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frool 11-26-2009 19:12

[L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20+ players possible)
1 Attachment(s)
hi there.

This is my first submission here :o and i hope you guys like it :)


bebop auto handles the spawning and kicking of bots when a client enters or leaves the server that is needed make additional players in coop mode possible.


- the plugin does only handle coop mode.
- spawns a bot when a client is entering the game
- kicks a bot when a client disconnects
- it will deactivate it's functions when the gamemode is changed to non coop.
- it will activate when it got changed back to coop again.

there is only 1 cvar, bebop_version, which tells the current version.

you need another mod that allows to set the playerlimit on a server and removes the human survivor limit.

if you want to use connecting though lobby and connecting through the +connect command you need another mod that removes the lobby reservation.

if you're server is runnin on windows i'd suggest to use L4DToolz.
its available for l4d1 and l4d2.

grab l4dtoolz here:

when using l4dtoolz you only need to add the following stuff to your server.cfg


sv_maxplayers "whateveryouwant"
sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1"
sv_removehumanlimit "1"
sv_force_unreserved "1"

note that sv_maxplayers is also the limit for human survivor players in your game!
for example: if you want bebop to manage 8 human survivor players you have to set sv_maxplayers "8"


Big thanks to chickenside!!! for this awesome tutorial about how to get this running on linux. Read here ->


- download l4dtoolz (or any other plugin that does the stuff i described further)
- set l4dtools cvars in your server.cfg (see INFORMATION)
- download bebop and compile
- put it to the sourcemod plugin dir
- restart server or change map ("sm plugins refresh / load" wont work when there is any human player connected to the server)
- youre done


- when one of the first 4 survivors that entered the game disconnects andt he number of active players is above 5 (sometimes) only 3 players appear when you press tab

- when one of the first 4 survivors that entered the game presses the "take a break" button or gehts afk the l4d jointeam panel is shown


i'd suggest you to enhance the difficulty in your server.cfg

have a look at the following cvars if you want to:

sm_cvar z_health

i've used snapshot to compile the plugin.

when you want to compile yourself theres a #define that is called LOG_ENABLE. set it to false and recompile if you want no logging. the plugin is still beta status thats why i recommend you to activate the logging for a better bug report when weird shit happens.

the log is stored in addons\sourcemod\logs


- to Kaiser who helped me testing alot :-)
- thx to all other coders of plugins especially Jerrith and Whosat,
their neat sources really got me into sourcemod

would be nice to have some feedback

best regards


********************************************* ***********/
* -> 0.1 beta
* -----------
* - initial release
* -> 0.2 beta
* -----------
* - FIXED BUG: where bebop unnhooks events twice when changing from non coop gamemode to another non coop gamemode
* - FIXED BUG: in l4d1 mp_gamemode cvar flag got set to protected because it is not protected by default like in l4d1
********************************************* ***********/

Bigbuck 11-26-2009 21:26

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop
Could you explain the auto spawn of bots? I have been trying to do this for my plugin for awhile now. I had it working once then it stopped for some reason and I have been unable to do it again. Say I want to start with the normal 4 survivors and have 8 as my max. Would this plugin add a bot when a 5th human player comes in?

quakerv 11-27-2009 00:28

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop
Tested, it works fine. There is a prob, I set the maxplayers to 5, and the plugin will not spawn a bot for the 5th additional slot. Also, if there r 5 human players and 1 man leave, then only 4 human players left, and no bot will be added.

frool 11-27-2009 02:30

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop

Originally Posted by Bigbuck (Post 999942)
Could you explain the auto spawn of bots?

you already had a look at the source? ye i could explain its not that hard....


Originally Posted by Bigbuck (Post 999942)
Would this plugin add a bot when a 5th human player comes in?

yes definitely. also kicking a bot when someone disconnects.


Originally Posted by quakerv (Post 999998)
Tested, it works fine. There is a prob, I set the maxplayers to 5, and the plugin will not spawn a bot for the 5th additional slot. Also, if there r 5 human players and 1 man leave, then only 4 human players left, and no bot will be added.

sorry quakerv i don't understand. how can you say its working fine when it does not spawn any additional bots for you or kicks them?
Can you paste me the log and the players name in the log when this did happen? Also did you test L4D1 or L4D2 ?.

because i've already spotted a bug regarding l4d1. will be fixed when i got home today.

Note: If you set maxplayers to 5 then the pluginwill only add an additional bot when a human joins the game and activates.
Also youre su're that you are running l4dtools?

chickenside 11-27-2009 02:47

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop
I am running a Linux server and cannot install L4DToolz. Will this work with the Left4Downtown mod?

frool 11-27-2009 04:36

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop
Yes. its compatible with any mod that allows you to removes the 4 player slot limit, the survivorlimit and the lobby reservation.

currently its not working with l4d1 because the mp_gamemode convar is not protected in l4d1.

also theres a bug where the plugin tries to unhook events twice when changing from a NON coop gamemode to another NON coop gamemode.

will be fixed when i got home from work

chickenside 11-27-2009 05:05

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop
Great, looking forward to getting this running. I'll post results.

frool 11-27-2009 10:18

Re: [L4D2] bebop - unlimited player coop
ok i updated the plugin.
should work fine on l4d1 now.

Guinn 11-27-2009 13:09

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop

Originally Posted by chickenside (Post 1000069)
I am running a Linux server and cannot install L4DToolz. Will this work with the Left4Downtown mod?

Does the Left4Downtown mod work on L4D2? Remove Lobby Reservation?

Bigbuck 11-27-2009 13:35

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop

Originally Posted by Guinn (Post 1000446)
Does the Left4Downtown mod work on L4D2? Remove Lobby Reservation?


titan_rw 11-27-2009 14:30

Re: [L4D(1)/2] bebop - unlimited player coop

Originally Posted by Guinn (Post 1000446)
Does the Left4Downtown mod work on L4D2? Remove Lobby Reservation?

Yes, BUT:

In the L4Downtown thread, it is mentioned that if lobby unreserve is active, lobby joining does not work at all. From that I gather that if you want >4 players (coop) in your server, that ALL of them have to join the server manualy, or through steam groups. (lobby unreserve is really not needed then, since if you never create a lobby in the first place, there is no reservation to remove).

I used to meet up in lobby with the first 4, start game through lobby, then go from there for >4. This apparently doesn't work with the current version of L4Downtown in l4d2. Although I did have this working with L4Downtown in L4D1. (linux)

If this has been fixed since then, I didn't see mention of it in the thread.

chickenside 11-28-2009 01:50

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
This plugin is working as advertised with L4D2 on a Linux dedicated, running the L4Downtown mod instead of L4DToolz. I'm set with -maxplayers of 8 and had a 5th coop player connect and his bot was successfully kicked when he left. Great plugin! Thanks!

I'm running:

Hunterbrute 11-28-2009 14:56

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Im going to try this right now on L4DMods 18, if this works then you are awesome.

frool 11-28-2009 15:05

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Great to hear its working as it should :mrgreen:
Thanks for your report chickenside. I updated the main post.

Also if you spot any bugs please let me know and i'll se what i can do!

Hunterbrute 11-28-2009 20:06

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
This worked perfectly thank you so much.

titan_rw 11-28-2009 21:32

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
It worked for me on a linux server with the linux version of l4dtoolz.

The only complaint I have really has nothing to do with this plugin. We started a friends only lobby, and launched into game. Then we got 1 or 2 more friends in game. Plugin properly spawned bots and it was all good.

Then we started getting lots of non-friends joining, spawning in, and ruining the game really. I assume finding the server through the serverbrowser in-game. Direct connecting doesn't seem to check lobby restrictions.

I'm not really sure how to avoid this. Setting an sv_password would require everybody to know the password, even friends, and just adds an extra set for the extra players to do.

Anybody else have any ideas?

frool 11-29-2009 07:52

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Hi titan_rw.

Sometimes i have the same problem.

You could do the following things. When you type "setmaster" in console you'll see a list of master servers (usually two). You can remove them by "setmaster remove". So your server won't show in the serverbrwser. You can add them later when you have finished playing.

A more simple method that i only tested on l4dtoolz is the following:

After my friends joined the game i've set sv_maxplayers to the amount of ppl in the game. So nobody would be able to join your server cuz he gets a "server is full".

For the linux version the command is l4d_maxplayers.

Usually this cvar is set in your server.cfg so you have to change it every mapstart.

titan_rw 11-29-2009 20:47

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Thanks for the ideas.

Couple of questions:

- Are the master servers needed for sv_search_key to work from lobby? I assume they are.

- Assuming they are needed to get the game going initially, and I remove them once the first 4 players are loaded, do they stay removed after level transition?

- I had done the max players thing by changing "sv_visiblemaxplayers". But it resets on level change, so I have to remember to set it at the start of each map. I'm using l4dtoolz for linux, and "sv_maxplayers" seems to work, whereas "l4d_maxplayers" says unknown command. What is the difference between these two? (sv_visiblemaxplayers and sv_maxplayers).

I hope this makes sense..

Badkharma 11-29-2009 21:14

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Ok...trying to get this working and cannot. Everything is installed properly and using Left4downtown Linux version, bebop and mm688 and sm2870. This is LFD2 by the way. Am I missing something in my config?

// Name
hostname "xServer"
rcon_password "------"
// If you want to use a search key to find the server in the lobby, uncomment and edit this line
//sv_search_key "xxxxx"
// Steamgroup
sv_steamgroup "xxxxxx"
// Restrict this to steam group members only, uncomment this
sv_steamgroup_exclusive "1"
// Server Cvars
motd_enabled 1
sv_alltalk 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_consistency 1
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_maxrate 30000
l4d_maxplayers 6
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1
z_difficulty "Hard"
sv_gametypes "coop"
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

do I need these lines ?

sv_removehumanlimit 1
sv_force_unreserved 1

As it is now I can start the server with no errors, showing 6 players, everything runs but after 1 player joins the rest get a server is full or player is not in a joinable game if invited or going through steamgroups. Any help would be appreciated as there are 6 of us that play together, and it would be fun as a group. Thanks in advance!

chickenside 11-29-2009 21:38

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by Badkharma (Post 1002675)
As it is now I can start the server with no errors, showing 6 players, everything runs but after 1 player joins the rest get a server is full or player is not in a joinable game if invited or going through steamgroups. Any help would be appreciated as there are 6 of us that play together, and it would be fun as a group. Thanks in advance!

  • First, I believe this plugin was compiled against Sourcemod 2865 and you post that you're using 2870, so this may be an issue.
  • Can you confirm that the plugin loaded properly? In the server console execute "sm plugins list" and check if "bebop.smx" is listed. If there is "Error" before it, you have a loading problem.
  • Have you and your friends tried connecting directly via the console?
  • Have you set sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0..?
I have it working fine on my Linux dedicated setup, with -maxplayers set at 8.

Here's my server.cfg:


hostname *******
rcon_password ******
sv_steamgroup ******
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1

mp_disable_autokick 1 //Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
sv_allow_wait_command 0 //Allow or disallow the wait command on clients
sv_alltalk 1 //Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alternateticks 0 //If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_clearhinthistory 0 //Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_gametypes "versus,survival,coop,realism,teamversus,teamscavang"
sv_lan 0
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

exec banned_user.cfg

sv_region 0

// Server Logging
log on
sv_log_onefile 1 //Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans 1 //Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logecho 0 //Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile 1 //Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush 0 //Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir logs //Folder in the game directory

z_difficulty Normal //this is the difficulty setting

Badkharma 11-29-2009 21:43

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Well...dont know if this is it yet but with this added to my config at least 2 people can join now....check tomorrow and report back if it works for more than 4.

sv_removehumanlimit 1
sv_force_unreserved 1

chickenside 11-29-2009 22:47

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by Badkharma (Post 1002722) I am really confused. errors when i checked the install- cannot direct connect

you do not have

l4d_maxplayers (number)
sv_visiblemaxplayers -1

in your cfg and it is working?

That is correct, I do not have those specified in my server.cfg. I set -maxplayers 8 on my startup line.

I forgot to ask if you are running L4D1 or L4D2? I have this running on L4D2.

There was an L4D2 update on Friday I believe. Did you update your server?

Can you please post the results of these commands?

  • version
  • meta version
  • sm version
  • sm plugins list
  • sm exts list
Also, are you using the pre-compiled bebop.smx file or have you compiled your own from the bebop.sp?

Badkharma 11-29-2009 23:11

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
L4D2 updated Saturday

Just dropped down to mm682 and sm2868 respectively to see if that would help.


Version (left4dead2)
Exe build: 17:55:22 Nov 24 2009 (4035) (550)

meta version
Metamod:Source version 1.8.0-dev
Build ID: 682:f125dd3ed7d0-dev
Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
Compiled on: Nov 16 2009
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

sm version
SourceMod Version: 1.4.0-dev
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.1, jit-x86 (build 1.4.0-dev)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 3
Compiled on: Nov 21 2009 21:11:36
Build ID: 2868:cfed2165ecf2-dev

sm plugins list
01 "Basic Comm Control" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Sound Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "AdminCheats" (0.1) by devicenull
04 "Client Preferences" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
05 "L4D2 Remove Lobby Reservation" (1.0.0) by Downtown1
06 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Vocalize Fatigue" (1.2c) by Mr. Zero
08 "Anti-Flood" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Admin Menu" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "bebop.smx"
12 "Basic Chat" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Simple Welcome Message" (1.2) by Zuko
14 "Admin File Reader" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "Connect Announce" (1.0.1) by Arg!
16 "[L4D2] Weapon Spawner" (0.4) by Zuko
17 "Fun Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "Player Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
19 "L4D Vote Manager 2" (1.5.5) by Madcap
20 "Fun Votes" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Reserved Slots" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Basic Votes" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Admin Help" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "Basic Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
25 "L4D2 Incapped Meds Munch" (1.0.0) by AtomicStryker
26 Disabled: "Nextmap" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC

sm exts list
SourceMod Menu:
Usage: sm <command> [arguments]
cmds - List console commands
config - Set core configuration options
credits - Display credits listing
cvars - View convars created by a plugin
exts - Manage extensions
plugins - Manage Plugins
profiler - Profiler commands
version - Display version information

pre-compiled smx

chickenside 11-29-2009 23:28

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by Badkharma (Post 1002753)
sm exts list
SourceMod Menu:
Usage: sm <command> [arguments]
cmds - List console commands
config - Set core configuration options
credits - Display credits listing
cvars - View convars created by a plugin
exts - Manage extensions
plugins - Manage Plugins
profiler - Profiler commands
version - Display version information

pre-compiled smx

Okay, I believe you need to compile your own bebop.smx as you are using a more recent version of sourcemod against which this plugin was compiled.
  • copy bebop.sp into the addons/sourcemod/scripting directory
  • cd into the sourcemod scripting directory: addons/sourcemod/scripting
  • run ./ bebop.sp
  • You should see something like this:
Compiling bebop.sp...SourcePawn Compiler 1.3.0-dev
Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase, (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders, LLC

Header size: 2896 bytes
Code size: 4512 bytes
Data size: 3204 bytes
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; Total requirements: 26996 bytes

  • The freshly compiled bebop.smx will be in the compiled directory.
  • Move it to the plugins directory:
mv compiled/bebop.smx ../plugins
  • Restart your game server.

chickenside 11-30-2009 00:14

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by Badkharma (Post 1002753)
meta version
Metamod:Source version 1.8.0-dev
Build ID: 682:f125dd3ed7d0-dev
Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
Compiled on: Nov 16 2009
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

It also appears that you are not using the current release of metamod, which is currently 688.

If you're still having problems, and unless you have a plugin or extension which requires your specific versions of metamod/sourcemod, I suggest that you upgrade metamod to current and downgrade sourcemod to 2865. If you use sourcemod 2865 than you should be able to safely use the pre-compiled bebop.smx. Otherwise, to be safe, I'd compile the bebop.sp against whichever version of sourcemod you use.


Originally Posted by Badkharma (Post 1002753)
sm exts list
SourceMod Menu:
Usage: sm <command> [arguments]
cmds - List console commands
config - Set core configuration options
credits - Display credits listing
cvars - View convars created by a plugin
exts - Manage extensions
plugins - Manage Plugins
profiler - Profiler commands
version - Display version information

Hmm, this command should have returned a list of your installed extensions-- something like this:
sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 8 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.3.0-dev): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.3.0-dev): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] SDK Tools (1.3.0-dev): Source SDK Tools
[04] BinTools (1.3.0-dev): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] Top Menus (1.3.0-dev): Creates sorted nested menus
[06] Client Preferences (1.3.0-dev): Saves client preference settings
[07] SQLite (1.3.0-dev): SQLite Driver
[08] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( Downtown1's extension to call do useful L4D1/L4D2 calls

I'm just trying to confirm that you have the Left 4 Downtown extension successfully loaded.

titan_rw 11-30-2009 01:56

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
This plugin appeared to work for me, and I'm running SM 1.4 (2870).

I downloaded the .smx from the normal weblink.

Maybe I just got lucky.

DDR Khat 11-30-2009 10:11

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Can I point out this plugins functionality already exists in 2 plugins?

Badkharma 11-30-2009 12:39

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Thanks to everyone. It seems to be working in Left4dead2 with sm2870 and mm688. 8 player coop up and running, can join through browser or steamgroups. Will report back if I have any problems but everything appears ok now.

Had to delete the mod - reinstall mm and sm, compile the sources and everything is fine now. Removed sv_removehumanlimit 1
and sv_force_unreserved 1 from cfg files as they appear to be for the L4Dtoolz version. No errors in log files and Left 4 Downtown extensions , bebop and l4d2 Remove Lobby Reservations plugins all show ok.

Thanks again! :o

chickenside 11-30-2009 14:49

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by DDR Khat (Post 1002973)
Can I point out this plugins functionality already exists in 2 plugins?

Do those pluggins automatically spawn bots then automatically kick the bot when the player leaves?

frool 11-30-2009 15:00

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
I've tried Left 8 Dead and another one before i started this. Both of them had bugs and didn't work properly. Sometimes a bot didn't get kicked or there was a bot too much after mapchange. Plus you always had to type in !join or kind of something. Thats why i decided to make my own.
But i did not test superversus.

dacomb 11-30-2009 15:42

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
I guess I'm just lost a bit... I'm pretty sure I have this all installed correctly.
Most of this is just plug and play... a few cvars in the server.cfg and you're gold but I can't get more than 4 players to connect even though HLSW reports 8 slots.

I'm using left4downtown-l4d2-23112009 along with bebop and I have this listed in my server.cfg

sv_steamgroup xxxxxxxx
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1
sv_search_key "xxxxxxxxxx"
motd_enable 1

sv_visiblemaxplayers -1
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
l4d_maxplayers "8"

My question is, do I connect to my server via HLSW and then invite players or have them directly connect via the console with the
connect command or do I start a lobby and then have others join?
I tried a lobby but even if the lobby wasn't full players couldn't connect even with an invite.
If I need another plugin to allow Lobby connect and then invite connects what plugin is compatible?

Also, the front page says:

when using l4dtoolz you only need to add the following stuff to your server.cfg

sv_maxplayers "whateveryouwant"
sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1"
sv_removehumanlimit "1"
sv_force_unreserved "1"

Obviously the first cvar is different with the downtown extension but the 3rd and 4th... are they necessary?

Also, would someone who's been successful using this be willing to write an Install Guide that covers step by step what to install and where and how to connect?
It seems that the plugin is dependent on several other independent plugins or extensions and they may or may not need a plugin or extension to make the do what you want but I seem to keep bouncing around from post to post and never feeling confident I have what need or that I did it correctly...
I for one would be most appreciative of a comprehensive HowTo on this :D

Bigbuck 11-30-2009 16:08

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
Neither of those two plugins spawn the bots automatically.

chickenside 11-30-2009 16:50

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by dacomb (Post 1003285)
Also, would someone who's been successful using this be willing to write an Install Guide that covers step by step what to install and where and how to connect?
It seems that the plugin is dependent on several other independent plugins or extensions and they may or may not need a plugin or extension to make the do what you want but I seem to keep bouncing around from post to post and never feeling confident I have what need or that I did it correctly...
I for one would be most appreciative of a comprehensive HowTo on this

Brief but hopefully comprehensive guide to how to get bebop working on a dedicated Linux L4D2 server.
  • Install latest version of Metamod (as of this post: mmsource-1.8.0-hg688 )
  • Restart your game server.
  • Confirm that Metamod is installed. In the server console type meta. You should get a list of Metamod commands like this:
Metamod:Source Menu
usage: meta <command> [arguments]
alias - List or set an alias
clear - Unload all plugins forcefully
cmds - Show plugin commands
cvars - Show plugin cvars
credits - About Metamod:Source
force_unload - Forcefully unload a plugin
game - Information about GameDLL
info - Information about a plugin
list - List plugins
load - Load a plugin
pause - Pause a running plugin
refresh - Reparse plugin files
retry - Attempt to reload a plugin
unload - Unload a loaded plugin
unpause - Unpause a paused plugin
version - Version information
  • Install latest 1.3 dev Sourcemod (as of this post: sourcemod-1.3.0-hg2865).
  • Restart your game server.
  • Confirm that Sourcmod is installed. In the server console type sm. You should get a list of Sourcemod commands like this:
SourceMod Menu:
Usage: sm <command> [arguments]
cmds - List console commands
config - Set core configuration options
credits - Display credits listing
cvars - View convars created by a plugin
exts - Manage extensions
plugins - Manage Plugins
profiler - Profiler commands
version - Display version information
sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 8 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.3.0-dev): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.3.0-dev): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] SDK Tools (1.3.0-dev): Source SDK Tools
[04] BinTools (1.3.0-dev): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] Top Menus (1.3.0-dev): Creates sorted nested menus
[06] Client Preferences (1.3.0-dev): Saves client preference settings
[07] SQLite (1.3.0-dev): SQLite Driver
[08] Left 4 Downtown Extension ( Downtown1's extension to call do useful L4D1/L4D2 calls

  • Increase the maxplayers in your server.cfg or on your game server startup line:
~/hlds/left4dead2/srcds_run left4dead2 -autoupdate -console -maxplayers 16 +hostip ****** +hostport 27015 +clientport 27015 +exec server.cfg +map c2m1_highway
  • Install Bebop.
  • If you're using Sourcemod 2865 you should be able to just put the bebop.smx file in your sourcemod/plugins folder.
  • If you're using a later version of Sourcemod, then compile the bebop.sp to create your own bebop.smx.
  • Load a new map or restart your game server.
  • Confirm that the Bebop plugin is installed. In the server console type sm plugins list. You should see something like this:
sm plugins list
[SM] Listing 25 plugins:
01 "Admin Help" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Admin File Reader" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "bebop.smx"
04 "Reserved Slots" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
05 "Human Director" (1.031) by Luc_Skywalker(THE Director, code), ValVal(Text), [CPC]ShinSH(code), la communaute CPC.
06 "Sound Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Anti-Flood" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Fun Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "Basic Comm Control" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Player Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Chat" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Left 4 Dead Infected Spawner" (1.0) by Fexii
13 "Basic Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "L4D Vote Manager 2" (1.5.5) by Madcap
16 "Client Preferences" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
17 "L4D2 Remove Lobby Reservation" (1.0.0) by Downtown1 +Modified [X]BetaAlpha
18 "AdminCheats" (0.11) by devicenull
19 "Basic Votes" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
20 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Left 4 Dead Infected Spawner" (1.0) by Fexii
22 "L4D and L4D2 game mode changer" (3) by Sharft 6
23 Disabled: "Nextmap" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "Fun Votes" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
25 "Admin Menu" (1.3.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
  • Confirm that the Bebop plugin reports it's version. In the server console type bebop_version. You should see something like this:
"bebop_version" = "0.2 beta"
notify replicated ss_added
- tells the running version number of bebop
  • Me and my friends Connect via the console or the Steam Group list. We can also connect via the lobby. See below posts.
  • To connect to your server from a lobby, you can add a persistent setting to your game's launch options. In the Steam "My Games" window, right click on Left 4 Dead 2 and select properties. Then click on "Set launch options" and add +mm_dedicated_force_servers server-ip-addr:port (port not necessary if you're using the default port of 27015). You must be the one who created the lobby for this to work. As noted, this setting is persistent and you will always connect to your server if you start a lobby.

titan_rw 11-30-2009 20:28

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
The only thing I noticed that's annoying is when someone goes idle, either by clicking 'take a break', or by sitting still for the timeout period. It's hard to get back in game. You get the team selection box, and you click survivors. Then it pops up again a split second later. You have to click really fast between the team selection box coming up in order to 'take control' of your old character. I've noticed it sometimes switches you to another character too, if there's less than a full lobby present. IE: if there's only 2 humans, and one goes idle, then comes back, he will switch to a character that was previously a bot. (with a bot controlling his old character).

Also, It's probably been mentioned, but you cannot defib a 'clone'. Items get switched around for the 'original' character. Can this be scripted out, or is it a permanent bug because of game limitations?

chickenside 11-30-2009 21:55

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by chickenside (Post 1003387)
I'm not sure if this plugin will work if you try to connect from the lobby.

I can report that this plugin does indeed work if you connect from the lobby. We use the trick where we bind a key for mm_dedicated_force_servers *.*.*.*
bind f11 "mm_dedicated_force_servers server-ip-address:port"
and the lobby leader hits it right before starting the game. Even though you can't open the console in the lobby in L4D2, hitting the key still works. After my friends started the game from the lobby, I joined as the 5th with no problems. Excellent!

titan_rw 11-30-2009 22:04

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)
"mm_dedicated_force_servers" works now? Last time I tried it, it didn't work. I had to use sv_search_key.

search-key works, most of the time. Sometimes I have to restart the server to get the lobby to find the server. I just have my autoexec.cfg set the sv_search_key on startup, so I don't have to remember to set it in the console before entering lobby.

I found the old ms_force_dedicated_server easier though. If the new version of that command is working again, I may use that instead.

chickenside 11-30-2009 22:18

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by titan_rw (Post 1003637)
"mm_dedicated_force_servers" works now? Last time I tried it, it didn't work.

My friend started a lobby and tapped his bound mm_dedicated_force_servers key just before he clicked start game, and it took them to my server. I then joined later as the 5th player. We did not test going back to the lobby, but we will soon.

dacomb 12-01-2009 02:52

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by chickenside (Post 1003387)
Brief but hopefully comprehensive guide to how to get bebop working on a dedicated Linux L4D2 server.


Dude! You Rock! Thanks you!

On a side note, I have both of these commands listed in my game's autoexec.cfg file. I haven't had any issues connecting to either of my 2 L4D2 servers and I don't have to enter it in the console upon game launch.


I'll update my MM and SM packages as I think they may be a revision or so behind and report back my progress.

Thanks again Chicken!!! That makes a lot more sense.

frool 12-01-2009 04:52

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by titan_rw (Post 1003546)
The only thing I noticed that's annoying is when someone goes idle, either by clicking 'take a break', or by sitting still for the timeout period. It's hard to get back in game. You get the team selection box, and you click survivors. Then it pops up again a split second later. You have to click really fast between the team selection box coming up in order to 'take control' of your old character. I've noticed it sometimes switches you to another character too, if there's less than a full lobby present. IE: if there's only 2 humans, and one goes idle, then comes back, he will switch to a character that was previously a bot. (with a bot controlling his old character).

Yes. this is currently a bug. But it can be scripted out. I'll guess i release a new version on the weekend that contains a fix to this.
This problem is because when you go idle (as a NON ORIGINAL survivor) you get put into noclip spectator mode. Teh team selection box only should show when you're a normal survivor. Also you don't need to click it, just press cancel.

The reason you get spapped arround is because you're rejoining the survivor team when afk. just go afk/back again and you should get your old character.

But i don't like that too so i'm trying to fix :) Btw. titan_r you're on l4d2 right?


Originally Posted by titan_rw (Post 1003546)
Also, It's probably been mentioned, but you cannot defib a 'clone'. Items get switched around for the 'original' character. Can this be scripted out, or is it a permanent bug because of game limitations?

Sorry i don't understand this. define a clone?

Thanks to chickenside for this great tutorial on how getting this running on linuxx. i'm gonna update the main post

titan_rw 12-01-2009 11:27

Re: [L4D1/2] bebop - additional coop players (20 players possible)

Originally Posted by frool (Post 1003804)
But i don't like that too so i'm trying to fix :) Btw. titan_r you're on l4d2 right?

Sorry i don't understand this. define a clone?

I am using L4D2. If this works in l4d1, I may install it on my l4d1 servers too.

Clone, as in not one of the original survivors.

I know when a clone startles the witch, she will go after the original survivor, and not the clone. (Clones don't have to fear the witch, she will incap / kill the other survivor)

This seems to be a similar thing with defibs. If you defib a clone, the game runs the defib 'code' on the original survivor. The original gets weapons / ammo that the dead clone had. So he looses whatever he had before his clone was defibbed.

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