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EKS 11-27-2005 21:05

Basic Admin Tool
This is an admin tool running on Metamod: Source that is intented for server owners who want to administer public servers, with adult admins that dont want infinite number of useless/abuse punishments. Just a basic admin tool for banning/slaping/kick all in a handy menu or via console commands. BAT also works on any Source based game, and the fact that its is so basic it should not break on valve updates.

*Admin commands via Client Console
*Admin commands via Server Console
*Admin commands via Chat Console
*Admin menu
*Admin chat
*Admin login via Steamid / IP ( Tested with 1500+ admin accounts )
*Admin login via MySQL (amxbans,sourcebans, and own webinterface)
*Autorespond to public chat messages ( timeleft and nextmap )
*Votekick / voteban and from chat
*Mapvoting system ( Either via menu or chat )
*Add maps that are outside mapcycle to Admin menu
*Add maps that are outside mapcycle to vote menu
*Rockthevote system
*Reserved slots system
*Autoexec map config files ( like cfg/mapconfig/de_dust2.cfg )
*Automatic STEAM_ID_PENDING kicker
*Interface that allows other plugins to easy get admin information

Are moved to

Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Erling K. Sæterdal
Menu code based on code from CSDM ( ) Created by BAILOPAN
Helping on misc errors/functions: BAILOPAN,karma,LDuke,sslice,devicenull,PMOnoT o,cybermind ( most who idle in #sourcemod on GameSurge realy )

Other credits:
Providing a http server to host downloads: FlyingMongoose ( )
Providing a http server to host downloads: Rebel ( )
Providing a http server to host downloads: Viper( )

*Dutch - Viper ( )
*German - marwin
*Italian - Rebel
*Portuguese - sting

Admin commands:
admin - Shows admin menu
admin_addadmin <steamid> <admin flags> <admin name> - Adds a admin
admin_ban <Ban time> <name/#userid> <reason> - Bans a player
admin_banip <Ban time> <ip> <reason> - Bans a player
admin_chat <message> - Shows a message to all other admins
admin_csay <Message> - Shows a message on the center of the screen
admin_gag <name/#userid> - Gags the players ability to speak in chat
admin_help - Displays how to use the commands you have access to
admin_kick <name/#userid> <Reason> - Kicks a person
admin_list - Shows a list of all the players on the server
admin_loadrandomlevel - Loads a random map
admin_map <mapname> - Changes map, needs to be valid map on the server
admin_menu - Opens admin menu
admin_name <name/#userid> - Changes the name
admin_nextmap <map name> - Sets the nexmap ( map needs to be in mapcycle )
admin_psay <name/#userid> <message> - Sends a private message to someone
admin_rcon <command> - Runs a command in server console
admin_reload - Reloads BAT config files.
admin_rules <name/#userid> - Shows the rules to the target player
admin_say <Message> - Shows a message to every player ( Like regular chat)
admin_slap <name/#userid> <Damage> - slaps a user ( Cannot slay bots )
admin_slay <name/#userid> - Slays the player
admin_startmapvote - Manualy starts a rockthevote style vote
admin_team <name/#userid> <Team number> - Makes the the user change team
admin_unban <steamid> - Unbans the player
admin_unbanip <IP> - Unbans the player
admin_ungag <name/#userid> - Removes a gag
admin_vote "Question" "Command to run" - Runs a vote for all players
admin_voteban <name/#userid> - Starts a vote ban against a targeted player
admin_votekick <name/#userid> - Starts a vote kick against a targeted player

Works in empires mod:
admin_eject <name/#userid> or <nf/be> - Removes a player from commander in Empires ( Command does not function in other mods )

Works in sourceforts

Public Say commands are:
say timeleft
say /timeleft
say nextmap
say /nextmap
say #votekick
say #voteban

Admin chat commands:
admin_csay <message> - Prints a admin message
say @@ Colored Cender say to all players
say @ Regular admin say to all players
say_team @ Private message to admins

Admin commands via Chat:
say #<admin command> You can remove the admin_ part from the admin command
say #kick FakeEKS "Dont fakenick"

BAT Web Admin Panel 1.0.0 Beta 3

If your updateing your existing BAT installation check here but if its a new installation go here .


More information like online documentation, changelog and screenshots can be found on

Im wondering what way users want to get information regarding new versions, as i see it alternative are: ( Has a RSS feed aswell )
This thread
html code and other buttons here

Boris 11-28-2005 10:05

Does this work for half life 2 deathmatch too? And if it does does it work for half life 2 deathmatch mods too? ^^

Boris 11-28-2005 10:30

I tested it, some of the commands worked but the admin_menu didnt work. So I cant do a mapvote without the command becose its not on the list in the readme. Btw I tried finding out what command u used for mapvoting, I didnt get a invalid command message when I used admin_mapvote "sf_nobridge_v03" but it didnt do anything else either... So maybe the menus dont work for hl2dm, its mods, or something else is wrong.

EKS 11-28-2005 12:57

Il look at that at once, the problem is that atm the ShowMenu message id is hardcoded for each mod, il add in hl2dm.

The problem is that i dont know how many messages each mod has, so i cant safly check them all. Exect a new version within this night ( Depending on if other bugs have been reported ).

EKS 11-28-2005 19:04


Originally Posted by Boris
I tested it, some of the commands worked but the admin_menu didnt work. So I cant do a mapvote without the command becose its not on the list in the readme. Btw I tried finding out what command u used for mapvoting, I didnt get a invalid command message when I used admin_mapvote "sf_nobridge_v03" but it didnt do anything else either... So maybe the menus dont work for hl2dm, its mods, or something else is wrong.

looking more at the problem it turns out that hl2mp dont support those menus, i need to add supprt for other menus aswell. This is gonna take longer then i exected. It could work with other hl2 mods, depending on if they support the ShowMenu message.
Other then that there is no console command yet to start the mapvote, but the mapvote is menu based so its not gonna work on hl2mp yet.

Boris 11-29-2005 02:21

Ok thanks

tcviper 12-04-2005 16:22

Looks like its working after the new Valve updates. Good work EKS!

ktrain 12-04-2005 17:51


admin menu works but the command is admin not admin_menu

vote map works fine when manually initiated, dont know yet about end of map auto vote(just installed this)

immunity seems not to work on yourself, i was able to switch myself to the other team

i don't get how the name change is suposed to work from the menu...

havent really had a chance to test with any other admin levels yet

any chance you could remove BOTS(i.e., LDuke's FakeClients) from the menu options?

EKS 12-04-2005 21:05


Originally Posted by ktrain
admin menu works but the command is admin not admin_menu

hmm, it should realy support both, il check this later.


Originally Posted by ktrain
immunity seems not to work on yourself, i was able to switch myself to the other team

Thats how it should work, any admin with immunity flag can do anothing to another admin with immunity.


Originally Posted by ktrain
i don't get how the name change is suposed to work from the menu...

select the player, and his names is changed. Basicly to make players with a abusive nick change his name.


Originally Posted by ktrain
any chance you could remove BOTS(i.e., LDuke's FakeClients) from the menu options?

I dont think il remove them from all the menus, but it might be smart to remove them from menus that bots are immune against ( atm slay and ChangeName perhaps ).

merlin.huff 12-05-2005 06:54

No maps show up in the vote option.

When I start the server I get the following message for all the maps I have on the server

ModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'cs_italy

tcviper 12-05-2005 08:12

Features requested:

- Multi map vote
- End of the round map vote
- Set next map
- RCON Menu with options to add yourself for ingame admins
- Rockthevote option for users on the server
- Always use number 0 to go back or exit
- Use 8 to go back, 9 for more / next
- Add 0. Exit at the bottom

tcviper 12-05-2005 08:15

merlin.huff try putting a space behind the last name and make sure all maps are below eachother with a linebreak (enter)

merlin.huff 12-05-2005 09:33


Originally Posted by tcviper
merlin.huff try putting a space behind the last name and make sure all maps are below eachother with a linebreak (enter)

Thanks that worked :)

tcviper 12-05-2005 10:50

Good, now lets hope EKS will do some of the requested features and the BAT is the best :lol:

ateoto 12-05-2005 13:52

Tried this out last night. I love the fact that it's small and doesn't require any sort of client downloads like certain other Admin mods.

Just to make sure, the Slap/Slay/Kick features don't work on bots correct? If they are supposed to then I guess I have a problem. Anyway keep up the great work excellent first public release.

Edit: Just saw EKS's above post about Slay not working for bots. :oops:

andre31 12-05-2005 14:11

any other plugins being made for this like a tk punish system. thinking of one i used for admin mod where you have to type !forgivetk, !slaytk whathave you in global chat. best system yet as only server regs usually know it and it doesnt get abused

tcviper 12-05-2005 15:44

New version coming guys... hold on :)

EKS 12-05-2005 16:04

There are still issues with reading the text files, hopefull il fix that in the comming version.
You can kick and slap bots, but they cannot be slayed ( IE can be slapped to 1 hp, but will not die from the slap ).

Hopefully il have a new version ready for tonight. Other then that, there is no need for a TK manager in this plugin. But a seperate plugin could be made for it

andre31 12-05-2005 17:57

kewl nice plugin, only problem i had was a dodgy install of sourcemm from there auto installer but once i installed everything manually not a problem. noticed a big drop in cpu usage when switched over from a certain other mod ;) also any chance of csay and admin chat working in dod source ?

EKS 12-05-2005 19:06

Updated plugin:
  • BAT 1.0.0 Public RC2
    - Added: admin_nextmap <map name> - Sets the nexmap, map needs to be in mapcycle
    - Added: Adminlog file now has a timestamp to the file name ( Example: adminlog_11-29-2005.log )
    - Added: Log additons:
    - Added: Any errors / bad configuration are now also writen in adminlog & server console
    - Added: Logs admin login / disconnect
    - Added: Plugin should now support loading late in the game ( via meta load command )
    - Added: say rockthevote
    - Added: CVAR: bat_loadsettings if BAT should reload all config files on every mapchange
    - Added: admin_startmapvote starts a vote ( basicly same vote as what a rockthevote has )
    - Added: Votes now automaticly finnish when every player has voted
    - Fixed: admin_list
    - Changed: A few minor fixes on reading files could prevent minor problems

Next on my list of thing to do:
Remove lstdc++ requirement if posible ( someone said BAILOPAN had coded the functions into sourcemm )
Add support for the menus you need to press esc to see ( Those will work in hl2mp ).
A simple reserved slots system

Also thx to tcviper for helping cleaning out the readme files.

andre31 12-05-2005 19:22

get a file corrupt cannot unzip error with the new update.

nvm sorted

EKS 12-06-2005 16:44

  • BAT 1.0.0 Public RC3
    - Fixed: A bad bug when ppl/bots connected could result in a crash players getting admin
    - Changed: Some code to make it look cleaner ( Thx to: Elbandi2 )

This update is compiled against sourcemm 1.1.2, so it might be smart to update sourcemm at the same this as this plugin.

[Arnold] 12-06-2005 19:01

Hm, I can't unzip the rc3 zip archive. Seems to be broken.

Arnold 8)

EKS 12-06-2005 19:16

its not broken, but the commandline tool im to make the .zip file requires a realy new version of the uncompressor. Il see if i can find a older version

EKS 12-06-2005 19:28

try now, used another compressor

[Arnold] 12-06-2005 19:53

Still problems on Linux:

$ unzip ./
Archive: ./
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of ./ or
./, and cannot find ./, period.

$ unzip --version
caution: both -n and -o specified; ignoring -o
UnZip 5.51 of 22 May 2004, by Info-ZIP. Maintained by C. Spieler.

Perhaps you might consider 7z or another version of zip; should save your time answering support queries. :-)

Arnold 8)

[Arnold] 12-06-2005 19:58

I already posted it on the SourceMM Support Forum, but I still get crashed with bat (rc2 and rc3):

meta version
Metamod:Source version 1.1.2
Compiled on: Dec 6 2005
Plugin interface version: 7:7
SourceHook version: 4:3
meta load addons/bat/bin/bat_mm
L 12/07/2005 - 01:56:53: All hooks started!
./srcds_run: line 344: 26657 Speicherzugriffsfehler $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the ./srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Mi Dez 7 01:56:53 CET 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds

Edit: via metaplugins.ini it works suddenly. I just can't delete this posting (perhaps a Moderator can, feel free to do so).


Arnold 8)

EKS 12-06-2005 20:36


Originally Posted by [Arnold
]Still problems on Linux:

$ unzip ./
Archive: ./
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of ./ or
./, and cannot find ./, period.

$ unzip --version
caution: both -n and -o specified; ignoring -o
UnZip 5.51 of 22 May 2004, by Info-ZIP. Maintained by C. Spieler.

Perhaps you might consider 7z or another version of zip; should save your time answering support queries. :-)

Arnold 8)

I was using 7z now, perhaps i need to change the commandline. As a minimal amount of support would be best :)

devicenull 12-06-2005 22:23

7z a -tzip .\temp\* -mzip

merlin.huff 12-07-2005 07:49

2 things that dont seem to be working right as far as I can work out

Admin vote map.
If you use the admin menu to start a vote map only 8 maps are show in menu. If you try to show next it does not show. The change map option works ok though and you can see all the maps in your mapcycle.


I am testing this plugin on out clan server for now so I wish to exec match.cfg

When you type "admin_rcon exec match.cfg" the console show that you only typed "exec" the "match.cfg" is gone.

Hope this makes sence. Look forward to getting this plugin onto out main 40 player public server as it has just about everything I need.

EKS 12-07-2005 10:23

@devicenull thx. il update the bat file, im using a file simular to what you had, realy timesaving.


Originally Posted by merlin.huff
Admin vote map.
If you use the admin menu to start a vote map only 8 maps are show in menu. If you try to show next it does not show. The change map option works ok though and you can see all the maps in your mapcycle.

hmm, this is odd. You do know it reads the mapcycle file ( whatever the mapcyclefile cvar is set to ) ? If its not showing all the maps from it, please check the server console or admin log it should log if its finds a error when reading the file ( IE the map is in the mapcycle file, but not in maps folder. Or the file parser may still be broke ).
The menu should support a next command ( option 9 )


Originally Posted by merlin.huff

admin_rcon currently require you to use quotes around thing ( admin_rcon "exec test.cfg" ).

[Arnold] 12-07-2005 11:08

Perhaps you could add

0 Exit

to the menus.

Arnold 8)

tcviper 12-07-2005 11:12

Yes add a 0. Exit

EKS 12-07-2005 11:54

no, 0 is back and exit in the root menu

[Arnold] 12-07-2005 12:50

Ok, but not all menus have a

0 back

as far as I remember. Perhaps you can add that.

Arnold 8)

EKS 12-07-2005 12:51

They do, if they support it ( Ie a end of map vote dont have it, becuse there is no back there).

The root menu may not show the option. but its there

[Arnold] 12-07-2005 13:27


Originally Posted by EKS
The root menu may not show the option. but its there

Yes, that's what I remembered. I used the 0 instinctively and it worked, but it wasn't shown.

Arnold 8)

EKS 12-07-2005 17:35

Update, please remember its not the most tested release esp the Reserved slots system needs testing.


BAT 1.0.0 Public RC4
- Added: A reservedslots system ( Check config.cfg for details )
- Added: Map menus now allow you to set the nexmap also
- Added: Admin`s ip is now logged when the connect/disconnect
- Fixed: Potensial problem with a player not connecting fully and then disconnecting
- Fixed: votemap menu not being able to go to the next page
- Fixed: Map menus not allways showing last map
- Fixed: Admins being able to select invalid selections in the map menus ( When going to a page that was not full)
- Changed: Max admin accounts from 32 to 128

ryker 12-09-2005 02:03

I just tried your latest version rc4 and I can't seem to get it working.
Here is the console output that I have upon startup and then a meta list, meta version, and meta game at the end:

HLDS installation up to date

Console initialized.
Attempted to create unknown entity type event_queue_saveload_proxy!
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
[StatsmeMinimum_s] Plugin created hook on command "say"
maxplayers set to 32
maxplayers set to 18
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Executing dedicated server config file
ERROR: Entity delete queue not empty on level start!
Summary:  694 resources total 24.58 Mb, 36.63 % of capacity
Server logging enabled.
Server logging data to file logs/L1209005.log
exec banned_ip.cfg: file size larger than 20MB.
Loading Basic Admin tool Config file
Unknown command "bat_loadsettings"
Unknown command "bat_mapextend"
Unknown command "bat_mapextend_time"
Unknown command "bat_publicmsg_time"
Unknown command "bat_reservedslotscount"
Unknown command "bat_reservedslots"
Adding master server
Adding master server
Connection to Steam servers successful.
  VAC secure mode is activated.
meta list
-Id- Name              Version  Author      Status
[01] -                -        -            ERROR
[02] CS:S DM          0.76      BAILOPAN    RUN
meta game
GameDLL Information
  Mod path: /opt/halflife/cstrike
  Dll path: /opt/halflife/cstrike//bin/
meta version
Metamod:Source version 1.1.2
Compiled on: Dec  6 2005
Plugin interface version: 7:7
SourceHook version: 4:3

I've tried with and without the CS:S DM plugin and it still doesn't work for me.

This is on a Gentoo Linux dedicated server. I have the bat folder in my cstrike/addons folder. The is in cstrike/addons/bat/bin folder. Of course the publicmessage.txt and users.ini are both in cstrike/addons/bat directory.
Any ideas what might be the problem?

EKS 12-09-2005 08:36

sourcemm has a realy nice command: meta retry 01 ( this will make sourcemm try to load bat again, and any error will be printed in console ).
If you get a error thats unreable, make sure lstdc++ is installed ( its still required with RC4 ).

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