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gubka 01-29-2019 10:55

[CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps [NEW]
Considerring topic:

Onlu support lin, because Windows not have that issue, and clean the tables itself
PHP Code:

 * Variables to store SDK calls handlers.
Handle hSDKCallDestructorParticleDictionary;
Handle hSDKCallContainerFindTable;
Handle hSDKCallTableDeleteAllStrings;

 * Variables to store virtual SDK offsets.
Address particleSystemDictionary;
Address networkStringTable;
int ParticleSystem_Count;

 * @brief Particles module init function.
void ParticlesOnInit(/*void*/)
// Starts the preparation of an SDK call
// Validate call
if((hSDKCallDestructorParticleDictionary EndPrepSDKCall()) == null)
// Log failure
LogEvent(falseLogType_FatalLOG_GAME_EVENTSLogModule_Effects"GameData Validation""Failed to load SDK call \"CParticleSystemDictionary::~CParticleSystemDictionary\". Update signature in \"%s\""PLUGIN_CONFIG);

    // Starts the preparation of an SDK call
// Adds a parameter to the calling convention. This should be called in normal ascending order
// Validate call
if((hSDKCallContainerFindTable EndPrepSDKCall()) == null)
// Log failure
LogEvent(falseLogType_FatalLOG_GAME_EVENTSLogModule_Effects"GameData Validation""Failed to load SDK call \"CNetworkStringTableContainer::FindTable\". Update virtual offset in \"%s\""PLUGIN_CONFIG);

    // Starts the preparation of an SDK call
// Validate call
if((hSDKCallTableDeleteAllStrings EndPrepSDKCall()) == null)
// Log failure
LogEvent(falseLogType_FatalLOG_GAME_EVENTSLogModule_Effects"GameData Validation""Failed to load SDK call \"CNetworkStringTable::DeleteAllStrings\". Update signature in \"%s\""PLUGIN_CONFIG);
    // Load other offsets

 * @brief Particles module load function.
void ParticlesOnLoad(/*void*/)
// Initialize buffer char
static char sBuffer[PLATFORM_LINE_LENGTH];

// Validate that particles wasn't precache yet
bool bSave LockStringTables(false);
int iCount LoadFromAddress(particleSystemDictionary view_as<Address>(ParticleSystem_Count), NumberType_Int16);
int iTable SDKCall(hSDKCallContainerFindTablenetworkStringTable"ParticleEffectNames");
iCount && iTable/// Validate that table is exist and it empty
// Opens the file
File hFile OpenFile("particles/particles_manifest.txt""rt"true);
// If doesn't exist stop
if(hFile == null)
LogEvent(falseLogType_FatalLOG_CORE_EVENTSLogModule_Effects"Config Validation""Error opening file: \"particles/particles_manifest.txt\"");

// Read lines in the file
// Checks if string has correct quotes
int iQuotes CountCharInString(sBuffer'"');
iQuotes == 4)
// Trim string

// Copy value string
strcopy(sBuffersizeof(sBuffer), sBuffer[strlen("\"file\"")]);
// Trim string
// Strips a quote pair off a string 

// Precache model
int i; if(sBuffer[i] == '!'i++;
PrecacheGeneric(sBuffer[i], true);
SDKCall(hSDKCallTableDeleteAllStringsiTable); /// HACK~HACK
                /// Clear tables after each file because some of them contains
                /// huge amount of particles and we work around the limit
// Initialize the table index
static int tableIndex INVALID_STRING_TABLE;

// Validate table
if(tableIndex == INVALID_STRING_TABLE)
// Searches for a string table
tableIndex FindStringTable("ParticleEffectNames");
// If array hasn't been created, then create
if(gServerData.Particles == null)
// Initialize a particle list array
gServerData.Particles CreateArray(NORMAL_LINE_LENGTH); 

// i = table string
iCount GetStringTableNumStrings(tableIndex);
int i 0iCounti++)
// Gets the string at a given index
// Push data into array 
// i = particle name
iCount gServerData.Particles.Length;
int i 0iCounti++)
// Gets the string at a given index
// Push data into table 

 * @brief Particles module purge function.
void ParticlesOnPurge(/*void*/)
// @link

    /// Clear all particles effect table
bool bSave LockStringTables(false);
int iTable SDKCall(hSDKCallContainerFindTablenetworkStringTable"ParticleEffectNames");
iTable)   SDKCall(hSDKCallTableDeleteAllStringsiTable);

PHP Code:

"CParticleSystemMgr::GetParticleSystemCount" // Str: "PrecacheStandardParticleSystems()"
"windows"   "38"
                "linux"     "38"

// Sigs from the lib ( )
        // You can update them only by yourself using tutorial in the link
             * Info: Every custom particle precached during a map is not removed from precache table on the map end. 
             *       Then, if a lot of maps that uses custom particles are running in my server the precache table will be filled 
             *       and the custom particles used on the next maps will not show right but erros will appear in their place.
"CParticleSystemDictionary::~CParticleSystemDictionary" // Str: "CParticleSystemMgr::InitAttributeTable has an out-of-date attribute list! (element %d not set up)\n" | "CParticleSystemMgr::InitAttributeTable" -> "CParticleSystemMgr::CParticleSystemMgr" -> "CParticleSystemMgr::~CParticleSystemMgr" 
"library"   "server"
                "windows"   "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\x56\x57\x8B\xF9\x33\xF6\x8B\x47\x58"
                "linux"     "\x55\x89\xE5\x57\x56\x53\x83\xEC\x2C\x8B\x7D\x08\x8B\x47\x58\x85\xC0"
"CParticleSystemDefinition::ParseChildren" // Str: "DmeParticleSystemDefinition" and "children" and "preventNameBasedLookup"
"library"    "server"
                "windows"   "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x20\x53\x56\x57\x8B\xF9\x51"
                "linux"        "\x55\x89\xE5\x57\x56\x53\x83\xEC\x2C\x8B\x45\x0C\xC7\x44\x24\x04"
"SV_ActivateServer" // Str: "SV_ActivateServer"
"library"   "engine"
                "windows"   "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xE4\xF8\x83\xEC\x0C\x53\x8B\x1D\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A"
                "linux"     "\x55\x89\xE5\x57\x56\x53\x83\xEC\x2C\xC7\x04\x24\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xC7\x04\x24\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A"
"CNetworkStringTable::DeleteAllStrings" // Str: "___clientsideitemsplaceholder0___"
"library"   "engine"
                "windows"   "\x56\x8B\xF1\x57\x8B\x4E\x40"
                "linux"     "\x55\x89\xE5\x53\x83\xEC\x14\x8B\x5D\x08\x8B\x43\x40"
// Addr from the lib ( )
        // You can update them only by yourself using tutorial in the link
"signature"     "CParticleSystemDefinition::ParseChildren"
                    "read"          "375"
                    "read"          "0"
                    "read"          "140"
"signature"     "CParticleSystemDefinition::ParseChildren"
                    "read"          "401"
                    "read"          "0"
"signature"     "SV_ActivateServer"
                    "read"          "34"
                    "read"          "0"
"signature"     "SV_ActivateServer"
                    "read"          "997"
                    "read"          "0"

8guawong 01-29-2019 11:35

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps
wow thanks for sharing this

Dragokas 01-31-2019 04:42

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps
gubka, very nice. Thank you!

Maybe, you could also found signature for registering particle system? (for custom games, instead manifest method)

gubka 01-31-2019 07:06

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps

Originally Posted by Dragokas (Post 2637395)
gubka, very nice. Thank you!

Maybe, you could also found signature for registering particle system? (for custom games, instead manifest method)

at first I tryied to store address of defaultquery which should contain the particle system which precache on the first start, using signature CParticleSystemMgr::Init(PQuery DefaultQuery), but it didn't help, and it more easier to precache throw those file, cause I developed that algo for my zp core, you can do whatever you want with it, but in my option that one of the simplest solution which you can find, because more sigs for me, make some updates for me a bit problematic, cause sometimes I just don't have time to open IDA and to update all sigs back. So good luck

simpson0141 02-12-2019 02:53

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps
Thank you for sharing. It is not use on Windows?

gubka 02-16-2019 09:57

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps

Originally Posted by simpson0141 (Post 2639275)
Thank you for sharing. It is not use on Windows?

window dont use those signatures

Agent Wesker 02-27-2019 19:26

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps
If anyone knows how to get this working on Windows it would be very helpful.

SHUFEN 02-28-2019 02:42

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps
We fixed this problem for Windows, since 4 years ago.
Concretely, It is able via CParticleSystemDefinition::Uncache and CUtlSymbolTable::RemoveAll.

ClaudiaPastor 02-28-2019 05:17

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps

Originally Posted by gubka (Post 2637408)
at first I tryied to store address of defaultquery which should contain the particle system which precache on the first start, using signature CParticleSystemMgr::Init(PQuery DefaultQuery), but it didn't help, and it more easier to precache throw those file, cause I developed that algo for my zp core, you can do whatever you want with it, but in my option that one of the simplest solution which you can find, because more sigs for me, make some updates for me a bit problematic, cause sometimes I just don't have time to open IDA and to update all sigs back. So good luck. descubre todos los sintomas de embarazo hay muchos.

Thx so much :)

gubka 03-14-2019 07:19

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps [NEW]

gubka 03-14-2019 07:25

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps

Originally Posted by (Post 2641264)
We fixed this problem for Windows, since 4 years ago.
Concretely, It is able via CParticleSystemDefinition::Uncache and CUtlSymbolTable::RemoveAll.

Uncache useless i like understand, and not exist on windows is well, now fix works well on any platform

I think only destrucor and clear tables is the good and simple solution
PHP Code:

int __cdecl CParticleSystemDictionary::~CParticleSystemDictionary(CParticleSystemDictionary *this)
int v1// eax
bool v2// zf
bool v3// sf
int v4// eax
int v5// esi
void *v6// ebx
int v7// edx
int v8// eax
int v9// eax
int v11// [esp+1Ch] [ebp-1Ch]

v1 = *((_DWORD *)this 22);
v2 v1 == 0;
v3 v1 0;
v11 = *((_DWORD *)this 22);
v4 = *((_DWORD *)this 19);
  if ( !
v3 && !v2 )
v5 0;
v6 = *(void **)(v4 v5);
      if ( 
v6 )
CParticleSystemDefinition::~CParticleSystemDefinition(*(CParticleSystemDefinition ****)(v4 v5));
operator delete(v6);
v4 = *((_DWORD *)this 19);
    while ( 
v5 != v11 );
v7 = *((_DWORD *)this 21);
_DWORD *)this 22) = 0;
  if ( 
v7 >= )
    if ( 
v4 )
void (__cdecl **)(_DWORDint))(*g_pMemAlloc 8))(g_pMemAllocv4);
_DWORD *)this 19) = 0;
_DWORD *)this 20) = 0;
v4 0;
_DWORD *)this 23) = v4;
CUtlMemory<CParticleSystemDefinition *,int>::~CUtlMemory((int *)this 19);
CUtlSymbolTable::~CUtlSymbolTable((CParticleSystemDictionary *)((char *)this 20));
v8 = *((_DWORD *)this 2);
_DWORD *)this 3) = 0;
v3 v8 0;
v9 = *(_DWORD *)this;
  if ( !
v3 )
    if ( 
v9 )
void (__cdecl **)(_DWORDint))(*g_pMemAlloc 8))(g_pMemAlloc, *(_DWORD *)this);
_DWORD *)this 0;
_DWORD *)this 1) = 0;
v9 0;
_DWORD *)this 4) = v9;
CUtlMemory<CParticleSystemDefinition *,int>::~CUtlMemory((int *)this);

extr1m725 09-29-2019 08:56

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps [NEW]
Is there a solution for windows?

Agent Wesker 12-01-2019 19:01

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps

Originally Posted by (Post 2641264)
We fixed this problem for Windows, since 4 years ago.
Concretely, It is able via CParticleSystemDefinition::Uncache and CUtlSymbolTable::RemoveAll.

If anyone has an up-to-date extension / plugin for this issue it would be greatly appreciated! Doesn't work since CS:GO Agent update!

Desktop 01-03-2020 14:59

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps [NEW]
Did anyone find any stable solution for Windows?

gubka 01-15-2020 13:49

Re: [CS:GO] Uncache all particles for custom maps [NEW]

Originally Posted by Desktop (Post 2678885)
Did anyone find any stable solution for Windows?

CParticleSystemDictionary does not exist on map end, when I test it last time, so i thought windows do not need that fix, but if I am incorrect, most of the sigs which I used in Linux, are not exist in Windows because of optimization and you should recreated them in sp.

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