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BAILOPAN 12-10-2005 18:23

Stripper:Source (Updated 2011-04-15)

This is a port of Botman's Stripper2 utility for Half-Life 1. You can add any type of entity - hostage, spawn point, physics prop, permanently to the map. You can also filter out entities for deletion, either by specific entries or regular expressions. As of version 1.1+, you can also search and modify entities. This new feature lets you replace, insert, or delete sets of properties based on the rules you set.

Stripper:Source lets you define global rules and per-map rules. It also lets other plugins (both SourceMM plugins and Server Plugins) use its API.

Some screenshots are here:
Hostage in de_dust spawn
Removing physics props
Removing physics props 2
Replacing garbage cans with hostages

This may seem cheesy at first but users of stripper2 know how powerful it can be. Personally, I dislike physics objects in CS:S, so I made this to strip them all out on all maps, as well as game objectives for CS:S DM.

There is one console command - stripper_dump - which will write all of the map entity properties to a file in addons/stripper/dump. This is extremely helpful for editing maps.


For documentation and examples, please see:

Source code is available as Free Software:

Freecode 12-10-2005 18:30

Why do u always take credit for my work? <- gaben

BAILOPAN 12-10-2005 18:33

oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that freecode spent a whole 80 seconds making those screenshots ;)

sslice 12-10-2005 19:56

Very nice. 8)

Freecode 12-10-2005 20:01

Finaly someone recognizes my hard, hard work

EKS 12-10-2005 20:31

I was gonna comment on BAILOPAN needing a new GFX card, thats the worst CSS screenshot i have seen.
But i guess Freecode needs a new card aswell

Freecode 12-10-2005 21:15

Wat? My graphic card is good. Click on the hostage picture and read the message :)

Opossum 12-11-2005 07:32

Hmmmmm, I like the idea and I think I'll give it a try :D

imported_davidov 12-11-2005 08:08

works fine with linux
but don't try to load it before cssdm or you 'll get segmentation error at server start

geezer 12-11-2005 09:08

:shock: at first i thought hmmm what can i do with this then after looking at your examples i thought wtf hang on there lets see if i can do sommit with the redundant VIP maps i have with no freakin plugin released yet :P

It's not by anyway perfect as atm am just guessing ;) but i managed to remove the rescue point thats in the map and make the helicopter the new recuse point , then i shoved in a hostage but used the VIP model. Only one freakin problem he cant climb the ladder to get to the rescue zone LOL !

here's part of my as_italy.cfg


"origin" "-584 -1800 -196"
"HostageType" "0"
"model" "models/testvip/vip.mdl"
"angles" "0 89 0"
"classname" "hostage_entity"

"classname" "func_hostage_rescue" // remove rescue point in the map

"origin" "640 2112 256 1024 2368 448,0,-1"  // add new rescue point where helicopter is
"classname" "func_hostage_rescue"

Not sure if it will work as he cant climb the ladder :P am open to suggestions,help etc... and dont say JUST WAIT ON VIP MOD coz its taking ages since the big people got involved :P

Opossum 12-12-2005 08:43

I've downloaded and installed it. Console also says Yeah baby, it's running. I removed the ; in global_filters.cfg to activate the filter and remove the props. The entry is

"classname" "/prop_physics.*/"
but it doesn't work. I still see the things lying around everywhere.
Have I done a mistake?

BAILOPAN 12-12-2005 09:00

What map?

Opossum 12-12-2005 09:21


BAILOPAN 12-12-2005 11:01

Does the plugin give any errors on mapchange? Like not finding files?

ryker 12-12-2005 20:30

Did you remember to put the filter: keyword before that in your config file? I accidentally commented it out the first time I used it.

Opossum 12-13-2005 07:39

Now I've got a new server from a different host. My old sucks... Now there are no more problems, thx. :D

BoooM.TUF 12-13-2005 14:13

would it be possible to make maps where you have, and hostage rescue, and bomb defusal? could make for intresting games.

sniper_strike 12-13-2005 21:18


Originally Posted by BoooM.TUF
would it be possible to make maps where you have, and hostage rescue, and bomb defusal? could make for intresting games.

you dont need stripper for that

tahvo 12-14-2005 04:38


Originally Posted by sniper_strike

Originally Posted by BoooM.TUF
would it be possible to make maps where you have, and hostage rescue, and bomb defusal? could make for intresting games.

you dont need stripper for that

You dont need stripper for many things but stripper is one way doing them.

trydis 12-14-2005 12:18

possible to make Terrorists rescue hostages instead of the CT's?

sniper_strike 12-14-2005 15:08


Originally Posted by tahvo

Originally Posted by sniper_strike

Originally Posted by BoooM.TUF
would it be possible to make maps where you have, and hostage rescue, and bomb defusal? could make for intresting games.

you dont need stripper for that

You dont need stripper for many things but stripper is one way doing them.

so your saying stripper can actually put a hostage rescue zone or lets say buy zone in a map because i can see it doing all the stuff you can do by editing maps entities such as physics, models, adding models, etc. but as for a hostage rescue zone or a buy zone would that even be possible?
I think that would require a map compile so u would have to have it in your map already but can someone clear this up?

BAILOPAN 12-14-2005 16:23

I'm pretty sure it would allow you to do this.

trydis 12-14-2005 17:48

can someone explain how the coordinates are used when using func_hostage_rescue? normally origin has 3 coordinates, but this example has 8 with 6 numbers then , number, number.

geezer said he got this to work....

"origin" "640 2112 256 1024 2368 448,0,-1"  // add new rescue point where helicopter is
"classname" "func_hostage_rescue"

Thraka 12-15-2005 17:53

Just a guess but I think the first 3 numbers are the location, the next set of 3 is the way it's facing, and the other two i have no clue...

Thraka 12-15-2005 17:54

If I put this on my server, then hook my Valve Server Plugin into it (as specified in your docs) is it possible to filter\add on the fly depending on events? OR does this have to happen at map load everytime?

trydis 12-15-2005 18:49


Originally Posted by Thraka
Just a guess but I think the first 3 numbers are the location, the next set of 3 is the way it's facing, and the other two i have no clue...

should a hostage rescue zone face a direction? thought it would just check if a hostage is inside the boundaries. Also if number 3,4,5 was direction they wouldn't go past 360 i guess, since there are 360 degress in a circle....

Anyone else who knows what the numbers mean? why there are 8 instead of 3?

"origin" "640 2112 256 1024 2368 448,0,-1"  // add new rescue point where helicopter is
"classname" "func_hostage_rescue"

Thraka 12-15-2005 20:19

You're not talking about a 1 axis direction, you're talking about 3 axis direction. And some programs have used another point in space as the location. So you take the object and you POINT the center to the new point in space, which rotates it on all 3 axis (x,y,z) to face the point you've passed. Which is why I'm guessing the second set of 3 is a point in space.

OR now that I think about it.. The hostage rescue zone is just that, a ZONE. Which means you need to set WHERE it's located, then how big it is. So that might be what the second set is, the size of the zone..


Y _______\
2|\      /
3|  \
6|    \
8|    _\|
 \/        Z448

sniper_strike 12-15-2005 20:50


Originally Posted by Thraka
You're not talking about a 1 axis direction, you're talking about 3 axis direction. And some programs have used another point in space as the location. So you take the object and you POINT the center to the new point in space, which rotates it on all 3 axis (x,y,z) to face the point you've passed. Which is why I'm guessing the second set of 3 is a point in space.

OR now that I think about it.. The hostage rescue zone is just that, a ZONE. Which means you need to set WHERE it's located, then how big it is. So that might be what the second set is, the size of the zone..


Y _______\
2|\      /
3|  \
6|    \
8|    _\|
 \/        Z448

it usually goes
postition , angle using the xyz

tell me if u get a succesful hostage zone working please

Thraka 12-16-2005 01:36

So.. Uhm.. I love this plugin :) I just created a swap spawn locations and I'm about to test it :)

Download Here! (V1.0)

I decided to take a few hours and create a tool (win32, .net 2.0) that can
1) Import the dump files
2) Load the CFG files that the plugin uses
3) Edit the data and save it as a new CFG

trydis 12-16-2005 06:29

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

get that error when i try to import a stripper dump file...

Let me know if you successfully made a new hostage rescue area 8)

Thraka 12-16-2005 11:02

send me the dump file you're using!

I didn't put any error handling code in yet..

Thraka 12-16-2005 11:42

How about the plugin creates a new cvar (stripper_nextcfg) which if filled out with a value, on next map change it uses the CFG file listed in there instead of the maps name. Then after the map change, it clears it. If map changes and its not filled out, it just acts normal.

This would let people use mani's voting system to set the value. (I play dod source btw)

dod_avalanche is next, play with:
1. reversed spawns
2. all flags take 5 seconds to cap
3. only center flag exists
4. add church flag

and each one sets the cvar

1. stripper_nextcfg = dod_avalanche_rev_spawn.cfg
2. stripper_nextcfg = dod_avalanche_5_sec_caps.cfg
3. stripper_nextcfg = dod_avalanche_center_flag.cfg
4. stripper_nextcfg = dod_avalanche_new_flags.cfg

trydis 12-16-2005 12:32

the dump i used was from stripper_dump, not edited at all. I'll post them later, in a hurry :)

so no success with the rescue zone then?

Thraka 12-16-2005 15:06

I don't play CS that much so I cannot help you with that :)

L. Duke 12-16-2005 16:03


Originally Posted by trydis
so no success with the rescue zone then?

I played around quite a bit with EntEd when I made the cs_italy chicken fix. It also edits the map entity list, just not at runtime.

I don't think you can add or change the locations of brush based entities like rescue zones, buy zones, or trigger once/multiple.

You should be able to change properties (for instance, which team can use the buy zone).

trydis 12-16-2005 19:30

on page 1 geezer posted an example where he successfully moved the rescue zone on should be possible. but the thing is, i don't know what the 8 numbers he used are, since all the others use 3. he used "origin" "640 2112 256 1024 2368 448,0,-1" // add new rescue point where helicopter is

Thraka 12-16-2005 19:38

Can someone pull up CS in worldcraft and tell us what the normal origin settings are?

I'm curious if setting the entity origin like that instead of "X Y Z" actually changes the brush based entity

sniper_strike 12-16-2005 20:18


Originally Posted by Thraka
Can someone pull up CS in worldcraft and tell us what the normal origin settings are?

I'm curious if setting the entity origin like that instead of "X Y Z" actually changes the brush based entity

entity for a buyzone is like

model "*7" and stuff like that no cordinates

trydis 12-18-2005 09:50

i guess no1 has managed to make a new hostage rescue zone yet?

geezer said he managed to move the 1 in as_italy, but starting to think it was a lie, since he hasn't replied here, or to my PM...:(

geezer 12-18-2005 10:45


Originally Posted by geezer
Not sure if it will work as he cant climb the ladder :P am open to suggestions,help etc... and dont say JUST WAIT ON VIP MOD coz its taking ages since the big people got involved :P

Hmm sorry if you missread my post i did not state i had succesfuly moved the rescue zone as i dont know if it worked due to the hostage that i placed in the map cant climb the ladder to get to where i placed the zone, i'm still trying to see if it can be done as i can add the bomb carrier to italy now i am trying to make the market place the bomb target.

P.S i did answer your PM tsk tsk :P

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