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BAILOPAN 06-24-2006 01:51

Known Issues/Missing Features
These are the known issues with the new forums:

Karma - It will be re-added using vBulletin's reputation system as soon as we find a block of free time. Old karma values will be restored and used as the initial set.

Plugin Ratings - These likely will not return for a while. They were mostly abused to subversively affect karma.

Trash - Moderators might not be able to move things to Trash. If you can't, please do a 'Soft Delete' on the thread until we can make a Trash Button.

Attachment Re-uploads - Uploading a replacement attachment is not possible. You must first remove the old one, then add the new one. This resets your download count. We don't have an immediate fix for it, so please live with it for now.

Ranks - Please wait while I think up something more clever than "AMXX ScriptKiddy."

Donors, Official Server - These are still being read from the old database. We will have this done sometime soon, but since the old users will still work fine, it's not high priority.

Filenames - During the merge we accidentally chopped the last character off any file with a four character extension. For example, 'file.amxx' became 'file.amx'. To fix this for general cases, I changed all '.amx' files to '.amxx'. Thus, there might be some rare .amx files named improperly, or '.jpe' files which should be '.jpeg'. PM me to correct instances of these you see.

Post Stretch - Some post where big images, fonts, long lines are used will stretch out of page. In the old phpBB forum it used to stretch all posts which became annoying. So we have decided to allow only 1 post to stretch. This does bring some problems at some points (only noticed in IE atm) which we are working to fix.

Quick Edit - This feature was disabled due to a small internal change that Freecode did and cannot remember. As soon as he finds it, it will be re-enabled.

Announcements (Admins & Moderators only) - Do not use this feature until Freecode fixes it.

Attachments in Private Messages - (reported by DS). No immediate plans on this.

Cookies/Last Read - I (bail) am having weird reproducable problems with this. For example, reading, then jumping two levels of forums up, it will still mark it as unread. No idea what that's all about.

Viewing Private Messages - This might differ upon user's monitor display size. The message doesnt have the border all around it and is stretched out of the page.

CODE stuff - We need to make buttons for these. Possibly resize buttons. Possibly increase max post size.

k007 06-24-2006 05:11

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
In this new forums people are allowed to post plugins in the approved plugins....

Mini_Midget 06-24-2006 05:15

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by k007
In this new forums people are allowed to post plugins in the approved plugins....

god dammit
just a bit late to say the same thing

BAILOPAN 06-24-2006 05:15

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Thanks for the notification. Fixed this :)

v3x 06-24-2006 05:21

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
What's a 'Soft Delete' and how do I do it? :o

Freecode 06-24-2006 05:24

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Soft Delete deletes post from the thread, but not from the Database. It allows other moderators/admins to review it and either delete or restore it.

k007 06-24-2006 05:24

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
umm i just saw an online user, his name was highlighted in red and in his profile it say he is banned...

BAILOPAN 06-24-2006 05:25

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
When you go to delete, you will see either the option to Soft Delete or Physical Delete. I think soft delete keeps it in the database but marks it unviewable or something. *EDIT* freecode hit it first

Freecode 06-24-2006 05:26

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by k007
umm i just saw an online user, his name was highlighted in red and in his profile it say he is banned...

Don't worry about it. He's only viewing the "No Permission" page/message. :mrgreen:

v3x 06-24-2006 05:27

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Oh, I see! Thanks bail and fc :)

k007: I believe that's how it's supposed to be. He can probably still login, but remains handicapped ;)

lantz69 06-24-2006 05:38

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
GJ on the new forums :D

I have 3 things i wonder if it can be changed

You cant post a whole plugins code
It is not often you do that, but maybe it should be possible sometimes
You get the following Error:
The text that you have entered is too long (23665 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.

1. Could that be changed to a higher value?

2. The textarea where the code is viewed is not very wide and you have to side scroll.
It is a problem if the code is long

Could you make the textarea wider?

Try and post a lot of code and you will see what I mean

3. Buttons for small, code, quote etc.
Will those come later?
EDIT I found out you have to enable it in your "user CP" (Edit Options)
Atleast formating of the text and much more

Again very GJ on the new forums

// Lantz69

GoGo_xD 06-24-2006 05:41

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Maybe the forums are not clear enough ?

It's hard to separate AMXX , Sourcemod and SuperHero forums :stupid:

BAILOPAN 06-24-2006 05:41

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
k007: yes, they appear on the list but they cannot see anything.


Originally Posted by lantz69
1. Could that be changed to a higher value?

Show me an example of where you need this and I'll consider it.


Originally Posted by lantz69
2. The textarea where the code is viewed is not very wide and you have to side scroll.

I'd prefer to add little controls that dynamically expand it. It may be possible so we'll look into it.


Originally Posted by lantz69
3. Buttons for small, code, quote etc.

Good idea, I will add this into the todo list.

lantz69 06-24-2006 06:04

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
For my suggestion

3. Buttons for small, code, quote etc.
Will those come later?
EDIT I found out you have to enable it in your "user CP" (Edit Options)
Atleast formating of the text and much more
Maybe you could atleast make it deafult for new users to get option #2 (Standard Editor)
I got Basic editor - And I was alreday a member of the forum.
Maybe new users will get it different.

I now use "Enhanced Interface-Full WYSIWYG Editing"

Freecode 06-24-2006 06:09

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Yes new registered memebers will get "Enhanced Interface-Full WYSIWYG Editing". The imported ones dont. I might fix that thought.

Dark Killer 06-24-2006 06:23

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
BAIL, the small just change to "code" and no colour... plx fix it

BAILOPAN 06-24-2006 06:30

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by alanboy888
BAIL, the small just change to "code" and no colour... plx fix it

Please clarify your problem.

Freecode 06-24-2006 06:31

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
#include <gaben>   public plugin_init() {     register_plugin("Test","1.0","Freecode"); } new gaben

Dark Killer 06-24-2006 07:01

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Freecode you rocks, let me test it
#include <gabenmodx> public plugin_init() {     register_plugin("Gaben Gaben!", "1.0", "Gaben") }

VEN 06-24-2006 07:58

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Good job!

I've noticed some problems though.

1. Some of the headers have the same font color as the background color. For example scroll down to the bottom of this page. There are "Quick Reply" header with the black font and black background so to read what is written in the header i have to "select" that text.

2. Can we replace all [list][/list]tags with[indent][/indent]in all (old) posted messages? The reason is that old forum's[list][/list]tags acts in the same manner as the[indent][/indent]tags now. For all (old)[list][/list]tags there are incorrect format displaying (marks at the beginning of every element), which looks not good because[list][/list]used to not mark but indent in the old forums.

3. Why "65534 Private Message(s)" displayed at the top of (any) page? :o
I do not have that many private messages.

Janet Jackson 06-24-2006 08:08

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by VEN
3. Why i have "65534 Private Message(s)"? :o

Spam ! I've seen this before when phpBB was replaced by vBulletin. All your PM's were saved. The only difference is that they're visible again.

Hm. I miss the AMXX favicon.

VEN 06-24-2006 08:33

Do you mean that i had total 65534 PMs? I do not think so.
This seems as a some kind of a bug since 65534 is very close to value of the 1 byte (2^16). I guess that's the max. possible displayed value of the PMs.

Janet Jackson 06-24-2006 08:42

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by VEN
Do you mean that i had total 65534 PMs?

Didn't look at the actual number. Seems impossible indeed.

VEN 06-24-2006 08:49

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Ok, i solved "65534 Private Message(s)" problem.
I've just sent the PM to another person and then deleted it immediately.
Now that PMs count isn't looks so weird.

chRm 06-24-2006 09:20

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

I've been waiting for 2 days for this... :)

I still prefer the PHPBB2 ones though :|

I'll post if I find any problems :D

Bug 1: I wrote some pawn code and used the [small] tags, then I pressed preview and the code looked fine, however, in the "Reply to thread" textbox (where we write our posts) the code was put inside a regtangle, just like it looked in the preview, I noticed that I could move that regtangle and when I did and pressed preview, it had <p> all over the place and it didn't show correct if I previewed it again

Also, why do I get it like this?

</p><p><font face="monospace">public plugin_init() </p><p>{</p><p> register_plugin("Test","1.0","Freecode"); </p><p>}</p><p>new gaben</font>

Silver Dragon 06-24-2006 09:27

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Damn this is nice, good job.

VEN 06-24-2006 11:23

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Numerous code posting issues.

1. Not a bug but "tab" replaced with space if it's copied to the forum's message edit box. Doesnt matter whether it's code or just a simple text. But for code indentation sinlge space isn't enough.

2. Also for the code double new line replaced with the single new line so i have to post triple new line to make it display a double new line:
stock get_loguser_index() {  new loguser[80], name[32]  read_logargv(0, loguser, 79)  parse_loguser(loguser, name, 31)  // triple new line below replaced with the double new line  return get_user_index(name) }

3. If the post is previewed before submitting the code block will be just like this (as reported above):

stock get_loguser_index() {</p><p> new loguser[80], name[32]</p><p> read_logargv(0, loguser, 79)</p><p> parse_loguser(loguser, name, 31)</p><p> // triple new line below replaced with the double new line</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> return get_user_index(name)</p><p>}

4. For the PHP code block if the post is previewed before submitting, all indentation spaces will be removed from PHP code block.

KoST 06-24-2006 12:25

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
i tried to edit my esp desciption:

You have included 10 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

Images include use of smilies, the vB code [img] tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator.

could you please increase this limit?

xOR 06-24-2006 12:37

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
hi, my plugin is a serious plugin with a serious description:

i can't edit it anymore because it's about 16000 characters. i would have to cut out 6000 characters :(
@BAILOPAN: this is your example to consider increasing this limit ;)


The text that you have entered is too long (16186 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.

i could probably remove the changelog because it is growing all the time and having it in the file should be enough. anyway, this still won't reduce the size to under 10000 characters

furthermore will the attachment description come back? when you have two files with same filename and different content it is really a problem without a description

chRm 06-24-2006 13:56

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
On the Shero main site, instead of news, I get:

phpBB Fetch All: $phpbb_root_path is wrong and does not point to your forum.

devicenull 06-24-2006 15:24

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by k007
hey ,
Could guys make a page for the sourcemm plugins where could you search plugins by authors or type like this one

sourcemm doesn't use a plugin system like the one AmxX has, so they would have to move the AmxX one over to SM.

devicenull 06-24-2006 15:26

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by KoST
i tried to edit my esp desciption:

You have included 10 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

Images include use of smilies, the vB code [img] tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator.

could you please increase this limit?

It's almost better that you don't have 10 images in the post.. provide links to the images, so that people on slow connections don't have to download them all if they don't want to.

KoST 06-24-2006 15:53

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by devicenull
It's almost better that you don't have 10 images in the post.. provide links to the images, so that people on slow connections don't have to download them all if they don't want to.

i made small preview thumbnails for slow connections..

SubStream 06-24-2006 16:18

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
I'm sure you are probably already aware of this issue but just for some reason if you're not...

Originally Posted by message i saw
The text that you have entered is too long (11219 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.

I got that on my restrict commands plugin post in new plugin submissions. There is lots of information for the plugin so hopefully you guys all have an idea for increasing the limit (or possibly are already working on that) because until then I can't even edit the post or re-upload the source or any other files for the plugin. It simply will not let me update anything for it until the limit is increased.

The new forums look awesome and I'm glad you guys switched to vBulletin.. it looks way more pro in my opinion and I like it. GJ and thanx for all the hard work.

Freecode 06-24-2006 16:21

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by chRm
On the Shero main site, instead of news, I get:

phpBB Fetch All: $phpbb_root_path is wrong and does not point to your forum.

Your DNS did not update.

chRm 06-24-2006 16:36

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by Freecode
Your DNS did not update.

Stupid Cytanet, always falling behind...

Freecode 06-24-2006 16:41

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
Ok i have removed post limit size, increased attachment size for images and increased image attachments per post up to 10. If any abusement is found these settings will be changed back.

KoST 06-24-2006 16:45

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
thx, Freecode (hope ppl don't abuse it..)

chRm 06-24-2006 16:45

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features
I'm getting "Error in page" (that little notice on the bottom left) in IE, should I worry?

It says: "null" is null or not an object

Freecode 06-24-2006 16:47

Re: Known Issues/Missing Features

Originally Posted by chRm
I'm getting "Error in page" (that little notice on the bottom left) in IE, should I worry?

It says: "null" is null or not an object

Not at all. IE is dumb on Javascript (since we have AJAX enabled)

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