning 217: loose indentation
What i wrong in my plugin?
PHP Code:

#include <sourcemod>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name "Ben-Command",
author "Ben-Yaa",
description "Server commands manager",
version 1.0,
url ""

#define YELLOW               "\x01"
    #define LIGHTGREEN       "\x02"
    #define GREEN                "\x03"
    #define BLUE                "\x04"

public OnPluginStart
RegAdminCmd"sm_rr"BCR );

gPluginEnabled CreateConVar"sm_bcomm""1" );

Action:BCRidargs )
Format(BCC,sizeof(BCC),"\x01[\x03Ben-Command\x01] \x03Admin \x04%s \x03has restarted the round!",name);

And one more question: how can i control rcon? beacuse i wanna it to do mp_restartround 1.

Thx all!

berni 02-08-2011 11:58

Re: some errors while compiling
Cleaned up your code:

PHP Code:

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.1"

#include <sourcemod>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name "Ben-Command",
author "Ben-Yaa",
description "Server commands manager",
url ""


CreateConVar"sm_bcomm""1" );

ReplyToCommand(client"\x01[\x03Ben-Command\x01] \x03Admin \x04%N \x03has restarted the round!"client);

Just look at the difference between yours and mine lol.

ServerCommand("") executes a console command on the server.

ben_yaa 02-08-2011 14:23

Re: some errors while compiling
Youre awesome!!
Just two more questions:
1. How can i do a popup menu and how i display it to a player?

2. I want that if someone write sm_tl 5 so it makes mp_teamlimit to 5 and if i'll write even 100 it will change it to 100,
how i do that?

thx again!!

ben_yaa 02-09-2011 09:37

Re: some errors while compiling

databomb 02-09-2011 09:41

Re: some errors while compiling
for sm_tl
for menus

ben_yaa 02-09-2011 10:07

Re: some errors while compiling
i didn't get it \=
how can i do that if i'll write:
sm_tl 123
it will change mp_teamlimit to 123(for example),
can you write me how to do thah(the code)?

databomb 02-09-2011 11:20

Re: some errors while compiling
ben, show us what you've tried and we'll help.. otherwise you might want to try the plugin ideas & requests section.

ben_yaa 02-09-2011 11:32

Re: some errors while compiling
hmm i dont even know how to START :S

databomb 02-09-2011 11:57

Re: some errors while compiling
Ok, so first thing is to read over the wiki, start with the first part on writing your first SourceMod plugin and then re-read the wikis on ConVars and menu handling. Second thing is to search through the API and look at any functions you have questions over. Third thing is to find some good examples to see how other people did things. The best way to do that is search through some of the approved plugins. Here's an example of using the ConVar in a simple plugin, look through his SP file to get more ideas.

ben_yaa 02-09-2011 14:06

Re: some errors while compiling
i know how to use concvar,
but i dont know how to use it in a custom use,
like !tl 2 for doing mp_teamlimit 2,
now do you understood what i ment to?

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